B1 Over WAN

Hi everyone,
Just wondering if there is anyone out there running B1 over a WAN link?
We have 17 users and the boss wants me to look into placing our servers in a data centre, but I'm not sure what speed link we'd need to make this work without causing performance issues with B1.
Has anyone done anything like this before?  Any advice?

Hi Gordon,
What I really need to know is the required speed of the WAN link, and server specs, for 17 concurrent users to function without performance issues.
Also what is better, TS or Citrix?
I'm not really familiar with Citrix, is it Citrix XenApp or a different one we would use?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Sharing an iTunes Library over WAN?

    Sorry if this question has been asked before but my searching of the forum here has only seemed to turn up questions and anwswers on sharing over a local network. Here is my question.
    Is it possible to share an iTunes library over the internet? And if so, how? If it isn't I'd like to know so I can stop trying to track down how to do this.
    I have a Titanium G4 at home running iTunes 6.01 using a cable modem and router. The router firewall has been setup with the proper ports for iTunes and FTP (FTP works fine). My work computer is a G5 running iTunes 6.01 connected via a DSL modem/router.
    I have no other issues connecting to my home computer from work, but I can't see my shared music at home on my work computer.
    Thanks for any info.

    Issue solved. Here is what I did. I setup my Mac at home so I could connect at work. Inside the iTunes library on my work Mac I created an alias to the iTunes Music folder on my home Mac. Since my library at home and work are exactly the same iTunes on my work Mac sees a local library file but is streaming the music over WAN from my Mac at home.
    The are some stops and starts as the connection is over WAN, but it's pretty smooth. Do not know what will happen if I need to add or subtract from the library on either Mac.
    Just bringing this to the front in case anyone is interested in trying it themselves.

  • Airport Extreme and External Hard Drive. Backup over WAN?

    I'm new to Mac's and just got a macbook air and a airport extreme.  I connected my external hard (toshiba) drive to the AE and my computer will recognize it, but when I try to connect to it using Time Machine my external hard drive is not recognized as a device that I can backup to over my WAN.  I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would like to be able to backup over the WAN if it is possible.  Is it possible to backup using time machine over WAN using an AE and a non apple external hard drive?

    Time Machine cannot backup to a hard drive unless it is formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled), also known as HFS+.
    You have me scratching my head about backing up through the WAN port. Normally, the WAN port would be used for a connection from a modem.....or another router.
    However, if you have the AirPort Extreme configured to connect to another router via Ethernet, and the AirPort Extreme is set to operate in Bridge Mode, then you don't have a WAN port, they are all LAN ports, so it would not matter which of the ports that you used.

  • Time Capsule 2TB missing "Share Disks over WAN" option

    I bought a time capsule about a month ago. Setup was no problem. Have a MobileMe account. Successfully setup remote access using MobileMe. Needed to select "Share Disks Over WAN" under the file sharing tab which is under the disk tab in setup in order to make it work.
    Bought another time capsule yesterday and trying to setup in another location. This model does not have that "Share Disks Over WAN" option. Am I missing something? Did Apple make a change? I am not able to access this new drive remotely now, even with my MobileMe account active.

    "As I write this, I am using my wife's iPad to browse files and folders on the Time Capsule disk. I can switch over to the disk attached to the AirPort Extreme with a single tap."
    Awesome!  Hopefully I will have the same luck as you!
    "I said that Filebrowser will do a very nice job. One of my support policies is that I never offer advice or instructions unless I have done it myself.  "
    Well that's good to know going forward!
    "Make sense?"
    Yep - no confusion whatsoever.

  • The whole configure over WAN thing is confusing me I don't want anyone to be able to access my airport extreme over the WAN.  How can I check to make sure that is the way I have it setup?

    I just bought a new airport extreme and I want to make sure that is NOT set up for "configure over WAN".  How do I check to make sure that is how I have it set up?  I only want access to the base via WPA2 password

    Open AirPort Utility, select the AirPort Extreme, and click Manual Setup
    Click the Base Station tab located just below the row of icons
    Remove any check mark that might be in the box next to Allow Setup over WAN
    Click Update to save your settings and the AirPort Extreme will restart in 25-30 seconds
    For what it is worth, if you leave the box checked, any computer that tries to access the settings on the Airport Extreme will be asked for the device password....not the wireless network password.

  • Bonjour & disk sharing over WAN -Expert/Genius help required

    *Goal: Learn how to connect to my USB hard disk over WAN, share drive with specific people.*
    I'm trying to figure out how to remotely access my data on the external drive via connected via USB to my AEBN.
    I've spent several hours dinking around with my router, trying to see if I can access the drive over the WAN. I haven't found any manuals, discussions, or K-Base articles that spell it out for me. Below is a list of things I've done. Please indicate whether they are relevant, and if possible what the procedure is. Thanks:
    Conditions: I have a static IP address and through the DHCP tab I have assigned all attached machines a static LAN IP address.
    *1. Airport>Base Station: Allow configuration over Ethernet WAN port.* I've checked this box and can remotely admin my AEBN from my PC laptop (XP) via the Airport Utility.
    *2. Airport>Access Control: MAC Address Access Control.* I didn't know if this would help or hurt anything so I added the MAC address for all ethernet and wireless ports connected to my network and given unlimited or untimed access. +No noticeable difference.+
    *3. Internet>DHCP: DHCP Reservations.* As mentioned above in conditions, I've assigned an internal IP address for each device's ethernet and wireless ports, based on the MAC address. +Seems like this and Access Control are redundant except for the time settings.+
    *4. Disks>File Sharing:* Enable file sharing is checked, with accounts (configured), "Share disks over ethernet WAN port" is also checked, as is "Advertise disks globally using Bonjour". Not sure what to put in the bottom two fields (Workgroup and WINS Server) so they're blank.
    *5. Advanced>Port Mapping:* I've assigned ports to my iMac for gaming and SSH access but I don't think these would effect the USB disk would they?
    *6. Advanced>Bonjour:* "Use a wide-area hostname" is checked. My LAN network name is in the Hostname field, for Domain I just typed my WAN IP address, and I put something in for Name and Password.
    I'd love any assistance to figure this out.
    Lastly, how does Bonjour help over the WAN? Is there some sort of Bonjour application I open log-in, like FTP client software?

    Since this discussion has now been resurrected...
    The advice provided by chrisfenix will allow you to access the Airport drive from a PC on your private LAN.
    The preceding discussion, however, was on the topic of accessing the Airport drive remotely over the internet. To do that, you could still use the advice provided by chrisfenix but substitute the public IP address of the Base Station. To find that out (and answer a question posed earlier in this discussion as well) just go to http://whatismyip.com/ from any computer on your own network.
    To answer a question posed by the originator of this discussion - Bonjour is not at all necessary for remote access of the Airport drive. Those people who know how to use this feature will know what it is for and how to implement it - the rest of us can just pretend this feature doesn't exist.

  • Where to place files and folder in shared disk over WAN

    Hello, I have a new Airport Time Capsule 3TB and I want to share my disk over WAN for remote accessing.
    When I log to the server with my MacBook or iPhone, I see "Data" folder, and inside it I see my Time Machine backups.
    My question is: where, -in the Time Capsule disk-, do I have to place the files / folders that I want to share over WAN. I am afraid to damage or corrupt my Time Capsule backups.
    Thank you in advance.

    It is not possible to partition the Time Capsule drive.....unless you.....
    Pull the drive from the Time Capsule case....(voids the warranty)
    Install the drive in a separate enclosure or caddy
    Connect the enclosure directly to your Mac
    Use Disk Utility to partition the drive
    Reinstall the drive back in the Time Capsule
    This is a lot of work....and should best be left to a technician.
    All things considered, it would be better if you dedicated the Time Capsule for Time Machine backups only...and added another drive for your shared file needs, but few users seem willing to do this.

  • Multicast server/client over wan

    Ok, first of I am kinda new in programming network stuff.
    Then I am gonna try to be clear in the things that I am trying to accomplish.
    The environement.
    I have a machine A that has 2 interfaces :
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:20:96:CE:96
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:2328871 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:355492 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:178361234 (170.0 Mb) TX bytes:34186479 (32.6 Mb)
    eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:23:45:74:EC
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:813915 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:7538202 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:53318289 (50.8 Mb) TX bytes:1092719670 (1042.0 Mb)
    Interrupt:15 Base address:0x3000 Memory:f7ee0000-f7f00000
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:56496 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:56496 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:7952617 (7.5 Mb) TX bytes:7952617 (7.5 Mb)
    This machine is connected thru a router
    The routers connects to a WAN with MULTICAST enabled
    then another router to which the second machine is connected
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:20:96:0F:94
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:2322957 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:363116 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:177550404 (169.3 Mb) TX bytes:33507499 (31.9 Mb)
    eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:23:45:78:90
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:160838 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:6781 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:11450177 (10.9 Mb) TX bytes:746369 (728.8 Kb)
    Interrupt:28 Base address:0x3000 Memory:f7ee0000-f7f00000
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:158 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:158 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:23916 (23.3 Kb) TX bytes:23916 (23.3 Kb)
    The two machine are on different networks.
    My goal is to have Machine A send multicast data thru eth2 to be sent in the wan and to be received by Machine B on eth2 too.
    Obviously the two machine are on separated networks.
    I have tried everything I could but I cannot get machine B to pickup the messages sent by A. It worked fine when on the same LAN but not over WAN.
    The multicast address that I use it and the port 4445.
    I think I have a problem to link the interface to my app ( I used setInterface and setNetworkinterface but nithing.) Also I cannot firgure out if the things that I am doing wrong are on the server or the client.
    Here is the code for the sever and client.
    package com.cme.multicastijector.server;
    * <p>Title: </p>
    * <p>Description: </p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
    * <p>Company: </p>
    * @author not attributable
    * @version 1.0
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MulticastOutputSocket {
    private int m_multicastPort = 0;
    private MulticastSocket m_multicastSocket = null;
    private InetAddress m_interfaceAddress = null;
    private InetAddress m_multicastAddress = null;
    private InetSocketAddress m_inetSocketAddress = null;
    private int m_bufferSize = 0;
    private byte[] m_outputBuffer = null;
    private DatagramPacket m_packet = null;
    public MulticastOutputSocket(int portNumber,String interfaceAddress,String multicastAddress,int bufferSize) throws Exception{
    System.out.println("\nStarting multicast output socket");
    m_multicastPort = portNumber;
    m_interfaceAddress = InetAddress.getByName(interfaceAddress);
    m_multicastAddress = InetAddress.getByName(multicastAddress);
    m_bufferSize = bufferSize;
    m_inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(m_multicastAddress,m_multicastPort);
    m_multicastSocket = new MulticastSocket (m_multicastPort);
    // m_multicastSocket.joinGroup(m_inetSocketAddress,NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(m_interfaceAddress));
    // m_multicastSocket.setLoopbackMode(false);
    // m_multicastSocket.setTimeToLive(32);
    Enumeration e = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()){
    System.out.println("Interface Address = " + m_interfaceAddress);
    System.out.println("Multicast Address = " + m_multicastAddress);
    System.out.println("Port = " + m_multicastPort);
    System.out.println("BufferSize = " + m_bufferSize);
    System.out.println("MulticastSockect initialized.\n");
    public void sendData(String data) throws Exception{
    m_outputBuffer = new byte[m_bufferSize];
    m_outputBuffer = data.getBytes();
    //m_packet = new DatagramPacket(m_outputBuffer, m_outputBuffer.length);
    m_packet = new DatagramPacket(m_outputBuffer, m_outputBuffer.length, m_inetSocketAddress);
    public void closeSocket() throws Exception {
    package com.cme.multicastijector.client;
    * <p>Title: </p>
    * <p>Description: </p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
    * <p>Company: </p>
    * @author not attributable
    * @version 1.0
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MulticastClient {
    private Properties m_prop = null;
    private MulticastSocket m_multicastSocket = null;
    private InetAddress m_interfaceAddress = null;
    private InetAddress m_multicastAddress = null;
    private InetSocketAddress m_inetSocketAddress = null;
    private int m_multicastPort = 0;
    private int m_bufferSize = 0;
    private int m_previousSeq = 0;
    private boolean m_isFirst = true;
    private int m_actualseq = 0;
    private int m_msgLost = 0;
    private int m_messagesReceived = 0;
    private Object m_seqLock = new Object();
    private Object m_msgLock = new Object();
    public MulticastClient(Properties properties) throws Exception{
    m_prop = properties;
    new TpsCalculator();
    private void init() throws Exception{
    m_multicastPort = Integer.parseInt(m_prop.getProperty("MULTICAST_PORT"));
    m_multicastAddress = InetAddress.getByName(m_prop.getProperty("MULTICAST_ADDRESS"));
    m_interfaceAddress = InetAddress.getByName(m_prop.getProperty("INTERFACE_ADDRESS"));
    m_bufferSize = Integer.parseInt(m_prop.getProperty("BUFFER_SIZE"));
    m_inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(m_multicastAddress,m_multicastPort);
    m_multicastSocket = new MulticastSocket (m_multicastPort);
    // System.out.println("DEFAULT INTERFACE : " + m_multicastSocket.getInterface() );
    // System.out.println("DEFAULT INTERFACE : " + m_multicastSocket.getNetworkInterface() );
    // m_multicastSocket.setInterface(m_interfaceAddress);
    // m_multicastSocket.setNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(m_interfaceAddress));
    // System.out.println("DEFAULT INTERFACE : " + m_multicastSocket.getInterface() );
    // System.out.println("DEFAULT INTERFACE : " + m_multicastSocket.getNetworkInterface() );
    // m_multicastSocket.joinGroup(m_multicastAddress);
    System.out.println("Interface Address = " + m_interfaceAddress);
    System.out.println("Multicast Address = " + m_multicastAddress);
    System.out.println("Port = " + m_multicastPort);
    System.out.println("BufferSize = " + m_bufferSize);
    private void receiveData() throws Exception{
    try {
    String received = null;
    byte[] inputBuffer = null;
    DatagramPacket packet = null;
    inputBuffer = new byte[m_bufferSize];
    packet = new DatagramPacket(inputBuffer, inputBuffer.length, m_inetSocketAddress);
    received = new String(packet.getData());
    m_actualseq = getSequence(received);
    catch (Exception ex) {
    private int getSequence(String data){
    return Integer.parseInt(data.substring(0,15));
    private void checkSequence(int actual){
    m_isFirst = false;
    m_previousSeq = actual;
    if ( (m_previousSeq + 1) != actual) {
    m_msgLost += (actual - m_previousSeq)-1;
    m_previousSeq = actual;
    private class TpsCalculator extends TimerTask{
    private Timer aTimer;
    private int previousSeq = 0;
    private int tpsSeq = 0;
    private int tpsRec = 0;
    private boolean first = true;
    private int msglost = 0;
    private int previousMsgRec = 0;
    private int actualMsgRec = 0;
    public TpsCalculator(){
    aTimer = new Timer();
    aTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(this,new Date(),1000);
    System.out.println("time,tps from sequences, actual tps,total msg received,msglost");
    public void run(){
    actualMsgRec = m_messagesReceived;
    tpsRec = actualMsgRec - previousMsgRec;
    previousMsgRec = actualMsgRec;
    previousSeq = m_actualseq;
    first = false;
    msglost = m_msgLost;
    m_msgLost = 0;
    tpsSeq = m_actualseq - previousSeq;
    previousSeq = m_actualseq;
    System.out.println(new Date()+","+tpsSeq + "," + tpsRec + "," + m_messagesReceived + "," + msglost);
    Thanks for your help.
    This is really important for the project I am working on.
    Thanks again

    never Mind I found the issue
    The default value for TTL is 1.
    I was going thru multiple routers so I incremented the value and it worked

  • Multi-master over WAN ?

    When will Multi-Master over WAN being supported ?
    Will it be in 5.2, and when will this release
    being distributed ?

    Yes...it'll be in 5.2 which is scheduled for the end of the calendar year (around December...).
    A beta version will probably be available sooner (may be just to selected customers though).

  • Does turning off DHCP remove option to Share Hardisk over WAN?

    I'm a recent Apple convert. I have a new Macbook and have downloaded all recent updates.
    I just integrated the Airport Extreme Base Station into my current home network. I have DHCP turned OFF in the AP because I am running a netgear router in my basement that is already connected to my Cable Modem. It needs to stay in the loop because I am using it to feed my XBox360, due to the issues related the Base station/360 interaction.
    Here is my question... Does having DHCP turned off in the AP, remove the checkbox option in the "Disks" section of Airport Utility toolbar to "Share disks over Ethernet WAN port"? Its MISSING completely. I've seen many instructions that reference that phrase, but the only checkbox I have on that screen is one for using Bonjour. I want to connect a usb drive so I can have a central storage so my wife and I can share itunes/photos/documents. So could it be that option disappeared due to turning off DHCP or is there some other issue?

    If you want to share your disks over WAN then you need to do the following:
    1. Assign a manual IP address for your AirPort. You can do this by running AirPort Utility and under Internet you need to change Configure IPv4 from Using DHCP to Manually.
    2. You need to port forward TCP port 548 on your main router to the IP address you assigned your AirPort. After doing this you will be able to access your AirPort disks by going to Finder, Connect to Server, and entering afp://<yourgatewayipaddress> You can find your gateway IP address by going to www.whatismyipaddress.com while on your home network.

  • Guest Wireless access over WAN

    Hello Everyone,
    We have around 45 remote location , all are connected with GRE Tunnels.
    44 location have there own WLC which are managed by NCS and ISE in HQ , All 44 location have Wireless access for Guest and INternal Staff.
    Now my Question is :
    One location(45th) have only 10 users and I dont want to put a WLC there.
    How can I provide the Guest wireless access on this location over WAN from HQ.
    We can buy APs.
    Please give me some ideas to solve this problem.
    Here I am attaching my default plan  :

    You just configure the access point in FlexConnect mode and then on the guest SSID you would central switch the WLAN. Central switching tunnels back traffic to the WLC and local switching drops traffic off at the local site. Here are some guides to look at.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • Cisco WLC in High Availability over WAN

    Hi my name is Ivan i have a trouble perhaps could you help me...
    I have two cisco wlc 5508. I wan to install them in two differents site. One WLC in the site A and the another WLC in the site B.
    Site B is the WAN of the site A. The site A is the headquarter.
    But i need to configure them in High Availability. For example if the Cisco WLC in site A goes down, the ap's have to registered in the WLC of the site B.
    Then the traffic LWAPP have to pass over the WAN between site A to site B.
    I have to configure two cisco wlc in HA over a WAN . Please could help me to do this?. Is ok configure the roamming L3 intercontroller?
    Thanks for your answers
    AP'S - WLC - SITE A ----WAN-----WLC - SITE B - AP'S

    Hi Surendra thanks for yoru answer.
    Surendra, if the ap in the site B (in the WAN) goes down then the traffic lwapp have to pass over the wan,
    what will should i do to ensure access point can register on to the cisco wlc in the WAN, moreover to configure the mobility groups in both wireless lan controllers?
    or i only have to configure in the wlc the mobility groups? Could you explain me what things have i to do to ensure this
    Thanks for your answer

  • Cisco Unity with Microsoft Exchange over WAN Question

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    A customer has several offices. Each office has a separate Exchange Server. The partner was considering a single Unity deployment connected to all of the exchange servers over the WAN, but has decided against that because the latency of the WAN is too high to do this. They are looking for a best practice way of deploying Unity for these multiple Exchange servers at multiple sites. This might mean a separate Unity server for each exchange server at each site .
                    However, we’re wondering if there is a better way to do this. With multiple unity servers we’ll likely have different prefixes for each unity server at each location . This is something that the customer would like to avoid. We’re wondering if there any best practices for a deployment like this that we can offer as options for the customer.
    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    I have found some related information but really customer is altogether looking for an option away from Exchange networking over WAN.
    I found:
    “Multi-Site WAN with Distributed Messaging”
    “Networking Options Requirements for Cisco Unity”
    Design Guide for Cisco Unity also talk as much is there in the first URL.
    Please Help!

    This may be counter to your customer's desire or requirements but I must ask the question.  Has the customer considered Unity Connection vs. Unity?  Granted, Unity Connection provides integrated messaging whereas Unity is the unified messaging application; however, CUC has become Cisco's flagship messaging product over the last couple of years and I only see this expanding to be honest.  So, for new installs - I push hard on Unity Connection.  Sometimes, it's a sell but sometimes the customer has a hard requirement for UM and thus you have to go with UM.  In your scenario, your customer could potentially save a LARGE amount of money as CUC is not dependent upon Exchange at all; however, you still have the option to tie into Exchange 2003/2007 as an external service where users can access messages in a 3rd-party message store and also access calendar data and so forth.  The platform is very feature rich.  Many of my current Unity customers are migrating off of the platform to the more "agnostic" CUC platform to avoid issues caused by such dependence on AD/Exchange.  In addition, as Microsoft continues to develop and push it's own UM solution - integration for Unity is being forced to change (ex: changes to MAPI in 2010 caused problems for Cisco and required them to rework a bit of the underpinning integration points between Unity and Exchange).  With CUC, you also have the flexibility to implment a dial plan within voicemail system itself...not to mention it is extremely scalable.
    Please rate helpful posts!

  • Share printers over WAN

    I'm in the process of testing the print sharing over WAN capabilities of my TC 1GB. I believe everything is setup properly, and using 'back to my mac' I can indeed see the TC while tethered to my iPhone... though I'm not sure if 'back to my mac' has anything to do with sharing printers over WAN.
    TC > Printers > Shared Name (printer is showing up nicely and can print via LAN without issue)
    TC > Printers > Share printers over WAN (checked)
    TC > Printers > Share printers over internet using Bonjour (checked) (this prompted me to create a dynamic global host name)
    TC > AirPort > Time Capsule > edit... > "Use dynamic global host name" (checked) (and all related info)
    *Network Setup:*
    Cable Modem > TC > wired and wireless clients
    When I use my iPhone tethered to my mac book pro, I do see the TC, but when I open the system preferences > printer & fax > I don't see any bonjour printers (should I be able to see it here?)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    No one has any idea?

  • Accessing a shared USB over WAN from a Windows computer

    I cannot seem to find any documentation on how a Windows computer can remotely access the Airport Extreme's shared disks. I have turned on sharing over WAN and my Airport Extreme has a static, addressable IP on the web.
    Can anyone provide me a link or a pointer on how to do this?

    BUMP! No one?

  • Struggling to find Share over WAN

    I have set up my time capslue and MBP to share the disk and enabled it in my Back to my Mac using iCloud but i am unsure if i can access it from university. do i need to enable it over WAN if so how do i go about doing it as the option is not there for me tick check the box to comfirm i can access it over the internet.
    All help is much appriciated.

    LaPastenague wrote:
    iCloud does now support BTMM
    This seems to be a changing situation.  The electronic book Take Control of iCloud v1.1 (from December 2011) says "An earlier version of this book incorrectly stated that Back to My Mac also lets you access files on an AirPort Disk or Time Capsule using your iCloud credentials. Although that was true with MobileMe, it’s no longer supported in iCloud."  However, this Apple document (last modified 23 March 2012) says "If you update your Time Capsule or AirPort Extreme Base Station to firmware 7.6.1 or later, you can access your Time Capsule volume or the shared storage connected to your AirPort Extreme Base Stations when your computers are on different local networks."  Apparently an update to that electronic book is being prepared.
    (I have no relationship with Take Control Books other than that of a customer.)

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    Tried to set up a second user on my laptop and all of the dock icons appear in the form of a "?" And will not open.

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    I just installed the trial version of PSE 8 and right away ran into this: 1. Chose "Browse with Bridge" in PSE 8 menu. 2. Bridge CS 4 launches and I use it to navigate to target folder (with photos in jpeg format). 3. I highlight desired image in Bri

  • Crashes when importing WAVs

    GargeBand 08 keeps crashing when trying to import WAV files no matter what size the file is. No idea what the problem is as I don't get an error message

  • About protect my applet

    hi friends: i used jcop tool create a applet ,and use jcrmi to load the applet,but how can i protect the applet to hold third-party load it? it's must to change default security domain AID? but it's seem that jcrmi won't provide to input security dom