Badly Screwed?

Pardon the title.. it's late, and I'm sober, but a bit punchy... =^D
Has anyone else had problems fully seating some of the 3mm screws after take apart? In the 300+ successful Mac laptop repairs which involve a total or almost total take-apart (part of my consulting is resurrecting Mac laptops/notebooks by replacing bad screens, HDs, keyboards, etc., and I've been told by several experienced (9+ years or so) Certified Apple Techs that my ju-jitsu's pretty good, good enough to be easily laptop certified in both hardware and software), this has never happened. 00 phillips (brand new), no visible Loctite (only visible on the 3 14mm screws)...
I gently press the center of the 17" MBP bottom case downward as I gently find the thread on the 3mm, after threading just shy of first 'tension', all the other 'easy' screws... I begin to turn with some firmness, straight down, and I get progressive tightness, until.. nothing. WILL NOT turn any further, with maybe a 1.5-2 turns to go before flush. Several 3mm screws will go flush, at least 5-6, every attempt. I've even 'swapped' 3mm screws, to ascertain that some 3mms may thread more easily in different holes, no joy.
The back cover seems to be a kinda monocoque, 'stressed member' of the case; when screwed down, it becomes a tightly stretched piece that appears to add stiffness and rigidity to the entire case. This is why the screw-holes appear to be 'off-center' until I gently press down on the center of the bottom of the case as I start the screws in.
Anyway, back to the saga... tried starting over, placing the back cover on, pressing in gently at the center, and also 4-5" in from the screw-hole I'm threading a 3mm screw into, always careful to line up each hole before 'backing up the screw until 'starting' the thread forward.
I've tried different tightening patterns, progressive, cross-tightening, round-robin tightening, you name it- both 3mm corner screws (latch side) NEVER go flush, and 3 other 3mm screws are close, but not flush like before I started with a 500 GB 7200 rpm HD and 8GB RAM upgrade.
Any advice? I'm uneasy about visiting an Apple Store Genius Bar, an independent Mac service company, or any place I can't 'accompany' my 17" 'business partner', which is a lot of places, I'm quickly learning!
I've not stripped any holes nor Phillips tops yet, but I've put holes two pair of Patagonia pants in the last week (before the Rain Designs laptop desk showed up from Small Dog- yum!), and this is really a vexing problem... I'm embarrassed to admit I'm completely stumped! :^/

Well, Rudy- you're right, and thanks for the heads-up with regard to OWC's upgrade/case-cracking of the 17" unibody video, because I just went with your advice without looking at the video; I could envision the solution you described... worked like a charm, no stripped threads, no loose screws, looks and feels (screw friction when seating-wise), like factory-spec!
I went ahead and bookmarked the OWC video you mentioned, so that I can refer my more adventurous clients who are dead-set on attempting this themselves..
if anyone has a similar issue, thank Rudy!
Again, thanks to all you guys for the constructive, informed input!

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    I am quite concerned the player is dieing since I don't quite have money for a new one. Any input is appriciated.

    Wow. I actually wish that happened to me (some tracks I would really like to have music only and no vocals). Lucky.
    BUT, did you try to load them without all those programs running? How about trying to go into recovery mode and doing a disk clean up? Let us know! Good luck!

  • Hard drive bad sectors?

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    Thanks in advance for any advise. I apologize for my lengthy letter.

    I can't get any information about the effectiveness of Drive Genius 4 from Mac tech support because they're not allowed to comment about third party software. But it has excellent reviews from users and Mac publications.
    I can comment about it. Drive Genius will report false positives and may be responsible for causing disk corruption. Get rid of it. It's junk your Mac does not need.
    "Mac publications" that accept advertising are necessarily biased, and cannot be relied upon for accurate information. Do you really think they'll publish a negative review about a product from a company supplying the revenue they need to survive?
    But now, I'm reading recommendations all over the web to replace any hard drive with the first bad sector warning.
    You should. Hard disk drives are wear items. Fortunately, they are also inexpensive enough to have several backups. At the first sign of failure, plan to replace it ASAP. Having a backup plan such as Time Machine makes that a non-event.

  • Re: SA80 Cannot Find DVD-RAM Drive

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    So, any ideas?

    > Update - Got the disk drive working again. I'm going to operate under the theory that the drive is sensitive and that the owner must have knocked it about some - As all I did was wiggle the tray a little bit.
    Great! Thanks for this feedback

  • XRAID will not mount (journal corruption)

    Hi guys, I have seen in the unanswered archived article below someone with exactly my problems, really looking for a solution to repair the journal within OS X, any ideas or developments on this?
    Our XServe-RAID volume does not mount anymore.
    On /var/log/system.log I could find the following.
    Feb 22 09:52:29 ogre kernel: jnl: open: journal magic is bad (0xf433f != 0x4a4e4c78)
    Feb 22 09:52:29 ogre kernel: hfs: early jnl init: failed to open/create the journal (retval 0).
    It appears the the journaling is badly screwed.
    I tryed to disable the journaling with no success.
    Here is what I get.
    ogre:/var/log root# diskutil disablejournal disk2s3
    The selected journaling request does not appear to be valid
    After some googling I foud this :
    --- QUOTE ---
    The more serious problem occurs when the contents of the journal file are corrupted in such a way that the operating system does not proceed to mount the volume. Fortunately, this problem is extremely rare (I have seen three reports of corrupted journal files at the MacFixIt Forums and Apple Discussion Forums since journaling was introduced).
    Starting the journaling process is one of the first things that happens when a volume is recognized by the operating system. There appears to be no way to intervene in single-user mode before the journal file is examined. A message about �bad journal magic� appears. Unfortunately, every tool that can turn off journaling requires that the volume already be mounted.
    If the Macintosh can boot under Mac OS 9, dealing with a corrupted journal file involves restarting under Mac OS 9 and using a utility (such as our free TechTool Lite 3.0.4) to make visible these two invisible files at the root level of the volume:
    Once these files are made visible, they can be deleted. Mac OS 9 does not support journaling, and recognizes nothing special about these files. Neither of these files can be seen in Terminal or in single-user mode in Mac OS X, because they are considered part of the disk directory.
    If the Macintosh cannot boot under Mac OS 9, but the drive has Mac OS 9 drivers installed, the drive can be put into a Macintosh that can boot under Mac OS 9, or an ATA/IDE drive can be put into a suitable FireWire enclosure.
    The possibility that you may need to remove these two journaling files under Mac OS 9 is a good reason for making sure that all volumes you use have Mac OS 9 drivers installed. The drivers must be installed when the drive is formatted.
    --- [END] QUOTE ---
    Well, my disk is part of a RAID 5 matrix.... so the solution proposed does not work.
    Does any one of you has any idea ?

    I was using RAID mirroring two SCSI drives under 10.3 Server (not an XRAID) and found that one of the two drives was slow to spin up. The System considered the array "degraded" and made the single "good" drive available. Nothing that made any sense to me could get the "slow" drive repaired or re-incorporated into the pair. I could not split the pair for repair, and even after it was spun up and ready, Disk utility refused to repair it or its acceptable partner.
    What I eventually did, with some coaching from the forums and re-reading of Mac Help, was to delete the errant drive from the set. Then I could erase it as a single drive, and add it back into the set as a "new" replacement drive. The system accepted it as a replacement, and brought it up-to-date with its partner automatically.
    I have got to say that I find this approach completely counter-intuitive. It gives me the creeps to delete the "safety-net" drive, even if I know it is mucked up.
    But perhaps a similar approach would work in your situation.

  • Multi-SCORM Packager Takes the SCO Title from the wrong field

    I think I've just stumbled across a huge bug in the Cp7 Multi-SCORM Packager tool.  Can anyone else confirm seeing this same issue?
    I have a multi-SCORM course with several modules.  Each SCO is set up in the LMS Manifest dialog with a unique ID in the SCO Identifier field (e.g. My_Course_Module_ID) and the SCO Title field underneath has the correct name of the same module (e.g. My Course Module).  When published to SCORM zip files the imsmanifest.xml files for these modules are correct.
    However, I've just discovered that when packaging up a number of these SCORM modules using the Multi-SCORM Packager tool, the resulting imsmanifest.xml file it produces is NOT using the SCO Title. When uploaded to an LMS the SCO Title shown in the LMS TOC seems to be whatever had been used as the Project Title field text in the Publish dialog at the time the SCO was published.
    Here's the issue: The Publish Title field ends up being used for the file names of the output.  So if you use a Project Title such as: My Course Module it will mean your HTM and SWF output file are named as My Course Module.htm and My Course Module.swf.  The problem with this is obviously that the spaces in the filenames mean you cannot use them on the web.  So, I normally use a lowercase name with underscore characters in the Project Title field (e.g. my_course_module) to ensure the output is web-compatible (e.g. my_course_module.htm, my_course_module.swf).
    It doesn't matter whether you are publishing for SCORM 1.2 or 2004, the result is the same. The TOC in the LMS comes out with the wrong text string.  The issue with this bug in the Multi-SCORM Packager taking the Title attribute for the imsmanifest.xml from the wrong dialog field means that the TOC strings displayed in the LMS are incorrect.  So far I've found no way to resolve this issue other than manually modifying the combined imsmanifest.xml.
    Has anyone else seen this issue?  Can Adobe confirm if this is a known bug/issue so that I know if I need to log it or not?  Is there a fix or workaround (other than manually editing each and every imsmanifest.)

    Are you using the Cp7 version of the Multi-SCORM Packager or the Cp8 version?  I'm talking about the Cp7 packager app.
    I've tried this Cp7 SCORM Packager on two different machines installed a year apart and they both do the same thing.
    Here is my Manifest dialog settings:
    Note that what I'm expecting to see in the TOC of the LMS SCORM Player is the Title field name of the SCO (About Working in Courts in this case).  But what I'm seeing appear is actually not that field, and it's not even the SCO ID field above it.  (I tried changing that field as well to see if its value was what ended up getting written into the imsmanifest.xml for the multi-SCORM package.)
    What ended up being used as the Title of the SCO in the package turned out to be the contents of the Publish dialog's Project Title field.
    I verified this by changing the values in this Project Title field for a couple of SCOs, published them to zips and then compiled them into a Multi-SCORM.  THEN  I was seeing those values in the TOC of the LMS player.
    Currently, when I create a Multi-SCORM Package with the Cp7 app, here's what I see in the Title tags of the Organizations block:
    As you can see above, what's coming out is NOT the SCO Title tag value from the Manifest dialog, and although it looks similar, it's not the SCO ID either.  The value is in fact taken from the Publish dialog's Project Title field.
    Weird.  I've never seen this issue in any previous version of the Multi-SCORM Packager tool.
    Any ideas why this is getting so badly screwed up?

  • EMac won't Boot - different than other problems....

    I recently salvaged an eMac G4 700mhz.
    Upon powering it up it sticks on the initial load screen (gray screen with just a spinning circle)
    I did a little research on these boards and decided to try a few things people mentioned.
    One - startup from OSX disk (hold c with disk in drive on startup)
    I tried this, when I do a screen comes up that says:
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x002E0FF4) : Unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerMac4,4"
    The last line reads:
    panic: We are hanging here...
    At this point the computer will do nothing further and I have to do a hard shut down via the power button.
    two - reseting the PMU
    I did this, but I am a little concerned that I hit the button to many times (i don't know if there is some weird limit - like only hit it once and couldn't find anything that would validate or erase my concerns)
    After resetting the PMU there was no change in the process and a power button hard shutdown was needed.
    three - resetting the pram and nvram
    I did both - first the pram
    Computer would make start up ding and then restart - no change in status once startup proceeded.
    NVRAM/open firmware menu
    0 > reset-nvram
    Press Return
    0 > reset-all
    Press Return
    Using the Open firmware menu. Computer would still not start up.
    In all circumstances in order to power down I had to do a power button shut down.
    So that is where I am now. When in the open firmware menu the system date says 1970 something...
    I know how it got in this predicament. Multiple power failures from a inexperienced user shutting down their computer by turning off it's power strip.
    Is there any hope I can save this thing, should I even try and what can I try next?
    Thanks for the help!!

    eMac - Do-It-Yourself has instructions on replacing the PRAM battery. It's pretty straightforward, certainly way better than a first-generation iMac. (Unless the 700 MHz eMac in question is one made when the factory was unknowingly going through a batch of substandard RAM access door screws, of all things; the metal was much too soft, and the screw heads would strip upon trying to unscrew it. Using a #2 Philips head that tightly fits the screw and apply steady pressure along the screwdriver shaft should avoid that problem even with a bad screw in place.)
    The grey screen suggests the System is corrupted or the hard drive directory damaged, or both. You might be able to repair the drive in single-user mode using the Unix file system check utility fsck as described in Using Disk Utility and fsck.
    The kernel panic reporting no driver found suggests the OS X boot disc you tried was for a model-specific Mac other than the 700 MHz eMac; you'll need to find an nVidia graphics model eMac OS X Install disc, or a retail (black label) OS X install disc (any version from 10.2 through 10.4 should work with the 700 MHz eMac).

  • Synaptic driver doesn't catch my Dell Precision M6600 TouchPad?

    For whatever reason, the synaptic driver doesn't catch my touchpad.
    I've got: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "touchpad"
    Driver "synaptics"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    Option "TapButton1" "1"
    Option "TapButton2" "2"
    Option "TapButton3" "3"
    Option "VertEdgeScroll" "on"
    Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "on"
    Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "on"
    Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "on"
    Option "CircularScrolling" "on"
    Option "CircScrollTrigger" "2"
    Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" "40"
    Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinW" "8"
    Option "CoastingSpeed" "0"
    And the following shows some info:
    [torxed@faparch ~]$ xinput list
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
    ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ DualPoint Stick id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button id=6 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Video Bus id=7 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button id=8 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Sleep Button id=9 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=10 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Dell WMI hotkeys id=12 [slave keyboard (3)]
    I did install psmouse-alps-driver since a thread mentioned it might solve the issue but now i don't even see the TouchPad which showed up as ALPS DualPoint TouchPad and now i'm afraid of how i should go about to remove the driver and the kernel modules that were installed with the AUR package (will it remove the kernel parameters etc automaticly or will i have to dig in and if so where to begin?)

    Your friends don't know what they're talking about.  SL is quite good...  far better than Leopard in my experience.  The issue is that many people have systems that get screwed up a little bit, and then they install some major update, and suddenly a slightly screwed up system becomes badly screwed up.  (Imagine building a second floor on a house with undiscovered structural defects.)  This is often unfairly blamed on system updates...  if you rely on word of mouth, every version of the Mac OS ever has been the worst ever. 
    Of course, I've got no experience with Autodesk.  Perhaps Autodesk has issues with SL, if your friends are all using it and having problems.  SL did change a lot under the hood, so older software may be incompatible with it.

  • Thinkpad Bluetooth power no longer turns on automatically (Fn+F5 is required)

    I had ThinkPad T61p pre-loaded with Vista, which I then upgraded to Windows 7 RTM. During all this time, integrated
    Broadcom BlueTooth has been working perfectly and I never had to turn it on manually with Fn+F5 - it was turned on initially after boot, and it was also always turned on after coming up from sleep mode.
    Windows 7 however got badly screwed up at some point, and I reformatted the machine and did clean new installation of Windows 7. I re-installed Lenovo drivers for BlueTooth adapter, and it does work, however every time the computer boots up or emerges from sleep, BlueTooth radio is powered off. Every time I have turn it on manually using Fn+F5 before I can use BT mouse, which is very annoying. 
    The question is what steps do I need to take to make BlueTooth power on automatically ? I know I can do Fn+F5 manually, but that's not a solution.
    Whatever Lenovo did when they customized Windows, made BT power on automatically, and that was also carried over by Windows 7 upgrade, but was lost after clean install.
    Go to Solution.

    I posted a solution in this thread that may help you...

  • Failed to update - disk write error (WinXP Pro)

    These are the steps I performed to get my Nano in it's current state of displaying the contact "" error message.
    When I bought it last November, the itunes on the CD was outdated and needed updating. Today, after a fresh install of WinXP, I decided to be "smart" and simply download the latest itunes for windows to save some steps.
    After installing itunes and rebooting, I plugged the Nano in and discovered it was not recognized. (I hadn't realized the driver was not loaded when I install itunes)
    I inserted the original CD and accepted the defaults - the nano was recognized and I could view the files via itunes.
    I attempted to add a song - and received an error "disk write error" from itunes.
    itunes informed me that my Nano needed an update, so I proceeded to download the updater - hoping that would fix things.
    The updater errored our stating it had a write error also.
    At this point, my Nano was now displaying the !folder error with the support url.
    I have attempted to run the "restore" function of the updater and that fails to work also.
    The battery in the ipod shows fully charged, and I have rebooted the PC numerous times and re-installed itunes twice.
    I have attempted the "select+menu" reset and that just results in returning to the "!folder" error.
    I have also tried forcing it into disk mode - which it is now in - this made no difference in the update attempt either.
    Finally, the Nano does show up as a drive under windows, however, windows says it needs formatting, and so far I have declined to allow it to proceed.
    Suggestions are much appreciated - I'm hoping it is not so badly screwed up I need to send it in for service/replacement.
    Nano   Windows XP Pro  

    I found my answer here:
    Someone else had the same difficulty and allowed windows to format the disk - and then restore worked.
    I tried the same - and voila! Restore worked, Nano is now good as new again

  • Is there anyway to restore from time machine without leopard cd?

    i really badly screwed up my system by deleting files i shouldnt have,
    and now i have a kernal panic at startup.
    i bought this macbook in america and left the cds there (duh) - so i cant restore from time machine...
    is there a way to do it or do i need the cds to wait for the leopard cd to get here in the post?

    Yes, need those DVD.
    Maybe these help:

  • Should I get the 17 inch MacBook Pro, Dell Precision M6600, Lenovo Thinkpad W520, or the HP EliteBook 8760 W

    I already own an old MacBook Pro running Core 2 Duo processor and have no problems with it. I was told by my friends not to go with the new Snow Leopard Operating system as they crash often and produce very slow performance. I am not sure if they will resolve all these issues in Lion. I do intensive work on Adobe and Autodesk products and I require an extremely fast processor, best display, and graphics card. If I choose MBP, I will take the anti-glare screen as I also do desktop publishing. I also don't understand why Apple doesn't ship their MacBook Pro's with Nvidia Quadro or ATI FireGL pro graphics cards. I was told that they are better cards for working with Pro apps. Are there any benefits of choosing Quadro or FireGL instead of GeForce or Radeon. I also saw the comments at Apple store and almost all have given the least possible rating to Quadro cards for Mac Pro. I don't wanna spend money unnecessarily if there will be problems with compatibility and I am also considering if I should switch to a PC as Snow Leopard is very slow. I also wonder how the gaming performance is in the Pro GPU's.

    Your friends don't know what they're talking about.  SL is quite good...  far better than Leopard in my experience.  The issue is that many people have systems that get screwed up a little bit, and then they install some major update, and suddenly a slightly screwed up system becomes badly screwed up.  (Imagine building a second floor on a house with undiscovered structural defects.)  This is often unfairly blamed on system updates...  if you rely on word of mouth, every version of the Mac OS ever has been the worst ever. 
    Of course, I've got no experience with Autodesk.  Perhaps Autodesk has issues with SL, if your friends are all using it and having problems.  SL did change a lot under the hood, so older software may be incompatible with it.

  • Macintosh HD is damaged and cannot be repaired.

    I recently downloaded and tried installing the new Mountain Lion OS X. After the download i followed all the steps and when i had restarted and started installing, it came with the warning: Macintosh HD is damaged and cannot be repaired, and that i should restart my coumputer. I have tried this several times, and nothing has helped. I have bootcamp on my computer and my windows side works perfectly fine. When i tried looking through my Mac sides files i found a file called OS X install data. I was wondering what would happen if i deleted this file. and how i can fix my problem?

    Your Mac partition has become badly corrupt. First priority needs to be baking up your data, if you don't already have it backed up. It may already be too late, unfortunately.
    If you already have a full system backup, your life is easy... just erase the Mac partition and restore from the backup. If it's a Time Machine backup, see How do I restore my entire system?.
    If you didn't have backups already, once your data is backed up, you need to erase the hard drive and reinstall the system from scratch, then import data only from your backup. Reinstall any apps from scratch.
    If you are unable to make a backup, you may be very badly screwed, but you can try repairing the drive with DiskWarrior. It may repair the problem, or it may fail to and destroy some of your data in the attempt. (Anything you do is a risk without backups.)

  • Iphone 4 sleep wake button won't move

    I can no longer depress this button, phone is @8 months old and never submerged or abused.
    Button is stuck solid, can't depress or pull up, seems to be in the normal up position.
    Phone has been in a otter box its whole life.
    Any suggestions? or just sent it in.
    Little leary about giving them a blank credit card to get service, Badly screwed by Toshiba once.

    I wish there was a apple store that was not a 3 hour drive away.
    To send it to them they hold $20 up front incase they don't receive my phone in 10 days, then it sounds like if they don't agree that the problem is covered under warranty they can bill the card what ever they want. (or is there a cap on this I missed for Canada?)
    If I understand it correctly they ship a refurbished phone immediately though?
    If I do a sync with Itunes is that everything I need to transfer all my info to the new phone. (contacts, emails mainly, pdf books are already on my laptop.

  • Our XServe-RAID volume does not mount anymore...

    Our XServe-RAID volume does not mount anymore.
    On /var/log/system.log I could find the following.
    Feb 22 09:52:29 ogre kernel: jnl: open: journal magic is bad (0xf433f != 0x4a4e4c78)
    Feb 22 09:52:29 ogre kernel: hfs: early jnl init: failed to open/create the journal (retval 0).
    It appears the the journaling is badly screwed.
    I tryed to disable the journaling with no success.
    Here is what I get.
    ogre:/var/log root# diskutil disablejournal disk2s3
    The selected journaling request does not appear to be valid
    After some googling I foud this :
    --- QUOTE ---
    The more serious problem occurs when the contents of the journal file are corrupted in such a way that the operating system does not proceed to mount the volume. Fortunately, this problem is extremely rare (I have seen three reports of corrupted journal files at the MacFixIt Forums and Apple Discussion Forums since journaling was introduced).
    Starting the journaling process is one of the first things that happens when a volume is recognized by the operating system. There appears to be no way to intervene in single-user mode before the journal file is examined. A message about �bad journal magic� appears. Unfortunately, every tool that can turn off journaling requires that the volume already be mounted.
    If the Macintosh can boot under Mac OS 9, dealing with a corrupted journal file involves restarting under Mac OS 9 and using a utility (such as our free TechTool Lite 3.0.4) to make visible these two invisible files at the root level of the volume:
    Once these files are made visible, they can be deleted. Mac OS 9 does not support journaling, and recognizes nothing special about these files. Neither of these files can be seen in Terminal or in single-user mode in Mac OS X, because they are considered part of the disk directory.
    If the Macintosh cannot boot under Mac OS 9, but the drive has Mac OS 9 drivers installed, the drive can be put into a Macintosh that can boot under Mac OS 9, or an ATA/IDE drive can be put into a suitable FireWire enclosure.
    The possibility that you may need to remove these two journaling files under Mac OS 9 is a good reason for making sure that all volumes you use have Mac OS 9 drivers installed. The drivers must be installed when the drive is formatted.
    --- [END] QUOTE ---
    Well, my disk is part of a RAID 5 matrix.... so the solution proposed does not work.
    Does any one of you has any idea ?
    XServe   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    I've seen an article about volumes not mounting and was wondering if this relates to your problem;
    The thread doesn't refer to journalling but may be of use?

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