Auto discover of custom target types

i created a target type for a special application. is there a way to let the agent discover such custom target types or must i add the target to each agent manually?

Traget discrover happens through the file $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/discover/discover.lst
You could always write your own perl script and add it to the list of targets automatically discovered.

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  • Custom data type causing trouble in deploying shared variable to RT target

    I seem to be having some difficulty in using a network published shared variable created from a custom data type when deployed as an executable on an RT cRIO target.  I'll start by describing why I believe this is where the problem lies.  I created my RT VI in the LabVIEW development environment (LV 2012) and everything works fine.  This VI is pretty simple because it rapidly devolved in to a debug exercise.  The RT VI starts by simply blinking the User LED a couple of times and then starts a simple acquisition loop to read a few values off the hardware using the scan engine (while still blinking the User LED).  After reading the hardware, the values are bundled in to a cluster and written to a network-published shared variable defined by a type def custom control.  The custom control contains five dbl precision floats.  If it matters, the cRIO RT system hosts the shared variable in this case.
    So, I deploy this under the development environment and everything works fine.  The LED blinks merrily along, telling me that the program is running properly.  Running a host VI that reads the network-published shared variable yields the desired result.  All is good.
    Now I want the cRIO system to run this simple program autonomously at startup.  I build it, set it as the startup VI, deploy it and then restart the cRIO target.  The LED never starts blinking... the VI does not seem to run.  I will spare you most of the debugging work and jump to the end.  I basically "Diagram Disabled" various sections of code until the VI started running correctly as an executable.  I kept reducing the size of the disabled code until only one thing was disabled:  the write to the custom data type shared variable.
    So, I guess my question is this:  Are custom data types defined by type def'd custom controls allowed in executable RT programs?  I've read through the cRIO Developers Guide, my NI Real Time Development course book and the Using Shared Variables white paper and I didn't see anything that forbade it.  I know that there are some things not allowed in executables that are allowed in the development environment (front panel property nodes, dialog VIs, OS-specific calls, etc), but no mention of custom data type shared variables.  Any ideas as to why my VI runs in the development environment but fails when compiled unless I remove the write to the network published shared variable?
    Thanks in advance for your help!!
    Go to Solution.

    So I thought that you meant to disconnect them in the build specification.  Under the Additional Exclusions in the build specification, there is a check box for Disconnect Type Defs.  I checked that box, recompiled, redeployed and it did not work.  At this point I had to give and move forward, so I was going to convert the data typed from a cluster to an array.  When I went in to change the data type in the shared variable pop-up from the project explorer, there was a big button under the variable definition that "Disconnect from Type Def".  Clicked that button, recompiled, redeployed, restarted and everything worked great.  Thank You!!
    I suspect that I'll have to be careful if I change the definition of that data type (add an element, etc) since it is no longer connected to the data type.  We'll cross that bridge when we need to.
    Thanks again

  • Version number conflicts with NI custom data types

    Custom data type version number conflicts
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    07-11-2011 08:10 AM
    I am new to Teststand software interface.  While doing my first software release under the guidance of a more experienced colleague, we discovered that Teststand will not run if it detects version number conflicts between custom data types on my machine vs. the production test machine.  I verified differences between all .seq files in my test program directory, but I did not realize that the version number difference exists in the StationGlobals.ini file, which is stored in a different location.  After discovering this, I modified the version number in one of the files.  However, two releases later, I discovered that the version number mismatches in another two files.  This raises several questions for me :
    1.  Is there a way in Teststand to view all the .seq files where a custom data type is used and then change its version number in one attempt?
    2.  Under what instances does Teststand upgrade the version number of a custom data type?
    3.  Are there any tools or scripts within Teststand that can allow the version number of custom data types to be changed in all .ini files when a difference is discovered between the current production test station settings and a new release?
    Please help.

    Have you read this?
    I can tell you that your situation is not uncommon with TestStand.  The key is just doing it right the first time.  haha
    #1- I doubt that this is possible because then TestStand would have to know every location of every .seq on the machine.  You will only see it when you open the sequence file.
    #2- TestStand updates the version every time you change it.  You should get a message popup when you try to save that asks if you want to increment the version or not.  There's also a check box that says Remove Modified Mark From Types.  Look under Station Options in the File tab.  There are some settings there about Type conflicts.
    Hope this helps,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • Problem with customized info type creation

    When i am creating customized info type using T-code PM01, i get error message like "package in non original system only modifiable with organizer tools".
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    As per my observation when i save the infotype, it default takes SAP package So i need to change that package.So how can i change the package in T-code PM01.
    Please tell me the solution to overcome the error.

    Since infotype attribute in table T582A is clent specific, so you should maintain the entries in the target client.
    Create the table entry of your infotype in the other client in view V_T582A (infotype attribute) or via t-code PM01 and click button 'infotype characteristics. Also you can transport CR from client to client via t-code SCC1 as well.
    Hope helps,
    Chen Jian

  • BizTalk Server 2013 R2 EDI EDIFACT custom Target Namespace is not being used

    I have a client that has a partner that doesn't use the "out of the box" BizTalk EDIFACT 97A DELFOR schema. I'm using BizTalk Server 2013 R2.  I need to use a custom target namespace.  I have created a custom schema for EFACT_D97A_DELFOR with
    a different namespace<partnername>. 
    In the Parties agreement/Transaction Set Settings/Local Host Settings, I have the following in a separate row under the "Default", UNH2.1=DELFOR, UNH2.2=D, UNH2.3=97A and TargetNamespace=<partnername>
    It wants to use the out of the box schema from the error below but I need it to use the custom schema. If I change the input file with a UH2.5 value along with changing the root node to match it EFACT_D97A_DELFOR_<UNH2.5), it works but the partner
    will not be sending this, so it's not an option.
    Error details: An output message of the component "Unknown " in receive pipeline "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
    is suspended due to the following error:
         Error encountered during parsing. The Edifact transaction set with id '' contained in interchange (without group) with id '000010080', with sender id '<senderid>', receiver id '<receiverid>' is being suspended with following
    Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error)
    70: Finding the document specification by message type "" failed. Verify the schema deployed properly.
    Error: 2 (Miscellaneous error)
    71: Transaction Set or Group Control Number Mismatch
    Error: 3 (Miscellaneous error)
    29: Invalid count specified at interchange, group or message level
    Any thoughts for this issue?

    Because the trading partner is not sending the UNH2.5, UNG2.1 and UNG2.2 values in the incoming message, the EDIFACT custom targetnamespace schema will not be used.  I created a decode custom pipeline component where I inject the UNH2.5 element,changed
    the rootnode to the trading partner specific schema to  EFACT_D97A_DELFOR_XYZ (where "XYZ" is the value in the UNH2.5) and in the Party agreement->TransactionSetSettings->LocalHostSettings default row specifying the UNH2.1, UNH2.2
    and UNH2.5, it will then use the custom schema(  I could've injected the UNG segment
    and used a custom target namespace and not changed the rootnode of the custom schema but didn't want to add all that extra segment information.
    The example below assumes that the UNH segment only has values "up to" UNH2.4 only and appends the UNH2.5.  Uses the UNA segement to dynamically set the componentDataElementSeparator.
    //UNA segment e.g. UNA:+.? '
    //this example above has ' as the segmentTerminator, : as the componentDataElementSeparator, + as the dataElementSeparator
    string unaSegment = messageBody.Substring(0, messageBody.ToUpper().IndexOf("UNA") + 9);
    string componentDataElementSeparator = unaSegment.Substring(3, 1);
    string dataElementSeparator = unaSegment.Substring(4, 1);
    string segmentTerminator = unaSegment.Substring(8, 1);
    string UNH_Segment = messageBody.Substring(messageBody.ToUpper().IndexOf("UNH"));
    UNH_Segment = UNH_Segment.Substring(0, UNH_Segment.IndexOf(segmentTerminator));
    //inject UNH2_5 in the existing UNH_Segment
    messageBody = messageBody.Replace(UNH_Segment,
    UNH_Segment + componentDataElementSeparator + UNH2_5);
    Thanks All for all your help!!
    Sean Boman

  • Custom step type Export and Import

       I have created custom step types similar IVI for all my HAL drivers.
    I need help in sharing it with my team in different locations.
    I am looking at exporting and importing of the custome step types similar to templates.
    Could anyone help me with this.
    Thanks in advance

    when creating the step type definition, you have picked a location for it. By default, it is "MyTypes.ini".
    You can create your own custom ini-file containing your specific step types in the type editor.
    When distributing your step types, you have to pass the ini-file containing the type definition(s) AND all sources connected to that types (substep modules).
    On the target machine, you have to include that ini-file in the system for type definitions in the type editor.
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Fake-RAID - target type "mirror" not in kernel

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    Anyways, the installation was going great, I just followed the guide. I rebooted, grub was loading fine, even my old Windows installation was happy. Linux, however, was less happy. It spews out tons of "attempt to access beyond end of device"'s, doesn't find the root partition, and throws me to a rescue prompt.
    ramfs$ dmraid -ay
    RAID set "isw_iifadcbec_Volume0-1" already active
    RAID set "isw_iifadcbec_Volume0-0" already active
    device-mapper: table: 254:2: mirror: unknown target type
    device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table
    ERROR: device-mapper target type "mirror" not in kernel
    ramfs$ echo /dev/mapper/*
    When booting from the install cd, /dev/mapper also contains
    I suspect that this problem appears because the init image does not contain the module "dm-mirror". Does anyone know how to include this module, or perhaps I have a completely different problem?

    I'll continue my monologue with my latest problems. I added a custom dm-mirror hook in mkinitcpio.conf to include the module, to my surprise it worked! Unfortunately, behind that door was another door, and I'm now completely clueless:
    :: Running Hook [filesystems]
    :: Loading root filesystem module...ext3
    Waiting for devices to settle...done.
    :: Initramfs Completed - control passing to kinit
    IP-Config: no devices to configure
    Waiting 0s before mounting root device...
    kinit: Cannot open root device dm-7(254,7)
    kinit: init not found!
    It appears that something can read from my raid volume, as an ext2 module is loaded if I tell the kernel that my boot partition is root. I've verified that there actually is a /sbin/init on the root partition. I've been running mkinitcpio more times than I can count, but the problem just won't go away... Is there anything else I can do?

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    Thank you

    Hi, we are trying to connect to a server from where we have to fetch a fax documet or multiple ones using web services wsdl connection and using a metod call and get the  fax files and write it to salesforce. Below is the error I encounter:] [ERROR] Jul 14, 2015 7:44:47 AM org.ow2.easywsdl.schema.api.abstractElmt.AbstractIncludeImpl retrieveIncludeWARNING: This import is already include : This probably mean there's a cyclic import Have attached the session log for reference. Connection DetailsConnection Name:CSP_RightFax to SFDC InboundDescription:
    Type:Webservices V2 (Informatica Cloud Labs)Created On:Jul 13, 2015 08:45:57 AMUpdated On:Jul 14, 2015 07:08:10 AMCreated By:
    Updated By:
    Webservices V2 Connection PropertiesRuntime Environment:mohawkWSDL Url:http://ix1faxsvrtst.AM.LILLY.COM:8000/OpenText/ImportingServiceBasic?wsdlHeader CSV Path:C:\CatchallBody CSV Path:C:\CatchallEndpointUrl:http://ix1faxsvrtst.AM.LILLY.COM:9001/OpenText/ImportingServiceBasicAuthentication Type:NoneUser Name:
    Pass Word:
    Auto csv File Creation:Auto Creation of Body/Header csv filesDownload Path for Attachment:
    Upload Path for Attachment:
    Enable Logging:falseAllow Empty Tags:false

  • Custom data type version number conflicts

    I am new to Teststand software interface.  While doing my first software release under the guidance of a more experienced colleague, we discovered that Teststand will not run if it detects version number conflicts between custom data types on my machine vs. the production test machine.  I verified differences between all .seq files in my test program directory, but I did not realize that the version number difference exists in the StationGlobals.ini file, which is stored in a different location.  After discovering this, I modified the version number in one of the files.  However, two releases later, I discovered that the version number mismatches in another two files.  This raises several questions for me :
    1.  Is there a way in Teststand to view all the .seq files where a custom data type is used and then change its version number in one attempt?
    2.  Under what instances does Teststand upgrade the version number of a custom data type?
    3.  Are there any tools or scripts within Teststand that can allow the version number of custom data types to be changed in all .ini files when a difference is discovered between the current production test station settings and a new release?
    Please help.

    You'll probably get better response in the TestStand Forum instead of the LabVIEW forum.
    1.  Is there a way in Teststand to view all the .seq files where a custom data type is used and then change its version number in one attempt?
    Look at the Types Window (Ctrl-T).  This should show which version of Custom Data Types are loaded for which sequence files.
    2.  Under what instances does Teststand upgrade the version number of a custom data type?
    As far as I know, anytime you edit a custom datatype which is already in memory, TestStand will update the version of the custom data type for the currently loaded sequences.
    3.  Are there any tools or scripts within Teststand that can allow the version number of custom data types to be changed in all .ini files when a difference is discovered between the current production test station settings and a new release?
    I think you can use the Types Window to do this but I'm not positive.

  • I just discovered that when I type names in Reminder, Notes or even email there is a voice repeating the names. Any idea how to disable this function? I never heard it before.

    I just discovered that when I type names in Reminder, Notes or even email there is a voice repeating them. Any idea how to disable this function??? I never heard this before and I have the iPod Touch since a year!. Thanks a lot.

    You have an Accessibility feature turned on. Go to Settings>General>Accessibility and turn off/check off:
    Speak Selection
    Speak Auto-text.

  • Custom Process Types not working in SAP BPC 10.0

    Hi Experts,
    We have migrated from SAP BPC 7.5 NW to SAP BPC 10.0 NW.
    We have three Custom Process Types created in BPC 7.5NW using the super class CL_UJD_SIMPLE_ACTOR as super class.
    It has been made Obsolete and Final class in BPC 10.0NW and the Custom Process types are not running as expected.
    Can you please suggest if there is any alternative for using the existing custom process types? Or do we have any alternative for creating custom process types?
    *Note: We have tried replacing the superclass with CL_UJD_ACTOR instead of CL_UJD_SIMPLE_ACTOR but of no use.

    Hi Inl,
    The statement looks fine, just confirm:
    Your CATEGORY dimension is named CATEGORY? Is it really has property COMPARISOIN?
    Can you show the screenshot of UJKT run of script?
    What is your core BPC SP?

  • How to use custom aspx page as template for custom content type

    I have created custom content type and custom aspx page. I want to use aspx page as template for custom content type.
    Can anybody please let me know how to accomplish this?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Check if you are looking for the below
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • Cannot get rid of default field in a custom content type

    hi guys,
    I have custom content type based on Document Set in a List based on Document Library. I created both using XML declaration in SP solution.
    I have all fields in my content type which I declared, except to defult fields: 'Name' and 'Description'. I need to hide both of them. After I set Inherits="FALSE" in ContentType section in Elements.xml in ContentType description the field
    'Description' goes away. But the field 'Name' marked as required and stays.
    I've also tried to add RemoveFieldRef parameter to the same Elements file, but the field persists. I assume it comes from list definition, not content type. But I cannot figure out how to get this field out from list definition.
    Do I miss something?

    I am assuming that content type's elements.xml file is looking like this 
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
      <!-- Parent ContentType: Document Set (0x0120D520) -->
      <ContentType ID="0x0120D520008d2ff418027e4c31b54d155b98596748"
    Name="Custom Dossier"
    Group="Custom group"
    Description="Custom dossier"
          <XmlDocument NamespaceURI="">
    LastModified="05/31/2012 08:46:56">
    In the FieldRef  section ,we have  <FieldRef
    />  this field is there.
    Try to add ShowInNewForm="TRUE" ShowInEditForm="FALSE" those attributes.
    or    Hidden="FALSE" 
    Sorry for the bad English. Could you paste your code.So that we can assist u.

  • BI custom process type (ABAP OO Class): how to create a variant screen?

    I created a custom process type in Netweaver 2004s (business intelligence) which in essence is nothing but an Abap class that implements certain interfaces. What I am now struggling with is how to write the code for the "new variant" input screen.
    My understanding is that the logic has to be implemented in the method IF_RSPC_MAINTAIN~MAINTAIN, but I am lacking detailed information.
    Can someone give me an example with a variant screen that displays two radio buttons?
    Thank you,

    It is a custom class that implements the following interfaces:
    The interface I am struggling with is the first one (get variant). Any more insight on how this should be used would be highly appreciated.

  • Auto Discover Mobile Client Connectivity issue.

    I am currently working on getting mobility working for our lync environment.  I have followed online articles for setting up the mobility service and while I have not got a true reverse proxy put in place yet I have a question regarding the autodiscover.
    When I go to[email protected]
    I get the following results
    {"AccessLocation":"External","Root":{"Links":[{"href":"https:\/\/lyncfe-v01.ourdomain.local\/Autodiscover\/AutodiscoverService.svc\/root\/domain","token":"Domain"},{"href":"https:\/\/lyncfe-v01.ourdomain.local\/Autodiscover\/AutodiscoverService.svc\/root\/user","token":"User"}]}}The problem is that is our local internal URL not the external URL. I believe the setting comes from the Topology Builder under the Standard Front End Server for External web services FQDN as that is what is set there. My question is should that be changed to the FQDN of the edge server or the FQDN of the reverse proxy server? Also should that be the public or remain the internal ourdomain.local?I hope this makes sense. I am just taking this piece by piece as I was hoping to get my android phone working internally on Wifi at the very least.Also for testing purposes I just pointed our firewall and setup nat from 80 -> 8080 and 443 -> 4443 to test that the external website was working and it is that is how I was able to get the auto discover information. I know this is not secure or ideal I am simply taking this one step at a time to ensure I get this working properly.Thank you for everyone's help.

    Ok update on my progress.
    we updated our UCC certificate that we bought for our edge server.  That certificate had the following in it
    we added
    I left the External Web Services FQDN as
    I then put that cert on the Reverse Proxy server.  I then tested using and the autodiscover test and everything passed.  This is the good news.
    Now the bad.
    When I run the connectivity test if I manually select the server and put in and choose port 5061 the test passes but if I choose port 443 which apparently the mobile clients use as I do not see a spot to change that at it fails stating
    The SSL certificate failed one or more certificate validation checks.
    The certificate couldn't be validated because SSL negotiation wasn't successful. This could have occurred as a result of a network error or because of a problem with the certificate installation.
    Elapsed Time: 192 ms.
    I checked the External Cert on the edge server and and are listed.
    The Edge Pool has been configured to have SIP Access, Web Conf service and A/V service all point to using ports 5061, 444, 443
    Can someone point to me what I have setup incorrectly?
    This seems like I am very close to actually having this working.  Almost like I can see the light.
    Thank you,

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