Hi Experts,
I am using this BadI to jump from one BEx query to other one. However I am able to open the target query in WEB but how can I call it in BEx (like a regular jump without BAdI)?
Thank you for your support

You can use  Tcode RSBBS to call it in BEX.
CSM Reddy

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    Best regards, Martin

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    Refer to SDN Post
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    I dont have idea about Bi 7.0 ..
    If its bw 3.X i jusz used rrmx --->>excel ->addins-->>queries --->pop up window --->here we need rfs object S_RFC
    Finally rrmx tcode and general roles which has S_RFC  autorisation object and the query .

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    If you use function BUPA_NUMBERS_GET then your BP number will already be buffered and you can avoid a DB read. It may also be that the BP is not in the DB yet anyway.
    You can only pass one GUID in at a time - loop through IT_CHANGED_INSTANCES into a variable of type BU_PARTNER_GUID and pass that into the function as input parameter IV_PARTNER_GUID.

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    Hi there,
    I'm using BADI MD_ADD_COL_EZPS to display 3 new buttons and three new columns in MD04.
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    Any help appreciated.

    Hi Shubhendu,
    in the method 'ACTIVATE_ADD_COLUMNS', you can set the flag EZ1_MODE to '1' to make the first column visible always. (it's been a while, but I think setting it to '2' makes it visible when the button is pressed.)
    Same applies to EZ2_MODE for second column, EZ3_MODE for third.
    look at the flags/parameters in this method, and also in FILL_ADD_COLUMNS, to fill the data.
    here you need to fill structure EMDEZX_USEX1 (for column 1) etc.
    The code is hit for each record displayed in MD04
    Hopefully this helps you.

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    Message e000(ZABC) .
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    Hi Brad,
    The checkbox to display messages in pop-up  is already switched off.
    Still themessages are getting displayed in pop-up.

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    ADobe reader could not open "test.PDF" because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged(for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)
    Now, the process is automated with no human intervention. with the advent of this error message, since there is a modal dialog box waiting for a response from the user, the process is interrupted and needs human intervention.
    My question is simply this. Is there an API i could use where i can figure out beforehand if the PDF is bad so i can reject such files early on? research shows that using the adobe forms server which has the PDF utility services, there is a query "Is a PDF document" that is available. I do not want to use a server product.
    Is there any other ADOBE product that exposes something similar?

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    Error when activating InfoSpoke ZTXXXXX3.
    Message no. RSOH010 "
    Could you please help in rectifying the error.
    PS: we tried transporting BADI first and then the infosoke but still its failing.

    Check the forum link below
    Transport Problems with Spokes that have BADIs

  • IPod can no longer sync or charge, bad pin connectors?

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    Before I get a bunch of "just reset it" kinds of replies, it is functioning properly other then that. Last night I did have it hooked up and synced to my Mac so it fully charged, but just now I went to connect it and now it refuses to connect at all. I've tried 2 cords, and with the same cords I plugged my iPhone in as well and it all worked fine, so it's definitely not my other hardware. iPod software is also up to date as well.
    I haven't had a real issue of it not syncing with my computer before today, but in the past month it's had issues staying properly synced to my car radio (play it through USB). It would sometimes drop off or glitch up and not want to work correctly, though in the past week it started working more normally again.
    I listen to my ipod as much as humanly possibly, so I'm wondering if this something I can take to the Apple Store and see if its fixable or replaceable. I've been looking for a great excuse to get the new red ipod touch but I've been unemployed since August.. Of course it has to break before I get a new job
    Has anyone else had the issue of having difficulty getting the sync cords into their ipod touches/problems where the pins just die?
    EDIT: Nevermind. My imac suddenly wont sync my iphone either but I plugged the ipod into the iphone charger and it synced immediately. It's something on my computer's end.
    Message was edited by: Arei

    *all the songs are there, but there are shown in light grey and not able to be high lighted.*
    *I'm also not able to play from my ipod list, only from my itunes??*
    Grey text when you look at the content and a lock symbol at the bottom of the screen just indicates that the iPod is set to sync automatically with iTunes. If you want to play the iPod songs through iTunes, delete songs from the iPod, drag songs from iTunes, add playlists to the iPod etc. you need to change the update setting to "manually manage songs and videos" as per the link above. The text will change from grey to black and everything will be directly accessible through iTunes
    *I have seen a friend plug his ipod into some one elses computer and the same thing happened, it showed all the content but he was not able to access it, or modify it.*
    Again that's most likely because the iPod was set to auto-sync with his home library. If you want to connect and use an iPod on more than one computer or with more than one library you need to change the update preference in the iPod Summary tab to "Manually manage music and videos" and click Apply. The content of iTunes and the iPod are not syncronised in this mode so the two can be different. You can directly access the content of the iPod and play it through iTunes and you can drag and drop whatever you want to the iPod from either library:
    Using iPod with Multiple computers
    *Before I backed up my itunes libary from my external hard drive, and itunes was empty, it would not allow itunes to be copyied from my ipod?*
    iTunes will only give you the option to copy your iTunes Store purchases directly from an iPod to the computer, you'll find details in this article: Copying iTunes Store purchases from your iPod or iPhone to a computer
    For everything else (music from CDs, other downloads etc) there are third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod.

  • IPod Touch 5.1.1 no longer sync'ing w/ iTunes 11.1.3(8). . . .Bad Battery ???

    Three day ago my iPod began acting up in a major way.  The battery charging symbol within the battery indicator is no longer showing the iPod being charged when plug in to my MacBook Pro 5.1 via one of my two USB ports.  A new Apple iPod cable was purchased thinking it was a bad wire or pin not making the proper contact with this device.  The same conditions are happening with this new cable.  I have several other peripheral devices and those devices are working and are connecting to my MBP's USB port without any issues.  I have noticed for the past six months my iPod Touch 3rd Gen has been showing signs in needing longer charging times and seems to drain quicker than it used too.  The iPod for the past two nights have been charging for more than eight-hours each night and is sporadic as if it deciding "I'm I fully or 30% charged?" Although subtle, It seems to jump within the sliding battery scale when the device is powered off for a while.  Sometime showing 80% charged when used for a few hours to 30% charged when used for ten minutes.  My iPod is now over three-years old and I think it is time for a new battery!
    But, in all honesty, not sync'ing with iTunes is it more than just have a new battery professionally installed? Or are there other electronical problems/components going bad with these devices?  What else can be wrong other than a new battery or will a new battery fix all what is mentioned above? Please be very honest and technical if needed, Thanks!

    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one with a new battery for $79. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price                       
    A third-party place like the following will replace the bttery for less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens         
    Replace the battery yourself if you are up to it. You can purchase a replacement battery for about $10
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit                  

  • Reg. Exit/BADI for changing item data of PO in ME22N

    Hi all,
    My requirement is to update the field LABNR (Order Ack.) of few specific line items of a PO, in the Transaction ME22N, using Exit/BADI.
    I have tried the BADI  ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. But the PROCESS_ITEM method of this BADI processes only the line item which has been changed/inserted in ME22N transaction. But my requirement is to update line items irrespective of whether that line item was "changed/not changed" during the process in ME22N screen.
    Could you please suggest me some suitable Exit/BADI for this requirement.
    Anbarasan K

    Thanks Martin.
    Problem solved by implementing the method Process_Header.
    1. Get the items from Header                              -  im_header->get_items
    2. Loop the item list and get the line item record   - re_item-item->get_data
    3. <- Logic to Update the line item - >.
    4. Update the line item                                       - re_item-item->set_data
    Thank you very much.. Martin.
    Anbarasan K

  • User Exit/ Badi for Changing Quant parameters during TO Creation

    Hi Gurus,
    Could you please guide me to advice the User Exit/Badi which can be used for changing Quant Data during TO Creation.
    User Requirement: Using "Recepient Field" in MIGO as a Key Value for FIFO in WM during goods issue. Receipient is copied into TR and TO (Standard SAP Functionality). For the purpose of Stock Removal based on Receipient Value, we need to copy this value into Quant Data field named Certificate Number ("LQUA-ZEUGN").
    I will highly appreciate reply from Gurus.
    Gupta M

    Hi manish,
    Use the Exit MWMTO001 for this purpose and modify the table accordingly. This will solve your problem.

  • FM Call in BADI during replication of BP from R/3 to CRM causes problem

    Hello all;
    I am trying to change the BPKIND of the partner in CRM which is created in R/3 with the PARTNER_UPDATE BADI. But the FM called in the BADI causes the BP hang in SMW01 with intermediate state. May you please advice me somthing about this?
    METHOD if_ex_partner_update~change_before_update.
      DATA:  lt_but000_old           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF but000,
             lt_but000_new           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF but000,
             ls_but000_new           TYPE LINE OF  bup_but000_t,
             lv_objnr                TYPE crmt_object_guid.
      CHECK sy-uname = 'ERP_RFC'.
          et_but000_old = lt_but000_old
          et_but000_new = lt_but000_new
          OTHERS        = 0.
      READ TABLE lt_but000_new INTO ls_but000_new INDEX 1.
      ls_but000_new-bpkind = '0001'.
      REFRESH lt_but000_new.
      APPEND ls_but000_new TO lt_but000_new.
      INSERT but000 FROM TABLE lt_but000_new.
    **    TABLES
    **      t_but000 = partner_attrib.

    Kindly check the partner function whether that partner function of customer in ECC, is defined in CRM. If it is not defined then it will not copy to IBase while data transfer.
    Reward points if helpful.

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