BADi/BAPI update sales Area

Hi Guys,
               I am struck with a single field to update, lets me depict it..
I loaded the business partner via LSMW and the standard idoc doesnot support the <b>Account Assignment group</b> field and i am not finding a way to update this field externally ...
Does any one have any idea whic BAPI or badi does it ?
If u have any idea please do mention.

Hi crm_learner_learner,
in order to find the proprer badi- BADI, pls fill the following guide:
I guess that there must be a proper Bapi, to be used for sales data. In this case follow the previous procedure and change the filter in "display trace".
Concerning Badi try Partner_update.

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    Hi Placido,
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    Hi Kamal,
       You can use followinf function module to update sales area data:
    BAPI_BUPA_FRG0020_ADD : For shipping tab
    BAPI_BUPA_FRG0030_ADD : For billing tab
    BAPI_BUPA_FRG0140_ADD : For organization data tab.
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hope this helps.

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    the message is very clear that the sold to party ur refering is not from the same sales area. if u have the customer already then extend the same to the said sales area, by common division and distribution channel
    <b>reward points</b>

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    go to spro>cross-application components>sap busines partner>business partner> basic settings>field groupings>Configure Field Attributes per BP Role
    Double click the business role which you want to customaze (e.g. 'A') and change the proper settings.

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    *& Report  ZTEST
    REPORT  ztest.
    DATA : wa_header TYPE bapisdh1x,
                i_item TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm WITH HEADER LINE,
                i_itemx TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx WITH HEADER LINE,
                i_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2.
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               i_item-itm_number = '000010'.
               i_item-target_qty = '4'.
               APPEND i_item.
              i_itemx-itm_number = '000010'.
              i_itemx-updateflag = 'U'.
              i_itemx-target_qty = 'X'.
              APPEND i_itemx.
        salesdocument               = '1234567890'
        order_header_inx            = wa_header
        return                            = i_return
        order_item_in                 = i_item
        order_item_inx               = i_itemx
    Hope this will help you.

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    Dear Brahmankar,
    My actual requirement is that I will get an excel sheet with data to be added to MARC and MDMA table. I guess the report you suggest is good for manually updating/creating/deleting MRP area. It will as good as using BDC in MM02 transaction programatically. Doing BDC will be the last option. If I am able to use any function module then it will good I guess. Please correct me, if I am wrong and suggest me how to proceed.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Dear Rhesa,
    I said you also have to add the division, distribution channle and the tupples (combination of div and dis. channel) under the particular sales org.
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    I appreciate for the quick response and points are awarded.
    Edited by: Kumar on Jun 5, 2008 6:40 PM

    Hi Kumar,
    This is not exactly a Bapi but you can use the following 2 functions.
    The function below will get a list of sales areas assigned to the BP.
    call function 'CRM_BUPA_FRG0010_GET_LIST'
          iv_partner_guid = lv_partner_guid
          et_sales_areas  = lt_areas.
    You can then use CRM_BUPA_FRG0030_GET_DETAIL to get the detail of the sales area.
    Hope it helps.

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    Hi Mikesh.
    You can use BAPI  BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE to chang the charecteristic value in IQ02.  Please try the following code.
    data : lt_val_num  type TABLE OF BAPI1003_ALLOC_VALUES_NUM,
            lt_val_char type TABLE OF BAPI1003_ALLOC_VALUES_CHAR,
            lt_val_curr type TABLE OF BAPI1003_ALLOC_VALUES_CURR,
            lt_return   type TABLE OF BAPIRET2,
            ls_val_char type          BAPIRET2.
    ls_val_char-CHARACT = 'KONDM'.
    ls_val_char-VALUE_CHAR = '01'.
    APPEND ls_val_char to lt_val_char.
    ls_val_char-CHARACT = 'EXTWG'.
    ls_val_char-VALUE_CHAR = '1001 COLORS'.
    APPEND ls_val_char to lt_val_char.
         objectkey                = '000000000011049924'
         objecttable              = 'EQUI'
         classnum                 =  'ZCOUP'
         classtype                =  '002'
    *   STATUS                   = '1'
    *   STANDARDCLASS            =
    *   CHANGENUMBER             =
    *   KEYDATE                  = SY-DATUM
    *   NO_DEFAULT_VALUES        = ' '
    *   CLASSIF_STATUS           =
         allocvaluesnumnew        = lt_val_num
         allocvaluescharnew       = lt_val_char
         allocvaluescurrnew       = lt_val_Curr
         RETURN                   = lt_ret.
    read table lt_ret into ls_ret with key type = 'E'.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *    EXPORTING
    *      WAIT          =
    *    IMPORTING
    *      RETURN        =

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    I need to update business area field (GSBER)  for  accounts document after Goods Recieve (GR) through MIGO and Post Goods Issue (PGI) through VL02N.
    Can you please tell me the userexits/BADIS for this requirement
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Sujit,
    Thanks for reply
    I tried with both BADIs. After implementing I put break point.
    And goto MIGO. and filled req. fields and click on SAVE button, it should be stopped there.
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    In DB table TVKWZ you can find the plants assigned to a particular sales areas.
    If you want to find the sales areas, in which the plant exist, select sales area info from TVKWZ by passing WERKS.
    If you want to find the plants exist in a particular sales area, select plants from TVKWZ by passing sales area info. To accomplish this, you can also use the FM "TVKWZ_GENREAD_WERKS".
    Hope this helps you!!

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    Hi experts,
    I have an requirement to extend customer's sales area by using BAPI. That means for customer A which has already assigned sales organization 1000 then we want to extend it to sales organization 2000. We can manually do this by using XD01 or VD01. My question is if we can find a standard BAPI to do this? 

    You  need to create a program in order to copy the data for source sales area to target sales area for a certain customer?
    If it's so u can create:
    - or porgram in order to prepare a file for std BI RFBIDE00,
    - or a BDC program to simulate the transaction VD01: here u can indicate a sales area as reference from to pick up the data to be copied in the target sales area.
    - or program uses the BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1, here u can assign a sales area as reference
    Hope this will helps you.

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    I need to change tax classification in Sales area data of Changing Customer ( transaction XD02 ).
    Function BAPI_CUSTOMERCRM_CHANGE looks like is ok for this, but I've try it and is not working, maybe i'm forgeting something or is not proper for this.
    Do you know a function for this or an sample with BAPI_CUSTOMERCRM_CHANGE ?
    Note: Function must not be for online store and Internet Sales.
    Any help will be appreciated and rewarded.
    Thank you a lot!

    Hi again,
    Not the BAPI COMMIT was the problem,
    But I found FM SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL, which is working realy fine.
    All the bests!

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