Automator not working like it 'oughta

I've created a little Automator app that should rescale images into thumbnails when I drag an image or pdf file(s) on it, but it says the action is running, yet doesn't prompt where to save the files. I can't find them using spotlight either, is there a default location I should be looking in?

I tried it, and discovered that you have to drag 'n drop the actual image files onto the Automator application, you can't drop a folder on it. If you do, nothing happens. If you select a batch of images, I used pngs and a jpeg, and drop them on the application then it creates thumbs in the same location as the images, with the name "originalname_tn.jpg" and a maximum dimension of whatever you selected. I added a little extra step: Move the output to a different folder. Then watched as it first created the thumbs in the original folder, then did indeed move all of them to the designated folder.

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    deborahfromwindsor wrote:
    he advises restarting by inserting the OSX disc and pressing down the C button to reboot from there then selecting disk utility, hard disk and repair.... Does he mean me to hold down the C key on the alpha keyboard or the ctrl key?
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    That's where I would begin, too, with
    Repair Disk
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
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    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    If DU reports errors it cannot repair you will need touse autility like TechTool Pro,Drive Geniusor DiskWarrior
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    Hello SajidChaudhary,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Camera isn't functioning or has undesired image quality
    If the screen shows a closed lens or black image, force quit the Camera app.
    If you do not see the Camera app on the Home screen, try searching for it in Spotlight. If the camera does not show up in the search, check to make sure that Restrictions are not turned on by tappingSettings > General > Restrictions.
    Ensure the camera lens is clean and free from any obstructions. Use a microfiber polishing cloth to clean the lens.
    Cases can interfere with the camera and the flash. Try gently cleaning the lens with a clean dry cloth or removing the case if you see image or color-quality issues with photos.
    Try turning iPhone off and then back on.
    Tap to focus the camera on the subject. The image may pulse or briefly go in and out of focus as it adjusts.
    Try to remain steady while focusing:
    Still images: Remain steady while taking the picture. If you move too far in any direction, the camera automatically refocuses to the center.
    Note: If you take a picture with iPhone turned sideways, it is automatically saved in landscape orientation.
    Video: Adjust focus before you begin recording. You can also tap to readjust focus while recording. Exiting the Camera application while recording will stop recording and will save the video to the Camera Roll.
    Note: Video-recording features are not available on original iPhone or iPhone 3G.
    If your iPhone has a front and rear camera, try switching between them to verify if the issue persists on both.
    Have a nice day,

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    Happen to me too. Looks like a Bug. Installed 10.9.2 and it turned on Safari in the iCloud Sytem Preferences.
    Thank god I had a backup. And then my wife logged into the same computer and it messed them up again.
    I wish I knew where the iCloud bookmark file was. I've tried goggling it, ut no luck.
    So If at one point in time if you turn it on it uploads the bookmark file somewere in the cloud, then you turn it off then change your bookmarks to something differnet it's OK. Just don't turn it on again.
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    It sounds like Logic's handling of DAE. Not being a Digi guy, I haven't memorized al the differences but I know the implementation is incomplete.
    I work in native... I think 7.1.1 was the last version I used on a Logic rig with DAE in real use, actually I know it was not 7.2, because I set that rig up.
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    I did see:
    "Logic Pro found 8 audio files in 24 bit format.
    This format is unsupported and cannot be played back
    √ Show this message again
    I found it so amusing I took a pic of it, and the 16 bit error like it I saw. This was during the 7.2.1 days of terror.
    Re: resources.
    Definitely sounds strange. New templates, tune the config. I would try 7.2.0. If you still have the app you can just put it in your app folder. AFAIR, this only updated contents. If you want to be certain, see the receipt.
    Good Luck,

  • Automator not working properly while setting comments and moving files to folders, how to proceed?

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    1) Get specified finder items
    2/3) Filter / find finder items
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    that's the directiory that the file is in!
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    6) Label Finder Items
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    7) Move Finder Items
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    thanks for any help anyone can give me!

    hey red_menace, thanks veeeery much for your support, I really appreciate it
    as you can notice, i'm new to the automator, i'm actually new to the whole software thing, I have no idea what I'm doing so I really appreciated your help, changed my life and made my day
    BUT, it didn't work...
    well, it did, partially
    I still don't get any comments on the "Spotlight comments" area and when I convert the workflow to a folder action, it does not recognize the file!
    here's my workflow:
    here's what I did, step by step:
    first I added find finder's items, that worked really well, but it labeled all the finders files that were in the folder AND subfolders (the ones that were suppose to already be labeled right)
    then I removed the find finder's items and tried, worked well, but I hadn't checked the "ignore the input", so the comments weren't working
    so then I ignored the input on the actions that didn't require an iput, so my workflow is the same as yours now… and It's not working.
    at first it worked for only 1 pdf, but no comments
    then it worked for 50% of the pdfs, with comments
    then it stopped working at all.
    added the find finders items
    worked while testing with one
    tried with 7 at the same time
    worked… but didn't get any spotlight comments
    went back on automator
    checked "show this action when the workflow runs" for the spotlight comments action
    added the variable as an answer on the "ask for text"
    the variable ran as expected, I had the same input I've inputed as an answer for the "ask for text" on the "spotlight comments" action, label went okay and stuff, but i did not get any spotlight comment on the spotlight comment section!!
    went back on automator and checked out the "append to existing comments" on "set spotlight comments for finder items"
    and still didn't get any comments on the files!
    btw, I went back on the automator and removed the find finder items
    then tried again with only one file, dropping it in the application. it worked, but I still didn't get any spotlight comments!!
    I also tried deleting the ask for text and tried just
    but it did not work
    I also converted the workflow that working for all expect the comments to a folder action, and it DID NOT recognize the pdf I dropped in the folder, what do I do?!

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    Your assumption that you would loose your ratings and develop settings is correct, if you would re-import.
    Reimporting is never a good idea.
    For the rest you have two alternatives: either you reconnect one image after another, or you undo on OS level what you did in the first place, then execute the move inside LR.
    Depending on how many images you moved this could actually be the fastest route out.
    "Find nearby missing photos" did not work reliably for me either in LR3. I have never found out when it did and when not, so I have preferred to learn how to perform any such operation inside LR.
    Another valid question is why you do not use collections for your desired split , and leave the folders as they were.
    According to my prejudice MAC users would not be as conservative in sticking to folder structures as Windows users..;-))
    Once you master LR folders could be very unimportant storage buckets, as every angle for organizing your images would be covered by (smart) collections and keywords and other metadata.
    Good luck, Cornelia

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    Also, my Ipod is not even a month old and is working like new. It is refurbished.

    Have you looked here:
    iTunes 10.5 and later: Troubleshooting iTunes Wi-Fi Syncing

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    I have a BB Z10 and whenever I entered my vehicle the in-car bluetooth would connect/pair to the phone and the music which was great and had no problems with listening to music and making phone calls.
    But recently with the 10.1 update it's all gone wrong the phone does not respond anymore to making calls, but the music still plays and I can still remote control the music via the steering wheel. however there is  no call audio the call starts and it shows it being connected but no audio from the in car bluetooth.
    Now I did some CSI investigations into the matter and I have narrowed it down to anything previous to the 10.1 update works fine.
    I backed up the phone via BB link and then rolled back the updates and I found that works just fine with the in-car bluetooth with making calls and playing music I literally just tested this. I then installed the leaked hoping it was fixed but no improvement over the official 10.1 it still does not play call audio.
    I have now reverted back to the official 10.1 and restored phone backup and then once again tried as before with all the pairing one has patience for, it just will not work in my car. I desperately need my Z10 to work in my car!
    Is this issue going to be addressed very soon??? I am not the only one with this problem. Help anyone...
    I would also like it that the music doesn’t start automatically as I have deezer and would like that to be an option to play that music instead.
    Anyway thanks for your time... any help with who to contact or whatever would be appreciated.

    Same problem with my z10 since 10.1 OS update. Please help.

  • Adobe Tech told me HONESTLY that Adobe Connect will NOT work like the Adobe site demo

    I am seconds away from subscribing to (Which is a GREAT and REALLy easy to use product).
    I really want the white board featues, etc. At first I could NOT connect at all...then with an Adobe TEch (FROM INDIA) online with me (very patronizing to me also, by the way). I could connect and when I clicked on "Share My Screen" the adobe connect window minimizes itself and becomes useless to me.
    I was told that the tech COULD see my screen. I asked how I would know that. He ACTUALLY told me that the ONLY way I could see the CONNECT window and see all the participants, let other share screens and see and use the whiteboarding is to GET A SECOND COMPUTER!!!!
    I HAVE TO USE TWO COMPUTERS in order to use the features demo'd in the demo video.
    Isn't that the MOST obsurd thing you could tell someone. AND if it is true, what a piece of carp program.
    Too bad, the product does not remotely work like the demo
    AND even worse, the tech support has NO IDEA how to use this product and told me IN THESE WORDS that the product DOES NOT REALLY DO WHAT THE DEMO SAYS IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What a nightmare!

    Wow ... well all I can say is I've been using Connect for 2 years for remote training and for webinars and all sorts of stuff, and in general I'm thrilled with it.  I've used the freebie ConnectNow service (via, the $39.95/mo. Connect Standard account (hosted, up to 15 participants), and for the past 1.5 years, the Connect Pro account, also hosted.
    When you are sharing your screen, you don't see any of the Connect "room" interface; all you see is your screen. This is how most of the services work in my experience. If you're just showing a Powerpoint demo that you've uploaded to your account previously, then you *can* see the panels etc. in the Connect room.
    Almost all of my demos/webinars/training involved me sharing my screen, so yes, I do connect a second laptop to the room, logging on as a guest, so I can see what my participants see, and I can see what the lag time is. I don't think that's out of the ordinary.
    I started using Connect after nightmares with WebEx and other services. It's really important to me that everything works equally on Macs as well as Windows; and so far Connect is great that way.
    I do agree the Support is a pain and Connect is missing some features. But all in all it's been nice and stable for me and my clients. You should check out; there are wonderful forums and expert users and tutorials over there.

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    import flash.display.GradientType;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    public class Main extends Sprite
    public function Main()
    var theWidth : Number = 800;
    var theHeight: Number = 100;
    var shape1:Shape = new Shape();
    var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.createGradientBox(theWidth , theHeight, Math.PI*0.5, 0, 0);
    var colors:Array = [ 0xffffff, 0x000000];
    var alphas:Array = [ 100, 100];
    var ratios:Array = [ 0, 255];,0xa1b0b6);,colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); 0.0, 0.0, theWidth , theHeight);;
    If I change
    matrix.createGradientBox(800, 100, Math.PI*0.5, 0, 0);
    matrix.createGradientBox(800, 100, Math.PI, 0, 0);
    it works fine - but horizontally - why is it that applying 90 degrees the fill does not work?
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    Hi Rob, I'm really confused, if I create a new action script project and use the code i posted I get this:
    As you can see its not going from white to black, but instead it just looks grey - although there is a gradient, it looks like its massive or something :S I don't get it
    Im using flash builder 4, I create a new action script project, in the as file I paste that code into the constructor and run the application.
    ps.. yes i know about the alphas need to be 1, it was a typo when i posted this, setting them to 1 doesn't seem to be my issue. Any other ideas?

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