Backup versus Time Machine

Can some please tell me the differences between the two? I am a .Mac member, have an external HD, and am not sure which I should use. Thanks in advance.

Backup will only copy user files - what's found in your personal drive space. It won't back up applications or system files. It is a lightweight program which may be fine for copying some documents to your .Mac account but I have reason not to trust it. While the newest version may have fixed its serious flaws, I know of too many occasions where Backup failed to restore files. If what you want to do is back up your essential files, there are many time tested backup applications for the Mac.
Time Machine is a promising new technology that makes a full backup of your hard drive (excluding any files you may choose to exclude) and then continues to make sequential backups as the files change over time. This means, for example, that your Time Machine backup may have many many different copies of the same file as it has changed over time. Known to programmers and experienced writers as versioning, this is a very powerful and useful backup system. But TM is new and (relatively) untested in the field so at least for now I'm not depending on it.
In my opinion a good backup system has three components: 1) it is done frequently on a regular schedule, 2) the methodology used makes restoring documents and files easy and fast, 3) the backup is both conveniently located and not solely on site. I strongly suggest that you look at programs such as Deja Vu and Carbon Copy Cloner (which are now Leopard compatible) and SuperDuper! which is still in beta testing for Leopard compatibility.

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    I bought a new external hard drive for backups, but time machine won't do a full back up. 
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    Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select it:
    tmutil compare -E
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    The command will take at least a few minutes to run. Eventually some lines of output will appear below what you entered.
    Each line that begins with a plus sign (“+”) represents a file that has been added to the source volume since the last snapshot was taken. These files have not been backed up yet.
    Each line that begins with an exclamation point (“!”) represents a file that has changed on the source volume. These files have been backed up, but not in their present state.
    Each line that begins with a minus sign (“-“) represents a file that has been removed from the source volume.
    At the end of the output, you’ll get some lines like the following:
    These lines show the total amount of data added, removed, or changed on the source(s) since the last snapshot.

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    Begin forwarded message:
    From: Frances Topping <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: - Old computer I had is OSX Snow Leopard with Entourage. New one is OSX Mavericks. Using Mail where are my addresses and old address book. Transferred old computer backup by Time Machine and other things work? Can't see a symbol for address book.
    Date: August 25, 2014 at 9:46:01 AM EDT
    To: discussions-replies <[email protected]>
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    Hi there,
    I found that Time Machine in Mavericks will sort it all out for you. You shouldn't need to buy another backup drive, unless you have insufficient space left and can't afford to delete whats on there. It should just work fine.

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    pcp0827 wrote:
    Is there a way to delete multiple backups in TIme Machine and not have to delete old files one by one by slow one by one?
    Yes, sort of.  You can delete indiividual backups, or all backups of selected items,via Time Machine.  See #12 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.  You can only select one backup at a time, but they're deleted in a separate process, so you can select another before the first one completes.  When you exit from Time Machine, you may see one or more progress bars for the individual deletions.  (As noted there, never delete anything from your backups via the Finder.)
    But you really shouldn't have to do that.  Time Machine will delete your oldest backups automatically, when it needs room for new ones.

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    Download the supplemental fix to 10.7.5

  • How to delete the old backup in time machine?

    Hi all,
    As I have use the TM for a year,the backup folder is on a network dirve. HOw can I delete the old backup (eg 6 months ago) in order to release more space?
    Thank you

    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    I'll assume you mean a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device, not a Time Capsule or external HD connected to a Time Capsule or other Mac on your network.
    If so, you can delete individual backups via Time Machine. See #12 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum). That may not seem to gain any space, since the backups are in a rather odd container called a +sparse bundle.+ It won't shrink automatically when you delete things, but the space will be reused for new backups.
    You may be able to limit the size of the backups by limiting the amount of space available to Time Machine on the NAS, but you'll have to use whatever facilities the NAS supplies, not OSX. Some allow the disk to be partitioned as on a normal disk, or allocate space to shares.

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    Please help.  I am worried about losing files, and am tired of seeing the "Time Machine hasn't backed up in xxx days" Error Message.

    it thinks yours is a new machine so it doesn't want to start deleting another machine's backups
    see the bottom of this page

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    This means that your NAS does not support the required encryption. Update your NAS to the latest firmware or ditch it and buy a Time Capsule (they are the most reliable when using TM).

  • Can no longer backup with time machine to WD MyBookLive.

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    The following are log messages from the system log queries:
    4/26/14 1:24:49.841 PM[1411]: Starting manual backup
    4/26/14 8:30:09.447 PM[1619]: Starting automatic backup
    I've rebooted time machine and my book. Checked settings and nothing seems amiss.
    Any help or suggestions would be most appreciative.
    Thanks in advance!

    Start with C10 in the 1st linked article.
    Time Machine Troubleshooting
    Time Machine Troubleshooting Problems

  • Hi, I have a macbook pro with a new hard drive installed. My WD external drive backup on time machine now wont let me access the files. I get a prompt saying 'you do not have permission to access the files'

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    See E-10 in the first link.
    Time Machine Troubleshooting
    Time Machine Troubleshooting Problems

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    <Re-Titled By Host>

    First, if this is your only backup, you must make another full backup to a locally-attached external hard drive. One backup is never enough to be safe, and backing up over a network is less reliable than backing up locally. Then try each of the following steps that you haven't already taken.
    1. Restart the backup device. You can do that by disconnecting and reconnecting the power cord.
    2. Hold down the option key and select Verify Backups from the TM menu in the menu bar (not the Dock icon.) This operation may take a long time. If the menu-bar icon (a clock that runs backwards) isn't showing, check Show Time Machine in menu bar in the preferences.
    3. Erase the backup device. With a Time Capsule, you do that from within the AirPort Utility application; see its built-in help for details. All backups will be lost, so don't do this until you've backed up to another device. After erasing, select the TC again as a backup destination in the TM preference pane. The first backup should be made over a wired connection, if possible.

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    Why has the TimeMachine drive run out of space?
    With the limited amount of information you've provided it is hard to answer this question. TimeMachine should continue making backups until the drive is full and then it should erase the oldest backup(s) to retrieve enough space for the next backup. Unless your computer's hard drive has close to 1TB of space on it, you shouldn't see a message saying TM cannot backup because it is full. However if you do have more than 500GB (1/2 a TB) then I can see how that message might occur. Also, if you are using the TM drive for double duty (backing up more than one computer or storing data other than TM) you could get that message.
    Will you have this problem with a 3TB drive?
    I always recommend that people look at how much they'll be backing up in total, add a bit extra for the future, and then multiply that by at least 1.5 and even better to double it. That indicates how large the TM backup drive should be. The TM drive should only be used for TM backups. It is ok to use one drive to back up  more than one computer but if doing so, add up the contents of all the computer drives, adjust for the future and then double it.
    Moving Forward
    Disconnect the old TM drive for now. Connect the new drive and let TM do its job. I don't recommend that you try to transfer the TM backup from the old drive to the new one. Keep the old drive around for a couple months just in case you find you need it and then after a few months, if you like, you can erase it and use it for something else.

  • What is the easiest way to restore to a previous backup of Time Machine?

    I was adding some simple album cover artwork to my iTunes collection when the computer locked up. I got the spinning beach ball and was unable to "force quit." So, I did a re-boot using the power key. I then launched iTunes and it opened properly with all the new Album Artwork. The files were not large in size and the "Album Artwork" folder is only 99.8MB.
    I did a Time Machine backup yesterday and the only thing changed on the computer was the artwork. However, when Time Machine launched to do a backup it said there was 30GB(!!!) to back up?!?!?
    I am assuming something got corrupted in the iTunes library file during the crash and now it thinks it has to back up part of the music.
    So, that is what caused the problem. My question is, what is the easiest way to simply restore the backup the Time Machine had completed yesterday before all this happened?? It doesn't seem like there is a simple way to accomplish this. It looks like TM is used to back up specific files or folders and not to restore the computer to a previous state.
    Any help is much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Time Machine backs up all files except those you exclude in TM prefs. It doesn't "know" what kind a file is; it just compares info about a file on the source drive to see if it has already been backed up, or if it is new or has changed and needs to be backed up again. For unchanged files or folders, TM simply creates another hard link on the backup drive.
    iTunes artwork files are separate files. The assignments of artwork to particular music files are saved in another file within the iTunes application (which is actually a package, a folder containing other files). So if all you did was add album artwork, TM would back up each new artwork file, and a new copy of the hidden file within the iTunes application containing the artwork-music links.
    The following is speculation on my part, but it seems logical:
    TM uses records in the hidden File System Events log to identify any new or modified files. However, it is possible to have an FSE entry as to a particular file without modifying the file (e.g. open, then close). So TM doesn't "know" until it actually compares the source file with the backup file (if one exists) whether a file is new or has been modified.
    Hope this helps.

  • Backup with Time Machine for 6 iMacs

    I want to to use an external drive to backup with Time Machine my 6 iMac's. I know that Time Capsule is good for this kind of stuff but I would prefer to be able to plug my Storage Device with an Ethernet cable. And Time Capsule is offering 2 or 3 TB, I would need minimum 5 TB. Any idea what should I buy and what is good for that purpose?
    Thanks a lot

    Time Capsule has 3 Eth ports so only 3 iMacs via cable.
    You can do it with two 3TB Time Capsules if you wish.
    With 6 iMacs you may need to think about small business solution.
    On Mac networks we use Gigabit switches and NAS drives such as Buffalo TeraStation III 8TB on RAID5.
    Those support Apple Time Machine, have dual Gigabit Eth port which can be trunked with manageable switches and all works very well and fast.
    There are many scenarios you may want to consider.
    Let me know if you have any questions regarding the above setup.

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