Automatic Sign in (procedure start)

One way to Sign in automatically, or at least start the Sign in procedure automatically, is to:
1) Set your browser to startup with the same windows and tabs as last session;
2) End each browser session with a tab open that contains a page that requires your being logged in, such as Your Stuff>Private Messages (whether you actually need it or not); you may close down non forum pages before ending the session to avoid them at startup;
3) Upon startup, open the window with the tab in 2) and see whether you get signed in, otherwise sign in;
4) When you are signed in, go to your other forum tabs/windows and Reload each.
Especially if you have other things you may do, such as starting up other applications or feeding the birds, you may save some time.

Your post seems to demonstrate the limitations of the Translate button; unless it is a roundabout way of saying that you feed your birds (as food) for the cat.

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    any idea's ?
    This post was transferred from its previous location to create its own new topic here; its subject and/or title has been edited to differentiate the post from other inquiries and to reflect the post's content. A link to this post appears where the post was originally added.
    Open your Skype account settings page:
    If your Skype account is linked with Microsoft account, then try to unlink them.

  • How do I stop Firefox from automatically signing in every time I restart

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    See the instructions for shutting off form AutoComplete at the following link.

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    1. Simply turn off internet connection of your computer.
    2. Launch skype 
    Skype cannot sign in and you will get error screen, there you can sign in from your different account.

    Another option is to sign out of the current account (under File), then uptick the box that says "Sign me in when Skype starts" before signing in again from whichever account takes your fancy.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

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    It seems that the Cookies file of your profile is corrupted. I think, deleting the files will fix your problem. For doing so, please do following:
    # Go to '''Menu''' and then '''Help''' By pressing the "Question Mark" of bottom.
    # Then go '''Troubleshooting Information'''.
    # Click on '''Show Folder'''.
    # In that folder, delete the following Files
    #* cookies.sqlite
    #* cookies.sqlite-shm
    #* cookies.sqlite-wal
    Then restart your Firefox.
    Hope after this, your problem has been solved. Please get back to us by letting us know if it solves.

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    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iTunes forums.

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    Hi Nadia,
    Although a slightly different issue, could you try solutions 1 and 2 from here: html
    - Dave

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    you will find this information useful.
    Also, at you will find an autorun tool that lets you fix what is or is not
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    Jacobm51486856 please see Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later for information on how to resolve the connection error preventing your membership from being authorized.

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    R T

    option 1. right click and display all jobs. If you see two released jobs, delete one of them. Also check the validity on the user-id of the scheduled job.
    option 2. activate & schedule the pc again. If it still shows red stop. right click & get more info from the message long text. May be the start process is deleted somehow.
    Kumar Gudiseva.

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    I can share my scripts:
    1) /home/oracle/
    #Script should be ran as Oracle user
    cd /tmp
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/ora9i
    lsnrctl start
    sqlplus -S /nolog <<ENDSQL
    connect / as sysdba
    emctl start dbconsole
    isqlplusctl start
    NOTE: emctl and isqlplus are optional
    2) /home/oracle/
    #Script should be ran as Oracle user
    cd /tmp
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/ora9i
    isqlplusctl stop
    emctl stop dbconsole
    sqlplus -S /nolog <<ENDSQL
    connect / as sysdba
    shutdown immediate
    lsnrctl stop
    NOTE: emctl and isqlplus are optional
    Then what you need:
    1) K91oracle_stop (put it in the desired run level)
    # description: Stop Oracle before reboots
    su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/" >> /home/oracle/stoporacle.log
    2) S91oracle_start (put it in the desired run level)
    # description: Start Oracle after reboots
    su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/" >> /home/oracle/startoracle.log

  • Automatically sign in

    I have a requirement that when in a user email, there would be a hyperlink which would automatically login in to a web portal. The user will not be promted for a password. So whats the design alike.

    Ah .. this is quite a simple..There is only one way to solve this problem: Use cookies. When the user comes to the site for the veryyyyyyyyy first time. Take in his username and password and store it on 2 separate cookies.
    Cookie userCookie1=new Cookie ("UserName", uid);
    Cookie userCookie2=new Cookie ("UserName", pwd);
    res.addCookie(userCookie2);Then when the user goes to the site the next time.. simply extract that particular cookie, get the details, authorize the user and let him in. No need of signing in..
    But the disadvantages of this approach is:
    1. Its PC specific. Cookies r set in 1 PC only. when the user tries to login from another PC... he has to sign in all over again.
    2. Serious security issues. Whoever uses the PC where the cookie is stored is automatically signed in.
    3. If the user manually deletes all the cookies from the 'history' of the browser.. he has to sign in again!
    Hope this info helps u!
    Good Luck!

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    AccountB in use wtf

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    Sign Out When Sign In may help
    -and 'looping'

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