Backup skips files

I have a strange error with my Time Machine backup.
The backup is skipping newly created files.
The only way I can get the backup to include the new files is to go in to the very top level "Macintosh HD" or other directory and change a file so that the #changed" date is changed at the top level.
Sometimes that does not help if files are very deep in the structure i suspect ...
I did reinstalled the system and started over the time machine backup. Things was going fine for a couple of days. But soon started to skip files again.
Sometimes a restart does help. And sometimes not.
I have also tried "safe reboot" and that helped.
But the problems always comes back after some time.
What can cause this kind of trouble?
Could it be that the user account is corrupted?
I have a test account that seems to be backed up ok. But I have not tested for very long.
Could it be the actual hard drive? I have one of the Imacs with Seagate drives that is part of exchange program.
I don't get any error messages or anything.
Any help would be apreciated.

If you use the third-party application "Dropbox," you may see files in the Finder that are not present locally, but are actually on a network server. Those files won't be backed up and won't appear in Time Machine, even though they show in a Finder window. If the files in question are in a Dropbox folder, disable the software or refer to its developer for support.
Continue only if you've ruled out Dropbox or any similar product as a possible cause of the issue.
Time Machine uses the modification times of folders to determine whether their contents need to be scanned for changes made since the time of the last snapshot. For some reason, that criterion occasionally fails, and TM doesn’t scan folders with contents that have changed. You may be able to get backups to resume by updating the modification times of all your folders.
Important: This procedure will change the modification times of all folders on the startup volume. It won’t affect anything that’s not a folder, and it won’t change your existing backups at all. If you have a reason to want to keep the modification times of folders as they are, STOP.
Before proceeding, you must have a current backup of all data. Since your existing Time Machine backups may not be current, you’ll have to back up in some other way; for example, by starting a new TM backup set on another external drive. It’s a good idea to do this anyway, as you always need more than one backup, even if everything is working perfectly.
Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select it:
sudo find / -xdev -type d -exec touch {} \;
Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. Confirm. You don't need to post the warning. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear. You can then quit Terminal.
The next snapshot will take longer than usual, because all folders will be scanned for changes. When it’s complete, check the results to see how much data has been backed up.
This procedure will only affect the backups of your startup volume. If you back up other source volumes with Time Machine and are having the same problem with those, you’ll need to take additional steps.

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    I am not given an option to skip this file or anything else.
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    The same thing keeps happening.
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    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain iMacs. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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    Is this is a known issue? When will it be fixed?

    peymano wrote:
    I agree that it's best to backup each VM using backup software running within that VM, but the problem remains that *Time Machine appears to silently skip files when it encounters a disk i/o error*.
    I don't think so. Usually what happens is, it sends a message about "indexing a file failed" or "an error occurred while copying files to the backup volume," and the backup fails, citing Error 11.
    As I posted, I don't use any of these, but it's my understanding that the whole PC system is in a disk image -- to OSX, that's just one monster file; that's how Time Machine will back it up, too. I don't know how it could back up the files individually, since it doesn't understand the Windoze file system -- it cannot back up a Boot Camp partition, for example.

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    Any ideas?
    Last edited by DrMikeDuke (2010-08-04 18:58:02)

    An "other" that large usually indicates that the "other" includes corrupted files.  Usually restoring from backup eliminated the corrupted files. However, sometimes restoring to factory settings/new iPod is required.
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up
    To restore to factory settings/new iPod see:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software

  • Time Machine skipping files and folders

    Running OS X 10.10.2 on a Early 2009 Mac Pro. System installed on a 256 GB solid state drive. 10 GB of memory.
    I'm having a problem with Time Machine where it's not backing up some of my files and folders. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it, but it includes very, very important things like the parent directory for projects I'm working on, arbitrary hash directories in some git repositories, an assortment of emails, Messages attachments, random preferences files, and somehow the entire contents of my Pictures folder. And probably more -- I haven't checked everything.
    I've recently forced Time Machine to do a full traversal when it made a recent backup (and confirmed that it was a full traversal by looking at backupd's output in, but these files are still missing.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can do to fix Time Machine? I just want it to do a full backup, not skipping anything.
    As a last ditch effort I could blow away my Time Machine drive and start from scratch, but I really, *really* don't want to do that because it contains several months worth of backups, and I occasionally do need to go back and get older versions of files.

    It is a nasty bug of OSX 10.9 and 10.10 . Some workaround is described here: nd-folders-how-to-fix/170336#170336 by Pete.

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    Hi, I am using my icloud on my iphone but am unable to find it on my mac book pro. It's not under my system preferences like it shows under the setup. Can I download it again? Or something. I just need to backup some files on my computer and am unable.

    The minimum requirement for iCloud is Lion 10.7.5 (Mavericks preferred): the iCloud Preference Pane does not appear on earlier systems - the MobileMe pane appears on Lion and earlier but is now non-functional - you cannot now open or access a MobileMe account.
    To make use of iCloud you will have to upgrade your Mac to Lion or Mavericks, provided it meets the requirements.
    The requirements for Lion are:
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    Lion is available in the Online Apple Store ($19.99). Mountain Lion (10.8.x) is also available there at the same price but there seems little point as the system requirements are the same for Mavericks (10.9.x) - which is free - unless you need to run specific software which will run on Mountain Lion only.
    The requirements for Mountain Lion and Mavericks are:
    OS X v10.6.8 or later
    2GB of memory
    8GB of available space
      and the supported models are:
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    It is available from the Mac App Store (in Applications).
      You should be aware that PPC programs (such as AppleWorks) will not run on Lion or above; and some other applications may not be compatible - there is a useful compatibility checklist at

  • Disk Utility can't repair this disk...disk, and restore your backuped-up file.

    Computer got uber slow.
    I started to worry.
    Now computer won't start.
    VERY worried.
    Tried to repair disk. Received error message above.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    sulaver wrote:
    Computer got uber slow.
    I started to worry.
    Now computer won't start.
    VERY worried.
    Tried to repair disk. Received error message above.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    You can't have received an error message "Disk Utility can't repair this disk...disk, and restore your backuped-up file." since that is pure gobbledegook and isn't even good English.
    What may have happened is that
    (a) your hard drive has become so full that the operating system can't find any space in which to.... operate.
    (b) as macjack says, it has crashed - possibly as a result of (a).
    (c) you have been allowing Time Machine to back up to your internal hard drive instead of to a backup disk, which has caused (a) to happen.

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    The DiskWarrior DVD has an OS X System Folder on so it will boot most Macs (I believe there are some exceptions, so it's worth checking out the Alsoft site for info). Put the DW disk in the drive and boot up holding down the C key.

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    I have an iMac 2013 running OSX 10.9.4. I want to use Carbon Copy Cloner to backup user files to an external hard drive to free up space on my iMack Hard drive.
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    I will have them backed up to a separate second external drive as well.
    I'm just very cautious about removing them from the hard drive.
    Thanks for helping and understanding my crazy caution!

    I'd like to store my Aperture /IMovie Libraries on an external hard drive.
    That is fine and recommended.. use the fastest disk you can afford.. ie Thunderbolt>USB3>FW800>USB2.
    In addition, I'd like to partition the external hard drive so that Time Machine can use it to both back up my IMac and the external library drives.
    Let me be clear.. you want to partition the one disk.. use it for TM and move your files to the external disk.. and then backup to the same disk.. You can do it.. but that is not a backup.. that is an experiment in how long you can get away with running files and backups on the same disk before you lose everything.. like Russian Roulette.. pull the trigger enough times and laws of probability will do you in.
    You must have backups on a different disk .. otherwise it is pointless.
    Can I set up a RAID 5 format for redundancy?
    No.. you can buy special USB and Thunderbolt external drives that support RAID..
    BUT that is still not a backup.. let me show why.. you make a silly move and corrupt your file in aperture.. it is not that rare.
    Raid will corrupt all copies of the files.. it is replicated across all disks.
    Delete a photo it is deleted across all disks.. you have no recovery.
    Alway, always consider RAID system one disk.. backup onto another disk.. and if the photos or movies are at all important to you.. ie your family .. make another copy and store in a relatives house.. There is no such thing as too much redundancy.

  • Time Machine Fails When Trying to Backup Certain Files

    Time Machine is having problems with some files I have copied from a Windows computer. I am a web developer and I moved my client files from a Windows PC to my iMac. Most of the files backup properly but some don't. When Time Machine tries to backup those files, it fails.
    I downloaded Time Machine Buddy and it has helped me identify files that can't be backed up. However, the only solution that works is to delete the files. *Since these are client files, that is not an acceptable solution.*
    When I look at "Get Info", there are several listings for admin, system, staff, owner, and everyone. Each list shows the permissions to be "Custom." I have changed some to "Read and Write" and I have changed all of them to "Read and Write." Neither of these have fixed the problem. Time Machine still fails on the same files.
    I really need some smart Mac person to tell me what I can do to fix this problem. Thanks.

    Csound1 wrote:
    Correct, at no time did I say that this was for everyone, it is in fact for anyone who wishes to spend his time working rather than restoring.
    For most folks, a hard drive failure is not exactly common. If they are to you, something is seriously wrong.
    Replacing a drive in a unibody MBP is a 5 minute operation! & they are cheap!
    Yes, for those who are mechanically inclined and not afraid to open up a Mac. What percentage of users do you suppose that is?
    As to your second point, I suggested specifically using a TM type backup in addition to the clone, I stated that my choice is a realtime service that stores my files (a) as files that I can access from anywhere (b) with versions (including deletions) going back as far as my storage limits allow.
    And how would you use that to roll back to a previous version of your entire system?
    I don't want to have to deal with TM permissions/user/network/extreme/forgetting to delete till it gets full blahblahblah
    Huh? Now you're adding all sorts of other things.
    Permissions? A user account is a user account, and Time Machine maintains the permissions.
    Network? Your clone is on a network? How do you boot up from that?
    Extreme? You use an Airport Extreme for your network clone?
    Forgetting to delete until it's full? Yes, that's exactly what you mentioned above: "versions (including deletions) going back as far as my storage limits allow."
    PleasePondini, do it your way and I'll do it mine

  • Exposé hot keys disabled after Time Machine "Delete all backups of file"

    I have been having the same problem that was initially mentioned in this topic:
    Namely, sometimes after I restart all of my Exposé and Dashboard hot keys have been turned off (but not the Spaces hotkey, just F9-F12). My hot corners for turning off or on the screensaver work just fine, but I have to manually go in and turn back on my Exposé hot keys. Some people said it was associate with WoW, but I am not running World of Warcraft. This last time it happened (this morning), I had removed all backups of a few files in Time Machine (what's the point of having a backup of a rented movie after the 24 hour viewing period has expired?). I have been looking for a way to report this to Apple, but have been unable thus far.
    I just tested it to see if you have to restart, and you do not. About thirty minutes ago I turned all the Exposé hot keys on, and just a minute ago I deleted a backup of a file on my Desktop in Time Machine (by selecting, "Delete all backups of file ______") and the hot keys had been disabled again.
    Does anyone know if there is a way to fix this?

    Mechanist wrote:
    At some point I told Time Machine to get rid of backups of a particular file using the "Delete all backups of ..." option. Time Machine duly deleted the backups of the file and stopped making new ones.
    Not exactly.  It did delete the existing backups, but didn't make any new ones because the file hasn't changed since then.
    The easiest way to get it to back it up is to make a minor change to it (the name or something in the contents), then change it back.  Time Machine should back it up on the next backup.
    Alternatively, you need to force a "deep scan," where Time Machine compares everything on your system to the backups.  Usually, just starting up from your Recovery HD will do that, although sometimes you have to start from it and Repair your internal HD to trigger it. 
    If you're not sure how to do that, see Using the Recovery HD and/or #6 in Using Disk Utility.

  • Need to backup the file before processing in XI

    Hi all
       I need to backup the incoming the file and then processing it in XI.(i.e)sender adapter picks the file and then backup that file and then send it onto IE.
       I am aware that there is a option in sender file  CC "Run operating system Command Before Msg Proceessing".We have to set one batch file in it.
    Could you please explain whats the exact commands for this case?

    Hi Rajesh,
    For you information you can archive the file details of the modes are below
    Processing Mode as 
    A) Archive
    Files that have been successfully processed are moved to an archive directory.
    1) To add a time stamp to a file name, select the Add Time Stamp indicator.
    The time stamp has the format yyyMMdd-hhMMss-SSS_. The time stamp ensures that the archived files are not overwritten and it enables you to sort them according to the time that they were received.
    2)Under Archive Directory, enter the name of the archive directory.
       If you want to archive the files on the FTP server, set the Archive Files on FTP Server indicator. If you do not set the indicator, the files are archived in the Adapter Engine file system.
    B)  Delete
    Successfully processed files are deleted.
    C)   Test
    Files are not processed.
    Only use this mode to test the configurations of the file/FTP adapter or the Integration Engine/PCK. It is not suitable for productive operation.
    D)Set to Read-Only
    Successfully processed files are given this attribute. Only writable files are processed. This selection is only available for the File System (NFS) transport protocol.
    >>>>>Run Operating System Command Before/After Message Processing
      Command Line
    An operating system command specified here is executed before or after the message processing of a file that was found in a run. The default value is an empty character string (no command).
    When the operating system command is called, the file name currently being processed can be specified with the following placeholders:
    1)       %f (file name)
    2)     %F(absolute file name including path)
    3)      Timeout (secs)
    This specifies the maximum runtime of the executing program in seconds. When this time interval is exceeded, the adapter continues processing. The executing program continues to run in the background.
    4)    Terminate Program After Timeout
    Set this indicator if the adapter is to terminate the executing program when the timeout is exceeded.
    The adapter writes the output (STDOUT and STDERR) for the operating system command in the system trace.
    Message processing is independent of any errors that occur during the execution of a configured operating system command.
    for more information
    ****PS:reward points if useful**
    Sumit Gupta

  • Need a help: how to recover using backup control file?

    Please a help:
    First computer
    1. I create a database
    2. put it in archive mode,
    3. shutdown and made a cold backup
    4. Created backup control file (alter database backup control file to trace)
    5. I started up and created some archived log files.
    Second Computer
    1. I copied all files created in the step 3 above except the control file
    2. I create all the same map directory on the 2nd computer as in the 1st computer
    3. I recreate the control file from the script got in the step 4 above
    4. I Copy archived log files generated at the step 5 in the local directory in the second computer
    5. I set the logsource and set the autorecovery to on
    Error got:
    the archived log file applied do not go beyond the first one?,How could I do to applied all archived log files copied from the first computer to the second computer to have the same data?
    Thank you very much

    archived log sequeces in the first computerSQL> select sequence#,first_change#,next_change# from v$log_history;
    1 553723 555484
    2 555484 557345
    Actions I did in the second Computer(after copied the former two archived log files from the 1st computer)
    18 ;
    Control file created.
    SQL> archive log list;
    Database log mode Archive Mode
    Automatic archival Disabled
    Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    Oldest online log sequence 0
    Next log sequence to archive 0
    Current log sequence 0
    SQL> alter database archivelog;
    Database altered.
    SQL> set logsource C:\local_destination1_orcl
    SQL> set autorecovery on;
    SQL> recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;
    ORA-00279: change 555611 generated at 01/18/2007 14:14:14 needed for thread 1
    ORA-00289: suggestion :
    ORA-00280: change 555611 for thread 1 is in sequence #1
    ORA-00328: archived log ends at change 555483, need later change 555611
    ORA-00334: archived log:
    Idon't know where the change 555611 is coming from?

  • Backup when file is open for writing

    Does Secure Backup support file backup when a file is open for either reading or writing? Thanks.

    Yes for UNIX / Linux but consistency is not guaranteed. OSB doesn't backup open files on Windows.

Maybe you are looking for