Baixei Creative Cloud Desktop. Ao abrir está vazio, não aparece nada, porque?

Tenho Creative Cloud mas não tem como usar, pois a janela está sem nada, toda branca. O que está acontecendo? Precisei baixar Dreamweaver e Fireworks e não tem como. Podem me ajudar?

Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later

Similar Messages

  • Problème d'installation Creative Cloud Desktop / de lancement de Photoshop

    Bonjour la Communauté,
    J'ai mis à jour mon Mac et depuis, les produits (Photoshop surtout) se lancent en affichant une erreur ("erreur de programme").
    J'ai tenté de réinstaller Photoshop, même problème.
    Pareil avec l'outil de gestion de l'abonnement, le Creative Cloud Desktop. Il ne s'installe plus.
    Merci d'avance

    Bonjour !
    Quelques remarques au sujet de cette description pour effacer les programmes Adobe installés et qui causent des problèmes ...
    En rouge, mes remarques.
    Je me réponds à moi-même. Ça peut servir à d'autres personnes.
    Le Support Adobe m'a donné une procédure de nettoyage. Tout est rentré dans l'ordre :
    Le problème ne pourra être résolu que par un nettoyage en profondeur du Mac donc voici la procéduree :
    1) Redémarrez la machine en Mode Minimal : mode-mac.html
    - Redémarrez la machine. Lorsque retentit le gong de démarrage, maintenez enfoncé la
    touche Shift (Maj) jusqu'à ce que le logo de la Pomme apparaisse.
    - La machine redémarre alors en Mode sans extension (plus lent que d'habitude).
    Ce lien ne fonctionnait pas chez moi !
    Par contre, cette description m’a suffit.
    2) Désinstallez les produits depuis l'utilitaire Adobe :
    Cet outil ne semble pas s’installer parmi les programmes ... mais est resté sur mon bureau. Il semble que cela ait suffit.
    3) Supprimez les dossiers concernant Adobe suivants :
    /Applications/Adobe xxx
    ... Euh ... vous voulez dire les CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 etc ... je suppose ?
    Attention, il y a aussi un tout un dossier ADOBE à cet emplacement !!!!
    Tout le dossier ?
    Pour la suite: De quelle Bibliothèque parlez-vous ? Où se trouve-t-elle ?
    Votre description n’est pas claire.
    Pour ma part, j’ai trouvé cela sous: dans Finder/Disque dur Macintosh/Bibliothèque/Application Support/Adobe
    /Bibliothèque/Application Support/Adobe
    Pas de problème.
    /Bibliothèque/Application Support/FLEXnet Publisher
    Dans mes trois premières tentatives, je n’ai jamais réussi à trouver ce dossier "Application Support/FLEXnet Publisher".
    Je ne viens de le découvrir qu’à l’instant ... tant votre description est imprécise.
    Non mais ... sérieusement, vous voulez que j’efface TOUT ce dossier !
    A mon humble avis (je ne suis pas expert du tout), ce serait de la folie !
    /Bibliothèque/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher
    Je ne viens de trouver ce dossier qu’à l’instant.
    Bon, facile
    NB : Les dossiers suivants se situent dans la Bibliothèque de l'utilisateur.
    Pour y accéder à partir des systèmes 10.7, ouvrez la Finder, développez le menu Aller
    (dans la barre supérieure) et maintenez la touche Alt enfoncée.
    Bien expliqué !
    ~Bibliothèque/Application Support/Adobe/
    = toutes les occurrences de noms commençant par cette expression
    Ces opérations là a bien fonctionné.
    Source (en anglais) : Delete previously installed application files (Mac OS X)
    Aucune idée, mais alors aucune idée de ce que cette phrase veut dire ?????
    4) Videz la corbeille (très important pour permettre le réécriture des fichiers et dossiers).
    Clair et net.
    5) Téléchargez le Creative Cloud Desktop Manager depuis l'adresse suivante :
    Mode d'emploi :
    Tout bon .... réalisé sans problème.
    6) Pour redémarrer la machine en mode normal, redémarrez simplement la machine.
    Pas de problèmes non plus.
    En somme: Je trouve votre description assez imprécise et très dangereuse (j’avoue ne pas être un expert du tout !). Je crois que si je n’avais pas été très prudent à effacer certains dossiers et pas d’autres, que vous m’aviez dit d’effacer, je me trouverais devant un
    ordinateur complètement détraqué !

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App Window Blank, Windows 8.1 (Resolved)

    Platform: PC
    OS: Windows 8 (8.1)
    I needed to download Flash, so I searched for my Desktop Application Manager.  Opened the Creative Cloud App, and saw this:
    I waited for it to "load" but nothing ever loaded.  I clicked the gear to see if I could log out and log back in, but just saw three practically useless options:
    [Help, Pin to Notification Area..., Quit]
    I waited 2 hours for customer service, and finally got this answer:
    Launch the run window. (press: window button, type: "run" OR window button + X, select "Run")
    Type %appdata%
    You'll see AppData > Roaming, click AppData in the address bar.
    Open Local > Adobe > OOBE
    Cut opm.db and paste it to the desktop.
    >>If you receive an error, open the task manager and close ALL Adobe processes, then retry.
    Open Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application
    Log in. (ta-da!)
    Delete the file that you cut and pasted to the desktop.
    I hope this helps someone avoid the long wait time for customer service to fix this error that seems to have sprouted after some update corrupted the opm.db file.

    1.  quit the app (from the task bar) and relaunch.  if that fails:
    2.  Remove the OPM.db file and relogin into the Creative Cloud desktop application using the Adobe ID tied to your subscription.
        Mac OS: You can locate the OPM.db file in the \User\<user name>\Library\Application Support\Adobe\OOBE folder. To access the hidden user Library folder, see Access hidden user library files | Mac OS 10.7 Lion.
        Windows: You can locate the OPM.db file in the \Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE folder.  To view the hidden AppData folder, see Show hidden files, folders, filename extensions | Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.

  • Error Code 201 and 213 when trying to install any Adobe application / Update my Creative Cloud Desktop App. Have tried troubleshooting with Online Chat Agents, no luck.

    I have been trying for 2 days now to get this resolved.
    Computer hashard wired internet connection, running Windows 7 Home Premium. No other issues with downloading or uploading from any other sites or programs. No other network issues reported on other computers.
    It started when I went to install Lightroom through my Creative Cloud. It prompted me to update my Creative Cloud Desktop App, which I went to do and then promptly got Error Code 201. I restarted my Creative Cloud and then skipped the update, hoping it was just an issue with that specific download. I clicked to install Lightroom and the same thing happened, Error code 201.
    I restarted my machine, and tried again. Same issue.
    I contacted Support. They had me go in and change a bunch of folder names to and add "old" to the end of them and then had me try using the Adobe Cleaner tool, which did not work. He had me go in and change some internet settings, still nothing. Same issues as before, only now with all the renaming of things I cannot even open programs I had previously been able to open like Photoshop.
    He instructed me to reinstall the CC Desktop App because the Cleaner tool was not recognizing that it existed anymore (probably something to do with renaming files.. just saying) and now I get the 201 Error when I try to reinstall the CC Desktop App.
    I ran out of time and had to stop after being on with them for over an hour.
    Today I contact back and was instructed to create a new user account on my computer and try downloading and installing the application in the new user. Same errors. 213 at first, restarted my computer and then got Error Code 201 again.
    I am getting really frustrated and really behind on my work. Any information someone could give me would be greatly appreciated. Currently waiting for a chat person to be available again.
    Thank you for your time and assistance.

    Meowia for Error 201 please see Error downloading Creative Cloud applications -  Error 213 indicates there was problem locating the update or an incorrect URL.  The troubleshooting steps are still the same as both errors are related to failure of the current network connection.

  • CC apps only have try button in Creative Cloud desktop app

    I received a free 1 year membership because i attended the Adobe Max Conference. I activated the membership in May 2013 and when I go to my profile at it says the creative cloud membership is active until May 2014.
    I updated my Creative Cloud desktop app yesterday to download the CC apps and did not have any problems or get any errors. All my CS6 programs are listed in the app along with the CC programs but the CC programs have a try button, not install button. Do I need to re-enter my creative cloud activation code again somewhere else so the programs I download are not trial versions.
    I'm using OS10.8.4

    Jodi I am showing 4 successful activation requests from yesterday.  If you are continuing to experience difficulties then I would recommend contacting our support team.  For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at  Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issue you have described.

  • The 'Apps' tab in my Creative Cloud Desktop app shows a Download Error

    I have tried uninstalling, downloading, and reinstalling Creative Cloud Desktop and continue to get the Download Error prompt.  It either shows the Download Error prompt or it continues to just think and think and think.  All the other tabs work normally. I've also signed out and signed in of my CC account multiple times . . . with the same outcome.
    All of this started after I had updated all the available updates . . . I was also looking to install Lightroom CC.

    You may try providing full permissions to Adobe folders under ~/library/Application Support and /library/Application Support.
    Then launch Creative Cloud app and try loading Apps list 
    Still same ?
    Try below steps :
    Launch Activity Monitor and "Force Quit" all the process related to Adobe like Creative Cloud, CoreSync, AAMupdater, AAMupdater notifier, Adobe Crash demon from Activity monitor.
    Click on the Finder and look for the options listed next to Apple Icon located at the top left corner of the Desktop screen and click on "Go" menu button and select "Utilities" option.
    Locate Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Application Manager folder under Utilities window and trash both folders.
    Trash Adobe Creative Cloud from Applications well.
    1) Right click on Finder icon and  select "Go-ToFolder " option.
    2) You will get a text box, type-in below command and then hit 'Return' key.( Do not miss ~ symbol)
    3)Then navigate to Application Support>Adobe.
    Open Adobe folder and trash folders named AAMUpdater and OOBE.
    1) Right click on Finder icon and  select "Go-To" Folder option.
    2) You will get a text box, type-in below command and then hit 'Return' key.
    3)Then navigate to Application Support>Adobe.
    Open Adobe folder and trash folders named AAMUpdater ,Adobe Application Manager and OOBE.
    Click on the below link and download & run Adobe Cleaner tool :
    Select the option "Adobe Application Manager for Mac OS X 10.6" and then click on "Clean up Selected" . oblems/_jcr_content/main-pars/…
    Click on the below link and download and install Creative Cloud desktop app.

  • Creative Cloud Desktop issue: "you've been signed out" when trying to sign in

    Following the resolution guide for this issue on the adobe site, I have deleted the opm.db file from the oobe folder.  But the issue still remains.
    Steps carried out
    Quit the app
    Deleted opm.db file
    launched the app
    signed in
    same error
    I have also done a restart after deleting the file.
    I also reinstalled the application.
    Is this issue due to the maintenance?  My Colleague has the same issue.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi All,
    When you launch the Creative Cloud desktop app, a "You've been signed out" message appears.
    Troubleshoot points of note.
    Mac Mavericks OS
    This is happening on two Macs – regardless of user credentials used
    This works using the user’s credentials from a PC using the windows Creative Cloud Desktop App
    Creative Cloud Desktop successful downloaded one app on the 16/06/2014 to the Mac
    Adobe’s Resolution
    Also tried renaming another folder – AAMupdater in the Adobe folder, as suggested on an Adobe Forum
    Deleted OOBE folder in a second location (location that differs from that in the guide above)
    Also used the Creative Cloud Cleaner to tidy up installation files
    This issue is still on going and I have submitted a log to Adobe Tech for analysis on User: Daniel above.
    If anyone has a solution please let me know.

  • Creative Cloud Desktop App refuses log-in for Windows 8

    I've been getting this "unknown server error" for 4 days on my windows 8 creative cloud desktop app. I cannot install other CC aps until you resolve this.
    -- This has been a problem ever since creative cloud FORCED me to "upgrade" the creative cloud desktop app last weekend. 
    The Desktop CC app worked fine before the forced upgrade.
    The error looks like this on my screen...
    To solve the problem, you must explain how do I get the upgrade creative cloud app to read my correct log in info?
    I'm using windows 8, AND I've already tried the following...
    1. re-installing creative cloud from the creative cloud website (did it 4 times now)
    2. changing the folder "OOBE" to "OOBE_old" (did not work)
    3. I also tried installing this exe: PC: , which did not work

    Hi Terranovascreen,
    Which OOBE folder have you renamed ? There are 2 which exist.
    Please follow the suggestion in the link below which might help :-

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Panel Issues

    First, let me say that I've been an Adobe user for more than 18 years.
    A while back (about two weeks ago) I went as usual to launch the little Adobe Creative Cloud desktop panel that shows what's installed, updated, available apps and available updates. Instead of it launching as normally, I was told that I had to LOG IN.  I'm pretty sure I did just that with my Adobe user name and pwd, but suddenly found myself no longer within the little app management panel, but instead on a screen that told me I could drag and drop files into the cloud there. I did not want to drag and drop any files at all! What I wanted was to use my CC desktop apps management panel so I could INSTALL Dreamweaver CC using the CC desktop apps management panel.
    So I dismissed (exited out of) that "drag your files to here" screen. And now every time I launch the desktop panel, it asks me to log in, and every time I try, it comes back with "You've been signed out / Please sign in to continue." 
    I have been around that loop of changing the password several times over now, with no change to the behavior of the CC desktop apps management panel.  I simply CANNOT log in there any more ... What's perplexing is that I never HAD to log in to it before, either!  I had been using it for MONTHS since I first installed Adobe CC, and it showed me my apps list and available updates and all that just fine for quite a while, but now it has its head stuck in a corner.
    Now when I launch it, I cannot get the panel to display my apps list as it should, but instead it keeps asking me to log in.  I have "changed the password" multiple times now.
    Thing is, I can log in with that same user id and pwd to my CC account online through the Adobe web site, but the little desktop apps management panel is no longer usable.
    Can/should I uninstall and reinstall the apps management panel?  Can I do that with the management panel ALONE and NOT cause problems with the CC programs that I DO have installed already (such as Illustrator CC, InDesign CC, and Photoshop CC?)
    And why does Adobe support keep closing my case at the same time that I'm pleading with them to HELP me resolve this problem?
    Should I simply uninstall the desktop apps management panel and forget about trying to use that and instead control all my CC apps directly from my account via the Adobe website instead?  CAN I do this?
    Two weeks now and still not resolved.

    Sign Out When Sign In may help

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop does not install

    I am trying to install the trial of Adobe Creative Cloud on my Mac (10.9.5). When I run the Creative Cloud Installer, it shows 'Downloading Creative Cloud desktop' and then stops with the error message 'We’ve encountered the following issues: Installer was unable to create a critical file/directory. Please try installing again. (Error code: 44)'.
    Here is what I tried so far:
    1) Trying again yields the same result.
    2) Trying the install from my admin account yields the same result.
    Other info:
    1) The machine has a licensed copy of Adobe Creative Suite 5.
    2) I previously installed a trial of CS6 but have since removed that to go to CC instead.
    3) Removal of the CS6 trial by the uninstaller failed - I had to remove components manually.
    Does anyone have an idea what the issue could be? Very frustrating as I need to start using CC as soon as possible and purchase a subscription.
    Best regards

    Hi Jeff,
    I came to the same conclusion but finding the permissions problem was like hunting the needle in the proverbial haystack. I don't think using a temporary directory as you suggested is a solution as the user has no control on where the installer is actually installing the files.
    In the end I did as follows:
    Manually removed all Adobe products from my internal disk and cleaned caches, app support folders and preferences (BTW, that did not allow the installer to work either).
    Cloned my internal SSD drive to an external hard disk.
    Formatted my internal SSD drive.
    Re-installed Mavericks 10.9.5.
    Installed CC Desktop successfully.
    Pulled all my stuff back on to my internal SSD drive from the external hard drive using Migration Assistant.
    It took a little time, but everything now works as it should.
    Problem resolved!

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Desktop) does not work properly. The application is blocked : it could not be launch neither stopped. I'm on MAC Yosemite OS, does anyone know how to remove it properly or to force its stop. It does not appear in the launched applica

    Adobe Creative Cloud (Desktop) does not work properly. The application is blocked : it could not be launch neither stopped. I'm on MAC Yosemite OS, does anyone know how to remove it properly or to force its stop. It does not appear in the launched applications.

    I received no error message. The application was just trying to find applications unsuccessfully.
    I am using MAC OS 10.10.1
    I tried to uninstall the application  but it seems that a kind of deamon is still installed thus providing me to reinstall properly. Do you know where are the elements to remove in order to get my machine just like before ?
    Otherwise I would have to reinstall everything and this would be a pain.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Adobe creative cloud desktop is not detecting my internet connection?

    adobe creative cloud desktop is not detecting my internet connection?

    i connected with the adobe people through 'contact an agent'.
    very helpful, they remote managed my desktop to fix the issue.
    apparently something to do with permissions not activated for adobe, not sure how and why this happens though, or why it was fine earlier and suddenly stoppped.
    they insisted it was to do with being on a wifi connection but that's not possible because i have my laptop right next to my desktop and that was working fine.
    it took about four hours to fix though, so be patient!

  • Cannot update Creative Cloud desktop Error Code: 204

    I have tried for 5 days to update my Creative Cloud desktop manager, but it only gets 2% into update and fails each time. Message says There seems to be a problem with the file download. For troubleshooting tips, please visit our customer support page.(Error code: 204) Get help
    The "Get Help" leads me to adobe forums with other people having this problem with no solutions other than 'Chat with an expert' which I've been trying to find on this site. I don't need tutorials, I've quit the CC desktop app several times, restarted the computer several times, the Preferences option under CC desktop is greyed out and can't access.
    I can't update any other adobe product until this nuisance of a CC Desktop can get updated.
    Any ideas? Untinstall and reinstall? If I uninstall the CC desktop will it magically break some mystical link with all my other CC 2014 programs?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the link, Jeff. Even though error code 204 wasn't listed, everything around points to the download being corrupted/stalled/stopped. Was talking with an IT guy here and are exploring our firewall settings and securities. From your link I found the document "Creative Cloud for enterprise - Network Endpoints file" and have forwarded it to our IT dept to review.

  • Creative Cloud desktop app totally empty - not even Preferences...?

    I have from before Production Premium CS6 and Lightroom 4 installed on my computer (Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB RAM).
    I joined then CC Photography Package and after login to my account I went to the DL section to download one of the programs and install it. The Creative cloud desktop app is installed, but it is empty. Not only is there neither a Photoshop CC nor a Lightroom 5 there, there's no menu and if I try to determine the app version as in - there's not even a Preferences to select...
    I get no error message, and going to the Download center and trying to download Photosgop or Lightroom just gets me a blink of "waiting for" and then focus is changed to the empty Creative Cloud desktop app.
    Checking my account I can see that both my product licences for CS6/LR4 are there, as is my CC Photography package.
    I can add that I have restarted the system, reinstalled the Creative Cloud app and tried other things I can think of. But I still only get an empty Creative Cloud app, without a possibility to login to my Adobe account.

    Here's from the PDApp.log:
    12/29/13 19:03:21:510 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 19248 | Successfully opened opm session, db location:C:\Users\Tommy\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\opm.db in opm_createLibRef
    12/29/13 19:03:21:510 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLibHelper |  |  | 19248 | OPMWrapper allocation succeeded
    12/29/13 19:03:21:510 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | This product version is for GM
    12/29/13 19:03:21:514 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | URL retreived from dispatchlib
    12/29/13 19:03:21:514 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | Created IMSLib instance with LEID:GM and endpoint:
    12/29/13 19:03:21:514 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 19248 | No Record found for the input fields in opm_getValueForKey
    12/29/13 19:03:21:514 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib_OPMWrapper |  |  | 19248 | Failed in getting value for key in OPMGetValueForKey domain:OOBE subDomain:ProxyCredentials key:ProxyUsername
    12/29/13 19:03:21:514 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLibHelper |  |  | 19248 | Failed to get proxy user name from local db in getProxyCredentialsFromLocalStore
    12/29/13 19:03:21:514 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | Failed get proxy credentials from local store while creating IMSLib Ex instance ...
    12/29/13 19:03:21:515 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 19248 | Performing registeration of client to group
    12/29/13 19:03:21:515 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | Performing IMS_registerClientToGroup..
    12/29/13 19:03:21:515 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 19248 | Performing opm_getRecords...
    12/29/13 19:03:21:515 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 19248 | returning size of value as:12 in opm_getValueForKey
    12/29/13 19:03:21:515 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 19248 | Successfully retreived value from opm domain:IMSLib subdomain:BuddyGroup key:0 in opm_getValueForKey
    12/29/13 19:03:21:515 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 19248 | Registered Client to group successfully!
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 19248 | Performing fetch default user for clientID...
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | Performing fetchDefaultUserInfoForClientId...
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 19248 | No Record found for the input fields in opm_getValueForKey
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib_OPMWrapper |  |  | 19248 | Failed in getting value for key in OPMGetValueForKey domain:IMSLib subDomain:CSServiceMap key:ACCC_CS7
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLibHelper |  |  | 19248 | Failed in fetching default user id for the service, while processing fetchDefaultUserGUIDForClientID
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | Failed to get default user for clientId in fetchDefaultUserInfoForClientId...
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 19248 | failed in IMSLib's fetchDefaultUserInfoForClientId function, in getDefaultUserForClientId
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLib |  |  | 19248 | Performing releaseData...
    12/29/13 19:03:21:516 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 19248 | Unable to find default user for client_id: ACCC_CS7

  • Why is it so hard to find the download link for the Creative Cloud desktop app?

    So - I have a subscription and I needed to move the location where the files were on my computer. The easiest path is to uninstall and reinstall. So I used the Adobe uninstaller tool (which, even though I told it to uninstall everything, does not uninstall everything). Then I rebooted. All Adobe CS creative cloud desktop apps are gone. I log into my Adobe account online, and the only thing I can find are downloads for downloading "trials" of the adobe apps - this is whilst being logged in. And to download the trial it starts to ask me questions about how I will use it etc. so I didn't bother.
    When I go to the page that has what ostensibly looks like it will lead to the Adobe creative suite downloader/desktop tool, it takes me to the list of ALL adobe desktop app "trials".
    I finally found it by hunting around in the help screens and Google for five minutes, but it's still obnoxious that there is no link to directly download the Creative Cloud desktop app here, which is where it sends you:
    Instead all you see are a bunch of "Trial versions", even though these are included with the adobe creative cloud subscription.
    So I don't really have a question, more of a rant at the stupidity of the way this is set up. When I'm logged in, I should be able to access the downloads, or at least the tool that lets me download the downloads, without spending time hunting around for it. It's ridiculous that it's not set up that way currently.

    Same with me here is the link I found and used

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