Bank Rec report

Is there a report that I can print that will show open transactions after performing a bank reconciliation in B1?

Hi Kathy,
Go to banking - bank statements and reconcilliations - automatic reconcilliation and select your GL account which you have reconciled, this will show all open transactions. If you then click on print settings you have a few printouts that you can select, you can print out a list of all unreconciled transactions, you also have the option to print Detailed Totals for External Reconciliations, select this to include detailed totals related to the external bank reconciliations in the printed information.
Kind regards,

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            STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CAST(DocEntry AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS [text()]
                    FROM RCT2 b
                    WHERE a.DocNum = b.DocNum
                    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') AS DocEntry
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    FROM RCT2 a
    GROUP BY DocNum
    ORDER BY DocNum
    SELECT T0.TransId,  T0.Account, T0.Debit As Credit, T0.Credit As Debit, T0.ShortName, T0.ContraAct, T5.CardCode As Code, T5.CardName As Name, T0.TaxDate, T0.DueDate, 'Ch.No. ' + Cast(T4.CheckNum As VARchar) + ' Rec. No. ' + Cast(T4.RcptNum AS VARCHAR) + ' ' + IsNull('Invoice No. ' + T3.DocEntry, '') + ' ' + IsNull('Clear Date ' + Convert(VARCHAR, T2.MthDate, 103), '') + IsNull(T0.U_Narration, '') AS U_Narration,
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    AND (T0.ShortName NOT LIKE 'S%' AND T0.ShortName NOT LIKE 'C%')
    AND T0.TaxDate BETWEEN @Start AND @Finish
    AND T0.TransType = 25
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    FROM #OpeningBalances T0
    INNER JOIN OACT T1 ON T0.Account = T1.AcctCode
    WHERE T1.GroupMask = 2
    Or T1.GroupMask = 4
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    FROM #Ledger1 T0
    INNER JOIN OACT T1 ON T0.Account = T1.AcctCode

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    For that go through this report and there you have to select Bank data check box then you will get the bank data report inculding IBAN.
    S_ALR_87012086 - Vendor List
    May be this information is useful to you
    If you have any doubt feel free to ask

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    Emeka Ikwukeme, CPA

    Hello Emeka,
    I landed on this thread when I tried searching for a similar requirement. I'm curious to know if something came out of this discussion.
    Have you been able to pull something out of the system using any workaround, or creating a new report,...?

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    Kind Regards,

    Hi Asif,
    In the latest B1 version, you can have External Reconciliation By Summary (FC). Check if you have the same option. If not, you need to create your own or upgrade to the latest version.

  • Gl wise Daywise Cash book and bank book report

    Hi all,
    Please tell me the tables and fields to create new reports - Gl wise daywise Cash book and bank book reports .
    or tell me any BAPI is there.
    send me any source u have.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: GoldMoon on Aug 28, 2009 4:56 PM
    Edited by: GoldMoon on Aug 28, 2009 5:07 PM

    Hi Chandu,
    In FAGLFLEXT, every period has a field. The period is the suffix for the field.You will have field for transaction currency as well as local currency in the table period wise.
    All FI entries are posted to BKPF (header data) and BSEG (Line item data). From BSEG, dependingon the account type (KOART), the line items are copied to secondary tables like BSIS (open items) and BSAS (cleared items). you need not pass any additional data like xopvw. Entire BSIS contains open items and BSAS contains cleared items.
    What you need to do is pass the GL accounts (Bank GL accounts) to BSAS and BSIS tables along with the posting date (BUDAT) for which the report is to be run. From the input date, determine the period (use function module). To get the opening balance you will fetch value from FAGLFLEXT for the previous periods and then for the current period till the previos day from BSIS and BSAS.
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    Care needs to be given  given to the debit and credit indicator in the tables for the line item.
    Hope this gives you a better idea.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Your question is not very clear.
    To read bankstatements use FF_5. To postprocess them use FEBAN.

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    user702249 wrote:
    We have Changed one segment in cash account and cash clearing account for internal petty cash account.
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    SureshPlease do not post duplicates -- India cash/bank book report is not matching with GL balance.

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    Can someone who has a 8.8.1 install send me a screenshot or detailed description?

    Hello Maeve Cahillane ,
    If you got it is good otherwise i have maual for configuration and execution.
    Edited by: Manvendra Singh Niranjan on Apr 30, 2011 12:35 PM

  • Bank Reconciliation Report Error

    Need help.
    I'm about to generate the bank reconciliation report and I supply the following parameters, Please see attached screenshot of the error.
    Account Code: Bank500
    Reconciliation Number: 20131231
    and got error stating below,
    This field name is not known.
    Details: errorKind
    Error in File RCRI0002
    Error in formula Record Selection:
    '{OBNK.AcctCode} = { ?GLAccount@Select Distinct
    OBNK.AcctCode, OACT.AcctName From OBNK inner join dsc1 on
    DSC1.GLAccount=OBNK.AcctCode inner join OACT on
    OACT. AcctCode=OBNK.AcctCode} and
    This field name is not known.
    Details: errorKind
    Thank you for your help.

    this means that the transaction reached a screen, which is not handled by the program. Is it a Z... program which you use, or is it standard? In both cases you can start in mode E, that means it will stop at this error and you will see what is missing.

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    Hi There.
    When clickin on the new Bank Reconciliation Report, the Selection Criteria window opens up. Show Acc code, and Reconciliation nr. Its 2 drop down lists. However, the problem is that there is no accounts I can choose from in acc code, and no reconciliation nr in reconciliation nr.
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    What do I need to do for the selection criteria to appear in my bank reconciliation report?

    Please update the path which report you are trying to fetch.
    If a manual reconciliation is performed, it would not be displayed as reconciled in the External Reconciliation.
    Kindly let us know the exact window you are checking so that we can further check.
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

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    Hello Emeka,
    I landed on this thread when I tried searching for a similar requirement. I'm curious to know if something came out of this discussion.
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    In the report If we gave any vendor number (codes)range can we get vendor bank details in that report .but no user exit, is any standard report there
    this is  my client requirement
    Please update me ASAP
    Have a good day

    Check the Report S_ALR_87012086 - Vendor List
    You can view vendor  bank details by ticking the check box - Bank deta

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    1. How to get detailed bank listing for each indiavidual?
    2. Bank summery with bank account number.

    1. How to get detailed bank listing for each indiavidual?
    An option would be to:
    a. Enable bank details inftype 0009 in your infoset
    b. run tcode S_PH0_48000510 - Ad Hoc Query.
    c. Delimit selection according to your need and output list.
    2. Bank summery with bank account number.
    As far as my knowledge goes, please guru members correct me if I am wrong, there is not standard report to ouput this list in this case custom program a report.

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