b Just Released - Measuremen​t Studio 7.1 /b

Check out the new features of the latest version of Measurement Studio - click here. Measurement Studio 7.1 includes more than twice the number of native .NET user interface controls, the Instrument Driver .NET Wizard, and support for the next generation of DAQ boards (M Series). Upgrade Today! Feel free to post any questions regarding this release here.

I have tried to reproduce this at NI, but unfortunately I was unable to do so. I had Measurement Studio 6.0 installed. I unistalled 6.0, then installed 7.0. Microsoft Outlook was installed on that machine. I am still able to open Microsoft Outlook and use MSWord as the editor in Outlook. I looked into this error on WinXP and 2000. I am not really sure what would be causing this on your machine. Can you try unistalling and reinstalling Outlook to see if the problem still persists.
Steven B.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

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  • Just Released - Measuremen​t Studio 7.1

    Check out the new features of the latest version of Measurement Studio - click here. Measurement Studio 7.1 includes more than twice the number of native .NET user interface controls, the Instrument Driver .NET Wizard, and support for the next generation of DAQ boards (M Series). Upgrade Today! Feel free to post any questions regarding this release here.

    I have tried to reproduce this at NI, but unfortunately I was unable to do so. I had Measurement Studio 6.0 installed. I unistalled 6.0, then installed 7.0. Microsoft Outlook was installed on that machine. I am still able to open Microsoft Outlook and use MSWord as the editor in Outlook. I looked into this error on WinXP and 2000. I am not really sure what would be causing this on your machine. Can you try unistalling and reinstalling Outlook to see if the problem still persists.
    Steven B.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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    Hey, this is a very time consuming activity, as I am experiencing myself at present.

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    I'm sorry, but these replies have been ludicrous.  To actually answer your question, I would think they would honour their usual 14-day return policy, but you would need to speak with Apple directly.
    As to the whole "which is better" debacle, there is no doubt that Final Cut Pro 7 is the more polished and fleshed out piece of editing software, and what everyone is most familiar with to boot.  But let's be honest, what do you expect for software that is ten years old versus three days.  The fact of the matter is that pretty much everyone editing with Apple's software in the not so distant future is going to be editing on Final Cut Pro X, hands down.  It's fundamentally that much better.  You nay-sayers out there, if you don't switch to Adobe or Avid, you will go to FCP X!  There is a reason for that, and there will be an even stronger reason for that with every update.  People don't seem to understand that.
    In your situation, if you don't own either, it makes a whole lot more sense to me for you to just roll with the hiccups FCP X brings if you can at all handle it.  If not, you are going to spend $999 now on FCS 3 and another $400 in the near future when you decide to take the leap.  Is there something worth $1000 to you in FCS 3 that FCP X doesn't offer?  If so, then great, go ahead.  It's an amazing piece of software.  If not, enjoy the head start on what editing is going to look like for the next ten years.
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    Hi there!
    Yes, same problem too; I've already sent an email to apple support and just received a very vague and unpractical response with "call apple support in your country" as main advice. I've obviously emailed back stating that I need a clearer response and I don not have any intention to spend money calling for support when updates is a free tool. I do also believe this is a probem generated on Apple's end, I just wish they learned to say "sorry, it's us;  working on it!"
    Message was edited by: MacLuc

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    Thanks in advance.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

    Herb 19 wrote:
    Found that my CS5 in 64 bit mode does not provide access to change dimensions in the output sharpener module of Contone and Inkjet. However in 32 bit mode this is ok. Here is a screendump of the plug-in running in the 64 bit CS5.
    This is a feature, not a bug...as we said in the manual (I think it's in there) you need to have your units set to Inches or CMs (unit dimensions) NOT pixels in order to resize. In Contone and Inkjet, we allow resizing WITHOUT resampling because we feel it's important to maintain the native pixel dimensions of the image.
    So, if you change the size (assuming a unit other than pixels) the resolution will change to maintain the original pixel count (same as doing a resize in Image Size with resample off).
    For Halftone, we DO allow BOTH resizing AND resampling because when you prepare an image for halftone repro, you DON'T want to send TOO many pixels at the line screen. So we suggest resizing and downsampling to get you images in the 1.5-2.5 (max at 2.5) PPI to LPI ratio. We really do suggest 2X as the optimal.
    For Web and Multimedia, we allow resampling but since the web and screen display is designed for 1 image pixel for 1 screen pixel (assuming "72 pixels" but in reality it's whatever the display really is).
    We just realized today that we didn't explain the Halftone Output Sharpening correctly in the manual...sorry about that. We're actually planning on putting up some sample workflows on the web site and preparing images for halftone output will be one of them!

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    It defines what the parameter names should be exposed as in the wsdl.
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    - Roy

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    I just downloaded CC, and still have all my CS6 apps as backup. Bridge CC (64-bit) is showing the same unacceptable performance I had with CS6 version. Can't believe that Adobe is so inept. I did fix the CS6 version but I forget how I did it.  CS6 version of Bridge is near instantaneous. And it's not a matter of building the cache. It takes the program forever just to respond to a simple mouse click in the menu bar.
    Photoshop CC crashed my machine, whereas CS6 version runs perfectly. Afraid to download any further apps. 
    Adobe 11 failed to install because it think's prior version of the that program is still on the computer. I never installed Acrobat 11 on this machine. Just Acrobat 10, which also got the stupid 30-day "refuse to start" bug, so I'm using Acrobat 9.5 which works flawlessly.  Funny how the newer the code from Adobe, the worse it gets for its customers.
    I'm using Win 7 Pro, 16GB mem, Nvidia 2800M video card on Thinkpad with i7-920XM chip.

  • If Having ATI Problems: Catalyst 4.1 For XP Just Released

    For anyone who has been Having ATI graphics cards problems in conjunction with their Mobo (like me)  - ATI just release  Catalyst 4.1 for XP.
    I'm going to give a try and see if it clears up any of my problems.
    ATI WinXP Cat 4.1 Download Link
    Heres the Release Notes:
    ATI Cat 4.1 Release Notes

    Has O2 given you a new SIM? You could have a bad SIM. If a new SIM doesn't correct the issue, the next step would be a trip to the Genius Bar to get the phone checked.

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    Hi Forum! Long time no chat. I send off my FCP 4 Disk to Apple and just got the new FCP Studio disks in the mail! Whooo hoooo!
    SO, question, I've read a lot of horror stories by people installing this and having thier "perfect FCP 4 System" lock up on them...
    Is there a link I can go to for "proper preparation" of my current FCP set up (saving a back up, etc.) in order to insure a "perfect install" the first time?
    ALSO: I just picked up a nifty little Sony HVR-A1U HD1080i camera...and was wondering a bit on "Capture Cards"....I am going to attend a Larry Jordan Seminar next week in Boston, certainly going to learn about that...but wanted to do some research on options/pricing before I go...
    Thanks forum! Just FYI...great forum! I've learned a lot from you guys...projects as of late have come out "picture perfect"

    No experience with the firestore - is there a HDV model now ? - seems like an additional complication (what if it runs out of charge / space etc.)
    I record once to a tape, rewind it and capture it in one go when its full - no timecode shuttling (which does not seem to work very well from HDV footage anyway) so I don't think drive wear is that excessive. Once its on hard drive, I use it from there. I will put an edited 'master' back to a fresh tape.
    Personally, I would get a second camera instead of a deck, one that offers something different from the one I have, but is tape compatible, so the HC3 for example to go with the A1 - you may have different requirements. (In my case, I might get a A1 to go with the Z1).
    Pro's would go with a separate deck, of course, and I'm not suggesting you don't.

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