Base="" sub search in DSEE and OpenLdap & SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_SEARCH_FN troubl

I'm trying to migrate some application from using OpenLdap as user information repositorium, to Sun Directory Server 6.2.
The suffixes layout in OpenLdap looks like this:
     | - cn=app_configuration
     | - dc=com
     |          | - dc=somedomain
     |                           | - (some users accounts here)
     | - dc=net
     |           | - dc=someotherdomain
     |                                | - (some users accounts here)
        ......... (and so on)Problem - when user try to login in application, it's using ldap search like this "ldapsearch -b "" -s sub (uid=loginname)"
Which is working perfeclty fine with openldap:
[sady@sady-lin bin]$ ./ldapsearch -b '' -x -s sub '(objectclass=*)' dn
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: dn
# ru
dn: dc=ru
# admin, people,
dn: uid=admin,ou=people,dc=sady-lin,dc=energo,dc=ru
# com
dn: dc=com
# wiki, people,
dn: uid=wiki,ou=people,dc=nwenergo,dc=com
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 23
# numEntries: 22As you can see, all uid entries in all domains are finded.
But in DSEE rootDSE don't follow SUB search, and with base dn equal "" you can see only base dn itself:
[root@ch0-bl1 ~]# ldapsearch -D 'cn=directory manager' -w 12345678 -b '' -s sub  '(objectclass=*)'
ldap_search: No such object
[root@ch0-bl1 ~]# ldapsearch -D 'cn=directory manager' -w 12345678 -b '' -s base  '(objectclass=*)'
version: 1
objectClass: top
namingContexts: dc=com
namingContexts: dc=leivo,dc=r
namingContexts: dc=ru
namingContexts: o=comms-config
namingContexts: o=pab
namingContexts: o=PiServerDb
.....I tryed to use Directory Proxy Server, to resolv this issue, but with no result.
I created ldap-data-view with base-dn:"" and dn-mapping-source-base-dn:"dc=ru" (for example). but when i search throu Proxy, it isn't do the mapping:
[16/May/2009:13:03:20 +0400] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=225 op=1 msgid=2 SEARCH base="" scope=2 filter="(objectclass=*)" attrs="*"
[16/May/2009:13:03:20 +0400] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=225 op=1 SEARCH RESPONSE err=0 msg="" nentries=0 etime=0Here is my ldap-data-view props:
[root@ch0-bl1 examples]# dpconf get-ldap-data-view-prop -p 1389 -w /tmp/pass myds2-view
alternate-search-base-dn                    :  dc=com 
alternate-search-base-dn                    :  dc=ru 
attr-name-mappings                          :  none 
base-dn                                     :  "" 
contains-shared-entries                     :  false 
custom-distribution-algorithm               :  none 
description                                 :  - 
distribution-algorithm                      :  none 
dn-join-rule                                :  none 
dn-mapping-attrs                            :  none 
dn-mapping-source-base-dn                   :  dc=ru 
excluded-subtrees                           :  dc=com 
filter-join-rule                            :  none 
is-enabled                                  :  true 
is-read-only                                :  false 
is-routable                                 :  true 
ldap-data-source-pool                       :  myds1-pool 
lexicographic-attrs                         :  all 
lexicographic-lower-bound                   :  none 
lexicographic-upper-bound                   :  none 
non-viewable-attr                           :  none 
non-writable-attr                           :  none 
numeric-attrs                               :  all 
numeric-default-data-view                   :  false 
numeric-lower-bound                         :  none 
numeric-upper-bound                         :  none 
pattern-matching-base-object-search-filter  :  all 
pattern-matching-dn-regular-expression      :  all 
pattern-matching-one-level-search-filter    :  all 
pattern-matching-subtree-search-filter      :  all 
process-bind                                :  - 
replication-role                            :  master 
viewable-attr                               :  all except non-viewable-attr 
writable-attr                               :  all except non-writable-attr  It do mapping perfectly fine, with dc=com, switched for dc=ru,
with this ldap-view parameters:
base-dn                                     :  dc=com 
dn-mapping-source-base-dn                   :  dc=ru  Log will be:
[16/May/2009:13:07:32 +0400] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=229 op=1 msgid=2 SEARCH base="dc=com" scope=2 filter="(objectclass=*)" attrs="*"
[16/May/2009:13:07:32 +0400] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=229 op=1 SEARCH base="dc=ru" scope=2 filter="(objectclass=*)" attrs="*" s_msgid=5 s_conn=myds1:131and ldapsearch will return all entries in dc=ru domain.
It's interesting, that when i'm search with base-dn="dc=ru", witch is only routed with Proxy trou my ldap-view with base-dn="", log output looks like this:
[16/May/2009:13:07:27 +0400] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=228 op=1 msgid=2 SEARCH base="dc=ru" scope=2 filter="(objectclass=*)" attrs="*"
[16/May/2009:13:07:27 +0400] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=228 op=1 SEARCH base=",dc=ru" scope=2 filter="(objectclass=*)" attrs="*" s_msgid=5 s_conn=myds1:132
[16/May/2009:13:07:27 +0400] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=228 op=1 SEARCH RESPONSE err=34 msg="Invalid DN" nentries=0 s_conn=myds1:132
[16/May/2009:13:07:27 +0400] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=228 op=1 SEARCH RESPONSE err=34 msg="Invalid DN" nentries=0 etime=0You can see that base="dc=ru" have been mapped to base=",dc=ru" (with , )

/* Break down and log information about the search request.       */
rootdsesub(Slapi_PBlock * pb)
    char          *  base       = NULL;/* Base DN for search      */
    int              scope;            /* Base, 1 level, subtree  */
    int              connId, opId, rc = 0;
    long             msgId;
   // char        *  index      = "";
    char          *  indexes[]  = {"dc=ru","dc=com"};
    char          *  filter     = "";
    char          *  attrs[]    = {"",NULL};
    int              attrsonly  = 0;
    Slapi_PBlock  *  search_pb  = NULL;
    int              ind_cnt    = 2;
    int              i          = 0;
    rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_MSGID,  &msgId);
    rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_CONN_ID,          &connId);
    rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_ID,     &opId);
    if (rc == 0) {
    } else {
        return (rc);
    /* Log base DN and scope for search. */
    rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET,    &base);
    rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_SCOPE,     &scope);
    if (rc == 0) {
        if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE && strcmp( base, "" )==0 )
                        rc |= slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET, "dc=ru");
                        rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_STRFILTER,      &filter);
                        rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRS,          &attrs);
                        rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRSONLY,      &attrsonly);
                        LOG2("Target DN:%s\n", base);
                        LOG2("filter:%s\n", filter);
                        //filter = "uid=sady";
                        LOG2("filter:%s\n", filter);
                        LOG2("attrs[0]:%s\n", attrs[0]);
                //      attrs[0]="uid";
                        LOG2("attrsonly:%d\n", attrsonly);
                        search_pb = slapi_pblock_new();
                        if (search_pb == NULL ) return 1;
        LOG1("new pb\n");
        for ( i=0; i<ind_cnt; i++)
rc = slapi_search_internal_set_pb(
indexes[i], /* Base DN for search */
filter, /* Filter */
attrs, /* Set to get all user attrs. */
attrsonly, /* Return attrs. and values */
NULL, /* No controls */
NULL, /* DN rather than unique ID */
SLAPI_OP_FLAG_NEVER_CHAIN /* Never chain this operation. */
LOG1("set pb\n");
rc |= slapi_search_internal_callback_pb(search_pb, pb,NULL, rootdse_send,NULL);
LOG1("search inter call pb\n");
slapi_pblock_get(search_pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc);
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { LOG1("NOT SUCCESS\n");slapi_pblock_destroy(search_pb);return -1;}
LOG1("get pb result\n");
LOG1("clean memory\n");
LOG1("clean memory\n");
slapi_send_ldap_result(pb, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL);
LOG1("send ldap result \n");
} else {
return (rc);
return (rc);
/* Register the plug-in with the server. */
#ifdef _WIN32
rootdse_sub_init(Slapi_PBlock * pb)
int rc = 0; /* 0 means success */
rc |= slapi_pblock_set( /* Plug-in API version */
rc |= slapi_pblock_set( /* Plug-in description */
(void *) &preop_desc
rc |= slapi_pblock_set( /* Startup function */
(void *) rootdsesub
rc |= slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &plugin_id);
return (rc);

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    Our organization focuses a lot on the accuracy of our searches, which is a necessity when we have hundreds of very lengthy topics (no matter how well organized they are).
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    I also wanted to ask a question or two, and if anyone can assist, that would be greatly appreciated:
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    RoboHelp 8 vs 9 - Search Functionality Comparison Table with some Examples:
    Search Example              
    RoboHelp 8     
    RoboHelp 9        
    Expected Results
    (based on industry standards)
    1. Searching for Exact Phrase "Correspondent Banking"
    Such a search returns topics which contain "Correspondent Banking" and "Correspondent Bank". The last one is included because "Bank" is the root of "Banking". The topics that contain the exact phrase appear at the bottom. When we click on any of them, we're not automatically taken to phrase so we have to scroll and look for it or use CTR+F.
    Identical behavior except that when we click on the topics which contain the exact phrase, we're taken straight to it.
    When we hear "exact" we expect "exact" and nothing else. Unfortunately, both versions keep searching for the roots of each word as well and incorrectly display those results at the top. Adobe has made it clear that this is a part of their functionality, BUT this is something we would not expect to see for exact phrase searches that are in quotes.
    2. A Non-Exact phrase search of "Geographical Limits of market area"
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    Identical behavior
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    The expectation is to see exactly what RH9 currently offers. Unfortunately 8 has a big problem with these types of searches.
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    We were hoping that this will be fixed with 9, just the way they fixed the dashes. Unfortunately, still ZERO results returned.
    Expectation is for the topics which contain that exact phrase to be returned, no matter whether there's any special character inbetween.
    5. Exact Phrase search of "300,000" or $300,000"
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    Identical behavior
    Expectation is for topics that contain the exact amount to be returned, no matter if there is a coma or a dollar sign anywhere within the phrase.
    6. Exact Phrase Search of "525-B5". Goal was to have a special character, a letter and numbers.
    ZERO Results returned.
    Only the docs that contain the phrase were returned and nothing else. It seems that this this was addressed in version 9 and now it behaves as expected.
    Expectation is only for the docs that contain the exact phrase to be returned.
    7. Exact phase search of "log" in order to test the Substring Functionality
    Here's an extract from Adobe's Support Site:
    “Substring search (WebHelp/Pro, FlashHelp/Pro) - If you enable this feature, a search for "log" returns topics containing the words "catalog" and "logarithm." Substring search takes longer than whole-string search.”
    So with that in mind, we decided to test if turning the substring searches on and off does exactly as advertised, unfortunately the answer was NO. We even used an example almost idnetical to what Adobe provided on their site.
    With Substring Searches disabled, we searched for the word "log". Unfortunately it returned words like "logbook" and methodology". How is that possible?
    Identical behavior
    Our expectation would be only for docs that contain"log" to be returned, no matter whether substring is enabled or disabled. In our case it was disabled.

    Hi there
    Out of curiosity, why is it that you expect to hear from Adobe? I'm hoping it's not simply because you posted here. Certainly we have Adobe folks that visit here and we are thankful for that, but it isn't to be expected.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

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    Hi Kevin,
    I didn't put any search filter in IT Resource.
    This is log .....
    009-04-16 12:53:00,156 INFO [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> Reconciliation Starts
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    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getLookUpValue() Role Name = nsroledn
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getLookUpValue() Group
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> processChanges(): searchDN = ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getLookUpValue() Role Name = nsroledn
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getLookUpValue() Group Name = uniquemember
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes null
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes telephoneNumber
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes uniquemember
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes nsroledn
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes departmentNumber
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes modifytimestamp
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes l
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    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes o
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    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes preferredlanguage
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes sn
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> getSearchAttributes() Search Attributes givenname
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcUtilCustomizedReconciliationqueries -> Entering & Leaving constructor for class tcUtilCustomizedReconciliationqueries ******************
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] ReconQuery*********************************************
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 INFO [XL_INTG.SJSDS] Inside constructSearchFilterForReconcilingUsers method
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] searchFilter with Timestamp*************************(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(modifytimestamp>=19000101010001Z))
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] The constructed searchfilter is: (&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(modifytimestamp>=19000101010001Z))
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> processChanges(): searchFilter = (&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(modifytimestamp>=19000101010001Z))
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> processChanges(): searchAttributes = [Ljava.lang.String;@1bfd316
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> processChanges(): searchFilter = (&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(modifytimestamp>=19000101010001Z))
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,156 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> processChanges(): searchAttributes = [Ljava.lang.String;@1bfd316
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,171 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] Before search time: Thu Apr 16 12:53:00 IST 2009
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,281 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] TotalRecords from LDAP: 20
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,281 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] After search time: Thu Apr 16 12:53:00 IST 2009
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,281 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] total number of batches= ALL AVAILABLE
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,281 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] The searchBase is: ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,296 INFO [XL_INTG.SJSDS] Problem searching directory: javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 12 - critical extension is not recognized]; remaining name 'ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com'
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,296 INFO [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> Reconciliation Ends
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,312 INFO [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> processChanges(): exit
    2009-04-16 12:53:00,312 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SJSDS] tcTskIPlanetUserReconciliation[RO=iPlanet User] --> execute(): exit
    2009-04-16 12:53:07,953 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] Running RemoverTask
    2009-04-16 12:53:07,953 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] RemoverTask, PassivatedCount=0

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    how do I delete photo ALBUMS from my iPHONE 4?
    I sync via icloud and I can not see any folders selected in itunes.
    I searched the internet and basically there is no one who has the answer (so far)
    to how you delete the iphone photo library and misc albums
    I have also had every iphone and I am not stupid.
    charles altman

    Replying to my own post - heh. I downloaded iExplorer ( which allowed me access to the files on the phone and there was the phantom movie in the DCIM folder. Deleted it, and all is well - although I still have 0.65gb of Other in iTunes.....

  • I have problem with my wifi in 4 S, i cant connect to any wifi itried resetting network setting and reset all setting but the result was the same, its only keeps searching for wifi and cant find any, itried to use OTHER but also didnt work.please help me

    i have problem with my wifi in 4 S, i cant connect to any wifi itried resetting network setting and reset all setting but the result was the same, its only keeps searching for wifi and cant find any, itried to use OTHER but also didnt work.please help me???

    If Join was on then your home wi-fi must be set to Non-Broadcast.  If you did not set this up (maybe your provider did) then you will need to find the Network Name they used, and any password they used.  The SSID is Security Set ID and to see more try .  Basically it is the name used to identify your router/network.  A lot of times the installer will leave it set as LinkSys, or Broadcom or whatever the manufacturer set it as for default.  Your best bet is to get whoever installed it to walk you through how they set it up, giving you id's and passwords so you can get in.  HOWEVER, if you are not comfortable with this (if you set security wrong, etc.) you would be well ahead of the game to hire a local computer tech (networking) to get this working for you.  You can also contact the vendor of your router and get help (if it is still in warranty), or at least get copies of the manuals as pdf files.  Sorry I can't give you more help, I hope this gives you an idea where to go from here to find more.

  • Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition 32 bits Service Pack 2 never finishes searching for updates and use 100% of CPU.

    Hi everyone, I am having issues updating a clean Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition 32 bits Service Pack 2, so any help with be appreciated cause I've already tried all my cards for the past 5 days in this particular issue without success.
    All I did so far is installing Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 2, open IE to update, it keeps searching for updates and never stop, after 20mn to 30mn the process svchost.exe start using 100% of my CPU.
    I already tried the following scenarios:
    1-  Install IE8, install the update KB927891 and the Windows Update Agent 3.0 (I already had this one installed). Reboot and run windows update trough IE8 and the problem did not solved.
    2- Install those 2 software "MicrosoftFixit.wu.MATSKB.Run" and "MicrosoftFixit50777", open IE to update, it still hangs and continues eating my CPU. This is the output of "MicrosoftFixit".
    Windows Update error 0x8007000D(2014-01-06-T-06_06_34A) --> Not Fixed
    Cryptographic service components are not registered (This service is actually running successfully) --> Not Fixed
    3- I found the following script that would register some DLL, deleting the "SoftwareDistribution" and forcing windows update to solve the problem and nothing happened either.
    Link to script:
    Here is a link to the content of my WindowUpdate.log file:
    Thank you in advance for helping.

    All I did so far is installing Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 2, open IE to update, it keeps searching for updates and never stop, after 20mn to 30mn the process svchost.exe start using 100% of my CPU.
    Herein is the root cause of your issue. A topic that's been discussed in several blogs, forums, and even in the media since September regards a known issue with attempting to patch IE6 RTM via Windows Update.
    Aside from that particular issue... browsing the Internet with an unpatched instance of IE6, especially from a Windows Server system, is also asking for a world of hurt.
    Might I suggest the following:
    Download the IE8 for Windows Server 2003 installer to a thumb drive.
    Download the latest Cumulative Security Update for IE8 for Windows Server 2003 to a thumb drive.
    Reinstall Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2.
    Upgrade to IE8 from the thumb drive installer and apply the
    Cumulative Security Update.
    Now your machine is capable of safely browsing to Windows Update to install the rest of the updates (well, maybe, there's also all those other Security Updates from the past seven years that your machine still has vulnerabilites for -- even those seven
    years of updates are going to take a Very Long Time to scan for, download, and install).
    Why don't you have a WSUS server? -- noting, wryly, that you've posted in the *WSUS* forum.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

  • My iphone 3g is keep searching for network, and the carrier unable to load network list , wat shall i do?  Read more: My iphone 3g is keep searching for network, and the carrier unable to load network list

    My iphone 3g is keep searching for network, and the carrier unable to load network list , wat shall i do?

    Yes, that kind of tallies with my experience ... after 3 days of useless iPhone 3G (BTW, killing 3G on the phone and relying on acquiring AT&T 2G didn't help, it still locked onto T-Mobile with the result that it was draining battery and rebooting frequently!), I ended up visiting the local Apple Store.
    Although the visit was not to resolve the iPhone problem, whilst there I happened to cycle the phone and due to the store having a local AT&T cell, the strength of the local signal meant that I finally re-acquired a AT&T 3G signal ... once locked on again the phone was fine for the next day.
    Nett outcome of this is that I would prefer to lay most of the blame for this debacle on the poor state of 3G support both by AT&T (and US carriers in general), maybe exacerbated in my case by two related events (the local DNC in Denver, which saturated local AT&T cells including 3G and a proliferation of v2.0.0 and v2.0.1 firmwares on iPhones in town, which dragged cell coverage into the weeds).
    It would be nice for future sanity if AT&T and T-Mobile could at least resolve the ability to acquire/release the iPhone gracefully, otherwise I'll be very sceptical of travelling back to the US with only my iPhone, as a self-employeed consultant I can't afford to be out of touch for three days again!

  • Search in Mail and iCal lost?

    Mail issue:
    I have just upgraded to Leopard and find that I am no longer able to search "entire message" using Mail!! This is a terrible loss of functionality! Is anyone else having this problem or have I destroyed my Mac? I can only search "from" "to" and "subject."
    iCal issue:
    Search simply does not work AT ALL! I type something into the search field, even the title of an event I can see directly on the screen, but absolutely no results come up when the search window at the bottom of the iCal screen opens. What is going on??? The Leopard updates are WORTHLESS to me if I lose search capability; in fact I would uninstall immediately and ask for a rebate!

    I am having the exact same issue in Mail. I get no results using the "entire message" option.
    I NEED this to work as I rely on it multiple times a day.
    Anyone know how to fix this?

  • When I try to print from my iPad I see a message "searching for printer" and then "no printer found.".  I have a printer application loaded and it finds my wireless printer.   How do I get the iPad to do the same so I can print from emails, the web, etc?

    When I try to print from my iPad I see a message "searching for printer" and then "no printer found.".  I have a printer application loaded and it finds my wireless printer.   How do I get the iPad to do the same so I can print from emails, the web, etc?  Thanks

    sandrafromsilver spring wrote:
    When I try to print from my iPad I see a message "searching for printer" and then "no printer found.".  I have a printer application loaded and it finds my wireless printer.   How do I get the iPad to do the same so I can print from emails, the web, etc?  Thanks
    Go to the following link:

  • How to create Search help exit, and then assign it to a collective search

    hi gurus,
    i have an intersting question for you, well my scenario is like i have to create a search help exit using some function module cause i didt found table for my search help but i can find the value through FM, i know we can create a search help exit and then assign it to collective search help,
      my problem is what are the parameters i need to pass to this search help exit FM, and in the function module i want to use the value entered on the f4 selection screen to extract data through FM. i need to give a solution  asap.
    any reply will be highly appreciated
    n rewards points for sure.
    thanks mandy

    Hi mandy,
    Have a look at this code,
    ""Local interface:
    *"      POPUP_CANCELED
            co_shlpname            TYPE shlpname   VALUE 'SHLP_CONTAINER',
            co_shlpfield_itemalias TYPE ddshlpsfld VALUE 'CONTAINER'.
      DATA: l_shlp         TYPE shlp_descr_t,
            l_subrc        TYPE sysubrc,
            l_return_tab   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ddshretval,
            l_return_wa    TYPE ddshretval,
            l_interface_wa TYPE ddshiface.
    Get details for search help
      CLEAR l_shlp.
      l_shlp-shlpname  = co_shlpname.
      l_shlp-shlptype  = 'SH'.
                shlp = l_shlp.
    Assign virtual screen field
      READ TABLE l_shlp-interface INTO l_interface_wa
      WITH KEY shlpfield = co_shlpfield_itemalias.
      l_interface_wa-value      = space.
      l_interface_wa-valtabname = 'X2'.    "virtuel screen field
      l_interface_wa-valfield   = 'Y2'.    "virtuel screen field
      MODIFY l_shlp-interface FROM l_interface_wa INDEX sy-tabix.
    Call F4 popup
                shlp          = l_shlp
                disponly      = display_only
                rc            = l_subrc
                return_values = l_return_tab
                OTHERS        = 0.
      IF sy-subrc = 0 AND l_subrc = 0.
      Value selected
        READ TABLE l_return_tab INDEX 1 INTO l_return_wa.
        item_selected = l_return_wa-fieldval.
      Popup canceled / no value selected
        RAISE popup_canceled.
    make sure to call these FMs and populate accordingly...

  • I would like to add to the Safari toolbar on my ipad 5 IOS 6  machine. I have searched the web and find some instructions to do this but the words and pictures do not match what I can see. I am beginning to think this is not a capabilty of the ipad 5

    I would like to add to the Safari toolbar on my ipad 5 IOS 6  machine. I have searched the web and find some instructions to do this but the words and pictures do not match what I can see. I am beginning to think this is not a capabilty of the ipad 5 but perhaps for a Mac computer running Safari. Does anyone know if it is possible to add tools to the toolbar on the latest version of iPad OS & Safari Browser? If so please tell me how. Thanks

    You cannot customize the Safari toolbar on the iPad.
    What you can do on the iPad is go to Settings>Safari>Always show Bookmarks Bar>On and that will add a bookmarks bar on to the Safari browser.

  • I am a new itunes user.  I have exsisting songs on my computer prior to instaling itunes.  When i installed Itunes it asked if i wanted it to search fro media and i had it import all my songs into itunes.  These songs will no longer play in media player.

    I am a new itunes user.  I have exsisting songs on my computer prior to instaling itunes.  When i installed Itunes it asked if i wanted it to search fro media and i had it import all my songs into itunes.  These songs will not play in the itunes player but continue to play in the windows media player.  They do seem to play in Itunes but there is no sound.  Any ideas?

    I am a new itunes user.  I have exsisting songs on my computer prior to instaling itunes.  When i installed Itunes it asked if i wanted it to search fro media and i had it import all my songs into itunes.  These songs will not play in the itunes player but continue to play in the windows media player.  They do seem to play in Itunes but there is no sound.  Any ideas?

  • I am dual booting my mackbook pro with windows 7 64 bit. Yesterday it started locking up at the disk drive selections screen, when you hold down the "option" butting when powering on. I have been searching all morning, and so far nothing. Thanks. :)

    Hey folks,
    I have been using bootcamp for months now with windows 7 64 bit, and its been fine, yesterday while I was rebooting to do some gaming, at the hard drive selection screen when you boot holding the "options" butting down, it locks up when I select the windows drive and just sits there for ever. It doesn't throw an error, it boots fine into Lion.
    I searched all morning and didn't find anything, was hoping that someone might have an idea.
    Thanks in advance

    Search again. Microsoft has tips on what to do and Windows has a number of features
    system restore points
    automatic system repair using the Win7 DVD
    system restore image creation
    Just like you would with OS X Lion and Lion Recovery and Repair
    Use WinClone 3 $20 to make an image just like you would with Disk Utility Restore or Carbon Copy Cloner
    rollback to last known good boot check point
    rollback a driver or program or any changes
    clean out temp files
    clean registry

  • I can't remove Bing. I've tried Control Panel, the article "Removing the Search Helper Extension and Bing Bar," and I have had no luck for Windows 7 and Firefox.

    I can't remove Bing. I've tried Control Panel, the article "Removing the Search Helper Extension and Bing Bar," and I have had no luck for Windows 7 and Firefox.
    I wish I could share the two screen shots I took, but this question site doesn't have the option, so I guess I'll describe where Bing is showing up.
    In the left hand of my browser, just to the right of the back and forward arrows, there is speech bubble with a black eye ball or something. I found out it's Bing-related by clicking on it. There is no option to remove it with either left or right clicking on it.
    Also, in the right hand corner of my browser, at the very end of all my tabs, there is a white rectangular box with an orange "b" and a magnifying glass symbol. It will not respond to anything I try to do to it either, but if clicked it opens a new tab with a Bing search dialogue box.
    Finally, any new tab I open automatically opens to the Bing search dialogue box (versus Google).
    I need to get specific, step-by-step instructions for removing this Bing stuff from my computer. As I said, I have already gone through all steps outlined in the article I mentioned above as well as not been able to locate Bing in my control panel.
    Please help. I'm certain others are having this same issue. I use Windows 7 and Firefox. Thanks.

    Apologies for the formatting there. No idea what went wrong...

  • How do I stop Windows 7 from searching hidden files and folders

    In XP it was simple with the intuitive Advanced Search Options.
    Even if you enable "Don't show Hidden Files and Folders" in Windows 7, they still show up in the search menu.  A similar post included a suggestion by a support dude to post a question here.  I've searched for every possible solution and yet something so simple appears to be non existent.  Has Microsoft just lost its mind with omitting this feature?  Is this something that will never be solved?  Indexed or not, hidden files and folders still appear in Search.

    what have you setup in Explorer->Organize->Folder & Search Options?
    Don't show hidden and Hide: Empty, Protected, etc. all ticked
    if you have at some stage indexed all those system folders, and subsquently removed those from the index scope, then you may need to rebuild the index so those results are not presented by searches?
    i've assumed that you are getting things like \windows included, and this seems to be typical. perhaps because some common tools like notepad, wordpad etc reside in those folders.
    have you checked out the Indexing Options?
    from memory, "don't show hidden & system" really only obscures the stuff when you're browsing in explorer. the indexing engine doesn't respect that kind of setting. you'll need to get your indexing scope worked out to affect the search results presented.
    I'm not concerned much with indexing, it's just amazing that there is no option to stop "Search" from searching hidden files and folders when "Don't show hidden" is checked - the way it was with XP, etc.  As I understand it whether folder is indexed or not, will not stop "SEARCH" from searching them.  It was quite simple in XP but in Windows 7 it seems it is impossible.

Maybe you are looking for