Automatic Sign Assignment in BIP

Hi All,
I'm looking for a way to realize automatic sign assignment in BIP.
Does anyone know how to realize?
Regarding automatic sign assignment in former BPS,
we can use the standard function.
I'm going to use the sign change function with BW hierarchy and formula variable,
but a calculated key figure could not be input ready.
I have no idea except this,
please advice me how to realize automatic sign change.
Best Regards,

Hello Takuhito,
as you mentioned BIP only has the sign reversal feature of queries; as this is modeled using formulas this can not be used for planning.
This is a known gap of BIP compared to BPS. Since this design of the sign reversal feature is ok for reporting it is not yet clear what is the right solution for BIP since it also using queries now for manual planning. In general it makes no sense to make formulas input ready. But may be the solution is to make simple formulas input ready and to have a feature similar to 'inverse formulas' in 'good old CO-PA'.
So a sign change that depends on master data values (the sign is a master data attribute) for input ready key figures can not be modeled in queries.
Best regards,

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    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AppGlobal](
    [AccountID] [int] Identity (1,1) NOT NULL,
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    AuditHdr.Action = "A"
    AuditHdr.ScreenID = gm_ScrID
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    auditLineItem.AuditSequence = LineItemSeq
    auditLineItem.FieldName = "E-mail"
    auditLineItem.BeforeValue = ""
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    LineItemSeq = LineItemSeq + 1
    auditLineItem.AuditSequence = LineItemSeq
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    auditLineItem.AuditID = AuditHdr.AuditID
    LineItemSeq = LineItemSeq + 1
    auditLineItem.AuditSequence = LineItemSeq
    auditLineItem.FieldName = "NickName"
    auditLineItem.BeforeValue = ""
    auditLineItem.AfterValue = thisADB.AppNickName
    insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AppCreateDate", thisADB.AppCreateDate)
    auditLineItem = New AuditLineItem
    auditLineItem.AuditID = AuditHdr.AuditID
    LineItemSeq = LineItemSeq + 1
    auditLineItem.AuditSequence = LineItemSeq
    auditLineItem.FieldName = "CreateDate"
    auditLineItem.BeforeValue = ""
    auditLineItem.AfterValue = CStr(thisADB.AppCreateDate)
    Dim insertCount As Integer = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery
    Dim selectStatement As String =
    "SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('AppGlobal') FROM AppGlobal"
    Dim selectCommand As New SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection)
    Dim AccountID As Integer = CInt(selectCommand.ExecuteScalar)
    gm_AccountID = AccountID
    If insertCount < 1 Then
    LineItemList = Nothing
    End If
    Catch ex As SqlException
    MessageBox.Show("SQL Server error #4 " & ex.Number & ": " & ex.Message, ex.GetType.ToString)
    End Try
    Return LineItemList
    End Function

    See how to retrieve identity value through .net here
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Thanks in advance

    hi Swathi,
    Check these Links out

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    Ah .. this is quite a simple..There is only one way to solve this problem: Use cookies. When the user comes to the site for the veryyyyyyyyy first time. Take in his username and password and store it on 2 separate cookies.
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    Cookie userCookie2=new Cookie ("UserName", pwd);
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    Good Luck!

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    Wishes & Regards,
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    as far as I know there is no standard tool for mass assignment of content objects to portal roles. But you can easily develop your own solution. The folloowing sections of the SAP Library should be helpful:
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    <a href="">Working with Semantic Objects</a>
    <a href="">Delta Links</a>
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    Hello Vineeth,
    Here is the link which explains about automatic account determination process setup.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri

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    Dear Vadivel,
    Go to your delivery output procedure control data here you you keep Manual only check box as uncheck for your Replenishment delivery output type.
    Also check the Requirement assigned to your Replenishment delivery output type.
    I hope this will help you,

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    by the way main password for password manager is of course useful but it şs useful whenever i want to use it not all the time i open mozilla .
    and not all the time i open a website or forum which i often use...
    there were no problems before it updated itself...
    please tell me the solution

    my problem is not related with using main password or not...
    in former versions of firefox i was automatically signed in to websites without any click... it wasnt asking me to sign-in (because my usernames and passwords were remembered-and saved in password manager)
    in this version they are remembered again but i have to write first 2-3 letters of my username and it remembers my username then it remembers password...
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    This can be little problem to u, but it is really annoying problem, 9-10 clicks more for each webpage which i wanted mozilla to remember my usernames and passwords... it also asks main password if i am using...
    if i want to visit 5-6 different websites it means 70-80 clicks more and 50-60 letters typing according to your main password .. (in opera and mozillas former versions it is just 5-6 clicks)
    so main problem is the cookies were remembered in all the sessions but after it updated to v.10.0.1 expiry date of cookies of same websites that i visit are just for one session... it is not related with the websites and their servers that i visit because if so how can Opera remembers all the time...

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