Backlight shuts off randomly

This started happening since this morning. I woke up and turned up the backlight of my Mac. As soon as it reached a high brightness (doesn't have to be max) it automatically dimmed the backlight to 0 (zero). I turned it back up again, and it went down.
When I gradually increase the brightness, within like 30-60 seconds, then it remains lit on max backlight. But once the display goes to sleep and I wake it up, then we go back to where we start. The backlight drops down to 0 and takes ages to bring it back up to max again...
I already did a firmware reset and that didn't solve the problem.
Many thanks for you help!!

Unfortunately, that sounds a lot like a hardware problem. In that case, there is no way to fix it apart from having it repaired by Apple or an authorized repair center.
If you can stand to live with the problem for a while, you could wait until it is much worse, or fails completely. That will avoid the possibility of misdiagnosis should you take it in for repairs.

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    Well, the plot has thickened on this particular little beastie. It hasn't shut off randomly in a bit - but I've noticed that if I try to write a text message 9/10 times it will freeze if I type more than about 15 characters and will stay like that a sec, go blank, and then return to the normal wallpaper screen as if nothing had happened with no backlight. It takes a sec for it to read the sim card, and then I can use my phone as normal, providing I don't want to text anyone.
    I do not believe that the battery connections have anything to do with this problem, judging from the fact that I have swapped the battery and ensured that the pins connecting it to the phone are in the same order as the phone I swapped the battery from.

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    July 2
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    July 13
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    Worked perfectly in the morning but in the afternoon, after waking it up from sleep it won't turn on tried the option-shift then I tried resetting the SMC for about three times (my mac is a unibody) but it didn't turn on the whole evening.
    Today Thursday morning July 24
    I tried to reset SMC first thing in the morning after the thing won't turn on. After about an hour, I tried to turn my mac on normally and it opened. So what I did is to back up all my files. (It took the whole afternoon) and at night I ran diagnostics (D during start up) and no threats were found
    Haven't been experiencing the trouble, as of the moment I'm writing this Jul 25, Friday (12:13 AM) HK time Philippines.
    So what I'm asking here is what do I do to make sure this doesn't occur anymore. I probably written a very detailed log. So what else (diagnostics and other) should I do to prevent this from happening again. School starts in August and I will need my laptop to work perfectly to let me go through college with less burden. Thank you and I hope you reply. Any more questions about details on my Mac will be answered
    Macbook Pro 13-inch, Mid 2012
    Bought in December 2012
    Processor  2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory  4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 4000
    Software  OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)

    tryshdanielle wrote:
    So what I'm asking here is what do I do to make sure this doesn't occur anymore.
    Get a new computer. Consider switching to regular milk, or even a light fruit juice.

  • Wife's iPhone keeps shutting off randomly and does it even when on calls, restarts and has a dark line in center of the screen then the apple logo. At times it does it several times or won't power up, and the iPhone4 is only five months old. What do we do

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    Thanks for the suggestions!
    Except I tried all those before I even made this topic lol, but thanks!
    I Already popped out the Sim Card & let my phone sit without it for a few minutes then put it back in. Sometimes it will work again & it will say it recognizes the SIM Card but more times then not it still says it cant recognize it! So I have to take it out & reinsert it multiple times.
    & I have done a complete restore 2 times & a back up restore 3 times. Nothing seems to be working.
    I am planning on going to the Apple Store this week, wish me luck!
    But keep the suggestions coming if you have any, I'd appreciate it!

  • Mac Pro keeps shutting off randomly

    Hey guys,
    My Macbook Pro keeps shutting off randomly. Its been doing it for a few months now and I was finally able to restore it to factory settings to see if that would fix the problem but it hasnt. Sometimes it will shut off every five minutes, other times it will be maybe once an hour. I've noticed that it is more likely to shut off when I'm visiting youtube or watching a video/viewing a site with lots of pictures.
    By "shutting off" I mean that the screen goes black and I have to hold down the power button until it completely turns off and then restart it.
    When I turn my computer back on it sometimes has a reason for the problem, which I copied and pasted below:
    Anonymous UUID:       727231A4-307D-84F0-6914-8EE94F89D815
    Wed May 21 16:02:49 2014
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f9ef9af7c): "GPU Panic: [<None>] 5 3 7f 0 0 0 0 3 : NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xc0000000 0xffffff80c45a5000 0x0a5480a2, D0, P3/4\n"@/SourceCache/AppleGraphicsControl/AppleGraphicsControl-3.5.26/src/Apple MuxControl/kext/GPUPanic.cpp:127
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff80b328b140 : 0xffffff801cc22fa9
    0xffffff80b328b1c0 : 0xffffff7f9ef9af7c
    0xffffff80b328b290 : 0xffffff7f9d625e7b
    0xffffff80b328b350 : 0xffffff7f9d6ef46a
    0xffffff80b328b390 : 0xffffff7f9d6ef4da
    0xffffff80b328b400 : 0xffffff7f9d96e056
    0xffffff80b328b530 : 0xffffff7f9d712b09
    0xffffff80b328b550 : 0xffffff7f9d62c8cd
    0xffffff80b328b600 : 0xffffff7f9d62a3d8
    0xffffff80b328b800 : 0xffffff7f9d62b356
    0xffffff80b328b8e0 : 0xffffff7f9e5ae9c2
    0xffffff80b328b920 : 0xffffff7f9e5be37f
    0xffffff80b328b940 : 0xffffff7f9e5ec33b
    0xffffff80b328b980 : 0xffffff7f9e5ec39b
    0xffffff80b328b9c0 : 0xffffff7f9e5c3e15
    0xffffff80b328ba10 : 0xffffff7f9e58fb5e
    0xffffff80b328baa0 : 0xffffff7f9e58bae7
    0xffffff80b328bad0 : 0xffffff7f9e589636
    0xffffff80b328bb00 : 0xffffff801d0ce0a3
    0xffffff80b328bb90 : 0xffffff801d0cff9f
    0xffffff80b328bbf0 : 0xffffff801d0cdabf
    0xffffff80b328bd40 : 0xffffff801ccb66a8
    0xffffff80b328be50 : 0xffffff801cc26bf1
    0xffffff80b328be80 : 0xffffff801cc139f5
    0xffffff80b328bef0 : 0xffffff801cc1e043
    0xffffff80b328bf70 : 0xffffff801ccc989d
    0xffffff80b328bfb0 : 0xffffff801ccf3c76
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
   [B67CD59F-1344-37BC-8A9A-46D6D3DCA13D]@ 0xffffff7f9ef8c000->0xffffff7f9ef9ffff
                dependency:[C0F9A79F-167E-3A68-873C-5CE17B97F B11]@0xffffff7f9ef84000
                dependency:[045D5D6F-AD1E-36DB-A249-A346E2B48E54]@0xfffff f7f9d52b000
                dependency:[244D4E48-78E6-3369-8D76-285C66EF9BF4]@0xffffff 7f9d2be000
                dependency:[B889D3AB-CCC0-3FCD-A83E-D2E3E4CB537B]@0 xffffff7f9d583000
                dependency:[E04639C5-D734-3AB3-A682-FE66694C66 53]@0xffffff7f9ef87000
   [6EB3FF52-A4F6-3496-AE9C-D89B00F DE504]@0xffffff7f9d5d6000->0xffffff7f9d83efff
                dependency:[244D4E48-78E6-3369-8D76-285C66EF9BF4]@0xffffff 7f9d2be000
                dependency:[B93BBFC9-9ED5-3DDD-8CED-5EDA081BB997]@0xff ffff7f9d5c6000
                dependency:[B889D3AB-CCC0-3FCD-A83E-D2E3E4CB537B]@0 xffffff7f9d583000
   [24ED915E-02F3-3A31-8502-6AA41FFCA420]@0xffffff7f9 e56e000->0xffffff7f9e638fff
                dependency:[244D4E48-78E6-3369-8D76-285C66EF9BF4]@0xffffff 7f9d2be000
                dependency:[B93BBFC9-9ED5-3DDD-8CED-5EDA081BB997]@0xff ffff7f9d5c6000
                dependency:[B889D3AB-CCC0-3FCD-A83E-D2E3E4CB537B]@0 xffffff7f9d583000
                dependency:[6EB3FF52-A4F6-3496-AE9C-D89B00F DE504]@0xffffff7f9d5d6000
   [B0E6AAA7-E970-3D81-8B43-145D56 A3A4AC]@0xffffff7f9d849000->0xffffff7f9daf2fff
                dependency:[6EB3FF52-A4F6-3496-AE9C-D89B00F DE504]@0xffffff7f9d5d6000
                dependency:[244D4E48-78E6-3369-8D76-285C66EF9BF4]@0xffffff 7f9d2be000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 13.2.0: Thu Apr 17 23:03:13 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2422.100.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: ADD73AE6-88B0-32FB-A8BB-4F7C8BE4092E
    Kernel slide:     0x000000001ca00000
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff801cc00000
    System model name: MacBookPro6,2 (Mac-F22586C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 192974850507
    last loaded kext at 28847231808:          1.60 (addr 0xffffff7f9e7d6000, size 32768)
    loaded kexts:          1.60          1.9.5d0          1.0.2d2          100.14.15          3.0          4.2.4f1          124          2.6.1f2          2.6.1f2          2.6.1f2          1.0.0d1          7.0.0          3.5.13          8.2.4          1          8.2.4          170.3.5          1.1.12          4.2.4f1          3.5.26          1.7.0          104          8.2.4          4.2.4f1          2.0.4d1          8.2.6          1.0.0          1.0.0          3.0.4d1          240.2          3.4.1          325.7          3.0.1          1.0.0d1          1.0.0d1          35          240.2          240.2          3.6.6          404          2.5.1          666.4.0          5.0.2          3.8.1b2          656.4.1          3.0.0          700.20.22          660.4.0          161.0.0          2.0          2.0          1.8          2.1          2.0          1.7          217.92.1          153          3          217.92.1          3.5.26          1.0          10.0.7          2.6.1f2          1.0.0          1.9.7fc2          1.14          91.1          4.2.4f1          8.2.4          8.2.4          1.0.4          3.5.26          4.2.4f1          2.2.6          1.0.11d1          1.0.12d1          2.4.1          2.6.1f2          2.4.1          2.6.1f2          1.0.0          5.7.0d11          3.1.8          3.6.6          3.6.0          240.9          660.4.0          650.4.0          656.4.1          3.6.6          1.7          1.7.1          1.7.1          2.6.1          3.6.6          4.5.5          1.0.3b4          1.0.1b5          660.4.2          2.6.5          630.35          3.2          677.4.0          2.0          2.0          2.0.0          1.1          278.11          1.0.0d1          7          2          371.1          1.9          23          28.30          2.0          2.9          1.4          1.0          1
    Model: MacBookPro6,2, BootROM MBP61.0057.B0C, 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.53 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.58f16
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics, Intel HD Graphics, Built-In, 288 MB
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, PCIe, 256 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54313235533654465238432D47372020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54313235533654465238432D47372020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x93), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.2.4f1 13674, 3 services, 23 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Serial ATA Device: ST9500325ASG, 500.11 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: Built-in iSight
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Bus:

    some 15-inch Mid 2010 MacBook Pros are known to have a defect in their NVIDIA GPUs. Given the symptoms which you’d described, yours might have that defect also. Apple had a gratis servicing program for three years from the MacBook Pro’s date of purchase; they still offer the servicing, but it is no longer guaranteed to be gratis. I’d recommend that you make an appointment at your nearest Apple store or Apple-authorized service center, to have them run their Video System Test on your MacBook Pro, which will confirm whether or not its NVIDIA GPU has the defect.

  • Brand new Thunderbolt display shuts off randomly

    I've had a new ThunderBolt Display for less than a month paired with a brand-new Mac Mini (2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 4000)
    and the display just began shutting off randomly.
    I also have an external HD drive daisy chained via the display's Thunderbolt port that stops working once the display dies. Tried connecting the Mac Mini alone with no hard drive figuring it might be the drive but no the display still randomly shuts off. Any ideas or suggestions before I call Applecare?

    I have a similar setup and problem. My Thunderbolt display (refurb, purchased in February 2012) will randomly turn off, as if it went to sleep - but mouse/keyboard input does not wake it back up. The internal speakers will still output audio. Disconnecting/reconnecting the Thunderbolt cable from the attached Mac Mini (2.5GHz dual-core Intel Core i5, OS X 10.7.5, AMD Radeon HD 6630M ) will not resolve the issue. Disconnecting/reconnecting the display's power cord and the Thunderbolt cable from the Mac Mini will resolve the issue temporarily. This began happening maybe a month or two ago, and has probably happened 10 times in the last 30 days. It is completely random, and I have yet to be able to duplicate it on demand.
    Steps taken to attempt to fix the issue:
    Confirmed Energy Saver Settings
    Confirmed Software up to date (OS 10.7.5)
    Attempted Firmware Updates (message states not needed)
    Reset NVRAM
    Reset SMC (unplugging computer)
    There are other discussions reporting similar behaviour: (13 pages) (5 pages) (2 pages) (1 page)
    As well as other discussions concerning random flickering issues with the display.
    Since I'm still under warranty, I took my display to a Genius Bar today. The rep didn't really seem to want to hear about what I found on these discussion boards. He says you can pretty much find anything you want to find here, and since it is unmoderated it is not a reliable source of information. I let him know that the issue (as far as I can tell) occurs with different models of Mac Mini's, MB Pros & MB Airs, suggesting it is in fact an issue with the display and not what's connected to it. I added that most folks who reported bringing the displays in for service ultimately ended up with a replacement display, as the service done on the defective display proved to not resolve the issue - but I would of course defer to his judgement.
    He decided that they would order and replace the LCD panel. He assured me they would keep the display powered on for 12-24 hours after the service to ensure the issue has been resolved. Truthfully, I am not optimistic. And for the amount it costs to replace the panel ($833.32 from the provided estimate), I speculate this course of action will end up being much more costly for them in the long run. But we shall see!
    I will be sure to provide updates as they come.  Wish me luck!

  • IMac G5 non-isight shutting off randomly

    My iMac g5 keeps shutting off randomly during use. I have a niMac G5, non-isight and it stays on for 30 mins, an hour, or 3 hours and then shuts off as if someone is pulling the power cord out.
    Upon starting up, sometimes it doesn't make it to the login screen before shutting down again. It runs normal for a while, then it would randomly turn off. I have downloaded heat temp monitor programs and it seems to get to about 70 degrees celcius sometimes. Upon restarting, I get the "report problem to apple" screen with this information. I have tried to restart the power supply too.
    Thu Apr 17 09:02:18 2008
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x008E0BE4): "Missing CPU diode calibration information.\n"@/SourceCache/IOPlatformPluginFamily/IOPlatformPluginFamily-312. 0.1/SMUNeo2_PlatformPlugin/SMU_Neo2CPUTempSensor.cpp:124
    Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
    0x0009B478 0x0009BE1C 0x00029DD4 0x008E0BE4 0x008D0308 0x008CFD78 0x008E309C 0x008D48E8
    0x008E2C6C 0x00342B8C 0x00343CE0 0x00345B90 0x00344CB0 0x000B05D4
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):>0x8eafff
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x39e04c80)
    PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.2: Tue Mar 4 21:23:43 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.4.31~1/RELEASE_PPC
    System model name: PowerMac8,1

    The problem is a thermal one, somehow there's a malfunction and the computer shuts down because it's overheating. You should take it in and have the power supply looked at. You can also take the bgack off and check the capacitors to see if any of them is swollen or leaking.
    Let us know how you make out,

  • 3gs shuts off randomly

    my 3gs (running 4.3.5) shuts off randomly. Can be 30% battery, 70% battery. Maybe a phone call or during a video game. Whats the deal? Thanks in advance for your help.

    try backing everything up and restoring the device:

  • My iphone 4 has been shutting off randomly for about a week saying its dead when its not now it wont turn back on at all just giving me the charging picture

    my iphone 4 has been shutting off randomly for about a week saying its dead when its not now it wont turn back on at all just giving me the charging picture

    Plug the device into a working charger.

  • Why is it that my iMovie app keeps shutting off randomly! I'm trying to export my movie and it shuts down each time it's a 1/4 of the way through downloading! Ah! Please help.

    Why is it that my iMovie app keeps shutting off randomly! I'm trying to export my movie and it shuts down each time it's a 1/4 of the way through downloading! Ah! Please help.

    I also have Jolly's problem. I found the iMovie 9.0.9 folder and tried to launch the older version of iMove. It would not launch. I removed all of the iMovie preferences from the Preferences folder, removed iMove 10 from the applications folder, and restarted my Mac. iMove 9.0.9 still won't launch and I can't access my videos created with the older version of iMovie. Is there a way to uninstall iMovie 10 and reinstall iMovie 9.0.9?
    I am running Yosemitie on a  iMac.

  • Why does my 4s shut off randomly throughout the day

    My 4s has been shutting off randomly through out the day; this happen 3 - 6 times

    Most likely it's broken, but it MAY have a corrupt operating system. So try Restoring it using iTunes.


    My screen shuts off randomly
    at least twice a day.
    This is what I get after force quit my laptop and turn on.
    I went to apple store and they said just to open up and check what is wrong cost $300~350
    and to fix this problem and replace inside (they said it might be the water spilled inside but that never happened so i don't know what he is talking about.....) is going to cost $1240
    They already replaced my hardware one or two months ago and I dont get why this suddenly happens when i didnt not even spill water.
    i feel like there should be cheaper way.
    and the guy who was trying to find out what the problem is with my laptop
    seemed like he doesnt know anything about this.
    Does anyone recommend some other way so i dont have to waste my $1240+@ with a problem that they are not even sure...?
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  195056 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID: 70CB872A-D4A4-405A-8C45-26E38D2EA82F
    Mon Sep 23 01:35:53 2013
    panic(cpu 2 caller 0x9d4c97): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xc0000000 0x7f3bf000 0x0a5480a2, D0, P2/4
    Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x5bfd2188 : 0x21b837 (0x5dd7fc 0x5bfd21bc 0x223ce1 0x0)
    0x5bfd21d8 : 0x9d4c97 (0xbea22c 0xc5a840 0xbf8f88 0x0)
    0x5bfd2278 : 0xaef5db (0x908e804 0x852a004 0x100 0xcb42b6)
    0x5bfd22c8 : 0xae65d4 (0x852a004 0x100 0x5bfd22f8 0x9c4774)
    0x5bfd22f8 : 0x16c8965 (0x852a004 0x100 0x438004ee 0x1)
    0x5bfd2438 : 0xb0e258 (0x852a004 0x9295004 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd2478 : 0x9dde2b (0x852a004 0x9295004 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd2518 : 0x9da50a (0x0 0x9 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd26c8 : 0x9dc53e (0x0 0x600d600d 0x702b 0x5bfd26f8)
    0x5bfd2798 : 0xc9feae (0xc1d00041 0xbfef0033 0xbfef0034 0x857c)
    0x5bfd2808 : 0xcaf734 (0x92f5800 0xa55af80 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd2828 : 0xcd4322 (0xa55af80 0xb 0x5bfd2880 0x10)
    0x5bfd2858 : 0xcd4b3d (0x96f1000 0x0 0x5bfd287c 0x0)
    0x5bfd2888 : 0xcb4d79 (0x96f1000 0x93d10080 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd28d8 : 0xc76d0c (0x464be000 0x0 0x0 0x3)
    0x5bfd2948 : 0xc7640f (0x464be000 0x0 0x2 0x3)
    0x5bfd2978 : 0xc6c05f (0x464be000 0x0 0x2 0x463f9000)
    0x5bfd2ab8 : 0xca55d8 (0x463f9000 0x1 0x5bfd2bcc 0x5bfd2bc8)
    0x5bfd2b68 : 0xc67fe1 (0x463f9000 0x1 0x5bfd2bcc 0x5bfd2bc8)
    0x5bfd2be8 : 0x56da06 (0x463f9000 0x0 0x5bfd2e3c 0x5bfd2c74)
    0x5bfd2c38 : 0x56e2a5 (0xcf6720 0x463f9000 0x8c0b188 0x1)
    0x5bfd2c88 : 0x56eb59 (0x463f9000 0x10 0x5bfd2cd0 0x0)
    0x5bfd2da8 : 0x286638 (0x463f9000 0x10 0x8c0b188 0x1)
    0x5bfd3e58 : 0x21dbe5 (0x8c0b160 0x90165a0 0x1fd7e8 0x5d43)
    0x5bfd3e98 : 0x210a86 (0x8c0b100 0x0 0x933c110 0x9666bd0)
    0x5bfd3ef8 : 0x216f84 (0x8c0b100 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd3f78 : 0x295c57 (0x9047948 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x5bfd3fc8 : 0x2a256d (0x9047944 0x1 0x10 0x904b2a4)
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacBookPro6,2 (Mac-F22586C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 236329375403445
    unloaded kexts:            4.2.0 (addr 0x142d000, size 0x65536) - last unloaded 106072127614
    loaded kexts:            1.9.3d0 - last loaded 31890547636            100.12.31            2.1.0            1.2.0            2.0.5f14            2.0.5f14            1.57            3.5.7            1.0.20            3.0.1d2            7.0.0            1.1.6            6.3.6            4.7.0a1            1.5.1            2.10.6            1.5.2d10            6.3.6            6.3.6            201.6            2.6.1            201.6            303.8            2.6.8            31.1

    Mine just started doing this as did a coworker's (she has a 4 not 4S). We're both on Verizon. I just updated to the latest Verizon Carrier settings and then it started so I thought that was the issue, but since you're having this since March, I don't knwo any more. Prior to this though, mine was taking random screenshots when I'd hit the home button.

  • My iphone shuts off randomly and the button is too sensitive. Like I don't even press the lock button and it shuts off. This happened after the 7.1 update. It's on the iphone 5.

    My iphone shuts off randomly and the button is too sensitive. Like I don't even press the lock button and it shuts off. Also when my finger barely rubs over the lock button, it shuts off too. This happened after the 7.1 update. It's on the iphone 5. Someone help me. I just want to fix this. Maybe if it's possible I can disable the lock button.

    The lock button does not turn OFF the iPhone. It will give you a screen with the option to turn OFF the iPhone. Possibly the battery is faulty. Make Genius reservation and take iPhone to Apple store for free battery diagnostic testing and evaluation.

  • My macbook pro shuts off randomly?

    So my MacBook Pro has shut itself down twice in the past two days.  It shuts off randomly, takes about 45-60 seconds before I can turn it back on, and when I turn back my date and time settings are way off (ie the most recent time it said that it was Monday, November something, 2012, at 4:02 pm, when it was really Wednesday January 21, 2015, and 5:25 pm).  I have a frayed charger cable, and it has been plugged in during both shutdowns.  I have a new one on its way, but I cannot stop using this one yet, because I am a college student and I need my laptop, and none of my friends/roommates has a MacBook with the proper charger for mine, so I can't use any of theirs.  Any explanations?

    Hello pinkpanda376,
    For random shut off issues, I would take a look at resetting the SMC on your MacBook Pro as well as taking a look at the battery to make sure that it is still running normal on you. Look at the articles below for more information to get you started.  
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Mac notebooks: All about batteries
    Take it easy,
    -Norm G.

  • IPhone 5s shuts off randomly

    I purchased my iPhone 5s a week ago and two days ago, it started to shut off randomly. Holding the Wake/Sleep button boots the phone up again, but when the bright screen with the Apple logo dimms a little bit, it doesn't change to the Home Screen, but completly shuts down again. Hard reset won't help. The only solution is by plugging it to the USB cable and start charging. Then the phone reboots twice and goes to the Home Screen and is usable. Battery is at 83%.
    This is really annoying because it switches off randomly. You can't be reached or send texts when you need it. It happens 6-10 times per day and not always is a charger around to boot it up again. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Have you find the fix?
    My phone shut off randomly too. the apple comes and goes, i can not get access to it
    I wonder if IT Apple read these comments. I am thinking to move to a reliable phone.

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