Base dimension

How to creaTE dimension and BASE DIMENSION IN ANALYTICAL WORkspace manager

<BR>I took a look at the javadocs for both 7.1.3 and 9.3.0 and didn't see anything that I thought would do it. I also contacted one of the JAPI developers and he doesn't think that functionality is supported yet either. I wonder if, perhaps, you could go about it the other way and:<BR><BR>1. get a list of IEssDimensions;<BR>2. for each IEssDimension object, if it is a 'real' dimension and not an attribute dimension, get the dimension menber IEssMember object; <BR>3. get the list of associated attributes by calling IEssMember.getAssociatedAttributes.<BR>4. get the dimension info from the IEssMember objects returned from the call in step 3 and build your own structure to store the info..<BR><BR>Tim

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    Doing a scratch rebuild of a cube every month. Don't want to have a 'dummy' outline with base dimensions to copy over every build. Instead want to build from text file somehow. Thus my plan is to: 1) Delete the existing app/db 2) Create a new blank app/db 3) Create the base dimensions in the outline via text file and 4) Build entire outline via a text file. I'm stuck on #3 how to get the 'base dimensions' built via text file. I need:
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    The way we implemented (what you call #3) was to not do #1 and #2, but to have a "destructive" load rule for each of these dimensions using a text file. (in the "Dimension Build Settings" for the load rule, select "Remove Unspecified" to make it destructive)
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    DEFINE CONJDIM DIMENSION <BaseDim1 BaseDim2 Basedim3 BaseDim4> BTREE
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    show statlen(CONJDIM)
    " limit BaseDim4 to 7 values
    limit BaseDim4 to 'v1' 'v2' 'v3' 'v4' 'v5' 'v6' 'v7'
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    You can build all of your dimensions from scratch, starting from an empty outline, using a text file with one of the dimension names as its only data.Create a new load rule, then go to Options, Dimension Build Settings. On the Dimension Definition tab, click the option button for Rules File.Then, establish each dimension using the Name textbox and Add button. You can set each dimension's properties (dimension type, etc.) using the Properties button. You can't do Label Only, though, if you're not going to build any members under the dimensions.The load rule needs at least one non-ignored column of data, so pull in a text file that has just one string--one of your dimension names. Set the dimension build settings for that dimension to be Level, then define the column as Level 0 for that dimension.Good luck,Jared

  • Attribute Dimension and association with multi level base members

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    Base member (xxxxxxx) association level does not match base dimension association level
    The base dimension looks like
    |-----Supplier Group
    |---------Supplier ID (Associate this member to an attrbiute dimension)
    |---------------Invoice Number
    Sometimes the Supplier ID may not have a Supplier Group or an Invoice Number (hence it can be a level 0 or directly under the dimension name - Gen2)
    The Attrbute Dimension looks like
    Supplier Value
    Edited by: 816875 on 30-Nov-2010 07:01

    First to clarify, base mambers by definition would all be level 0 members, but to your question, attributres can only be associated to a single level within a dimension. your problem is sometimes the supplier is level 0 and other times level 1. This can't be done.

  • No UDA Found for Dimension XYZ

    We are loading metadata into Planning using outline load utility. The command we are using is as follows:
    C:\Hyperion\products\Planning\bin\OutlineLoad -f:%scripthome%\EncPassword.txt /A:NFR /U:%Essid% /M /C /-F /I:C:\Data\NFR_Customer_Dim.csv /D:Entity /L:%scripthome%\Logs\Cust_Dim_OTL_Load.Log /X:c:/outlineLoad.exc
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    Successfully logged into "NFR" application, Release 11.113, Adapter Interface Version 5, Workforce supported and not enabled, CapEx not supported and not enabled, CSS Version 3
    +"Account" dimension properties and information:+
    Account, Parent, Alias: Default, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Account Type, Time Balance, Skip Value, Exchange Rate Type, Variance Reporting, Source Plan Type, Plan Type (Sales), Aggregation (Sales), Plan Type (Plan2), Aggregation (Plan2), Plan Type (Plan3), Aggregation (Plan3)
    No UDA's defined on "Account"+
    +"Periods" dimension properties and information:+
    Periods, Parent, Alias: Default, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Type, Start Period, End Period, Aggregation (Sales), Aggregation (Plan2), Aggregation (Plan3)
    No UDA's defined on "Periods"+
    ......... So on and so forth for EACH dimension and then ....
    +"Product" dimension properties and information:+
    Product, Parent, Alias: Default, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Aggregation (Sales), Aggregation (Plan2), Aggregation (Plan3), InputType
    UDA's bound to "Product" dimension: Product_Type
    +"InputType" attribute dimension (on base dimension "Product"). Attributes defined on the "InputType" dimension: ProductLine; ProductNumber;+
    InputType, Parent, Alias: Default, Operation
    Exchange Rates properties:
    Table, Description, To Currency, From Currency, Operation, Method, Historical, Beg Balance, Year, Period, Average, Ending
    UDA properties:
    Dimension, UDA, Operation
    Translation input file fields:
    Value, Driver Member, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:12 EST 2011]Successfully located and opened input file "C:\Data\NFR_Customer_Dim.csv".+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:12 EST 2011]Header record fields: Entity, Parent, Alias: Default, Data Storage+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:12 EST 2011]Located and using "Entity" dimension for loading data in "NFR" application.+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:14 EST 2011]Load dimension "Entity" has been unlocked successfully.+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:14 EST 2011]Performing cube refresh[Tue Feb 01 01:30:36 EST 2011]Cube refresh operation has completed. Please check the Essbase log for status.+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:36 EST 2011]Create security filters operation will not be performed.+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:36 EST 2011]Examine the Essbase log files for status if Essbase data was loaded.+
    +[Tue Feb 01 01:30:36 EST 2011]Planning Outline data store load process finished. *1599 data records were read, 1599 data records were processed, 1599 were successfully loaded, 0 were rejected.*+

    Do you get the same errors if you load just the first record from the file, if you don't keep increasing the number of records until you find the record that is causing the problem.

  • How to tag attribute member with standard dimension member in EIS

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    In your OLAP model, view columns for the base dimension table. Go into the column properties and for the columns that have Attribute values highlight them and click the Attribute button.
    Go into Metadata Model and those fields will be available to drag into your outline as attribute members.
    Once in the outline, go into the properties of the attribute and assign the level of the base dimension they associate with.

  • Is it possible to create dimension roles in AWM?

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    If yes, please direct on the way to do this.
    Many thanks in advance for your kind inputs.

    I think what you need is to use the ALIAS option that is part of the DEFINE DIMENSION statement
    The DEFINE DIMENSION ALIASOF command defines a dimension alias for a simple dimension. An alias dimension has the same type and values as its base dimension. Typically, you define an alias dimension when you want to dimension a variable by the same dimension twice.
    Additionally, You can use a LIMIT statement to limit alias dimensions and define variables and relations using an alias dimension. However, you cannot maintain an alias dimension directly; instead you maintain its base dimension using MAINTAIN.
    DEFINE name DIMENSION ALIASOF dimension [TEMP] [AW workspace] [SESSION]
    The name of the object you are defining. For general information about this argument, see the main entry for the DEFINE command.
    If you look at this example if provides a great example of how to use this feature:
    But of course the main issue here is how to generate the standard form metadata required to support this feature and make the dimension alias avaliable and visible within AWM. That is the difficult (and I would say impossible) part of the process since this feature is not supported by the AW XML API (at least I don't think it is, you could check the API docs to see if this is supported). if it is not supported then the management of this feature would all have to be controlled via OLAP DML commands (load dimension members etc) but you would still not be able to include it within a cube definition and then maintain that cube using AW XML API.
    Does that help?

  • Load Parent-Child dimension with attributes by rule file

    Well, I've cracked my head open while banging against this wall.
    Task is plain & simple:
    How can I load build dimension from such table, using rule file?
    ProductParent ProductChild ProductAttribute
    Balls Ball_8 Round
    I want to load both product dimension and attribute by single rule file (neither of these dimensions exists in database before load), so I do the following:
    1) Set dimension build settings, creating dimension Products (marking it P\C generated, sparse), having an attribute dimension AttributeDim
    2) Mark the fields as Parent, Child and AttributeDim of dimension Products
    After loading rule file a get three types of errors:
    a) "Base member (Balls) association level does not match base dimension association level" -- does this mean that I cannot assign attributes in P\C way?
    b) "Record #327 - Can not uniquely identify member by Balls (3335)
    Balls     Ball_8     Round" -- That's strange, I thought member should be identified by Ball_8 (and this column is unique)
    c) "\\Record #418 - Error in association transaction [Ball_8] to [Round] (3362)"
    I've read all I could find on topic from this forum, network45 board and going to start my way through metalink3, but maybe some kind soul will rescue me from drowning in information ocean?

    Outline is blank at the start of load and I expect dimensions Product and ProdAttribute to be added.
    Generations are unapplicable, since I can't turn this parent-child dimension (it's ragged) into generation one.
    And, by the way Integration Services manages to do this somehow, why rule files wouldn't?

  • Maximum number of Attribute dimensions Possible in BSO Cube

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    1 - What are the maximum number of Attribute dimensions Possible in a BSO Cube.
    2- How many attribute dimension can be associated with one base Dimension.
    hope to get reply soon.
    thanks in advance.

    No Limits are defined as such:
    How many Maximum number of Dimensions can create ?
    Even in the Dbag, it says "many":
    A base dimension member can have many attributes, but only one attribute from each attribute dimension.Cheers..
    Rahul S.

  • Creating a hierarchy in an attribute dimension using EIS

    we use EIS for our data/member loads.
    I have a couple of cubes with attribute dims and I had no problems using EIS to create those attribute dims as they did not have a hierarchy
    I have a new requirement to create an attribute dim with a hierarchy.
    I am not sure how can I do this in EIS. Please advice.
    I went through the chm file but could not really figure out anything about it.
    Thank you.

    Actually you can have hierarchies in your attribute dims in EIS, including text attributes. I have a number of models where we do this.
    It works the same as with regular dimensions. Assume you have a table with product codes and then a column for lev 0 attribute and lev 1 attribute.
    So code is XYZ
    Lev 0 attribute is Red
    Lev 1 attribute is Primary
    When you set up your attribute dim in EIS, set both attribute columns as attribute, then in the metaoutline model, drag lev1 attibute onto the outline, then drag lev0 attribute under it. You will get a warning that you can only associate the lev0 attribute with the base dimension, which is fine. Associate the lev0 attribute with the base dim as you normally would and build your outline.
    Your end result will be an attribute dim that looks like this
    Product Color

  • Calculation issue on attribute dimension

    The issue that I'm facing with is as below. I have two pass calc on some of the measures in the outline. Since I'm not doing any calculation on the attribute dimension, when I drill down using this dimension it pops up an error message
    "Two-pass calc skipped on member [X] in attribute calc"
    Please advise on how to resolve this.
    Thr formula has @CURRMBR. The DBAG says that If a member formula contains a run-time dependent function associated with an attribute member name, and the member with the formula is tagged as two-pass, calculation skips the member and issues a warning message.
    It also says that Two-pass calculation member property is unavailable for attribute dimensions.
    So does it mean that every two pass calc member is skipped?
    I'm a bit confused.. how does it work?
    Is there a resolution for my issue? Please confirm if there is a way to get this two pass calc done for the formula with @CURRMBR.

    I will give it a try:
    << I assume you have the two-pass calc member on the accounts dimension and the associated dimension of the attribute dimension is not the accounts dimension either. >>
    Attribute dimensios are calculated dynamically. They provide a different view on the members of the associated dimension which they belong to. There are 5 different calculation functions in the rollup of the members on the base dimension (sum, min, max, count, average).
    So this is within the associated dimension (sparse) which is linked to the attribute dimension (virtual).
    The accounts dimension is always involved in displaying figures. The attribute calculation e.g. sum is done last. So the dynamic calculations have to be done first. This message is likely a warning message that the value displayed is not the result of the two-pass calculation, but from the attribute calculation.
    You might review the storage setting of the member. Often the @currmbr is also not necessary in the formula when considering the calculation order of the members.
    Hope this helps a bit.
    Philip Hulsebosch

  • SSAS Cube using multiple dimension hierarchies with same key

    How can I link two separate dimension hierarchies (driven from two base dimension tables) to the same attribute in the Cube? When I try this, only the common hierarchy levels between two dimensions show up under Browse. Other levels disappear. Details are:
    One SSAS 2012 Cube: Expense Daily Snapshot Each fact row has CostCentreSK attribute Two dimensions (with natural hierarchies) based on two separate DB tables. CostCentreSK is the key in both. (I know it sounds strange, but there is a good reason for this.
    Be happy to share details.)
    After processing when I browse the cube only the common levels between the two hierarchies show up.
    Expectation was that the individual hierarchies will show each of their levels. Please help.

    @Victor Rocca
    Some dimensions are common, like Dates and Codes, but mostly they are their own dimensions.  Visits
    and Actions facts have foreign keys from Events in them, so I would prefer to join directly, anyway.

  • Load dimensions and members in Planning application via outline load

    it is a classic planning application, after I load dimensions and members into classic Planning application, I can't see new members I added in csv file.
    How could I confirm whether it was successfully loaded.
    This is the log. Please refer to it.
    Successfully logged into "予算応用" application, Release 11.121, Adapter Interface Version 5, Workforce supported and enabled, CapEx supported and enabled, CSS Version 3
    "Account" dimension properties and information:
    Account, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Account Type, Time Balance, Skip Value, Exchange Rate Type, Variance Reporting, Source Plan Type, Plan Type (PL), Aggregation (PL), Plan Type (BS), Aggregation (BS), Plan Type (Plan3), Aggregation (Plan3), Plan Type (Wrkforce), Aggregation (Wrkforce), Plan Type (Capex), Aggregation (Capex)
    UDA's bound to "Account" dimension: HSP_NOLINK
    "Period" dimension properties and information:
    Period, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Type, Start Period, End Period, Aggregation (PL), Aggregation (BS), Aggregation (Plan3), Aggregation (Wrkforce), Aggregation (Capex)
    No UDA's defined on "Period"
    "Year" dimension properties and information:
    Year, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation
    No UDA's defined on "Year"
    "Scenario" dimension properties and information:
    Scenario, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Start Year, Start Period, End Year, End Period, Exchange Table, Include BegBal, Process Management Enabled, Aggregation (PL), Aggregation (BS), Aggregation (Plan3), Aggregation (Wrkforce), Aggregation (Capex)
    UDA's bound to "Scenario" dimension: ACTUAL
    "Version" dimension properties and information:
    Version, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Version Type, Process Management Enabled, Aggregation (PL), Aggregation (BS), Aggregation (Plan3), Aggregation (Wrkforce), Aggregation (Capex)
    No UDA's defined on "Version"
    "Currency" dimension properties and information:
    Currency, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Symbol, Scale, Triangulation Currency, Reporting Currency, Thousands Separator, Decimal Separator, Negative Style, Negative Color
    No UDA's defined on "Currency"
    "Entity" dimension properties and information:
    Entity, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Base Currency, Plan Type (PL), Aggregation (PL), Plan Type (BS), Aggregation (BS), Plan Type (Plan3), Aggregation (Plan3), Plan Type (Wrkforce), Aggregation (Wrkforce), Plan Type (Capex), Aggregation (Capex), NumericAttrib
    No UDA's defined on "Entity"
    "NumericAttrib" attribute dimension (on base dimension "Entity"). NO attributes defined on the "NumericAttrib" dimension.
    NumericAttrib, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Operation
    "Employee" dimension properties and information:
    Employee, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Aggregation (Wrkforce)
    No UDA's defined on "Employee"
    "Line Item" dimension properties and information:
    Line Item, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Aggregation (Capex)
    No UDA's defined on "Line Item"
    "Asset Class" dimension properties and information:
    Asset Class, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Operation, Aggregation (Capex)
    No UDA's defined on "Asset Class"
    Exchange Rates properties:
    Table, Description, To Currency, From Currency, Operation, Method, Historical, Beg Balance, Year, Period, Average, Ending
    UDA properties:
    Dimension, UDA, Operation
    Smartlist properties:
    SmartList Name, Operation, Label, Display Order, Missing Label, Use Form Missing Label, Entry ID, Entry Name, Entry Label
    No Planning Unit Hierarchies are defined in this application.
    Translation input file fields:
    Value, Driver Member, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Successfully located and opened input file "C:\TEMP\PLNentityバージョンのエクスポート.csv".
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Input file being read with UTF-8 encoding.
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Detected a UTF-8 BOM marker in input file "C:\TEMP\PLNentityバージョンのエクスポート.csv".
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Header record fields: Entity, Parent, Alias: Default, Alias: FromDepartment, Alias: ToDepartment, Valid For Consolidations, Data Storage, Two Pass Calculation, Description, Formula, UDA, Smart List, Data Type, Base Currency, Plan Type (PL), Aggregation (PL), Plan Type (BS), Aggregation (BS), Plan Type (Plan3), Aggregation (Plan3), Plan Type (Wrkforce), Aggregation (Wrkforce), Plan Type (Capex), Aggregation (Capex)
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Located and using "Entity" dimension for loading data in "予算応用" application.
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Load dimension "Entity" has been unlocked successfully.
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]A cube refresh operation will not be performed.
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Create security filters operation will not be performed.
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Examine the Essbase log files for status if Essbase data was loaded.
    [Thu Oct 27 18:16:18 JST 2011]Planning Outline load process finished (with no data load as specified (/N)). 9 data records were read, 9 data records were processed, 9 were accepted, 0 were rejected.

    Thank you for your reply.
    With your help, I can verify it easier rather than creating dataform to verify it.
    I have resolved the question now, the root cause is I had used the wrong parameter, shouldn't add '/N' in the command. for /N is a dry run to check whether there are error in CSV file, it won't perform metadata load.
    If no error occured, run the command without /N, then the metadata load will be performed.
    I refer to this artical,
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Samantha on 2011-10-31 下午4:39

  • Dimension with 2 Hierarchies, Lowest Member w/ Different Long Descriptions

    I'm trying to create a dimension that would allow Discoverer For OLAP users to choose between different LONG DESCRIPTIONs, and I am trying to accomplish this by using multiple hierarchies.
    For example, when a user is trying to create a report and eventually stumbles upon the Dimensions part of the Workbook creation, he can choose a different description other than the default by choosing from the Hierarchy drop down list.
    The following is the dimension details:
    Dimension: TEST_DIM
    Hierarchy #1: HIER_NAME
    Levels: TOTAL_DIM_NAME
    Hierarchy #2: HIER_CODE
    Levels: TOTAL_DIM_CODE
    Dimension View: V_TEST_DIM
    Fields: TOTAL_DIMENSION_NAME_ID   ---mapped to-->  TOTAL_DIM_NAME
            NAME_LEVEL_ID             ---mapped to-->  TEST_LVL_NAME
            NAME_LEVEL_DESC           ---mapped to-->  TEST_LVL_NAME_LONG_DESCRIPTION
            TOTAL_DIMENSION_CODE_ID   ---mapped to-->  TOTAL_DIM_CODE
            CODE_LEVEL_ID             ---mapped to-->  TEST_LVL_CODE
            CODE_LEVEL_DESC           ---mapped to-->  TEST_LVL_CODE_LONG_DESCRIPTION
    Cube: TEST_CUBE
    Measure: TEST_MEASURE
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the above dimension having 2 hierarchies, Discoverer users can choose between HIER_NAME or HIER_CODE. The problem with this setup is that for this to work, different fields must be mapped to the lowest levels of each hierarchy, because the values of NAME_LEVEL_ID and CODE_LEVEL_ID fields from the V_TEST_DIM dimension view are different from each other, even though they share the same set of records, which means they can be considered as one.
    The values of NAME_LEVEL_ID and CODE_LEVEL_ID must be different, because if they are not, I receive the following error during maintenance:
    ***Error Occured: Data for at least One of the Hierarchies for TEST_DIM.DIMENSION controdicts the Definition of such Hierarchy as Level
    Based.After making the NAME_LEVEL_ID and CODE_LEVEL_ID values different from each other, I tried mapping the fact table to the cube. Mapping details are as follows:
    Cube View: V_TEST_CUBE
    Fields: TEST_VALUE       --mapped to-->  TEST_MEASURE
            NAME_LEVEL_ID    --mapped to-->  TEST_DIM.TEST_LVL_NAME.NAME_LEVEL_ID
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unfortunately, the above mappings does not work, because I get the following error when I do so:
    Invalid Mapping:
    Levels in a dimension TEST_DIM have to be mapped to the same column for summary fact_tableBut despite the error(s) above, I've actually made this work, by leaving the one ID field (NAME_LEVEL_ID or CODE_LEVEL_ID) unmapped. Say, I map NAME_LEVEL_ID to TEST_DIM.TEST_LVL_NAME.NAME_LEVEL_ID but leave CODE_LEVEL_ID unmapped, then maintain to load data for TEST_DIM (HIER_NAME hierarchy). Then I unmap NAME_LEVEL_ID and map CODE_LEVEL_ID. I maintain the cube again to load data for the other hierarchy which is HIER_CODE.
    Now, if that works, why won't AWM let me map NAME_LEVEL_ID and CODE_LEVEL_ID at the same time?
    I tried running the following DML command to manually map the fields:
    call set_measure_key_expression('TEST_CUBE.MAPGROUP1.CUBEMAPGROUP',NA,'TEST_DIM.HIER_NAME.LEVEL\nTEST_DIM.HIER_CODE.LEVEL','VIEW_OWNER.V_TEST_DIM.NAME_LEVEL_ID\nVIEW_OWNER.V_TEST_DIM.CODE_LEVEL_ID',FALSE)I checked the mappings afterwards and the two fields are indeed mapped, but when I try to maintain, I got an error stating that 'VIEW_OWNER.V_TEST_DIM.NAME_LEVEL_ID\nVIEW_OWNER.V_TEST_DIM.CODE_LEVEL_ID' does not exits or something like that.
    Does any know a better way to implement this?
    Please help.

    I understand what you are trying to achieve, and technically it should be possible. In practice, however, Disco caches dimensional information as it is not expecting information such as descriptions to change from one query to the next.
    The complication is the description objects do not have any additional dimensionality beyond their base dimension, however, there is a language dimension that might be useful in this case. If you created an additional language with a formula that calls a program to set the underlying AWM language dimension you could assign this measure to the first worksheet in your workbook and allow users to swap between different versions of their long descriptions. However, this would be a session wide setting and not worksheet specific.
    In the AWM tree you will need to add additional languages to your AW which can then be used a placeholders for your different descriptions. This will affect all your dimensions so you will need to either use OLAP DML to copy the base language descriptions to all the other languages or using the mapping editor.
    In the dimension mapping tool you will now see multiple entry points for descriptions - English, French, German etc depending on which languages you picked. You can assign any column from your source view/table to these columns.
    Should work - I did something similar for another customer. It is not ideal, and does require the users to open/create a worksheet to switch the descriptions but it was all I could think of at the time.
    Keith Laker
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
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    Does that make sense?

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