Basic HTTP Auth in HTML component

When I use the HTML component in AIR and visit a page which
has basic HTTP Auth and enter the correct username/password the
credentials window just comes back up. In Firefox, IE, Safri and
Opera it seems to be working. Can anyone please help?

I checked out what is happening between HTMLLoader and your
site using Wireshark. Your site is configured to use
NTLM / Negotiate
Hittting ok after entering the username and password seems to
send the Authenticate header correctly from AIR. Though I got the
dialog back because I do not know the correct credentials (and this
is supposed to work over the intranet only).
At a protocol level, nothing seems to be wrong. If you can
capture network traffic while using IE (where it works in your
case) and then using AIR, it would help us get to the

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    I'm having the same sorts of problems with I've got a deployed BPEL suitcase that's trying to hit a BASIC AUTH-secured web service running on a WebLogic 8.1 server. I've set up my partner link according to the documentation, and the BPEL console Descriptor tab even shows the parameters correctly:
         wsdlLocation      awardService.wsdl
         basicHeaders      credentials
         basicUsername      ko1
         basicPassword      xxxxx
         wsdlLocation      IAwardDraftServiceRef1.wsdl
    However, when I funnel the resultant call to the endpoint specified in IAwardDraftServiceRef1.wsdl, none of the fields I would expect show up in the HTTP header:
    POST /pd2WebServices/service/IAwardDraftService HTTP/1.1
    Host: vm-orcl-app-srv:4444
    Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
    TE: trailers, deflate, gzip, compress
    User-Agent: Oracle HTTPClient Version 10h
    SOAPAction: ""
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, compress, x-compress
    Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    Content-length: 3800
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><env:Body><IAwardDraftSubmitNew xmlns="">
    Is there some other configuration piece I'm missing?? I've tried the other variation using httpBasicHeaders, with the same results. I even noted that the "Oracle® BPEL Process Manager Administrator's Guide" says that "Starting with Oracle BPEL Process Manager release 10.1.3, all partner link properties are automatically propagated into the HTTP header." I've tried putting "extra" parms in the partner link bindings, but they don't show up either.
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  • Dragging an HTML component

    I'm a bit of a  newbie to Flex ( started Yesterday ) and i'm finding my way quit well. Using some of the examples that the internet provides i managed to create the following applcation:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
       width="1024" height="768"
       creationComplete="getData.send()" xmlns:flexui="flexunit.flexui.*">
    import flash.utils.flash_proxy;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.core.DragSource;
    import mx.effects.easing.*;
    import mx.managers.DragManager;
    import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder;
    import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
    public var Images:ArrayCollection;
    protected function toggleBtn(event:MouseEvent):void
    if(btn.label== 'Open');
    protected function initiateDrag(event:MouseEvent, value:String):void
    var dragInitiator:HTML = event.currentTarget as HTML;
    var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
    dragSource.addData(value, 'value');
    var dragProxy:HTML = new HTML();
    dragProxy.location = event.currentTarget.location;
    dragProxy.width = 100 ;
    dragProxy.height = 100 ;
    DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, dragSource, event, dragProxy);
    private function dragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
    var dropTarget:VBox =event.currentTarget as VBox;
    if (event.dragSource.hasFormat('value')) {
    private function dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
    var value:String = event.dragSource.dataForFormat('value') as String;
    bigImage.location = "assets/Big_Html/"+value;
    <mx:Canvas id="panel" width="1013.95" height="202" y="10.3" backgroundColor="#000000" x="0.05">
    <mx:TabNavigator x="2" y="0" width="994" height="181">
    <s:NavigatorContent label="Eerste" width="100%" height="100%" id="navigatorContent">
    <mx:HBox width="992" height="137">
    <mx:Repeater dataProvider="{}"
    id="rep" width="991" height="137">
    <mx:HTML x="228" y="10" width="113" height="112" location="assets/Small_Html/{rep.currentItem}"
    mouseMove="initiateDrag(event,event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem())" >
    <s:NavigatorContent label="Tweede" width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:LinkButton id="btn" width="100%"  height="21" 
       click="toggleBtn(event)" enabled="true" x="-3" y="179"/>
    <!--Add the content of your sliding panel here  -->
    <mx:VBox width="995" height="508" backgroundColor="#000000"
    horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
    dragDrop="dragDropHandler(event)" x="19" y="250">
    <mx:HTML x="83" y="44" id="bigImage"/>
    <mx:Move id="panelOut" target="{panel}" yTo="0" effectEnd="btn.label='Close'"
    duration="1500" easingFunction="Bounce.easeOut"/>       
    <mx:Move id="panelIn" target="{panel}" yTo="-180" effectEnd="btn.label='Open'"
    duration="1000"  easingFunction="Bounce.easeIn"/>   
    <mx:HTTPService id="getData"
    url="SWF.xml" />
    The goals of the application are:
    1     Getting a repeater filled with HTML pages get generated from an XML file
    2     Fitting the repeater in a box that can be hidden
    3     Open HTML pages from the repeater by dragging them into a bigger HTML component
    The first two points work great, no problems there. But the third is a bit more more demaning.
    I set off trying to get this to work with images and that worked  just fine. Apart from not being able to see what i'm dragging, minor issue. Now i try this with the HTML component things start to change. I guess this has to do with the fact that the mouse pointer interacts with the page shown in the HTML component rather then with the HTML component itself.
    Can anyone help with this problem. If not i guess i'm going to work with images in the repeater, that should work.
    Thanks in advanced for any input,

    No such component in 2.0.  See for more info.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

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    <mx:Panel title="Video Storage" xmlns:mx="" enabled="true" visible="true" width="100%" height="650"> <mx:Script>      <![CDATA[           public function showDOM(ev:Event = null):void {                var indEv:Event = ev;           }                      public function uncaughtException(ev:Event = null):void {                var whatException:Event = ev;           }      ]]> </mx:Script>      <mx:HTML uncaughtScriptException="uncaughtException()" htmlDOMInitialize="showDOM()" width="100%" height="100%"  location="" id="htmlOne"/> </mx:Panel>

    That was a waste of a couple hours.... The reason it was not redering is because I had a glow filter effect on a parent
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    Thank you.

    You might also want to check out the useCache property to see if this helps.  See these links: tml

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    The web site:
    The AIR code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" height="800" width="800">
    <mx:HTML id="html"

    You might also want to check out the useCache property to see if this helps.  See these links: tml

  • HTML component, port number problem

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    user makes this component visible, the HTML component simply loads
    the contents of a URL. During development, I want to load content
    from a locally running Web server on port 8080. However, this does
    not seem to work. E.g., when I set
    htmlComponent.location = "
    This works as expected. However,
    htmlComponent.location = "
    does nothing. I verified on the server that the HTML
    component doesn't even attempt to connect to the server.
    I also verified that this URL is valid and works (using my
    local Web browser) as well as via curl. Further, I also tested the
    connection via the URLMonitor class from within the AIR app: The
    URL is available, according to the URLMonitor.
    Any suggestions as to why the content can't be loaded from
    the local port 8080 would be appreciated. This is pretty much a
    show-stopper for me now, because I can't run the local server on
    port 80 during development. FYI, I'm on OS X. Also, in previous
    versions of AIR (about a year ago), I didn't have this problem.
    -- Frank Sommers

    I have an HTML component embedded inside an AIR app. When the
    user makes this component visible, the HTML component simply loads
    the contents of a URL. During development, I want to load content
    from a locally running Web server on port 8080. However, this does
    not seem to work. E.g., when I set
    htmlComponent.location = "
    This works as expected. However,
    htmlComponent.location = "
    does nothing. I verified on the server that the HTML
    component doesn't even attempt to connect to the server.
    I also verified that this URL is valid and works (using my
    local Web browser) as well as via curl. Further, I also tested the
    connection via the URLMonitor class from within the AIR app: The
    URL is available, according to the URLMonitor.
    Any suggestions as to why the content can't be loaded from
    the local port 8080 would be appreciated. This is pretty much a
    show-stopper for me now, because I can't run the local server on
    port 80 during development. FYI, I'm on OS X. Also, in previous
    versions of AIR (about a year ago), I didn't have this problem.
    -- Frank Sommers

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    another way to make sure everything in an HTML Component stays on
    its own layer?
    Thanks for any help!

    I don't think the problem is because the URL is pointing to a
    JSP. I think the problem might be with the JavaScript which is
    trying to do operations which are not allowed. Please find more
    details at the URL below.
    Hope this helps.

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    I've seen plenty of articles about embeding fonts in the flex application itself, but as far as I've been able to tell, that has no effect on the fonts in the HTML component itself.
    Thanks for any help,

    JFC/Swing has JEditorPane that can be used in conjunction with HTMLEditorKit to display HTML 3.2
    Look for section
    11.1.5 JEditorPane
    in the sample chapter of a swing book at:

  • HTML component blinking cursor and combobox problems

    Hi there.
    I have a problem using a website displayed with the HTML component in a spark window. In any textfield in this homepage there is no blinking cursor displayed which is not really a problem but is still pretty confusing to the users. Another issue comes up with the comboboxes where the possible choices cannot be clicked with the mouse. Choosing an entry with the keyboard is possible though.
    To reproduce this issue, add a html component in a spark window and load for example The cursor is blinking in the search textfield in the top left. After clicking on the combobox on the left side - where i can't choose an entry with the mouse - the cursor in the textfield is no longer displayed.
    Is this a known issue?
    Best regards

    I've looked at your example and found the following 2 issues:
    1. The cursor not appearing was actually a focus issue and you can fix it by adding an event listener on "windowActivate" in which to re-set the focus to the _htmlWindow. See the code below for more details on "onActivate()"
    2. The issue with the dropdown is actually a bug (internal bug id #2721855) and it has been fixed in the next version of AIR which will be released towards the end of this year.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Window xmlns:fx=""
                title="WebKit Browser"
              <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                   import flash.profiler.showRedrawRegions;
                   import mx.controls.Alert;
                   import mx.managers.CursorManager;
                   import mx.managers.HistoryManager;
                   private var _location:String;
                   private function onCreationComplete():void {
                        nativeWindow.x = Capabilities.screenResolutionX * 0.1;
                        nativeWindow.y = Capabilities.screenResolutionY * 0.1;
                        nativeWindow.width = Capabilities.screenResolutionX * 0.8;
                        nativeWindow.height = Capabilities.screenResolutionY * 0.8;
                            // call this function on "windowActivate" in order to re-set the focus on your html element
                   private function onActivate():void {
                   private function onDeactivate():void {
                        try {
                             if (nativeWindow)
                        } catch (e:Error) { // nativeWindow Object not yet available
                   public function set location(value:String):void {
                        _location = value;
                        showStatusBar = false;
                        status = "Lade " + value + "...";
                   public function get location():String {
                        return _location;
                   private function onHTMLComplete():void {
                        showStatusBar = false;
                   private function uncaughtScriptExecution(e:HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent):void {
              "Scriptfehler: " + e.exceptionValue, "Error", Alert.OK);
         <mx:HTML id="_htmlWindow"

  • HTML component wont open link within component

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    Can anyone tell me how i can open this link within my html component?
    Many thanks

    I have this problem as well.
    I posted a question here few days before you and still haven't got an answer for it.
    My assumption is this issue started at the last SDK update. I don't see it if I work with flex 3.5.
    Hope someone will give full answer to it soon... I am stock with my project because of it.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application xmlns="">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
    <mx:HTML location="" />
    I can see google homepage in my test desktop application.
    But all links are not work in html document.
    Flex 4.0 and 4.1 SDK works well. Only Flex Hero has this problem.
    How can I fix it?

    Hi Kevin,
    I had the same problem. This 4.5 build from 11/30/2010 fixed the HTML component issue.

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