Backing up Powerbook -Time Machine Problem

I recently installed Leopard. Before doing so I backed up my stuff using the OWC Mercury Elite Pro external HD and back-up software that came with it prior to installing Leopard. Just in case. I wanted to do another back today so I plugged the external HD in to the Powerbook via USB and started Time Machine but it kept looking for a storage device via bluetooth and I had no other options to select a device.. The external HD is not a bluetooth device. Can I not use Time Machine?
Look at A4.

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    Hi Guys,
    I would really like to know, if anyone has an answer to this because I would like to be able to re-download some of my podcasts that I deleted to clear up some disk space.
    Thanks very much,

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    Do a backup, preferably 2 seperate ones.
    Revert to a Previous OS X
    Revert Yosemite to Mavericks
    If you do revert, I'd use Setup Assistant to restore your data. This process takes a while, so do it when you won't need the computer for several hours, based on my experience.

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    Processor 13 GHz Intel core 2 duo
    memory is 2 GB  800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    this is a 2009 machine I purchased a week ago
    Previous to this machine,
    my experience has been, Powerbook G4-OS 10.5.8

    Hi 2bblues,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear what is happening when you try to back up using Time Machine. Depending on the specific issue, you may find the troubleshooting outlined in the following article helpful:
    OS X Mavericks: Time Machine problems
    - Brenden

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    Hi bodegakc,
    If you have the serial number then please use the below mentioned link to download the product you are looking for .
    Also before installing Please go to Applications-->Utilities--> Adobe installers and if there is any uninstaller for CS5.5 , you can remove it and do a fresh install.
    You can also use creative cloud cleaner tool before installing.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Nikhil Gupta

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    Hello, not sure how this might affect a TM drive, or not, but...
    Here is what i needed to do for my drive "320GB HD", the last command is just for clean up
    Open Terminal and type these commands carefully with the spaces & change 320GB HD to the name of your drive.
    sudo chflags 0 "/volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo chown root "/volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo chmod 1775 "/volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo -k
    That said, these should be sufficient to do the job:
    sudo chflags 0 "/Volumes/320GB HD"
    sudo chmod a+rx "/Volumes/320GB HD"

  • Home directory is not being backed up in Time Machine

    Problem: It turns out my home directory does not have any backups in Time Machine for the last year.  I've never received any error message indicating it wasn't doing the full backup.
    Goal: I'd like to get Time Machine to back up my home folder (which contains 100% of the content I care about) again, ideally in a way where I can keep my history from the last time it backed up successfully.
    How I found out:
    - I opened Time Machine and realized all the "pink bars" were dimmed all the way back up to Sept. 2011 when I navigated to my home folder or any folder within it.
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    - I did an "ls -a" in the backup volume in Terminal and realized that it was not the case that the home directory was present but merely hidden.
    What I've tried:
    - I created a new admin account, logged into that and did a manual Time Machine backup from there.  The new account was backed up, while the original home directory still wasn't.  This continues to be true in subsequent backups made while logged into the main account.
    - I examined the exclusions list in Time Machine preferences.  The only items were the backup volume itself and another partition of that external drive I use for other backups, as expected.
    - I did a "Full Reset of Time Machine" (, with a reboot before re-enabling Time Machine.  The plist file did change to become much simpler, but the home folder is still not being backed up.
    Other notes:
    - I run Dropbox, and have those contents in a folder one level under the home directory
    - I run Git
    - The existing backups have only used 500GB or so of a 1TB partition, so it's not filling up.
    - I ran Verify Disk in Disk Utility on both my backup volume and the mac's HD.  The backup volume appeared OK, but the mac HD was "found corrupt and needs to be repaired".  I could boot into the Recovery HD and repair it, but I feel like this is a risk and I'd like to have a working backup before I do that (I don't have another external HD around to make a temporary backup).  Could the corrupted drive be the reason Time Machine has been silently skipping the home folder?
    - My home folder is named "apple".  Might this be a problem?  I'd rename it, but that's a risk and I'd like a verified backup before doing that.
    - The Time Machine plist file in /Library/Preferences is pretty hard to read in pico, TextEdit, etc (maybe this is normal?)
    I've scoured the forums and pondini's very thorough troubleshooting pages to no avail.  Please let me know if anyone has ideas.  Thanks.

    Latest update: Bought a new external harddrive, set that up as the new Time Machine volume, but got the exact same results (all but my main user directory are backed up).  This is after another Time Machine reset (deleting the .plist), starting up in Safe Mode, and trying to initiate the backup from both the account that doesn't get backed up and another administrator account.
    Here is some of the output from the Console when filtering messages for "backupd":
    10/5/12 2:51:23.572 AM[13529]: Backup content size: 481.57 GB excluded items size: 11.31 GB for volume Macintosh HD
    10/5/12 2:51:23.572 AM[13529]: Found 1437613 files (470.25 GB) needing backup
    10/5/12 2:51:23.573 AM[13529]: 564.3 GB required (including padding), 1.5 TB available
    10/5/12 2:51:23.581 AM[13529]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    10/5/12 3:40:33.297 AM[13529]: Copied 763432 files (21.54 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Put the relevant parts in bold.  No messages about why it only backed up 21.54GB when it found 470.25GB that needed to get backed up.
    Does this make sense to anyone??

  • How do I make the Volumes folder visible so it will back up using Time Machine?

    How do I unhide the Volumes folder for backing up using Time Machine?

    OK I have to say this even though you probably realize it, having anything but mount points in the Volumes folder, especially regular files that are critical to you is really a bad bad idea. 
    You should do everything in your power to correct this asap.
    In the meantime as to Time Machine, your profile says you are running 10.6.8 is that correct? TM has changed some since then.
    Basically if you are not excluding system files from the backup the Volumes folder should be in the backup. If the regular files are in there is an other issue.
    You can check by opening a Terminal window cd to your TM backup drive then into the .backup folder. Pick a backup and see if the Volumes folder is there and if the files are in it.
    But again having anythgin in there is going to be a problem.
    good luck

  • Time Machine problem. Has stopped working for no apparent reason

    I've been using Time machine for nearly a year now and have had no problems until recently. Now it will not complete back up and returns with error could not write file.
    I have repartioned the backup drive and have no problems writing files to it outside of TM.
    The error log shows
    02/11/2009 12:05:35[1] (com.memeo.Memeod[9340]) posix_spawnp("/Library/Application Support/Memeo/Memeo LifeAgent/Daemons/Memeod", ...): No such file or directory
    which looks like if can't find a Daemon it needs.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?
    Many thanks

    Pondini wrote:
    That's not the right message. Start with the Time Machine - Troubleshooting *User Tip* at the top of this forum.
    It will show you how to locate the message(s) that describe the problem, then help you fix it.
    If that doesn't help, post back with details, including all the messages, your setup (especially the destination for the backups), what you've done, and the results.
    The message error was "error occurred while copying files to the backup volume"
    Thanks for pointing out the Time Machine troubleshooter which led me to Time Machine buddy and from there I had easy access to the detailed Time Machine logs.
    A particular directory was not being copied,
    Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Users/tony/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main Identity/Database to (null)
    Error: (-36) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/tony/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main Identity/Database to /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Tonys-Mac/2009-11-02-104550.inProgress/F2 6B6F3A-726A-4AFD-8A30-3F341BCC2CA3/Macintosh HD/Users/tony/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main Identity
    Stopping backup.
    I removed the direcotry from the back up using Time Machine prefs and reran the backup which then went smoothly.
    Thanks for your help

  • Time Machine problem after restoring to a new HD (after my original HD failed)

    I am running Lion 10.7.5 on a MacBook Pro Late '11
    My HD was getting SMART errors, so I did a complete back up using Time Machine using a WD My Passport 1TB external, and then sent my MBP to Apple for HD replacement (under my Applecare plan).
    I collected it yesterday and restored my system using Time Machine (using the data from my external HD) and everything was restored perfectly, which was great,
    However, I'm now encountering a problem after plugging my external HD back into my MBP on the new system. Rather than Time Machine doing a swift 'top up' back up, it appears that TM is attempting to do a full back up. (I have 300GB and it took nearly 24hours to backup on the faulty drive) Is this normal after installing a new HD? Bearing in mind the Time Machine data is still on my external drive?
    It's also appearing to be taking FOREVER to do this entire back up again. It is stuck on 'preparing back up' and when I do get some movement, it's doing a couple of KB's at a time and with no genuine back up progress.
    Fundamentally, I just want to just top up my Time Machine back up without having do a complete back up, again. (which doesn't actually seem possible, viable at the min)
    Any help / support would be much appreciated

    AFAIK, it'll do that since the HD has a different UUID and the old TM backup won't recognize it. See Pondini's TM FAQs, for starters.

  • Can I restore a iPhone back up from time machine and if so how?

    I have upgraded my iphone to IOS 7 this morning. However as I was backing up my phone, the cable I was using was removed from the macbook.
    I now have a iPhone back up that is corrupted, and when i try and restore my settings to the new IOS7 upgraded phone, it will not allow my old settings to be placed on the phone.
    I am therefore thinking of using an old back up from Time Machine, but do not know how to access itunes from time machine. Everytime I try and enter iTunes from my Time Machine vault it says Mac OSX requires the application and therefore cannot be restored.
    Please help or tell me what I should be doing instead.
    I have a feeling I will lose my app data and have to manually sort my home screens. Luckily all my contacts, emails, photos etc are synced to iCloud, but the back up of my iphone isn't as I don;t have the upgraded space on ICloud and have a iPhone thta has 16GB on it.
    Cheers in anticipation of your help

    Hi Lawrence. Thanks so much for that advice - I'm really grateful. I hope you don't mind me asking a couple more questions: I have found that folder via Finder - I clicked on Library then App Support then Mobile Sync and within that, there's a folder called Backup and within that, 4 files. I also tried accessing it via the Go/go to folder method you suggested (in case that revealed more which remain hidden unless I use your route) but I couldn't make that route work.
    I presume I'm looking at the correct files but please advise me if it's still possible that I'm not.
    I had already tried to look at these backup files in Time Machine. They appear to be backed up, going back a year. If I can restore one from yesterday, that should solve my problem. However I've looked through them randomly going back a month or more, and they all seem to have been created in 2013, and last modified then. Only one of the files has a more recent 'last modified' date. But surely Time Machine has captured each backup of the iPhone going back over time?   I'm baffled.
    I hope the above makes sense. I'd be really grateful for any further advice.

  • Mac book pro hard disc replacement and back up from time machine

    Recently i replaced my  mac book pro's hard disc and now i am facing various problems such as:
    Itunes  does not recognize any of my devices (iphone  & ipad) and iphoto can not import my photos.
    Before replacement i had made back up with time machine. Can You please tell me how i will brink my laptop
    Into initial condition through time machine and all to be again as it used to be before disc's  replacement
    Thanks in advance

    Hi bodegakc,
    If you have the serial number then please use the below mentioned link to download the product you are looking for .
    Also before installing Please go to Applications-->Utilities--> Adobe installers and if there is any uninstaller for CS5.5 , you can remove it and do a fresh install.
    You can also use creative cloud cleaner tool before installing.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Nikhil Gupta

  • Very sick Macbook Pro OS v 10.6.8 - initially running slow so I tried backing up to Time Machine and reloading the OS but the install disk failed. I was able to recover from the Time Machine back up but many applications are not working properly. Help!

    I am also no longer able to back up using Time Machine (backups fail), can't access iPhoto (which was a problem before attempting to reload OS) and I suspect other apps are no longer working. The computer is however running faster in Safari and Mail...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    If there are any files you can transfer to  a regular storage drive do that first and then disconenct all drives.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6.8 disk and use Disk Utility to Erase with Zero option the hard drive, takes some time, let it complete as it's mapping off any bad or failing sectors.
    Then install 10.6. log in and update to 10.6.8 (important!)
    Now use Migration Assistant to transfer over just your user files, we need to rescue those first out of TimeMachine's EVIL clutches, once you've got that, transfer them to the regular storage drive and disconnect.
    Note: if your 10.6 disk fails, call Apple for a replacement, you need the machine specific version, the 10.6.3 retial doesn't have iLife and only works for machines pre 10.6.3 release, not afterwards. Factory installed 10.6.4 machines and afterwards need machine specific disks.
    Then either:
    Log into the admin/first set up user on the machine and delete the Migrated user, then reboot and use Migration assistant again to TM everything this time
    Just install all your programs again from fresh sources.
    If your TM drive is really hosed, then you'll need Data Rescue $99 to read the TM files directly and transfer the results to another regular storage drive (not the first one just in case), then pick through the debris and locate your files and transfer them to another drive.
    I don't like TimeMachine, but for newbies it's better than nothing.
    (I prefer cloning my entire OS X parititon instead, I can access it from any computer (Linux, Mac or PC) and I also can boot my Mac from it. I use Carbon Copy Cloner, but that's for later once your all better. )

  • Removing Corrupt Back-ups in Time Machine

    I had a serious crash yesterday. While trying to install XCode the machine locked up and I had to reboot by turning it off using the power button. When I restarted I got the folder icon with the question mark. Rebooted using the installation disk and after restoring using the latest time machine back-up I successfully booted the machine, however, my user file, one of 3, would not open, giving the message that the File Vault pass word was not accepted due to an error. I reverted to an earlier back-up and fixed all the problems with minimal data loss. It seems that whatever corruption caused the problem was backed up on the late time machine back-ups.
    So, is it safe to simply delete those later back-ups? Time Machine really saved me here and I don't want to make a mistake by deleting something I shouldn't.

    Hello M:
    I would be guessing if I suggested what would happen….
    However, if you decide to delete some of your Time Machine backups, do it INSIDE Time Machine. This is a slow process (one at a time), but it is the safe way of removing old backups.

  • HT4500 how do I transfer files I backed up with Time Machine in an external disk  to a PC?

    I back up using Time Machine in an external hard drive in my Mac Air. I need to open those files in a PC, but I can't open the files. How do I open them from a PC?

    TimeMachine first saves a complete state of your Mac's boot drive, then it saves incremental updates consisting of changes and uses placeholders (file names with no content) for those files that didn't change between states.
    Now it will do this until there isn't enough room on the drive and then it starts deleting older states.
    So it does it like this so there isn't any duplicated files wasting precious drive space.
    Now what does that have to do with your problem? Well there is no TimeMachine software for PC's that can decode this mess and get to the files you want.
    However if you understand a bit more details about it, then you can perhaps recover your files.
    TimeMachine uses the same drive formatting as on a Mac, OS X Extended Journaled otherwise known as HFS+ or JHFS, and Windows PC's can't read that format natively.
    However there is third party software called MacDrive which you install into Windows that can read that drive format.
    The next trick, if it works, is to look a the TimeMachine folders and find your data, but have to recall when it was created as to go back into the correct folder or else you will find the empty placeholder with the same name and no data.
    Next if you can recover files, is being able to open those files in a compatible PC program, which a lot of Apple software and OS X based software might not have PC versions.
    Neutral formats like Mp3, jpg, .mov, .doc, .txt and so forth can be opened on other platforms using other programs, however the more platform or proprietary the files are in, then the harder it is to find a PC version that will work.
    What you can do is to use the TimeMachine drive on a temporary Mac (OSX version has to be same or later than on the TM one) and restore the users accounts/software to that Mac and then go about retrieving data or simplifying the data or transporting it into more neutral/cross platform formats.
    LibreOffice is excellent for this as it's the only Office suite that's cross platform with Linux, Windows and OS X, plus works with OfficeMac/Office Win files. So pasting into that will preserve a lot of formatting etc, that will be lost if you just pasted into txt format.
    I've been aiming to create a transition to Windows User Tip, perhaps one day I will.

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