Bad CPU Score On 3Dmark03

Having been running this system for 2 weeks now with stock numbers (except the Vid card) and has been somewhat stable besides a few internet explorer hang-ups. I decided to run 3dmark03 to get a base number before attempting some O/C pains. The machine had a score of 1856 , which was close to another of the same hardware(1770) . The huge difference was in the CPu score , I only managed a 192 with mine , while the other machine was a 594 ! Is there anything i should check or that i may be overlooking in order to bring this CPU up to par . BTW ,in the 3dmark details, it listed the HTT as being N/A .Another CPu-z , is it normal for the L1 to be displayed as : L1 data 64kb
                                                                                                                                                                                  L1 Code 64kb
I hope they are adding both these #'s up to get the  128kb L1 cache for the venice core......
grrrrrrr.....the pains of a newb comp. builder.......

I have the feeling that several scores are about to be mixed up here ...
1. I would say that your score (1856) is the same, or even a bit better than that for a comparable setup (1770) - so I am not sure that there is a problem. I do not know what the relevance is of the CPU score and if numbers of 192 vs. 594 really mean that there is a REAL difference - I think I would try other benchmarks first, preferrably some which will tell you more about the performance of the CPU/system (like CPUMark, Sandra, etc.)
2. I would expect figures "in the 4500 range" with better video cards. I have the feeling that the videocard is holding you back - maybe it is time to start saving for a better one 
3. In addition: if you are not into very serious o/c-ing, and unless you had serious problems with the stock BIOS, it is a mystery to me why you switched to a modded BIOS. It is probably not important but it could make it more difficult to compare performances ...

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    Originally posted by JonnyRock
    ROFL   sorry that should read 1.07GHz
    Aha.  Sounds about right.
    I wouldn't expect much more than 2.4-2.5 on the current A64s.  Most people with WCing or air cooling max at this speed, myself included.  
    Your score of 12k isn't bad at all with a close to stock system and a 6800GT.  Thats pretty much what you should expect.  Troll's Lair only makes it to about 3 or 4 fps max on the cpu test for me too (but I don't have a link for ya to show the score).  
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    "Bad CPU type in executable."
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    Here are a couple of things to check...
    First, from your screen shot it appears that the main.m file is from an older AS Studio application (ie is this a project that was originally created some time ago... perhaps under Project Builder?). The main.m file that gets included with relatively new AS Stdio apps looks like this:
    extern void ASKInitialize();
    extern int NSApplicationMain(int argc, const char *argv[]);
    int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
    So you may want to copy/paste the main.m code from a newly created AS Studio app into your (older?) existing project. I'm not sure the above problem would cause the failure to build a Universal app, but changing code in main.m may get rid of the warnings you're seeing.
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    Hope this helps,

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    You need a 64-bit version.
    32-bit will never be supported on Mountain Lion.

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    To be honest you should forget the Windows score and all benchmark tests.
    Or why is it so important for you? Do you have a problem with your notebook?
    I can give you an example: A friend of me has a Qosmio X300. A very expensive and fast notebook with Core 2 Extreme CPU, 4GB and SLI graphic system. He is using Vista x64 and he only get in the Windows experience index 4.9 points.
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    You could check if CNQ is disabled. Cool N' Quiet is a nice feature but should be disabled when running benchmarks, or you'll underperform. Also, you should close any applications running in the background as they may take some of your processing time.
    I usually run my benchmarks right when I finish a clean install. That is, after applying drivers and important updates. Windows will get crappier after using it for a couple of months, and scores may degrade untill you format again.
    As for AGP Rates being detected as 0x. Futuremark has not always been capable of detecting the right hardware. I have my AGP rate stated as 0x. Also, my video card clock speeds are not detected.
    PS: I won't post my full scores untill I have something worthy to show. As right now this video card is holding me back at 1113 3DMarks.

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    Clear CMOS Guide (remove power cord before proceed) and insert memory stick in DIMM slot close to CPU socket.(ensure its filled well too)
    if no go try with different memory stick.

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    It can be anything:
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    IDE cables wrong used
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    Mobo damaged
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    Start reading the trouble guide.... :D

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     AquaMark Score:  47921  
      AquaMark CPU Score:  9904  
      AquaMark GFX Score:  6321  
      Average FramesPS:  47.921  
      Average TrianglesPS:  14425 K  
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    I have several macintosh machines.
    Usually I used tex on the terminal (rather than texshop or texwork).
    Quite recently when  I input ``platex filename.tex,’’
    I received the message ``Bad CPU type in executable.’’
    On another machine, I receive the message which says “platex” failed:  the
    PowerPC architecture is no longer supported.
    I have no idea why this happens.
    Will anyone help me?
    It occured when I typed ``platex foo.tex,'' in an attempt to compile a tex file.

    PowerPC architecture is no longer supported.
    This mean you have an old executable that was compiled for a Power PC Mac (the ones before they got the Intel chips). On systems running 10.6 (Snow Leopard) there was  code called Rosetta that was able to run the PPC code on the Intel CPU, That went away in 10.7
    Sounds like you recently upgraded to 10.8 from 10.6 or earlier and copied the binary to the new OS.
    If you compiled the code yourself you need to recompile it for the new OS. If you installed the binary you need to go to the site you got the binary from and see if there is a newer version for Intel Macs.

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    Well - I followed the instructions for updating the BIOS (I've done it before for other systems) and everything seemed to go smoothly until I tried to reboot.  Nothing - it powers up but doesn't do anything.  I assumed that something must be wrong with the BIOS.  I double checked which file I was using A6702VMS.180.
    I then tried a BIOS recovery.  I reformatted a floppy on a windows XP machine and put a copy of the BIOS that I had backed up before the flash onto the disk named AMIBIOS.ROM.  Then I unplugged the power supply and every piece of hardware except the CPU, reset the CMOS, and let it sit for 15 minutes.  Then I reconnected the floppy and plugged in a PS2 keyboard into the back.  Pushed down CTRL and HOME and turned the power on.  Nothing.  Tried it again with each CTRL key and with the regular HOME key and the keypad.  Nothing.
    The LED's on the back panel show all 4 red which the manual says is a bad CPU.  Could my CPU have died somehow?  Did I miss something obvious?
    My power supply is an Enermax 350W with 32A on 3.3V, 32A on 5V, and 17A on 12V.
    Any thoughts?  I'm a little annoyed that I can't find a definitive source for how many amps on each of the rails the main board and CPU need.  I've found widely varying advice on all of the boards I've read.

    1) The PSU that you have is quite weak on the +12v Rail & could be the cause of your problems, most people on here recommend 20a on the +12v Rail.
    I've seen people on various boards throw numbers anywhere from 15A to 30A for the 12V rail.  However, I haven't seen anyone quote any hard sources.  My back of the envelope computations:
    CPU: 89 W (max power from AMD's web site)
    MEM: uses 3.3V
    Floppy: uses 5V
    CD: 20W
    RAM: uses 3.3V
    HD: 15W
    Geforce2 GTS graphics card: 8W
    which gives me about 132W on the 12V rail at maximum power usage (which - since I haven't done anything I doubt I've hit).  This would be about 11 amps which is easily covered by my power supply.  And - the 89W number form AMD is for all the Athlon64 chips of which the 3000 is the very low end so it's probably less than that.
    2) You may have faulty RAM & i would recommend running a memory testing program just to check that is ok.
    Could the RAM be faulty even though I had a windows 2000 setup running reasonably well?  The BIOS did do a memory check on each startup (I turned that on when I first installed the board).
    As for the system not booting now, sounds like you have a bad BIOS flash & that you will need to get the BIOS reflashed or RMA your motherboard.
    I don't think this board supports reflashing - the chip is soldered onto the board.  Any idea why the rescue procedure isn't working?

  • Sign of a bad CPU need to upgrade CPU.

    i have HP pavilion DV6-1211 ax
    My lappy does not start, caps nad num lock led blinks one time for an interval. I have alrerady asked in the forum and found that its a sign of a bad cpu.
    I asked HP servce center, they told me that i will get the same cpu(AMD Turion RM-75), But i need to upgrade my CPU, i looked into service manual of my laptop model and found "AMD Turion Ultra dual core ZM-87" is compatible with my lappy.
    So i want to ask you that is it possible that hp will do this upgrade for me ?? i also found that HP pavillion  DV6-1280 ax has got the exact same config that i want to put on my laptop.
    So if i ask hp to take AMD RM-75 and give me back ZM-87 will they dio it for me....??
    guyz please help...
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Absolutely no way will HP upgrade the CPU for you and besides that, the problem is not likely the CPU at all but the motherboard. The blink codes are often incorrect because they originate in the motherboard and if the motherboard is bad it will give bad signals. 

  • K7N2G - Bad CPU? Again?

    Im ready to scream!!!
    I'm working with a K7N2G Mainboard
    Codegen 400w PS
    AMD XP 2600+ Barton
    Coolermaster ALPS Silent Cooler (3-pin)
    Crucial PC2700 (2x256)
    When putting this system all together out of the boxes, on my workbench, the first time I turned it on it immediatly powered off.  Wierd for a new system.  I had to unlplug power and wait.  I would switch on, and it would switch off.  Then, I put it in safe mode and reset the BIOS.  System would turn on, but the D-LED gave me the very first bad news - "Bad or Misinstalled CPU "  
    To test this, I tried the CPU in my personal system, a K7N2 Delta and CPU worked fine (with board in in safe mode, I didn't want to have to reset my BIOS).  
    I also tried my personal systems 3200+ processor in the thought to be defective K7NG2 board - same message for the D-LED - "Bad or Misinstalled CPU "  
    So I sent my board, w/o acessories back top MSI.  The replacement board is doing the exact same thing.  
    Please help a frustrated MSI lover

    Not necessarily: the 220/110 switch is for power going into the PSU, not going out to the MB and other bits and pieces. If you had it on 110 and fed 220 volts into it, that might cause some damage to the PSU itself; the other way round.... Who knows?
    if you dont make sure the switch is in 230v and you use it its most likely to blow the computer in sweden as all computerparts gets twice the volt it should have and i have heard of it many times.
    however if you have 115v and its set to 230v all parts only get half the volt it should have and should not take damage.

  • Can't boot from OSX cd - Kernel Panic or bad CPU?

    Greetings, All! I've looked at all the articles related to this that I can find, here and on other sites, but have not been able to solve the problem. Here's a list to briefly describe my issue:
    -Got Prohibitory sign on my MDD Dual 867 when I tried booting into OS X (10.3).
    -Tried all the resets (PRAM, PMU), re-seated RAM, took out RAM, etc.
    -Trashed OS, and tried to re-install, but Mac won't boot from DVD (10.3) or CD (10.2) - just get the spinning wheel and finally Prohibitory sign...
    -Ran Hardware test to loop for about 17 hours; nothing, all fine.
    Then I just recently noticed that when I run Digital Performer 3 (OS9), it usually shows 2 usage indicators for CPU performance (1 for each processor) but now only shows one. So, I'm thinking a processor may have died, or become unseated, or something. But I read somewhere, on one of the forums, that it isn't likely for one of a pair of processors to go, or if it did, the other wouldn't be able to function solo. But if that weren't the case, and the Mac can run on 1 processor, why would that keep the Mac from booting from the OSX disk?
    The Mac still runs fine in OS9, though it does seem to be a little slower when I do processor-intensive operations in DP, and sometimes hangs on startup, and seems to have some "sleep" issues (won't wake back up sometimes...). I don't know of any way to check if both processors are functioning in OS9. Does anyone know of a utility that will do that? Or if there's one in the OS (The Profiler only shows processor speed)? And would that cause the Kernel Panic and keep the Mac from booting in OSX? It's very frustrating. I appreciate any help or tips anyone may have to offer. Peace, Gelon

    Hey Guys!
    I think I know the "why", but not the solution...
    I have a PowerMac G4 400Mhz Dual Processor, and some day I had the same troubles. No boot on OS X, but I can in OS9. Checking the Open Firmware commands, I saw one of the processor marked as "dead". So, (dont't ask how) I removed one processor from the logic board. Now I got the same "Processor dead", I can boot on OS9, (with an alert for the processor) but is stable. No boot in OS X.
    So, what I suposse (having the same reports in PC computers trying to run OS X) is that the OS X checks for the compliance of the System for running. When a processor fails, the OS X can not recognize the system as valid (as in some PC computers happens) and can not boot. I also suposse if we can get a "patched" OS X for PowerPC or patch the firmware in any way, we can work with just one processor. Or, buying a new processor for the Mac.
    Pls. send me your comments.

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