Bandwidth Management using 5508

I setup a WLC5508 with 2 SSIDs, one for guest traffic and another for internal users.  They are in separate subnets and are routed out to the internet via 2 different isps, with the guest network going over a bonded t1 and the internal users going out the primary internet connection for the company.  While this works as desired and we've verified that while on the guest network we're going out the right isp, we've encountered an issue with saturation of the bonded t1 pipe by guests.  We'd like to find a way to limit a guest to a capped down/up stream if possible, with downstream being the most important.  The infrastructure includes 3560 switches and AIR-CAP3502I-A-K9 access points. 

You can do bandwidth limiting on the WLC but currently it is only downstream from the WLC.
What you'll want to do is enable rate limiting from the edge in on the guest subnet. This will give you the greatest control of your bandwidth on the network
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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    "When you define the class 'cust1', where do we pick the 'cust1' value from and the class contituents? "
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    We had the same problem. Rate Control didn't seem to work.
    I discovered that after changing the rate control settings and saving these settings the router needs a reboot.
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    That's a question that you as the network admin of that organization could answer.
    How much traffic for business purposes must travel via HTTP/HTTPS?
    How much bandwith are you willing to provide to this 2 protocols?
    Those are the kind of answers you need to answer before setting the number
    Remember to rate all of the helpful posts, Just click the 5 stars at the left of each post

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    Thank you for the quick answer.
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    Shahin wrote:
    Thanks, but I don't understand what this has to do with bandwidth management? Perhaps I do not understand the capabilities of nice, but isn't nice just a way to prioritize applications and services? How would you use it to allocate bandwidth?
    By giving various jobs different priorities, the effective bandwidth is limited. If you use 100% of the bandwidth for 1% of the time and 0% of the bandwidth for 99% of the time, you are effectively giving the "niced" app only 1% of your bandwidth. And since a computer is digital, there is really no such thing as "instantaneous" bandwidth, as there is in other areas of communication.
    If you have 10 processes running and each consumes 10% of your total bandwidth, it does not matter whether the processes are time-shared or bandwidth-limited, when considered over any reasonable period of time.

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    You can do this with a 2950, as long as you run the EI image (enhanced). Check the QOS section where it says Policing in this document. Its in pdf format.
    PS: please remember to rate posts!

  • Bandwidth management on 3650 configuration example

    in the 3650 datasheet, he says
    The 3650 switch has advanced wired plus wireless QoS capabilities. It uses the Cisco modular QoS command line interface (MQC). Theswitch manages wireless bandwidth using unprecedented hierarchical bandwidth management starting at the per-access-point level and drilling further down to per-radio, per-service set identification (SSID), and per-user levels. This helps manage and prioritize available bandwidth between various radios and various SSIDs (enterprise, guest, and so on) within each radio on a percentage basis. The switch is also capable of automatically allocating equal bandwidth among the connected users within a given SSID. This makes sure that all users within a given SSID get a fair share of the available bandwidth while being connected to the network. The UADP ASIC enables the hierarchical bandwidth management and fair sharing of bandwidth, thereby providing hardware-based QoS for optimized performance at line-rate traffic.
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    We are having repeated issue of a single user taking up all the WAN bandwidth.  We are trying to figure out a way to limit the user from taking up all the bandwidth    My leadership see the datasheet and attended the webinar and they mention bandwidth management and think that the 3650 is the solution.   From wireless, maybe, but from wired, ???
    How could accomplish this goal from a wired side?     or should I take a different approach? 
    I can discuss further if needed.

    That's a question that you as the network admin of that organization could answer.
    How much traffic for business purposes must travel via HTTP/HTTPS?
    How much bandwith are you willing to provide to this 2 protocols?
    Those are the kind of answers you need to answer before setting the number
    Remember to rate all of the helpful posts, Just click the 5 stars at the left of each post

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    userid=$1 batch=yes \
    desformat=pdf destype=file \
    I change the shell script in 11i as follows:
    ar60runb report=$XXX_TOP/reports/US/test.rdf \
    userid=$1 batch=yes \
    desformat=pdf destype=file \
    I checked your metalink, and I am confused which is the right executable I should use, is it ar60runb or ar60run or rwrun60b or rwrun60c or rwrun60b, which is which? how many parameters do I have to include?, some documents are saying I have to use the 4 parameters-orauser/pwd, userid,username, request_id, others one.Which parameter/s go/es with what executable. We are using HP-UX server 64 bit. In 11i, when I run in concurrent manager it gives me an error:The executable file /chdev/fd11/u00/fd11appl/xxx/1.0/bin/test for this concurrent program cannot be executed.
    Contact your system administrator or support representative. Verify that the execution path to the executable file is co.
    I have checked Metalink and follow the directions, created a link fndcpesr, check and set the permissions, etc. Play around with the executables ar60runb or rwrun60 etc., the parameters. The ar60* or rwrun60* executable permissions are -rwxr-xr-x and $XXX_TOP/fnd/../fndcpesr is -rwxr-xr-x. Also, why is ar60* executables located in $FND_TOP/bin, whereas rwrun60* executables are in $ORACLE_HOME/bin? Please help, I need an answer urgently ,I have to complete this task before Tuesday 9/16/2003 for our migration deadline. Thank you very much.

    I have already fixed the problem, TY anyway

  • Order Quote Management using Worklist application

    I am trying to assess the best option to implement a Order Quote Management Use Case.
    Use Case:
    1. User creates a list of items and create an order
    2. User selects 3 (or more) Suppliers and submit the order for a quotation
    3. In parallel the Suppliers receive a notification (by email) and access to the Supplier portal.
    4. Each single Supplier can see the order and add the prices / mark items can not deliver.
    5. Each Supplier re-submits the order to the original user.
    6. User can check all the Suppliers' quotes and select the best one.
    I was thinking to use the Worklist applications and Human Task BPEL to perform it.
    This is what I was thinking:
    a. Extend the Worklist application with a customize a webpage where the user can create a items list for quotation.
    b. When the user submit the order for quotation the page will call a ASYNC BPEL (called OrderQuotation).
    c. The BPEL OrderQuotation process will use Human Task BPEL to start a Human Task in parallel with the Suppliers (Supplier will receive a notification by mail using the notification function as well)
    d. We will expose the Worklist application (using Oracle Portal) to the Supplier
    e. Supplier will login in the Worklist application and claim the task
    f. Supplier will modify the order for quotation with price information and will submit back to the supplier the order now quoted.
    g. User will login in Worklist application and he will see a customized page where all the orders are quoted and compared for each supplier.
    Please, let me know:
    1. if this approach can be achieved using the standard functionalities of Worklist application / Human Task interaction in BPEL.
    2. If yes, which Human Task interaction parametrization I should use
    3. If no, let me know what I have to extend in the worklist to achieve it
    4. Or alternative another possible way to achieve it.

    I also face the issue to port Worklist in JSP or portal other than using adf.
    I am using SOA and using BPEL and Human workflow. I did a complete flow from JSP ->BPEL->Human worlist. Whenever i
    submit a form values in JSP, it hits BPEL and i am
    getting proper message list in Human worklist and wherein i can able to assign, escalate and delegate tasks.
    Now i need to customize the worklist in Weblogic Portal 10g or to JSP. My requirement now is to port the Worlist default skins to jsp or Portal.
    I also gone through SOA 11g developers guide and in worklist sections but no idea how to implement.
    If any body knows please advise.

  • Bandwidth manager with Solaris

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    Download and install:

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    Please help me out.
    With best regards,

    Hi Thank you very much for your answer.
    I am using for the file upload code  is
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <htmlb:page title = " ">
    <h2> Form with File Upload and Download </h2>
    Choose a file for upload. The file will be echoed to your browser if you
         select the checkbox below.
    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <table border=1 width="100%">
          <td> <input type=checkbox name="doEcho"&gt; </td>
          <td> <input type=checkbox name="doEcho" value="X"> (select for echo)
          <td> <input type=file name="echoFile"> </td>
             height = "45".
              width = "45".
          <td> <input type=submit name="onInputProcessing(upload)" value="Submit"> </td>
    Can I use this along with oninput processing that u have given.
    With Best regards,

  • Install workflow manager using DSC powershell

    i am trying to install workflow manager using DSC powershell.
    I am using WebpiCmd.exe to install it.
    Below is the DSC powershell script
    configuration C_WFMgr
        Node $AllNodes.NodeName
            Script WF_Install
                GetScript = { @{ Name = "WF_Install" } }
                TestScript = {                
                SetScript =
                $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() )
                if ($currentPrincipal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator ) -eq $false) {
                    write-Verbose "Warning: PowerShell is not running as an Administrator.`n"  
                    #set-executionpolicy "Execution user account"
                    write-Verbose $currentPrincipal.Identity.Name
                    write-Verbose "Warning: PowerShell is running as an Administrator.`n"                
                    Write-Verbose "Workflow Manager installation started.."
                    $cmd = "& 'C:\WorkflowManagerFiles\bin\WebpiCmd.exe' /Install /Products:WorkflowManager /XML:c:/WorkflowManagerFiles/feeds/latest/webproductlist.xml /log:C:/Users/backup/t1.txt
                    Invoke-Expression $cmd | Write-Verbose                             
    Below is the error message
    Started downloading products...
     Started installing Products...
     Started installing: 'Execute ASP.NET IIS Registration tool
     Started downloading: 'Workflow Manager Client 1.0 Refresh'
     Downloaded: 'Workflow Manager Client 1.0 Refresh'
     Started downloading: 'Service Bus 1.0'
     Downloaded: 'Service Bus 1.0'
     Started downloading: 'Workflow Manager 1.0'
     Downloaded: 'Workflow Manager 1.0'
     Install completed (Success): 'Execute ASP.NET IIS Registra
    tion tool'
     Execute ASP.NET IIS Registration tool : Installed
     Started installing: 'Workflow Manager Client 1.0 Refresh'
     Install completed (Failure): 'Workflow Manager Client 1.0
     WorkflowClient : Failed.
     Error opening installation log file. Verify that the speci
    fied log file location exists and is writable.
     Started installing: 'Service Bus 1.0'
     Install completed (Failure): 'Service Bus 1.0'
     ServiceBus : Failed.
     Error opening installation log file. Verify that the speci
    fied log file location exists and is writable.
     DependencyFailed: Workflow Manager 1.0
     Verifying successful installation...
     Execute ASP.NET IIS Registration tool              True
     Workflow Manager Client 1.0 Refresh                False
         Log Location: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile
    \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\logs\install\2015-01-02T14.58.57\WorkflowManagerClient_x64.txt
     Service Bus 1.0                                    False
         Log Location: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile
    \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\logs\install\2015-01-02T14.58.57\Service_Bus.txt
     Workflow Manager 1.0                               False
     Install of Products: FAILURE

    I am pretty sure that DSC requires WFM.  If  I am right then WFM is in use and cannot be replaced unless you specify another logfile location.  Look at the DSC and see how to specify a new log location that can be used for the install. 
    If the MSU is built correctly then you will require a reboot to update the install.
    Try just doing WFM alone until you work it out.
    I also recommend posting in the Management forum for any other issues that might be known.
    DSC is a work in progress so many things have to be worked out as you need them.  Be sure to get the latest kits.  I think we are at Wave 9 now.
    DSC Resource Kit Wave 9

  • Install workflow manager using DSC declarative configuration

    I am trying to install workflow manager using below DSC powershell script.
    Node $AllNodes.NodeName
    Package C_Pkg_WFInstall
    Ensure = "Present"
    Name = "Workflow Manager Client 1.0"
    Path = "C:\WorkflowManagerFiles\bin\WebpiCmd.exe"
    Arguments =
    "/Install /Products:'Workflow Manager Client 1.0' /XML:'c:/WorkflowManagerFiles/feeds/latest/webproductlist.xml' /log:'c:/users/backup/workflow.txt' /AcceptEula"
    ProductId =
    = @{
    AllNodes = @(
        NodeName =
    $ConfigData –Verbose
    -Wait -force
    -Verbose -Path
    And i get the below error
    PowerShell provider MSFT_PackageResource 
    failed to execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message: The return code -1 was not expected. Configuration is likely not
    + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProviderOperationExecutionFailure
    But while installing from command prompt window i could install the below list successfully
    IdentifyingNumber : {A5ABAF5F-B5B6-44B3-B69F-2E13DC60FC9F}
    Name              : Workflow Manager Client 1.0
    IdentifyingNumber : {04A7199E-565D-4654-88A3-80A9A7BADDD9}
    Name              : Workflow Manager 1.0
    IdentifyingNumber : {F438C511-5A64-433E-97EC-5E5343DA670A}
    Name              : Service Bus 1.0
    I tried with all the above 3 product ids, its not working.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I get the below error in eventviewer - Applications and Services Log - Windows Powershell
    The description for Event ID 600 from source PowerShell cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the
    local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
     HostName=Default Host
    The handle is invalid
    Log Name : Windows PowerShell
    Source : PowerShell (PowerShell)
    Event ID : 600
    Task Category : Provider Lifecycle
    I got the same error message in subsequent logs but the providername is different as below
    The description for Event ID 400 from source PowerShell cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
     HostName=Default Host
    Log Name : Windows PowerShell
    Source : PowerShell (PowerShell)
    Event ID : 400
    Task Category : Engine Lifecycle
    But i believe the problem is with either the product name or product id, since it installs three products on one invoke, i dont know which product id we need to give. i tried with all the above 3 product ids. Its not working.
    I think by default DSC powershell runs under system account "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM".

  • Start node manager using WLST

    I am trying to start node manager using WLST with following command
    wls:/offline> nmConnect('weblogic','weblogic123','localhost','5556','FirstDomain','C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\FirstDomain','plain')but getting below exception
    Traceback (innermost last):
    File "<console>", line 1, in ?
    File "<iostream>", line 123, in nmConnect
    File "<iostream>", line 618, in raiseWLSTException
    WLSTException: Error occured while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node
    Manager. : Connection refused: connect. Could not connect to NodeManager. Check
    that it is running at localhost:5,556.
    Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace
    I am using weblogic 11g.
    Can anybody let me know how to fix this issue.

    You can use something like this:
    beahome = '/home/oracle/soasuite';
    pathseparator = '/';
    adminusername = 'weblogic';
    adminpassword = 'magic11g';
    domainname = 'base_domain';
    domainlocation = beahome + pathseparator + 'user_projects' + pathseparator + 'domains' + pathseparator + domainname;
    nodemanagerhomelocation = beahome + pathseparator + 'wlserver_10.3' + pathseparator + 'common' + pathseparator + 'nodemanager';
    startNodeManager(verbose='true', NodeManagerHome=nodemanagerhomelocation, ListenPort='5556', ListenAddress='localhost');
    nmConnect(adminusername, adminpassword, 'localhost', '5556', domainname, domainlocation, 'ssl');
    nmServerStatus('AdminServer');More information can be found here:
    in particular the "Starting the SOA environment" section

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