Badly want to get a new Imac

If I go to the Apple store tomorrow and buy a 21.5 iMac what are my chances of gettin it home and having a 100% beautiful system? No dead pixels, no lines either vertically or horizontally, no defects nothing...Alls I do is surf the web, email , you tube, just the basics.. Had some great input from a member " Dennis" today and would just like some more input...Happy Holidays

I alleviated my doubts by buying my iMac and having them unpack and start it up in the store (this was a Mac-only store, but not an Apple store) to make sure there were no issues with the screen, backlight, or anything else... it was perfect and I took it home. And, it was actually easier transporting it (that 27" box is huge!).

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    Message was edited by: WZZZ

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    What’s the difference between:
    8GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 4x2GB http://Add $200.00...
    (from 4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB)
    8GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x4GB http://Add $600.00
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    I do not receive any reward (financial or otherwise) as a result of mentioning either Shazam or Soundhound.

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    The Early 2006 model 1,1 Core Duo can only run a maximum of 10.6 Snow Leopard. The models Late 2006 Core 2 Duos 2,1 through Early 2008 4,1 can only run a maximum of 10.7 Lion. The Late 2008 model 5,1 Aluminum Unibody through the Mid 2010 White Unibody model 7,1 can run 10.8 Mountain Lion.
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    The Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD should still be available from Apple for $20. You will have to call Apple Customer Care 1-800-692-7753 or 1-800-676-2775 to purchase it. It may still be in the Legacy Products list.
    If they no longer have any in stock you will have to buy it from eBay or Apple resellers that still have stock. But you will have to pay a premium since the DVDs are no longer being made. Snow Leopard DVDs are already up to $100 on Amazon. &_osacat=0
    Once you are at 10.6.8 Lion is still available from Apple. You will have to call Apple Customer Care 1-800-692-7753 or 1-800-676-2775. to purchase it. Then within 3 days you will get an email with a code which you can use to download Lion from the App Store.  The price is still $29. You must have at least a model 2,1 MacBook.
    Lion will require at least 2gb of RAM but really needs 4gb to run smoothly.
    As for third party programs see this list for compatibility with 10.7
    Also Lion doesn't run any Power PC programs. To see if you have any Power PC programs go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info. When System Profiler comes up select Applications under Software. Then look under Kind to see if any of your applications are listed as Power PC. Universal and Intel will run under Lion.
    Before Mac switched to Intel processors in 2006 they used Power PC processors from 1994 to 2005. Power PC 601 through 604, G3, G4 and G5. Applications written for the Power PC processors need the application called Rosetta to run on Intel processors. This was part of the Operating System in 10.4 and 10.5 but was an optional install in 10.6. With 10.7 Lion Apple dropped all support for Power PC applications.

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    Restart the computer.
    BTW please advise what version of OS X is installed. Also in the App Store click Quick Links - Support and you can find help for the App Store there.

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    Hello there, LeoFerrer.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great information and steps for migrating your information to your new iMac:
    OS X: How to migrate data from another Mac using Mavericks
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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