Automate Adobe Install

I am trying to automate the install of Adobe Reaser X.
I have downloaded the Customization Tool, but it requires and msi file.  I can only find the exe file.  Can anybody point me to a link.
If somebody knows how to automate the install with the exe that will be fine as well.

After much searching I found the answer.
<installationfile.exe> /sPB /rs
/sPB = Silent Install
/rs = Reboot Surpressed

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    I witnessed this myself two nights ago while testing an upgrade in Windows 7.
    It HAS been reported to development, but... like 99% of the people here, we (myself and the MVP user who reported it) are just Adobe users like you, so reporting it with screenshots was the best we can do.
    I use Chrome myself, but only for testing webpages I build, and I've never used their toolbar, because it's an open portal for malware... hence the report filed with DEV.
    All we can do now is cross our fingers and hope they have it worked out by the next update cycle.

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    You really need to be running the updated version of CS3. If its crashing in the new user its probably a system thing.
    I would run Diskwarrior or Apple's Disk Utility from the DVD. then I would update the System to 10.5.7 with the 10.5.7 Combo updater downloaded from the Apple website.

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    hi Guido!
    I have tried to install iTunes for the first time using the latest version and when I try to open it nothing happens.
    replying to you here rather than off in your other post. (let's stay in this thread.)
    off in that other post, you described seeing a little yellow shield in your task bar. is that a Norton live update notification, or a Windows update notification? (i've seen it in my task bar too, but i can't recall off-hand which one of those it's signifying.)
    love, b

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    Good luck there.  In case you don't know this, you should consider making a genius bar appointment at the Apple Store.  Assuming you're in the U.S., start here to make your appointment:

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    Many thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by:

    I'm glad you like the automatic configuration :)
    You can automate your specific scenario using the 'silent install' mode
    Basically you want to run the installer in a 'record' mode and select
    the config options and products that you care about. In your case, you would choose, 'Custom -> Configure Automatically -> select the subset of products' you want. once you are done, the response file will be created which you can (edit if needed) use for subsequent installs
    From setup.bat we have: Windows\setup.exe
    /v"/Liwrmoeau! %temp%\SUNJavaES.log MAINJES=Yes" %1
    %2 %3
    Is it possible to 'automatically' select /install
    only 4 components : Directory Server, Administration
    Server, Web Server and Access Manager?
    Automatic configuration is very good.
    Maybe instead of MAINJES=YES we can pass other
    Or maybe it is possible to have a config file ...
    What we try is to have a 'faster' installation and
    configuration of JES, with less clicks from the
    Many thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by:

  • Why does Adobe install 3rd party software with PE 10 without asking?

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    I did not answer you question, because I have no answer. That was why I recommended contacting Adobe. Though, at times, it might not seem like it, but they do listen to their customers. They collect tons of data, and try to prioritize things, based on that input. This is for Feature Requests, or just comments on how one likes, or does not like, the software.
    In very general terms, I find Adobe products to be very benign, and especially to many other companies' software.
    Over the decades, I only recall a few instances, where something was installed, without my input, at some level. Back about PS CS, there were some NIK Filters that were installed, and a few of them were "trials," which I am not keen on. SmartSound would be another example, except that I would want it, regardless (and probably only complain, if it was missing).
    One of the biggest rubs that I had with Pinnacle Studio was that even if one bought their biggest, most expensive package, a ton of Effects and Transitions were loaded as trials. To get all of those, one had to spend about US $400, above the price of the NLE. Not sure if that is still the case, as I switched to AVID Liquid, about they time they bought Pinnacle, and have not seen Pinnacle Studio in many years. When I moved from Liquid, to PrPro, and the CS2 Production Studio, I never looked back at AVID/Pinnacle. Now, CS2 Production Studio came with about 8 programs, and then a ton of "Goodies." I would have loved to have the Goodies as options in the full suite installation. As it was, I had to do the main, muli-program install, and then run installation routines for maybe 30 other plug-ins, add-ons and stand-alones.
    No, like you, I refuse to update my iTunes, as so much "other stuff" gets installed, and then I have to clean it out. You are not alone, except that we see SmartSound from different sides. Though I understand your not wanting anything, but the program, I view that as a necessity.
    My suggestion to Adobe would be to include that as a separate, user-selectable install, though I have never heard of anyone complaining, unless SmartSound did not work for them.
    I understand personal principles, and try to adhere to my own, but before you pass on SmartSound, I beg you to try it out. That will not ameliorate the need for Adobe to let the user decide what is/is not installed, but with a few sessions, you might change your mind about the program, itself.
    Do let Adobe know how you feel, and perhaps SmartSound will become an additional installation, like the additional Functional Content.
    Good luck,

  • Adobe Install with SSD Suggestions Needed

    Built a new system over the holidays with Win7 64 bit.  Bought the Academic/Student version of Production Premium Suite, so I have the 'trial' version installed until Adobe approves my credentials and sends me the activation code.  My system has an SSD, which I want to keep 'clean' with just the OS, and then a hard drive where I want to store my apps and data.
    I changed the registry to make my Program Files folder no longer point to the C:\ drive (the SSD) and to my hard drive, which is D:\.
    Apparently, that was not a 'supported' change for Adobe, as I am encountering a Configuration Error 1.  Looking through the web, I found these discussions:
    Those discussions are a little dated, so I'm hoping some people in the forum have discovered better methods to have the Adobe suite work when the 'Program Files' folder has been changed from the C:\ drive.  Here are my current thoughts:
    1) Adobe fixed this issue with an update.
    I can't find evidence of this, so I don't think it has been fixed.  I also hesitate to add the updates and keep running into this bug.  Does anyone know if this has been fixed?
    2) I copy all of the 'Common Files' from the C:\ drive to the D:\ drive, as explained in one of the posts.
    I did this.  Interestingly, the Adobe install put all of the 64 bit apps on the D:\ drive, but I can't run them.  I keep getting asked if I want to register now or later.  When I click 'Later', it just asks me again.  So, I have to think it is looking on the C:\ drive for something that is not there.  The Adobe install put all of the 32-bit apps on the C:\ drive (so it ignored the registry change).  I moved it all to my D:\ drive and these are working, but I just wonder what else I will encounter down the road.
    3) I change my registry entries to point back to the C:\ drive.
    I have installed other programs (that installed just fine to the D:\ drive, by the way), so I hesitate switching it back to C:\ as it will disrupt all of their links.  If I have to go down this path, I will likely uninstall everything, and then re-install.
    4) Any other suggestions?
    This is the reason for this post.  I listed the possible solutions I know of above, but am wondering if anyone else has a better work around.
    </gripe on>
    I am really surprised that Adobe is hardcoding some of the installation paths.  That is why the registry exists and standard pathnames (i.e. %PROGRAMFILES%) are defined in the first place.  To ignore those choices is just plain poor programming.
    I realize that 5 years from now,  SSDs will be cheaper and in the TB range, but, currently, it is not uncommon for people to limit what is installed on them due to their size.  So, I know I am not alone in this configuration desire, and I am not alone in encountering this problem with Adobe.  I'm just surprised this has not been fixed (and it should have been programmed this way in the first place).
    </gripe off>

    Okay, thanks guys for affirming the need to uninstall and reinstall.  Luckily, it is a new system so I should not impact too much.
    I have a 256GB, so it should fit, and I was debating about having the Adobe software on it, anyway, since, as you say, the point is to take advantage of the SSD even beyond the OS, and the Adobe SW can use some speed boost on load.
    2TB SSD array, must be nice.
    Still wish I could truly designate the software install location.  Maybe CS7...

  • E-73 Automatic driver install any option?

    Is there any option for automatic driver install in desktop or laptop, If it is exists please inform me.

    Good day.
    ThinkCentre systems are supported by ThinkVantage System Update, which can be downloaded from your support pages:
    It should do a decent job of recommending available driver updates for your system. If it doesn't catch a few things, you should be able to find them in the master list linked above. One thing that I do not let TVSU do is BIOS updates. When I decide to do those, I do them completely separately as a single task.
    Hope this helps.
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  • Why does this adobe install thing pop up?

    i was checking my email on yahoo! and this adobe install thing popped up and asked if i wanted to install it. why do i need do install this for safari?

    Yes there is one at:
    According to this page, it should work in Safari:
    I don't use it. For security reasons, I disabled all plugins for Safari. If I visit a page that needs plugins, I use Firefox with the Flash Blocker.
    Then I can click on the flash play button when I am ready to view it.

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    We are a small IT department that needs to do multiple installs of software on multiple computers. Having to input an Adobe ID for the install is a hindrance.

    Hi a couple of years back i f needed to do a similar thing with adobe photoshop elements 7, i found that there was an instalation file that could be edited that would input the serial number and other settings, i then used group policy to run the install.exe, maybe have a search for this type of thing?

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    Your help would be deeply appreciated. Thank you! Oh, yeah...2009 MacBook Pro, Mac OS X Version 10.7.5 #main_Installer_failed_to_initialize_

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    I cannot understand the mindset in a supposedly clever organisation that could imagine that this is OK?
    It is fundamentally both deceitful and patronising.

    sicjoshsic wrote:
    Wanted to add a voice to this, disgusting behaviour. The latest Flash update provides NO option to customise the installation (i.e. remove unwanted McAfee Security). There may be an alternative download site, but the automatic update option has no options.
    The more I use Adobe products, the less I want to. The sooner the web catches up with HTML5 and dumps Flash the better.
    You DO have the option to disable automatic updates. Your post doesn't read as though you don't know how to do that, but it's in the Global Settings under the Advanced tab. The downside is that you have to manually update, but the following links remain the same even though the file is updated with each release:
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    They contain the FULL installer only. Bookmark them and you'll never have to bother with third party software.

  • Automatic Adobe Update for users without admin privileges

    Hi there,
    I have a PC with Windows 7 Professional (32bits) and Adobe Reader (9.4.6)
    I have selected "Automatically install updates" in Preferences --> Updater:
    The problem is: when a normal user (without admin privileges) is using the system, it turns up an Adobe Box which asks the user to install the Update:
    But when the user tries to update, it asks to insert the admin password.
    How can I solve this? I would like Adobe Reader updates to be downloaded and automatically installed for users in my PC without admin privileges. Is this possible?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    Anyone have any further insight into this?  Is there a way to simply give the user admin creds but only for Adobe Reader that would permit users to do thier own updates?
    I don't want to have to constantly update the MSI I am deploying with GP/LUP if possible.
    I am, however simply looking to update 11.0.0 to 11.0.1 ,11.0.2....etc without having to touch GP/LUP/each end user machine

  • Fully automatic silent install of 1.4.2_10

    We're using Citrix Webinterface 4.0 with Citrix Java Client for remote access users (working at home). This works fine with Java 1.4.2_10. It does NOT work with MS Java VM or Java 1.5.x. So we need to ensure employees have Java 1.4.2_10 installed at their home pc's. We do not have administrative control over these pc's. Therefore we need to push the Java 1.4.2_10 software from the same webpage as their Citrix Webinterface login.
    QUESTION: I would like to create a hyperlink on the Webinterface login page where users can click to FULLY AUTOMATICALLY download and SILENTLY install the Java 1.4.2_10 software (and NOT the Java 1.5.x which is (non-silently) available at !!!!!)
    How can this be accomplished?
    Any help is much appreciated
    Harm van Dommelen
    Gemeente Waterland, The Netherlands

    i haven't done it, but you could just include the version of the JRE you want the user to use with your software

Maybe you are looking for

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