Autostart/autologin questions

Got some questions about starting a few programs up on boot.  (Not daemons)
I have a junker machine running Arch as a server (Abyss, Samba, MySQL and so on) and its running great.
I have a few console programs that I'd like to run when the system boots up, if it's possible.  These are Windows console apps, so they'll be running through Wine.  I've already tested them; they run flawlessly from a console.
What I'd like to do is to get them to start up when the system boots.  Normally that's not a big deal, but here's the tricky part.  I'd like each one to run on a separate virtual console.  There's three programs that need to run.  I'd like to have vc/2 through vc/4 log into a user account (not root), and launch each respective program when the system boots up.  I need to be able to look at each virtual console and monitor the program's output, and sometimes may need to interact with the program, so running it in the background isn't feasible.
Is that even possible? (If possible I'd like to not have to log into three consoles manually to start them up) And if so, how would I go about doing that?  I was thinking I could launch them via .bashrc, but I'm not sure if there's away to check to see what console it's logged in from and launch the appropriate application.
Appreciate any insights; thanks.

Edit - found a partial answer to my own question.   ( Wiki) Got the login bit worked out.
To rephrase my question then -- is it possible for .bashrc to figure out which virtual console I'm logged in under, and to launch a different program depending on the result?  That one I couldn't find information on in the Wiki or Google. I didn't see anything via uname or exported environment variables anyway.
Thanks again.

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    /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/autologin.conf
    ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin <username> --noclear %I 38400 linux
    Then, I added:  '[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startxfce4' to .bash_profile
    Nice. Power-on to desktop is 20 seconds.
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    Hi there,
    Right so I'm using Awesome WM and want to auto start programs into specific tags.
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    --Autostart Programs
    -- {{{ Rules
    awful.rules.rules = {
    -- All clients will match this rule.
    { rule = { },
    properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
    border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
    focus = true,
    keys = clientkeys,
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    { rule = { class = "Skype" },
    properties = { tag = [1][3]} },
    { rule = { class = "Spotify" },
    properties = { tag = [1][4] } },
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    { rule = { class = "chrome-lbfehkoinhhcknnbdgnnmjhiladcgbol-Default.desktop" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][6] } },
    { rule = { class = "Evernote Web" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][6] } },
    { rule = { class = "/usr/bin/chromium --profile-directory=Default --app-id=lbfehkoinhhcknnbdgnnmjhiladcgbol" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][6] } },
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    Last edited by Gwynplaine (2014-11-14 00:24:01)

    run 'xprop' in a terminal and your cursor will change to a cross.  Click anywhere on the app you want to identify and the class will be sent to the screen (along with a ton of other stuff)
    It's in the xorg-xprop pkg
    Last edited by oliver (2014-11-14 00:16:08)

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    The system includes a normal user (via the console).
    He called FLUXBOX.
    How can I make this addition to the three revealed a terminal window as root with some of these teams?
    p.s: without using sudo. all automatically should be.

    I'm sorry. I don't understand. Is this correct?
    boot -> normal user login -> start X and Fluxbox -> autostart terminal window as root
    Add "sudo xterm &" in the file "~/.fluxbox/startup".
    To remove the "sudo" password, use "visudo".
    I think an automatic xterm with root is dangerous.

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    Last edited by willxtreme (2010-01-08 02:34:50)

    It was the right one thank you lucke!

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    export BROWSER=chromium
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    spacefm --desktop &
    compton -cGCf -m 0.9 -i 0.8 -D 5 --shadow-exclude 'g:e:Conky' &
    volumeicon &
    /home/federico/Script/ &
    #connman-ui-gtk &
    /home/federico/Script/calised-script &
    dimdaemon &
    tint2 -c .config/tint2/dragonauta.tint2rc &
    conky -p 5 -c Script/conky.conf &
    exec openbox
    1) is "if" statement required when using systemd-user-session? And if yes, how can I reproduce it?
    2) "conky -p 5 " will wait 5 seconds doing nothing. Will this mean that other .service will wait for it to finish? (i guess no, since they're executed in parallel).
    3) how can I export "chromium" as my default browser?
    Thank you very much!
    Last edited by nierro (2013-04-06 17:56:17)

    I followed everything in that wiki, and in KaiSforza and sofar github page.
    I finally managed to get my old method (autologin to vt and autostart x) to work together with systemd --user: i put in .xinitrc "systemd --user" and deleted everything else.
    So, my .config/systemd/user/ works. The problem is in the [email protected], i guess. I configured it like wiki says, mind to post here your /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]?
    EDIT: here it is my [email protected]:
    # This file is part of systemd.
    # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    Description=User Manager for %I
    # This is needed for folks running Xorg on vt/1
    Conflicts=[email protected]
    # Note memory:/ required kernel memory CGroups support
    ControlGroup=%R/user/%I/shared cpu:/ memory:/
    ExecStart=-/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
    and loginctl says my user has "1000" as UID.
    Last edited by nierro (2013-04-05 16:13:14)

  • [solved] XBMC - autostart torrent program in the background?

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    I've finally got a dedicated htpc that boots directly to xbmc without even bothering with a WM.
    Now, I'm hoping to get a torrent program (with rss functionality) to boot at startup as well as having access to some kind of gui to check up on the torrents occasionally.
    I'm mostly looking at deluge since it's what I know and the wife wants some kind of gui so she can add torrents and check up on stuff too.  (Hey, we're a windows free household but not GUI free, we're not that geeky)
    I've also looked a bit at rtorrent + flexrss + some webgui of some kind.
    I'm not really looking to start a thread with a hundred posts saying to try: transmission, ktorrent, deluge, rtorrent, vuze, utorrent+wine, etc.  I'm more interested in finding out how to get the specific functionality out of the software.
    That being said, if you can help me accomplish what I'm aiming for I don't give a damn what torrent program I'm using.
    Here's what I need:
    1) Torrent program must have rss functionality
    2) I need a script (or the ability) to get it to boot at startup without a WM or DE
    2a) I can boot a WM if needed (openbox)
    3) i need it to run in the background while XBMC is fullscreen and doing it's thing
    4) Prefer access to either standard gui or web gui so I can check up on the torrents occasionaly
    5) Can I have a pony?
    Thanks guys!
    Last edited by ctarwater (2009-04-23 04:25:28)

    Actually I was just thinking about it and I may be overcomplicating things (like usual)
    I may just change my current setup to boot directly into openbox and autostart xbmc fullscreen.
    If I do that, then I can autostart my torrent program just like I would any other program in openbox.
    Doing so should allow xbmc to autostart fullscreen while allowing deluge to autostart in the background.
    My current setup looks like this:
    - mingetty to autologin user
    - .bashrc runs "startx"
    - .xinitrc runs "/usr/bin/xbmc --standalone"
    I'm going to try this out to see how it works:
    - mingetty
    - .bashrc runs "startx"
    - .xinitrc runs "exec openbox-session"
    - .config/openbox/ runs "/usr/bin/xbmc --standalone &" and "(sleep 2 && deluge) &"
    I'm still a bit new to openbox though, we'll see.
    Last edited by ctarwater (2009-04-23 01:25:53)

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    Thanks for your help!

    ad 1) in iM, click on 'help', type 'chapter markers'
    ad 2) switch to Structure View in iDVD and drag movie into the Autostart Box
    you have about 4.5 options to create a non-themed DVD, read advice on my website:
    and, by standards, a DVD HAS to have a menu.. if someone pushes the 'Menu' button on the remote, the disk HAS to offer some.. any.. content..-
    ad 3) no, iDVD is no editor... 'share to Mediabrowser' in iM, launch Garageband, open project from Media Browser and try to 'push' volume in the audio processor of iLife.. share again, to get audio changes in iM ..

  • A few questions regarding the configuration of Adobe Document Services

    <u><i>For Your Information: the main questions are repeated at the end of this post.</i></u>
    The Adobe Document Services seems to work fine. The test I did on http://<server>:<port>/AdobeDocumentServices/Config gives the error
    ' "Required stream: "PDFDocument" not found.” ' so that's fine.
    But when I do this: http://server:50000/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/TutWD_OnlineInteractiveForm/OnlineInteractiveFormApp
    The result: the PDF is shown and I can enter text in the textboxes and also use the radioboxes.
    But I can't use the dropdownboxes, neither can I use the "submit" and "check" buttons..
    Is this normal? Or is it because of the ReaderRights credential?
    Or is it necessary to install the ACF?
    Here is some info I got from a blog:
    "<b>Client Side Requirements</b>
    Follow the steps mentioned below. Please make sure the following prerequisites are met before working with Adobe Interactive Forms.
    NWDS 7.0 / 6.0
    Adobe Live cycle designer 7.1 / 7.0
    Adobe Reader 7.0.8 [ Minimum : 7.0.1]
    <b>End User Requirements</b>
    Adobe Reader 7.0.8 [ Minimum : 7.0.1]
    Active Component Framework (ACF) - SPS 9, SPS 10"
    Two more questions;
    1)This info is in the config guide:
    "If you have installed the ADS and the WD runtime environment on different J2EE engines and if the communication between these engines uses the SLD, you need to publish the ADS to the SLD."
    Does this mean that I don't need to do this when I haven't used SLD? Or is it necessary to install SLD?
    Some more info:
    A System Landscape Dir must already have been configured.
    If you have not yet done so, perform the necessary activities according to the documentation SAP System Landscape Directory, Administrative Activities section, chapters:
    Start and stop the SLD Service
    Configure the SLD Server
    Configure data persistence
    Make settings for the SLD bridge
    You can find this documentation by calling the following URL in your web
    browser: http://<host>:<port>/sld
    When I check this URL, I don't see anything concerning an (already configured) SLD.
    2) Do I need the license below too to develop in AIF?
    Main questions----
    I need to create a form with a few fields (of which some fields are mandatory); then I have to use a few BAPI's to check these fields and to save the content in a CRM system.
    I've installed Netweaver Sneak Preview, and configured Adobe Document Services (made ADSUser & ADSCaller, set IIOP etc to Autostart, Installed the credentials). The tests seem to work fine, but I haven't developed anything yet.
    My questions:
    1)Is it necessary to install the ACF?
    2)Is it necessary to install Adobe LifeCycle Designer?
    3)Also SLD?
    4)Also the license described above?
    Message was edited by:
            Allan Duinslaeger

    No one?
    Some questions are answered by someone else.
    -The SLD is okay, it doesn't need to be configured
    -The Adobe Lifecycle Designer is automatically installed when installing the Netweaver Studio Sneak Preview SP16
    Just two more questions:
    1)when I open http://server:port/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/TutWD_OnlineInteractiveForm/OnlineInteractiveFormApp
    The PDF is shown but I can't use the buttons or the dropdown boxes.
    I tried to install ACF but I have NW04s SP16, and the ACF is only SP11.
    So when I install that, it only shows a blue screen with "I am the placeholder control"
    When I install ACF SP19 for NW04, the PDF shows again, but I still can't use the buttons or dropdowns. Is this normal?
    2) Do I need the license described below?
    Main questions----
    I need to create a form with a few fields (of which some fields are mandatory); then I have to use a few BAPI's to check these fields and to save the content in a CRM system.
    I've installed Netweaver Sneak Preview, and configured Adobe Document Services (made ADSUser & ADSCaller, set IIOP etc to Autostart, Installed the credentials). The tests seem to work fine, but I haven't developed anything yet.
    My questions:
    1) What about the ACF?
    2) Also the license described above?

  • [SOLVED] Openbox Autostarting only some programs

    Ok, so I've tried searching the forums and either cannot find the one that answers my question or it doesn't exist.  Either way, I have my openbox autostart script set up like this:
    xcompmgr &
    nitrogen --restore &
    yakuake &
    cairo-dock &
    The file is saved as ~/.config/openbox/ Only cairo dock and yakuake start up at the start of the openbox session.  The cairo dock has the black box around it from xcompmgr not being run but then if i manually start it in a terminal with "xcompmgr" then it goes away like it should.  So xcompmgr won't autostart and nitrogen won't restore either.  Nitrogen works if I manually do it after the openbox session has begun but only stays while i'm logged in, no restoring upon next login.  I'm trying to figure out if I have some syntax wrong?  I've tried separating the xcompmgr as far away from the cairo dock to give it more time to load but nothing...any help would be very appreciated.
    other info: I have no DE, just the dock, openbox and nitrogen for my desktop.
    Last edited by DonTonberry (2012-10-05 00:48:00)

    did as you said 2ManyDogs and received this:
    ~]$ ~/.config/openbox/
    /home/tonberry/.config/openbox/ line 3: $'\357\273\277nitrogen': command not found
    /home/tonberry/.config/openbox/ line 1: $'\357\273\277xcompmgr': command not found
    [tonberry@knife ~]$ QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
    QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
    Yakuake is already running, opening window....
    Cairo-Dock version : 3.0.2
    Compiled date : Jul 16 2012 19:29:57
    Built with GTK : 3.4
    Running with OpenGL: 1
    CairoKeyBinding '<Super>L' failed!
    warning : (/tmp/yaourt-tmp-arch/aur-cairo-dock/src/cairo-dock-3.0.2/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:283)
    Couldn't bind '<Super>L' (Log out: Lock the screen)
    This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
    CairoKeyBinding '<Control>F12' failed!
    warning : (/tmp/yaourt-tmp-arch/aur-cairo-dock/src/cairo-dock-3.0.2/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:283)
    Couldn't bind '<Control>F12' (Log out: Show the log-out menu)
    This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
    CairoKeyBinding '<Control>Return' failed!
    warning : (/tmp/yaourt-tmp-arch/aur-cairo-dock/src/cairo-dock-3.0.2/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:283)
    Couldn't bind '<Control>Return' (Scooby-Do: Enable/disable the Finder)
    This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
    CairoKeyBinding '<Super>Return' failed!
    warning : (/tmp/yaourt-tmp-arch/aur-cairo-dock/src/cairo-dock-3.0.2/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:283)
    Couldn't bind '<Super>Return' (Control from keyboard: Enable/disable the keyboard control of the dock)
    This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
    CairoKeyBinding '<Shift><Ctrl>F4' failed!
    warning : (/tmp/yaourt-tmp-arch/aur-cairo-dock/src/cairo-dock-3.0.2/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:283)
    Couldn't bind '<Shift><Ctrl>F4' (Show Desktop: Expose all the desktops)
    This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application

  • Few questions about live cycle 9.0 es2. Opened pdf made from indesign.

    I am new to live cycle. I took a pdf which I created in InDesign.  I have some questions so I may finish editing it in LiveCycle. When I go to group text by dragging the mouse using the field tool, some remains in text boxes, other text remains in light outlined boxes. I would like it to all group and stay within one box for editing. Also, I see no white space to move the text to to edit it off to the right of the form like in InDesign. Nor can I find a way to create a blank page to move the text to to do more editing if  I would like. I also did not see a duplicate spread option to create a copy of the page I am editing. There is blurry and clear text after I opened the pdf in Live Cycle. How do  I make it all clear? This includes an eps logo at the top of the page. How do I do  copy and paste in place. Can I insert a pdf page after I am done edit this pdf page in LiveCycle? CAn brcodes take on alphanumeric, not just 1's and 0's? Thanks.

    No one?
    Some questions are answered by someone else.
    -The SLD is okay, it doesn't need to be configured
    -The Adobe Lifecycle Designer is automatically installed when installing the Netweaver Studio Sneak Preview SP16
    Just two more questions:
    1)when I open http://server:port/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/TutWD_OnlineInteractiveForm/OnlineInteractiveFormApp
    The PDF is shown but I can't use the buttons or the dropdown boxes.
    I tried to install ACF but I have NW04s SP16, and the ACF is only SP11.
    So when I install that, it only shows a blue screen with "I am the placeholder control"
    When I install ACF SP19 for NW04, the PDF shows again, but I still can't use the buttons or dropdowns. Is this normal?
    2) Do I need the license described below?
    Main questions----
    I need to create a form with a few fields (of which some fields are mandatory); then I have to use a few BAPI's to check these fields and to save the content in a CRM system.
    I've installed Netweaver Sneak Preview, and configured Adobe Document Services (made ADSUser & ADSCaller, set IIOP etc to Autostart, Installed the credentials). The tests seem to work fine, but I haven't developed anything yet.
    My questions:
    1) What about the ACF?
    2) Also the license described above?

  • Automatic "j_security_check" form login submission question

    I've been using J2EE 1.4 declarative security with no problems.
    It works great. I define the security constraints to the server and
    when the relevant pages are hit the login.jsp page gets invoked
    where users can login. I happen to be using Tomcat 5 right now, but again it all works fine.
    But now I have to receive http User Login requests from a non-java server and automatically log the user in if they were logged in on the prior server since I support the same User-Ids/Passwords.
    My question is simple and may only be an HTML trick. On the login page code specifically for users where I already have their User-Id and Password how do I auto-submit the form without requiring user's to press the "submit" button? For this type of user where I know the UserID and Password I will not have any displayed HTML since the user does not have to do anything. For traditional manual login, I always used the following format with the submit button, but again, now I want to bypass the JSP/JSTL/HTML display and submit automatically (using code) instead of requiring the user to press the submit button.
    <form method="POST" action="j_security_check" >
    <input type="text" name="j_username" size="8" maxlength="8" />
    <input type="password" name="j_password" value="FMTPPSWD" size="8" maxlength="8" />
    <input type="submit" value=" Login " />
    I've already orchestrated the solution in my login.jsp configuration to separate between the JSP Display page supporting manual login (using jsp:forward) and non-display auto-login. So my question is only how do I submit a form programatically without using the submit button?

    For the benefit of others here is the JSP/JSTL & javascript solution.
    This allowed me to create an automated login and use declarative security ...
    The following code requires param.UserID and param.PassWord to be set before it is executed...
    <form name="AutoLogin" method="POST" action="j_security_check" >     
    <input type="hidden" name="j_username" value="<%= request.getParameter("UserID") %>" size="8" maxlength="8" />
    <input type="hidden" name="j_password" value="<%= request.getParameter("PassWord") %>" size="8" maxlength="8" />
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

  • HTML question - OT

    Sorry, I know this is not a Java question, but it's a short question.
    I'm designing a website, and have a RealAudio .avi file embedded into the sight. It's a burning firelplace. I am just trying to figure out the code snippet to make the audio keep looping. When I go into the page it only loops once then stops.
    Here is the code snippet for the avi file.
    I don't know how to make it keep loop. Can anybody help me with this?
    I tried loop="infinite", but I think that only works with mpegs!
    <embed height="208" src="../roaringFireplace.avi" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" width="288" controls="ImageWindow" autostart="true">
    Thanks, and again, sorry about getting off topic, I just didn't know where else to look!

    I think there is loop parameter to the tag

  • Compton-git question [Solved]

    After doing a little bit of research and installing compton-git and removing xcompmgr  i added
    compton -f
    to .xinitrc and i concur it works and is way better than xcompmgr (with xcompmgr tilda,tmux would stay on top no matter if it was set not too) anyways my question is i do like the shadow,shade option in xcompmgr , can someone let me know the switches to use in .xinitrc so compton will start with these shadow,shade features ?
    [EDIT] for future travellers ,  the command in .xinitrc wouldnt cut it i ended up adding
    compton -cC -I 0.7 -O 2.7 -D 390 -m 0.7 -G -b -i 0.9 -e 0.9 -fF &
    sleep 2s &
        (give the  composition 2 seconds to kick in)
    to .config/openbox/autostart and all was well.
    Last edited by cirrus (2012-09-21 19:46:19)

    nTia89 wrote:
    today I discover a new software, thank you!
    anyway, possible switches are listed here:
    Thank you too , that was just what i needed.

  • [Solved] Different autostart directories for different WMs / DEs

    When I load a different Wm or DE a lot of the time I will have to rename ~/.config/autostart folder to ~/.config/autostartold or ~/.config/autostartgnome etc etc..
    I was wondering if there is a better way of doing this. Maybe in my .xinitrc. I found this post Multiple DEs, can I have different autostarts? but it seems to end prematurely. If I was to go into my .xinitrc and change
    exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch gnome-session
    exec export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/dodo3773/.config/autostartgnome ck-launch-session dbus-launch gnome-session
    Will that work? Will it change back to default if I change my xinitrc to something else and reboot or would I have to change it on each one? Also, should the export  XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/dodo3773/.config/autostartgnome  be in quotes? Just curious if anyone had any experience with this or has tried it before. Should I pull it off the exec line and put it in an if then statement? Will there be any real negative ramifications to doing this? So many questions. Just looking for any input. I am willing to do all the testing.
    Last edited by dodo3773 (2011-05-14 18:23:20)

    dodo3773 wrote:I tried to switch to another tty and xinit openbox-session but it would not let me because I already had an X session running. I would like to do it the way you are.
    Indeed, you'll need to specify a display to run your new X instance. For example,
    xinit some.xinitrc -- :0
    for your first X server and
    xinit some2.xinitrc -- :1
    for your second. You can see this in action in my first version of ~/.bash_profile posted earlier. (It's also in action in my second ~/.bash_profile, but it's less obvious because the "-- :0" actually uses a variable.)
    dodo3773 wrote:I do not have the original inittab that came with my install and mine is all beat up. Do you think you could share yours with me?
    Ah, of course.
    # /etc/inittab
    # Runlevels:
    # 0 Halt
    # 1(S) Single-user
    # 2 Not used
    # 3 Multi-user
    # 4 Not used
    # 5 X11
    # 6 Reboot
    ## Only one of the following two lines can be uncommented!
    # Boot to console
    # Boot to X11
    su:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin -p
    # -8 options fixes umlauts problem on login
    c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty1 linux
    c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty2 linux
    c3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty3 linux
    c4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty4 linux
    c5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty5 linux
    c6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty6 linux
    # Serial Virtual Console for KVM and others VMs
    #s0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 9600 ttyS0 linux
    # Hypervisor Virtual Console for Xen and KVM
    #h0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 hvc0 linux
    ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
    # Example lines for starting a login manager
    x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/sbin/gdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim >/dev/null 2>&1
    # End of file
    dodo3773 wrote:Also, how does this setup effect wireless networking? Do you use the same wireless utilty throughout all of your setups or are they automatically fed internet by the one that does?
    I use wicd, which operates as a daemon. As soon as its started on boot, it starts trying to connect to a network. This way, my internet is never dependent upon which WM I use.
    I haven't used Network Manager in a long time, and as far as I can recall, I had issues getting such functionality working---although supposedly there is some official CLI support. (Oddly, NM runs as a daemon too, but I seem to recall having to run a client... Ug.)
    wicd rules anyway. It has a curses interface! :-)
    dodo3773 wrote:Also, what about your screen resolution / setup? Does it still use the same xorg file everything normal there?
    Ah, the state of my monitors is complex. I have multiple machines using similar configurations that are laptops/desktops and have Intel, AMD or nVidia graphics.
    In short, I typically don't worry about xorg.conf files at all (unless specifically required). I usually pop an `xrandr` command into my xinitrc files. (You should see some such command masquerading as 'video' in my *.xinitrc files, which is my homegrown abstraction over xrandr and disper.)
    In short though, if you having a working X configuration, you shouldn't have to worry about it. It should use the same xorg.conf.

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