BAPI returns no valid data chosen  ????

Hello everyone,
I have the most mysteriousproblem in WebDynpro.
I have developed a certain application which fetches the data from the backend R3 System. This code works fine in the Development server, Testing environment.
However, when i transported the same webdynpro code to production and the same R3 code to production, its giving me problems.
The backend R3 system returns a message, no valid data chosen.
However the data is being passed to the BAPI properly, and the BAPI works fine when I execute it from se37.
I cannot even reproduce the error, as it never appears in Dev or QA.
Any idea on this ???
Please help, really stuck up with this.
Thanks in advance,

Hey Maheswaran,
Thanks a lot for ur response.
I have checked the versions of the QA and Prodn portal, both are the same SP Level etc.
Even the backend shows the latest version of the FM.
And also, the FM returns no valid data chosen, when the i/p parameters to the BAPI are incorrect. This doesnt seem to be the probable cause, as we have printed the i/p parameters to the BAPI, and the appear to be fine.
Please help as this is really urgent.
Any thoughts on this.
Thanks and have a nice day!!

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    Thanks in advance,
    Kind Regards,

    Alberto Sesma wrote:
    You can use Function Module RH_STRUC_GET
    >      ACT_OTYPE = 'US'
    >      ACT_OBJID = user_name
    >      ACT_WEGID = 'US_CP_O'
    >   TABLES
    >        RESULT_TAB = LT_RESULT_TAB.
    > You will get the related org units in LT_RESULT_TAB. There are other two table parameters in that function module that you may find useful.
    > If the function does not return any valid data you may try with other values for WEGID. You will find all the possible evaluation paths in transaction OOAW.
    > Kind regards
    Dear Alberto,
    Thank you very much for your answer. I didn't know this FM and it solved my problem.
    For those who may be intered here is exactly I proceed. Suppose that in the table HRP1000 you have an
    structure (type S) with ObjID = 50000342 and you wish to have the SapUserID of the affected persons.
          affected_users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF swhactor,
          user LIKE LINE OF affected_users.
          act_otype              = 'S'
          act_objid              = '50000342'
          act_wegid              = 'A008'
          act_plvar              = '01'
          act_begda              = sy-datum
          act_endda              = sy-datum
          act_tdepth             = 0
         result_tab             = affected_users
       NO_PLVAR_FOUND         = 1
       NO_ENTRY_FOUND         = 2
       OTHERS                 = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      LOOP AT affected_users INTO user.
        WRITE: / user-objid.
    Also in transaction OOAW we can have all possible values for the third argument of the module function (act_wegid).
    For those who are interested, here are a few among many possible values which seem to be intesting for my
    Organizational Unit of User
    All Org. Units Above a User
    Closest Organizational Unit and structure
    Closest Organizational Unit and structure     
    PPLEORG     -
    Organizational unit of an employee or position
    Organizational assignments of a user/person
    Organizational Assignments of a User
    Positions and Personnel Number of a User
    All positions and jobs of a user
    Organizational Assignment of User
    Organizational unit of a user/person (module id Ben./Pers.)
    For example, let's say we have a userid named MYUSER01 and we would like to find all structures to which the user
    is affected. Here is how I proceed.
          itab_user_structures TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF swhactor,
          row_user_structures LIKE LINE OF itab_user_structures.
          act_otype              = 'US'
          act_objid              = 'MYUSER01'
          act_wegid              = 'US_S_S_C'
          act_plvar              = '01'
          act_begda              = sy-datum
          act_endda              = sy-datum
          act_tdepth             = 0
         result_tab             = itab_user_structures
       NO_PLVAR_FOUND         = 1
       NO_ENTRY_FOUND         = 2
       OTHERS                 = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      LOOP AT itab_user_structures INTO row_user_structures.
        WRITE: / row_user_structures-objid.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Kind Regards,

  • Error in BAPI RETURN for Service Contract

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    HEader1 Detail2 Text2
    Header1 Detail3 Text3
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    *DATA : i_ce_goodsmovement TYPE REFERENCE
    DATA : lr_badi_goods_movement TYPE REF TO if_ex_alm_me_006_goodsmvt.
    CALL METHOD lr_badi_goods_movement->create
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           user_data        = ls_user_data
           custom_user_data = ls_ce_user_data
           goods_movement   = goods_movement
           return           = return[].
                return = return.
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    I am looking forward for your valuable inputs.
    Sreenivasa Sarma K

    This doesn't suprise me...
    I'm not sure if there is a standard solution, but you could do this via user-exit/BADI (see [here|] under maintenance plans )

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    Get-HotFix -cn $computer | Select-Object PSComputerName,HotFixID,Description,InstalledBy,InstalledOn | where InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date -Day 1 -Format d) | FT -AutoSize
    I execute the above from a jump box with powershell v4.0 (Server 2008 R2)
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    Get-HotFix -cn $computer | Select-Object HotFixID, Description, InstalledBy, @{l="InstalledOn";e={[DateTime]::Parse($["installedon"].value,$([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("en-US")))}}
    | where {$_.InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date -Day 1 -Format d)} | FT -AutoSize
    Have tried this locally on the 2008 SP2 DC but still not working. Please advise what is going wrong? 
    Note: If I execute the below command locally on the 2008 SP2 DC, I am getting the InstalledOn output. However, when executed from the jump box with powershell v4.0 (Server 2008 R2) to query
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    Get-HotFix -cn $computer | Select-Object HotfixID,Description,InstalledBy,InstalledOn | where {$_.InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date -Day 1 -Format d)} | FT -AutoSize

    Hi jrv, I have already tried the Win32_QuickFixEngineering option, which doesn't work either. Apologies for not mentioning the workarounds that I have already tried.
    Get-Hotfix seems to be just a wrapper for Win32_QuickFixEngineering as per the below article. (
    I have seen a mention of using the WU ActiveX control on few forums, but was too lazy to read it through.
    After rigorous testing, it makes me realize that somewhere the Get-Hotfix dates formatting\comparison isn't working. 

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    1) 01/01/2006 - 12/12/9999 to 01/01/2007 - 12/12/9999
    2) 01/01/2006 - 12/12/9999 to 01/01/2005 - 12/12/9999
    3) 01/01/2006 - 12/12/9999 to 01/01/2006 - 12/12/2010

    change document in profit center change
    need a function module for profit center
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       I don't know how to do can any one help at the earliest.

    pls see this thread...
    it may help you...
    *pls mark for helpful answers

  • Validating Date

    Hi, I'm trying to validate a Date. I want my code to only get dates in the "dd/MM/yyyy" format, but it's validating dates that only have 2 years digit. What should I do to force the user to set dates with 4 years digit??
    Here's the code:
    try {
    SimpleDateFormat lDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date fecha = lDateFormat.parse(strDate);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    Note: for example I pass "01/01/69" and it returns to me "01/01/0069" ....

    What you want to do is use yyyy as the year. As the documentation says, Java will interpret 2 digit dates to be in the range you want. If you use yyyy, you force it to assume a valid 4 digit date. So 63 is assumed to be 0063, not 1963. yy forces it to assume the century as you wish. Here is the documentation for SimpleDateFormat:
    When parsing a date string using the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"), SimpleDateFormat must interpret the abbreviated year relative to some century. It does this by adjusting dates to be within 80 years before and 20 years after the time the SimpleDateFormat instance is created. For example, using a pattern of "MM/dd/yy" and a SimpleDateFormat instance created on Jan 1, 1997, the string "01/11/12" would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string "05/04/64" would be interpreted as May 4, 1964. During parsing, only strings consisting of exactly two digits, as defined by Character.isDigit(char), will be parsed into the default century. Any other numeric string, such as a one digit string, a three or more digit string, or a two digit string that isn't all digits (for example, "-1"), is interpreted literally. So "01/02/3" or "01/02/003" are parsed, using the same pattern, as Jan 2, 3 AD. Likewise, "01/02/-3" is parsed as Jan 2, 4 BC.

  • Maintain Validity Date for Documents

    Any Idea how can we put and maintain Validity Dates for any Document uploaded in DMS Server.
    Validity Dates here means (Documents cannot be used if validty is over)
    I could not find any option in CV01*   T-Codes.

    Dear Prasant,
    You can also do this solution also if you find it OK.
    1. Create a Class with "Validaty Date" as characteristics. Assign this Charac to class. Assign this class to doc Type. This charac should not be editable to any one except creator.
    2. Create a program with BAPI " Set Status" ( Check the name). which will run in background to check the validity date of Document. If the validity date is reached the BAPI will change the status to "S" as stated by Chritoph.
    This will help user to manually tracked which documents have exceded the validity date. You can also genegrate report and mail it to particular user that what documents have been set to Status "S".
    Hope I have provided a valid solution as I have tried similar kind of functionality with changing a characteristics with Date.
    With warm Regards
    Mangesh Pande

  • PO Validity Date

    The requirment is once the PO validity date is over, then system should not allow any GR or IV against the PO.
    Is their any std SAP message which can control this.
    Niti Narayan

    To control an use latest GR date in delivery tab
    To prevent goods from being accepted in the case of delayed delivery, youmust specify the latest possible goods receipt date for the item in the purchase order. This field is in the item detail data on the Delivery tab page. You also have to set
    message 163, Last possible delivery date was... (work area M7), as a warning or error message in Customizing.
    If you have set the message as an error message for delayed delivery, you can post  the delivered goods to the GR blocked stock and then post a return delivery from the GR blocked stock.
    Hope Help U !
    Pardeep Malik

  • What bapi return structure consists

    Hi experts,
        can anybody clarify my doubt regarding bapi's used for data transfer.
    when we r using bapi for data transfer how error transactions will be handled.
    what exactly return structure consists. can we get error transactions log in the return structure.
    plz reply me.

    Moderator message - Please search before asking
    Please do not spam the forum with this sort of question
    post locked

  • Field Level Validation - Date Mask

    Hi all
    I need some Java Script to validate a date mask in a field. Format must be:
    Can anyone help me?

    Here is a copy of the script I set up to do validation.
    I not only wanted it to check for a valid date,
    but I wanted to store leading zeros, but not make the user type them in.
    One of the things you have to do is to set the format mask for the date to MM-DD-YYYY for each date field in your form.
    Here it is:
    var DayArray =new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
    var MonthArray =new Array("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12");
    var firstDash = null;
    var lastDash = null;
    var inYear = null;
    var inMon = null;
    var inDay = null;
    var today = new Date();
    var curFullYear = today.getFullYear();
    var strYear = String(curFullYear);
    var thisCentury = strYear.slice(0,2);
    var thisYear = strYear.slice(2);
    var numThisYear = Number(thisYear);
    inDate = theElement.value;
    if (inDate.length == 0) return true;
    /* Check for a valid format. */
    var filter=/^[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{2,4}$/;
    if (! filter.test(inDate))
    { alert("Please enter date in MM-DD-YY or MM-DD-YYYY format.");
    return false;
    /* Pick off the indices (zero-based) of the two dashes. */
    firstDash = inDate.indexOf("-");
    lastDash = inDate.lastIndexOf("-");
    if ((firstDash == lastDash) &#0124; &#0124; (firstDash == -1) &#0124; &#0124; (lastDash == -1))
    alert("Please enter date using dashes (-), e.g. MM-DD-YY or MM-DD-YYYY.");
    return false;
    /* Pick off the month and day (pad with leading zero, if necessary). */
    inMonth = inDate.slice(0,firstDash);
    if (inMonth.length == 1) inMonth = "0" + inMonth;
    inDay = inDate.slice(firstDash+1,lastDash);
    if (inDay.length == 1) inDay = "0" + inDay;
    /* Pick off the year. Filter ensures 2, 3, or 4 digit year. 4 is what we */
    /* want, so we only have to deal with 2 or 3 digit years. */
    inYear = inDate.slice(lastDash+1);
    /* If the user entered a two digit year, figure out which century to pad. */
    if (inYear.length == 2)
    /* Adding 5 years is still within the current century... */
    if ((numThisYear + 5) < 100)
    /* 00 to (current year + 5 years) should use the current */
    /* century; otherwise, use the previous century. */
    if (inYear > (numThisYear + 5))
    inYear = (thisCentury - 1) + inYear;
    inYear = thisCentury + inYear;
    /* Adding 5 years would rollover the century, use the current century */
    inYear = thisCentury + inYear;
    /* A 3 digit year is an error. */
    if (inYear.length == 3)
    alert("Please enter date with either a 2 digit or 4 digit year.");
    return false;
    /* Check for a valid month. */
    var filter=/01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12/;
    if (! filter.test(inMonth))
    alert("Please enter a valid month.");
    return false;
    /* Check for leap year. */
    if ( ( N%4==0 && N%100 !=0 ) &#0124; &#0124; ( N%400==0 ) )
    /* Check for valid days for the month. */
    for(var ctr=0; ctr<=11; ctr++)
    if (MonthArray[ctr]==inMonth)
    if (inDay > DayArray[ctr] &#0124; &#0124; inDay <= 0)
    alert("Please enter a valid day.");
    return false;
    /* Output the fixed up date. */
    theElement.value = inMonth + "-" + inDay + "-" + inYear;
    return true;

  • Validating date problem (simple issue ?)

    I am trying to validate a date using the following code:
    public boolean validateDate(String testDate) {
    try {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yy");
    java.util.Date theDate = sdf.parse(testDate);
    return true;
    catch(Exception f) {
    return false;
    No matter what I pass in the date will be formatted as the month January. For example: 5/8/02, 05/08/02 and 05/08/2002 will all format as 1/8/02. This happens to every valid date I pass in. This function is catching the exceptions of an invalid date. I have searched the newsgroups and found many posts and have compared their code with mine and there does not seem to be a problem with the code.
    If anyone can give me some insight I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thanks bbritta - that was driving me nuts.

  • BAPI return

    Hi all,
    I am working on an SOAP to RFC scenario:
    I am able to execute the scenario. I am testing it using SOAP test tool.But i am facing a problem. when we give valid inputs to the BAPi, the BAPI return structure returns correct values, which is mapped to the response msg and the response is also fine, in the testing tool.
    But when i give non-valid values to the BAPI, the BAPI returns an error msg like "partner does not exist" and for some reason i am not able to see this msg in my response msg, instead i get an "XI Exception error in my
    testing tool display. How can i achieve, the BAPI return value to be displayed in my response msg for invalid values?
    Thanks in advance

    I had also faced the same problem in one of my scenarios. What you can do is, you can check the length of the parameter returned by BAPI. If it is zero, it means that non valid value has been passed to BAPI. In this case you have to map some constant to the target field during mapping.
    If the length is not zero, you can map it as it is.
    For finding the length of the field, you can use the standard text function: length. Hope this helps.

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