Autofill form text fields from database

I have made a form in asp code with text fields. Behind this page is a database (access).
This database contains static information and does not need to be updated. It is only for output.
In this form, there are some text fields to be filled in.
First name
Last name
E-mail address
Telephone number
This information is in the database.
What I try to do is that when the first text field "Reference" is filled, the related information is selected from the database and automatically put in the other corresponding text fields.
Anybody any idea how to do this?

I don't use ASP, but the simple way to approach this problem is to have two pages. The first page contains a form with a text field for Reference and a submit button. Set the form's method to GET, and the action to the page that contains the full form.
In the page that contains the full form, create a recordset to select the details from the database, using the URL parameter for Reference as a filter. You can then bind the results from the recordset to the value attributes of the remaining form fields.

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    I have a database table with several fields e.g. drawing_no, title, date_entered etc..I have a form that has the same fields. I want to be able to input a value into drawing_no field, and have it retrieve all the other values from the database - if they exist, or return blanks/nulls if it does not exit. I know how to do this for a single field, but not for retrieving multiple fields

    Hi ,
    You can create a before header page process and fetch all the fields from database, or you can take a look at in-built process Automated Row Fetch.
    For e.g. lets say u have field1, field2, field3, field4 and field5 based on col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 from table tab1
    Now create a page process of type PL-SQL and give a meaningful name to the process and accept the default as on Load Before header. In the "Enter PL/SQL Page Process" block enter a code similar to this one
    IF :drawing_no IS NOT NULL THEN
      SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 INTO :field1, :field2, :field3, :field4, :field5
      FROM tab1 WHERE drawing_no = :drawing_no ;
    END IF;
    END;The above block will fetch the records into input fields every time u refresh the page.
    Hope this helps.

  • How can I get the "text" field from the actionEvent.getSource() ?

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
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         public static void main( String[] args ) {
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              f.setSize( 500, 500 );
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              buttonsArr.add( new JButton( "second" ) );
              buttonsArr.add( new JButton( "third" ) );
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              panel.add( buttonsArr.get( 1 ) );
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              public MyListener() {}
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                   System.out.println( "hi!! " + e.getSource() );
                   // I need to know a title of the button (which was clicked)...
    }The output of the code is something like this:
    hi! javax.swing.JButton[,140,5,60x25,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.5,
    I need this: "first" (from this part: "text=first" of the output above).
    Does anyone know how can I get the "text" field from the e.getSource() ?

    System.out.println( "hi!! " + ( (JButton) e.getSource() ).getText() );I think the problem is solved..If your need is to know the text of the button, yes.
    In a real-world application, no.
    In a RW application, a typical need is merely to know the "logical role" of the button (i.e., the button that validates the form, regardless of whether its text is "OK" or "Save", "Go",...). Text tends to vary much more than the structure of the UI over time.
    In this case you can get the source's name (+getName()+), which will be the name that you've set to the button at UI construction time. Or you can compare the source for equality with either button ( +if evt.getSource()==okButton) {...}+ ).
    All in all, I think the best solution is: don't use the same ActionListener for more than one action (+i.e.+ don't add the same ActionListener to all your buttons, which leads to a big if-then-else series in your actionPerformed() ).
    Eventually, if you're listening to a single button's actions, whose text change over time (e.g. "pause"/"resume" in a VCR bar), I still think it's a bad idea to rely on the text of the button - instead, this text corresponds to a logical state (resp. playing/paused), it is more maintainable to base your logic on the state - which is more resilient to the evolutions of the UI (e.g. if you happen to use 2 toggle buttons instead of one single play/pause button).

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    I wasn't able to (easily) find anything in the way of a textfield to type something into that you describe, but you can assign code for input textfields to detect when something changes in them and take action from that event.  How you do it depends on which version of actionscript you are using.

  • Creating Forms (Text Fields)

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    I tried opening the file in Adobe Reader and it still didn’t work.
    If I can get this to work, I will make tax work sheets with text fields from the pdf tax phamplet.
    Am I missing a step

    You have to make sure that the field calculation order is set to whatever makes sense for the form. Exactly how you do this depends on what version of Acrobat you're using. In Acrobat 11:
    Forms > Edit
    and then:
    Tasks > Other Tasks > Set Field Calculation Order

  • How to populate a field from database through personalization

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    Thanks in advance,

    This workaround should be used as a one time approach till you move to 11.5.10 CU3.
    Here are the details,
    You just need to add the following tags inside the site or function level customization document, remember it should be either site or function only no other levels are supported for adding a new item.
    before adding the following tags you need to find out the following details,
    1. what is the last item in the advancedTable, column or columnGroup in the base metadata. Do not conside the columns inside the columnGroups for this, just the last item which might be a column or a columngroup. Get the if of that item.
    2. You should know what is the view instance and viewattribute you will be attaching
    3. Remember you can only add columns through personalization and not columnGroups.
    4. Replace the appropriate values for the properties amrked with {...} with your own values. You can change the other properties to reflect any specific requirement you want. Make sure you provide correct values.
    <insert after="{the id you got from step 1}">
    <oa:column id="{yourid}" adminCustomizable="true" bandingShade="none"
    cellNoWrapFormat="false" columnDataFormat="textFormat" displayGrid="true"
    rendered="true" scope="." totalValue="false" userCustomizable="false"
    <ui:columnHeader xmlns:ui="">
    <oa:sortableHeader id="{yourid}" adminCustomizable="true"
    cellNoWrapFormat="false" initSortSeq="none" prompt="{your prompt}"
    rendered="true" required="no" scope="." sortState="no"
    <ui:contents xmlns:ui="">
    <oa:messageStyledText id="{yourid}" adminCustomizable="true"
    cellNoWrapFormat="false" dataType="VARCHAR2" initSortSeq="none" queryable="false" rendered="true" required="no" scope="."
    serverUnvalidated="false" sortState="no" tipType="none" totalValue="false"
    userCustomizable="false" vAlign="middle" viewAttr="{your view attribute}" viewName="{your view instance name}"
    You can insert these tags at the end of any existing tags within the <modifications>
    </modifications> tag in the document.

  • Remove text field from Array via for loop

    i have a problem to remove text fields added via for loop.
    That im doing is, via for loop im dynamically creating menu with 10 buttons.
    Each button contain, dynamically created, background (shape) and text field.
    And everything is fine.
    But when im try to remove text fields then i got this error:
    - Im using button to remove text fields - lang_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
              at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
              at Loading_Img_fla::MainTimeline/xmlLoaded()
    In the script bellow marked with red is what should remove text fields from an Array, instead giving me error.
    Here is my script
    // Create for loop
    for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
              for each (xml in listItems)
                        if (i == xml.attribute("Id"))
                                  // Add MovieClip to stage to hold the data
                                  lmHolder.x = 0;
                                  lmHolder.y = 0;
                                  // Create new MovieClip to hold buttons
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i] = new MovieClip();
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].buttonMode = true;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].mouseChildren = false;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].x = 20;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].y = 20 + btCount * buttonSpace;
                                  // Add each button MovieClip to lmHolder MovieClip
                                  // Create Background to buttons
                                  lmButtonsArray[i] = new Shape();
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.beginFill(lmBgColor0, 1);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 230, 85);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].x = 0;
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].y = 0;
                                  // <<-- Add Background shape to the buttons MovieClips
                                  // Create a new array to preserve data from XML List
                                  lmNameArrayEG = new Array();
                                  lmNameArrayUS = new Array();
                                  // Create local variable to hold
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentUS:String;
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentEG:String;
                                  var lmTxtContent:String;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then make array with Arabic text
                                  // If clicked button is US then make array with English text
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for each (var leftMenuName:XML in egLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentEG = lmNameArrayEG[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentEG;
                                            for each (var leftMenuNameUS:XML in usLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentUS = lmNameArrayUS[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentUS;
                                  // Setup new text field each time script is executed
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i] = new TextField();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].width = 110;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].border = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].wordWrap = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].multiline = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].selectable = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].embedFonts = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].text = lmTxtContent.toUpperCase();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].x = 10;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].name = "lmTxtFieldName" + i;
                                  // <<-- Add Text fields to the Movie Clip
                                  // If clicked button is EG then set Arabic text format, and make array with Arabic text fields
                                  // If clicked button is US then set English text format, and make array with Egnlish text fields
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove English text fields from array
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove Arabic text fields from array
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

    it looks like those tf's are children of  lmButtonsMCArray[i], not the current scope.  use:
    if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

  • Missing class indicator field from database row

    I have following problem :
    There is a class inheritance with root interface and 4 subclasses, they are initialized with class indicator field. If I use ReadAllQuery with an interface or some of concrete class as search class - it is working perfect, but if I try to build query with custom selected fields (addPartialAttribute) I always get an error - Missing class indicator field from database row.
    AFAIK This field have not to be mapped in Workbench to real table column, how can I tell TopLink that I will read this indicator field too by reading some custom fields ? I thought TopLink reads such fields automatically, like it does it with primary keys.
    Thank you

    This sounds like an issue with our partial attribute queries and inheritance as the type indicator column must always be read. Can you map the type indicator to a read-only attribute (mark mapping as read-only) and include this in your list of attributes as a work-around?

  • Populating Multirecord text fields from Tlists value's combinations

    I have a UI wherein there are two T lists, one on the Left and other on the Right. The left one contains
    From values and the Right one contains To values. There's one Button which when Pressed should populate
    a Data Block which has multi record text fields just below the button with all the possible combinations of
    the T lists elements. The Text fields have the values From, To, Time, Unit. When populated From and Two will
    get the values from the combinations and the user will enter the values in other fields i.e. Time and Unit,
    Then the user can save the Records.
    e.g. If the Left T list contains Red, Blue and the Right T List contains Green, Black. Then on pressing
    the button below the T lists, the text fields From and Two of a data block displayed in the same window
    should get populated with all the possible combinations as:
    From || To || Unit || Time
    Red Green
    Red Black
    Blue Green
    Blue Black
    Now the user can enter the values for Unit as well as Time and when he does save the Records should be inserted
    for the Data Blocks DML Source that's some table.
    What I'm trying is:
    On pressing the Button i'm writing code that will have Two PL/SQL Tables(Index by binary_integer). One will have
    all the values of the left T List and the other with all the values of right T List.
    I do it as in the WHEN BUTTON PRESSED as:
    from varchar_table;
    to varchar_table;
    v_count1 NUMBER;
    v_count2 NUMBER;
    v_count3 NUMBER;
    v_count4 NUMBER;
    v_count1 := Get_List_Element_Count('CONTROL.FROM_TYPE');
         FOR i IN 1..v_count1 LOOP
              from(i) := Get_List_Element_Value('CONTROL.FROM_TYPE', i);
         END LOOP;
    v_count2 := Get_List_Element_Count('CONTROL.TO_TYPE');
         FOR i IN 1..v_count2 LOOP
              to(i) := Get_List_Element_Value('CONTROL.TO_TYPE', i);
         END LOOP;
    Now how will I populate the text fields with the values in the tables that i got with the piece of code above.
    Any help would be appreciated. Any other method other than the one i'm trying is also welcome. Please note that
    i'm not using any table to store the elements in the T Lists. The lists get values at runtime by
    user's selection.

    Try and stay civil in your postings. The solotion should be to simply issue a GO_BLOCK, followed by a CREATE_RECORD followed by setting the approriate values :block.value = <value from list>

  • How to remove the automatically generated text fields from the InfoSet

    I followed the procedure by SAP help.
    Automatically generated text fields are marked with a 'T' on the icon in the InfoSet. You can remove the automatically generated text fields from the InfoSet in the initial screen of the InfoSet maintenance under Further Functions -> Delete Text Fields. Cancel the DataSource creation on the next screen and delete the text fields in the InfoSet maintenance transaction.
    I know that there is an option "No automatic text recognition" when I create a new InfoSet, however, I couldn't find out how to change an existed InfoSet. I checked menu Goto->Global Properties, but that option is disabled. Is there a way to remove text fields from an existed InfoSet?

    In the initial screen (when you enter transaction code SQ02) type your infoset name and goto menu: Infoset -> More functions -> Delete text fields. this will delete all text fields.
    I hope this helps to resolve the issue.

  • PHP/MySQL: 'Add New' text field from menu in form

    I am creating an events posting website. I'm having a hard time finding the right words to describe this, but: I'd like the user to select a venue from the drop menu, but then if it isn't there, to select 'add new' from the dynamic menu, and have a new text field activate where they can enter in the new venue name. My database is currently set up so the event table links to the venue table through a venueID. Is there a way to insert the name from the new text field into the venue table, and have the rest of the form still submit to the event table? Sorry this is so wordy, but I'd appreciate any help. Thank you.

    You cannot add a new value to a related table at the same time as inserting a record. So, to do this, you would need to use both JavaScript to add the new text field, and PHP conditional logic to handle the update to both tables. It's certainly doable, but not with the Dreamweaver server behaviors. You would need to do a lot of hand-coding yourself.
    The way that I approached a similar problem in my "Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4" was to permit NULL values in the column that holds the foreign key, and insert nothing into that field if the value hadn't already been registered in the related table. I created a static value in the dynamic menu for "Not registered".
    After inserting the new record with "not registered", the user then needs to enter the new value in the related table.
    Once that has been done, display a page that lists all records. In the SQL, I use a LEFT JOIN to ensure that "not registered" items come up as well. You can then edit the item to add the value from the dynamic menu.
    It's not the most elegant way to do it, but it works if you don't have the skill or time to hand-code all the logic yourself.

  • Link dropdown choice to multiple text fields from access database

    Is there anyway to link the choice of a dropdown field so it populates other text fields?
    I have created a Data Connection from a MS Access Database for a drop down list which is CompanyName.  When I choose the company name I would like it to populate First Name, Last Name, Email, Adress, etc.  Does this require a significant amount of code to do...and if so does anyone have a good book suggestion to learn the code for something like this?
    Any help in solving this problem is greatly appreciate.  I have searched everywhere and found no conclusive answer.  Or maybe I am just searching in the wrong place?  Thanks for your help.

    You will have to make another data connection and create a SQL call to the DB that will incorporate the selection made in the DDList. This will involve code. There is a sample wriiten by Stefan Cameron at this location:

  • Populating a html form with fields from a database

    Ok, basically ive got fields in a db, for example:
    Ive got a html form that also has these fields.
    When the user clicks a button the homepage of the site, it should bring up a form in a popup window that has all the fields in based on the entries in the database - lets pretend there is only 1 entry in the database, so the form will be the same for every user.
    Any ideas how i could do this?
    BTW I'm using jsp and mysql as db.
    Thx peeps

    Are all the fields from the same table? if so you can construct a class say with the follwing attributes.
    public string m_strName=null;
    get and set methods
    You can repeat for all the fields in the DB. If you have primary key for the table you can set the ID of the class as the primary key. so in your JSP you get the class with ID (whichever you wish to) and use the class in the JSP like this
    Test test = JDBCAccess.get("ID of the table");
    This is an example of OR(object relational mapping).
    Hope this helps.

  • Javascript to fill text field from other PDF form

    I am trying to figure out if it is possible to add javascript to a text field that when initiated pulls text from another field in a closed pdf in the same directory.
    For example I have a NAME field in the pdf form I am working in....
    When I initiate the script the NAME field is filled in with the same data from another PDF that is closed.

    I have looked up the 'disclosed' property and it looks like that is what I want to do..
    I have "this.disclosed = true" in a PDF with the name field. On the other PDF that I want the information replicated I am going to add a javascript to an action somewhere on the document, my problem is which script do I use to get this data from the other pdf?  Is the pdf that is now accessible via javascript (disclosed) a data object?

  • Pre-Populating Text fields from a Data drop down list using SQL Server

    I'm currently trying to update some of our internal forms which are word based or a basic PDF form you fill in by yourself.
    I'm connecting to our SQL server as there are databases stored there for an internal bit of software that hold information
    I can use to fill in parts the form.
    I have a data drop down list that is dynamically linked to the SQL databass and allows you to select a Project Number from that database, what
    I want to do after this is selected is to automatically populate some text fields with the Project name, Account handler and other fields held in the
    I've had a look online to see if there is a solution but haven't really found anythig that is similar (although I am new to LC so may have seen it
    and not realised) and my Java is non existant.
    Has anyone tried this and able to point me in the right directions?
    I'm using LiveCycle ES2 version from Creative Suit 5.5 on Windows 7

    Actually this error does not cause any harm except a presentation inconvenience. In my multi-select prompt I am using variable expression with dynamic repository variable. Dashboard results are correct. Just variable's value does not appear on page (error Error Codes: G689FFB3:SDKE4UTF
    Expression: @{biServer.variables['CUR_CAL_PER_MONTH_NAME']}). Pushing "GO" button on the prompt fixing the error but it's actually second execution of the dashboard.
    Any ideas ??

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