Aviso "Sin Sim"

Actualice a la version 7 del Sistema Operativo del IPAD y desde ese momento sale el aviso "sin Sim", es un ipad 2 que funciona con cualquier operador en Colombia. Le instale en EEUU una sim card de ATT y sale el mismo mensaje. En otro ipad 2 despues de actualizar salio el mismo mensaje. Hasta que actualice al sistema operativo 7 funcionaba correctamene.
Actualmente tiene instalada la version 7.0.4.
Ocurrida la situación lo restaure, restaure ajustes de red, reinicie, apague y prendi, saque la sim y la limpie, cambie de sim card, pero no he obtenido resultado positivo.
Que debo hacer para que la sim funcione.
Agradezco la respuesta.

Este documento de Apple pueden serle de ayuda -> iPhone: Solución de problemas "Sin servicio" o "Sin SIM"

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    24-jun-2012 11:24
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    Bueno, honestamente nunca había escuchado de un problema así pero te recomiendo que llames al número de AppleCare de tu país y veas si te pueden dar asistencia telefónica, normalmente así debería ser por tratarse de un equipo nuevo.  Si con la ayuda que te den por ese medio no se corrige seguramente te dirán que lo lleves a un centro de servicio o con tu compañía telefónica.
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    How can I sinc this phone with iTunes, so I can use it to lisen to music?
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    I can not get to iPhone screen, so no way to get to Settings. That is the problem. When I connect phone to iTunes I get screen asking to insert SIN card. On the phone I'm getting Cinfigure screen asking Launguage , Country or Region, Wi-Fi, ( I can connect to my home wi-fi), and last screen "Activating your iPhone". After two minutes of waiting IM getting message: Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server in temporary unavailable. try connecting to iTunes or try later or contat apple.com/support.
    Like I mention, I went to Bell as well Rogers store and tried to insert active SIM card with no results.
    Yes, my friend unlock the phone to use with Rogers but I don't know where

  • Got my Iphone unlocked recently and now when inserted new sim, all the apps got wiped out, tried syncing it again from itunes but still it isnt getting installed. Can someone help?

    Recently I got my Iphone unlocked. Earlier I was using it on ATT n/w. After unlock i am using it in India with a service provider here.
    The problem that I am getting is, the phone was able to pick up the network and am able to make calls and messages. Data plan is still to be activated so cant confirm on that, but all the apps that were there on my phone got wiped out on its own. Since I wasnt sure as to what happend, so I reinstalled the apps today morning. I saw the apps getting installed and then left to get ready for my office. after nearly 30 mins I saw nothing was getting syncronized so disconnected the phone and left for Office. On reaching office when I checked for my usual Apps, I could see only the apple apps and none other available there. Need to know whats the issue and how to resolve it. Please can someone help me on this?

    I can not get to iPhone screen, so no way to get to Settings. That is the problem. When I connect phone to iTunes I get screen asking to insert SIN card. On the phone I'm getting Cinfigure screen asking Launguage , Country or Region, Wi-Fi, ( I can connect to my home wi-fi), and last screen "Activating your iPhone". After two minutes of waiting IM getting message: Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server in temporary unavailable. try connecting to iTunes or try later or contat apple.com/support.
    Like I mention, I went to Bell as well Rogers store and tried to insert active SIM card with no results.
    Yes, my friend unlock the phone to use with Rogers but I don't know where

  • I am having the  problem . it says it shouldnt take more than 3 minutes then i get this message Could not activate iphone. i have taken the sim card out and put it back in even then its of no use. if any one out there can help us it would be very nice

    i am having the  problem in my 3gs iphone. it says it shouldnt take more than 3 minutes then i get this message Could not activate iphone.
    i have taken the sim card out and put it back in even then its of no use.
    if any one out there can help us it would be very nice of them. thank you for your time.

    I can not get to iPhone screen, so no way to get to Settings. That is the problem. When I connect phone to iTunes I get screen asking to insert SIN card. On the phone I'm getting Cinfigure screen asking Launguage , Country or Region, Wi-Fi, ( I can connect to my home wi-fi), and last screen "Activating your iPhone". After two minutes of waiting IM getting message: Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server in temporary unavailable. try connecting to iTunes or try later or contat apple.com/support.
    Like I mention, I went to Bell as well Rogers store and tried to insert active SIM card with no results.
    Yes, my friend unlock the phone to use with Rogers but I don't know where

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