Base not found if 10mbps

hi, I've the last AP Extreme firmware and an home network with:
- 2 pc with XP connected via ethernet at APExtreme
- 1 macbook with 10.5.3 connected via wifi at APE
- 1 laptop with XP connected via wifi at APE
the problem is:
my 2 laptops (mac and pc) are connected without any problems to the APE
my 2 pc doesn't see the APE and doesn't get any ip if I set their ethernet card to Auto-Negotiating or 100mbps full duplex or 100mbps half duplex.
If I set the cards to 10mbps full duplex they find immediatly the APE and I can get into the web.
the WAN port of the APE is set to Auto.
Why I can't use the 100mbps speed for communicate INSIDE my home network? (outside depends of my connection, obiouvsly).
my cards have different brand, so I think it's not a card/drivers problem....
(and sorry for my bad english)

What kind of cables are you using between your PC and the AEBS? You need at least CAT5 cabling for 100 Mbps.
The WAN port setting has nothing to do with your other Ethernet port speeds.

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    var line_commands:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
    line_commands.push(GraphicsPathCommand.LINE_TO, GraphicsPathCommand.LINE_TO, GraphicsPathCommand.LINE_TO, GraphicsPathCommand.LINE_TO);
    var line_coord:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
    line_coord.push(0,0, newW, angle, newW, (newH+angle), 0, newH);
    drawPath(line_commands, line_coord);
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    It seem the right playergloblal is not accessed. If You compile in Flash IDE make sure that ActionsScript Settinng is configure with the rigth paths.
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    Flash Actionscript  settings. -> library path ->add path till globalplayer
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    Please read the following and follow the advice included:
    With that, be sure to clarify whether the typo was just here on the forum, or whether it was also in your original command.  If it was in your original command, that would explain your results.

  • Base table not found

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    pPerhaps one should explain some basics about privileges in the database.
    You connected as sysdba, named superdba.
    The table(s) you are looking for have been created by the user SAPAJ4DB.
    If a user creates a table, noone !!, really noone is allowed to select them except this owner.
    Not even the sysdba is allowed to select them.
    And it is good that it is like this. I personally do have some private info in tables and do NOT
    want to let them being seen by my boss being the sysdba of the db.
    If the owner wants to allow access to this table, he has to grant privileges to other users.
    There are select, insert, update, delete ( to name the DML-privileges ).
    If the owner of the table you are looking for, did not do this, the sysdba is not allow to see them.
    And then he will receive the error -4004.
    Yes, the table DOES exist. But for the user not having a privileges for this table,
    this table looks like not existing, causing this error to occur.
    Therefore: connect as the owner, select there what you want.
    And then think about your needs and grant the corresponding privileges to other users / the sysdba.
    Have a nice weekend,

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    in firefox 12 in page source code all links 404 not found! base tag ignored!

    I filed bug 757348 for you:
    If you want to be notified about changes, please add yourself to the CC list of the bug by creating a new bugzilla account:
    Then go to the bug page shown above and hit 'Save changes' in order to add yourself to the CC list.

  • DroldF.dat not found

    I try to install the following code
    INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context
    LEXER mylex
    STOPLIST multistop
    MEMORY 2M SYNC (EVERY "SYSDATE + 1/24/6")');
    and I have the error :
    DRG-11446: fichier de base de connaissances fourni C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\ctx\data\frlx\droldF.dat non installé
    +(file droldF.dat not found)+
    (Same thing with an Oracle 11g on another server)
    When removing 'LEXER mylex' in the create index, it's OK, but I have some difficulties with the french accents.
    The only file in the directory xxxxx\db_1\ctx\data\frlx\ is
    On [this forum|] , it is told that the missing files are on companion CD in stage/Components/oracle.cartridges.context.knowbase/, but only iin the R1 release (not the R2)
    But I can't find this companion CD. Where are they in OTN ? How to download old versions ?
    Or more simply : who have all these files droldF.dat, droldUS.dat and can furnish them ?
    Best regards

    Your lexer definition presumably includes INDEX_THEMES = YES.
    If you change that it will work. Otherwise you need to download the database examples for 11g, which include the knowledge base.
    Sometimes can be tricky to find - if you download the full set of files it should include the examples.

  • APEX Listener 2.0 - RESTful Services Failure with  404 - Not Found

    Versions used:
    * APEX Listener
    * Application Express
    * Oracle Database
    When testing the sample RESTful Service Module I always get 404 - Not Found page.
    I followed the documentation to install and configure APEX 4.2 and the Listener 2.0. Everything in my APEX installation works fine except RESTful Services.
    For example, when calling this RESTful Service:
    I get a 404 page.
    The corresponding entry in url-mapping.xml is:
    <pool base-path="/DEV" name="od01" workspace-id="xxuapex"/>
    where xxuapex is the name of the schema as well as the workspace where the RESTful Service is installed.
    Moreover, the corresponding od01.xml, od01_rt.xml and od01_al.xml in the conf directory seem correct.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Eddie Awad.

    Hi Eddie,
    +> try the other option base-url of the url-mapping+
    I did. No change. Still getting 404.When active it should transform the 404 page into a detailed 404 with a description of what the error is. Just to be sure, this is activated in the defaults.xml file of the APEX Listener as: *<entry key="log.logging">true</entry>*.
    You should then see a detailed 404 output in your browser of what's going wrong first of all.
    +> Could you post your url-mapping.xml file?+
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <pool-config xmlns="">
    <pool base-path="/DEV" name="od01" workspace-id="xxuapex"/>
    <pool base-path="/TEST" name="ot01" workspace-id="xxuapex"/>
    Despite using the url mapping script, it didn't map mine correctly and had to edit it manually. It was the use of "apex" that got it to work for me:
    *<pool base-path="/" name="apex" workspace-id="workspace-name-here" updated="2013-01-09T20:48:59.75Z"/>*

  • This application has failed to start because SapNi.dll was not found

    On the advice, good advice, of Melanie and Lars, here is a new thread for my question.
    I'm assisting with a migration of SAPDB, on Windows Server 2003, to MaxDB 7.6.xx on Solaris 10 SPARC.
    I can connect to my SAP DB using Database Manager as superdba. Now I'm trying to use the dbmcli.
    I go to the server and pop open a cmd prompt and try it via dbmcli:
    dbmcli -d sdb -u superdba,<password>
    And I get a Windows dialog box that says
    This application has failed to start because SapNi.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. 
    actually, the SUPERDBA user only has ONE valid password. Although he is able to perform admin tasks and to execute SQL statements, there are not two passwords for this user!
    So if you are able to connect with that user with dbmcli and not with sqlcli or loadercli, there seems to be something wrong with your system/users. Maybe the user called SUPERDBA on your system is not really the SYSDBA but a 'normal' dbm user.
    When you connect with that user with dbmcli, please execute the following commands:
    sql_execute select user from dual
    sql_execute select SYSDBA from dual
    sql_execute select * from users
    Can you also connect with user control with dbmcli? You might want to check the default password (control).
    Regarding the ni.dll problem: If I understand that correctly, you installed Database Studio locally on your PC. Did you also install any othe MaxDB software on that server? When you try to use dbmcli to connect to a remote database, you'll have to specify the -n <hostname> option. Or did you get that dll error on the database server itself?
    Database Studio cannot be used to administer databases of version 7.3. You'll have to use DBMGUI or dbmcli for that.
    Best regards, Melanie
    Hi Melanie, Thanks for the response.
    I cannot use dbmcli at the moment. I get the Windows dialog box saying
    This application has failed to start because SapNi.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
    I am using dmcli on the Windows 2003 Server with my SAP DB 7.3 installed. Here is the version of dbmcli that I'm using.
    C:\sapdb\SDB\db\bin>dbmcli -V
    "7.6.06","WIN32","C:\Program Files\sdb\7606",True,ASCII,2
    I'm going to try to do what the error message tells me and uninstall and re-install my DB management applications.

    Server Utilities           c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    DB Analyzer                c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    PCR 7300                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    PCR 7301                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    PCR 7104                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    MaxDB PHP Driver           c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    PCR 7240                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    Synchronization Manager    c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    Base                       c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    Redist Python              c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    JDBC                       c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    Messages                   c:/sapdb/programs                             MSG 0.8215              valid
    ODBC                       c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    Database Kernel            c:/program files/sdb/7606                32 bit    valid
    Database Kernel            c:/sapdb/programs/databasestudio/utilities                 valid
    Database Kernel            c:/sapdb/sdb/db                          32 bit    valid
    Loader                     c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    SQLDBC                     c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    PCR 7250                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    IndepData           : C:\sapdb\data
    IndepPrograms       : C:\sapdb\programs
    dbmcli -s dbm_version
    VERSION    = 7.7.06
    BUILD      = DBMServer 7.7.06   Build 009-123-202-944
    OS         = WIN32
    INSTROOT   =
    LOGON      = True
    CODE       = UTF8
    SWAP       = full
    UNICODE    = YES
    INSTANCE   = (unknown)
    SYSNAME    = Windows Server 2003 family
    MASKING    = YES
    REPLYTREATMENT = none,zlib,auto
    SDBDBM_IPCLOCATION = C:\sapdb\data\wrk
    Edited by: Rich Evans on Jun 16, 2009 4:13 PM

  • My i tunes is not working anymore. it says the application failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found. I have tried re-installing the program but it doesn't work.

    Yesterday I tried to get onto iTunes and was unable to. I keep getting this message:
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    This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found.
    Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
    I have tried to uninstall and re-install the program several times but cannot get it to work. Now I get this message:
    iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes.
    Error 7 (Windows error 126)
    I have tried to do what I can but am not really iTunes savy and would like to get this issue resolved. Can anyone help me?

    Hello there, Cyn.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great information for troubleshooting your issue. Keep in mind uninstalling and reinstalling has to be done in a very specific fashion, therefore use the guidelines from this article to accomplish this:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • HT6001 I have tried numerous time to update iTunes to Version 11.1.4.  Each time it has failed. I get the message of "This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found".  Also I get a message of "Error 7". Advise please.

    I have tried numerous time to update iTunes to version 11.1.4.  It has failed every time.  Now I can't even get into iTunes on my PC.  The message I get is "This application has failed to start because MSVCR60.dll was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix the problem."  Okay. Which application?  What steps are needed for this process?
    Also, I get this message "iTunes was not installed correctly.  Please reinstall iTunes.  Error 7 (Windows error 126)"  Could someone please assist me in the steps necessary to remedy this issue.  Thanks.

    For many users at this point in time (iTunes uninstalling iTunes alone is not enough and they may need to undertake further steps...
    Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Win XP) or Programs and Features (later)
    Remove all of these items in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support (if this won't uninstall move on to the next item)
    Apple Application Support
    Reboot, download iTunes, then reinstall, either using an account with administrative rights, or right-clicking the downloaded installer and selecting Run as Administrator.
    The uninstall and reinstall process will preserve your iTunes library and settings, but ideally you would back up the library and your other important personal documents and data on a regular basis. See this user tip for a suggested technique.
    Please note:
    Some users may need to follow all the steps in whichever of the following support documents applies to their system. These include some additional manual file and folder deletions not mentioned above.
    HT1925: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes for Windows XP
    HT1923: Removing and reinstalling iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

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