Basic Question - "deprecated" reference

I'm new (but learning) to flex & programming. I just downloaded the Flex sample photo viewer code ( but I'm having an issue. The code was written in FLex 2.0, but I'm running 3.0. I have a couple error messages:
-Warning: 3608: 'getString' has been deprecated since 3.0. Please use 'ResourceManager.getInstance().getString()'
-Error: Unable to resolve resource bundle "strings" for locale "en_US"
I've played around with it but no luck. Any ideas?
Take care,

Accidently while browsing the net I've encountered the following article:
I was trying with Photviewer app that i mentioned in below post  app..but i got “Unable to resolve a class for ResourceBundle: strings” error..i solved it
After downloading the PhotoViewer sample application source code (, you may receive compilation errors such as “Unable to resolve a class for ResourceBundle: strings”. trings/
Check this article out, this may help you to compile this sample application.

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    Hi experts,
    I have some basic questions regarding data modeling within MDM. I understand the available table types and the concept of lookup fields. I know that the MDM data modeling concept is different to the relational concept. But having a strong database background my first step was to design a relational data model which I would like to transfer to a MDM repository. Unfortunately I didn't found good information material on this. So here are some questions maybe you can help me:
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    Regards, bd

    Yes you are correct. It is almost difficult to map relational database to mdm one. But again MDM is not 'just' a database. It holds much more 'master' information as compared to any relational db.
    1) Is it the right approach to model n:m relationships with multivalued lookup fields? E.g. main table Users with lookup field from subtable SapAccounts (a user can have accounts in different SAP systems, that means more than one account).
    Yes Here you need to use MV look up tables or can also try Qualifier tables if it gets more complex
    2) Has a record always be unique in MDM repositories (e.g. should we use Auto ID's in every table or do we have to mark a combination of fields as unique)? Is a composite key of 2 or more fields represented with marking these fields as unique?
    Concept of uniqueness differs here that you also have something called Display Fields (DF). A combination of DF can also be treated as Unique one. For instance while importing records if you select these DF as a combination, you will eliminate any possible of duplicates based on this combination. Auto Id is one of the ways to have a unique id once record is within MDM. While you use UF or DF to eliminate any possible duplicates at import level
    3) The concept of relationships in MDM is only based on relationships between single records (not valid for all records in a table)? Is it necessary to define all relationships similar to the relational data model in MDM? Is there something similar to referential integrity in MDM?
    Hmm... good one. Referencial Integrity. What I assume you are talking is that if you have relationships between tables then removing a record will not be possible as it is a foreign key for some record. Here MDM does not allow that. As Relationships within MDM are physical and not conceptual. For instance material can have components. Now if material does not exist then any relationship to components is not worthwile to maintain. Hence relationshsip is eliminated.  While in relational model relationships are more conceptual. Hence with MDM usage of lookups and main table you do not need to maintain these kind of relationships on your own.
    4) Is it possible to change the main table to a sub table later on if we realize that it has also to be used as a lookup table for another table (when extending the data model) or do we have to create a new repository from scratch?
    No. It is not possible to convert main table. There is only one main table and it cannot be changed.
    I went for the same option but it did not work. What I suggest is to look up your legacy system one by one and see what fields in general can be classified as Master, Reference, Transactional - You will start getting answers immediately.

  • Basic question regarding SSIS 2010 Package where source is Microsoft Excel 97-2005 and there is no Microsoft office or Excel driver installed in Production

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    Quick Reference:
    SSIS in 32- and 64-bits
    Why do I get "product level is insufficient..." error when I run my SSIS package?
    How to run SSIS Packages using 32-bit drivers on 64-bit machine
    Troubleshooting OLE DB Provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered Error when importing data from an Excel 2007 file to SQL Server 2008
    How Can I Get a List of the ODBC Drivers that are Installed on a Computer?
    Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

    Hi S Kumar Dubey,
    In SSIS, the Excel Source and Excel Destination natively use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider which is installed by SQL Server. The Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider deals with .xls files created by Excel 97-2003. To deal with .xlsx files created by
    Excel 2007, we need the Microsoft ACE OLEDB Provider. SQL Server doesn’t install the Microsoft ACE OLEDB Provider, to get it we can install the
    2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components or
    Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable or Microsoft Office suit.
    The drivers listed in the ODBC Data Source Administrator are ODBC drivers not OLEDB drivers, therefore, the Excel Source/Destination in SSIS won’t use the ODBC driver for Excel listed in it by default. On a 64-bit Windows platform, there are two versions
    of ODBC Data Source Administrator. The 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator is C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe, while the 32-bit one is C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. The original 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC drivers are installed by the Windows operating system.
    By default, there are multiple 32-bit ODBC drivers and fewer 64-bit ODBC drivers installed on a 64-bit platform. To get more ODBC drivers, we can install the 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components or Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.
    Besides, please note that 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components only install 32-bit ODBC and OLEDB drivers because it only has 32-bit version, but the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable has both 32- bit version and 64-bit
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support


    Dear All
    I would to get the clarification on general question as below:
    1. Who will be the part of the GRC (functional or Technical) ? What is best practice ?
    2. What will be the role and responsibilities of GRC consultant ?
    3. What are best practices say about the GRC Deployment ?
    4. What is the best landscape with GRC ?
    5. When GRC - ERM will be 100% bug free ?

    Hi Vimal ,
       Almost all the questions you posed are very generic ( As you rightly said,  these are the BASIC QUESTIONS) and really need a lots of explanation to understand the product , here I have just given a few reference sites try to visit , it may be helpful in  answering few of your queries 
    1. Who will be the part of the GRC (functional or Technical) ? What is best practice ? 
    Ans: Both ( also include many other teams like  Business Process Owners  etc etc )
    2. What will be the role and responsibilities of GRC consultant ?
    Ans: Quite a Lot Depends on the area where the consultant is working
    3. What are best practices say about the GRC Deployment ? 
    Ans: These are the few customer feed back try to visit
    4. What is the best landscape with GRC ?
    Ans : Lots of documents available , but its always depends on your requirement , However try to visit   You will get the better understanding of the GRC , then based on the requirement , the landscape will change.
    5. When GRC - ERM will be 100% bug free
    Ans: I feel,  we canu2019t not say any software is 100 % Bug free , As you know that people always try to improve the quality of product by minimize the Bugs , and as and when a customer/ Consultant found a bug , SAP is always address in very less time and they release the patch/Note to address these issues.
    Thanks & Regards
    Umashankar T ekumudi

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    I'm not sure what Cloner does. It sounds as if it may clone the hard drive, a bit like Carbon Copy Cloner:
    I'm wondering whether it was just used to put the operating systems and utilites onto the drive in the first place when they reconditioned the computer. Perhaps they use a 'master' drive and just clone it to the drives in the computers they're reconditioning, rather than installing everything separately and repeatedly.
    I think version 6 of AppleWorks runs under both OS 9 and OS X natively. If you have an earlier version, I'm not sure whether it's a free downloadable upgrade or whether you have to pay for it.
    I'm sure the card reader works fine, although you could network the two computers together with an ethernet cable and create a small network. With two computers you just need a crossover cable to create a crossover network:
    If you're thinking of keeping your iMac, that may be a better long term solution. You could then use the iMac as your OS 9 machine and the PowerMac as your OS X machine if you wanted to.

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    2) If so, why does TableViewCellSubviews adopt the UIApplicationDelegate protocol and not UITableViewDelegate? In fact, I don't think any of the classes in the example code adopt UITableViewDelegate.
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    1) Table View Programming for iPhone OS, it says that UITableView must have a delegate and a source. I take it that in the example code (let's use TableCellSubivews) RootViewController is the source and TableViewCellSubviews is the delegate?
    There are 3 things that need to be done when setting up a tableview:
    1- the tableview controller itself, which determines how the tableview is set up, decides on the view, etc..
    2- the data source: the controller in 1) above needs to ask someone "give me the cell with the data for row #x. That's the job of the data source
    3- The delegate: some things for the table view need visible stuff such as the height of a row, whether a row should have a checkmark, etc... That's the job of the delegate.
    Now what often happens is that people do not specify a data source nor a delegate. What this means is that the controller performs all 3 jobs. Again, if the controller does not specify its delegate (or no class registers as its delegate), then the controller acts as its own delegate. (that answers your second question)
    3) In the UITableViewDelegate reference, it names didSelectRowAtIndexPath as a method. In the example code, why is in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath a method in the RootViewController, and not the delegate itself?
    That's a tricky question.
    The thing is that both the data source AND the delegate adopt a method called didSelectRowAtIndexPath. But they're for very different purposes. For the delegate, it's simply a notification by the controller that "hey, this row was selected, you may want to do something with it", i.e. change the color of the font, add a checkmark, etc...
    For the data source, it's much more important (and required!): the controller is saying "hey, someone requested row #x. Please give it to me!" This includes getting all the data and setting up the whole row, then returning it to the controller.
    Hope this helps clear things up.

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    I would recommend that you first read the JavaMail design specifications
    Then, download JavaMail. It comes with a reference implementation of the API and also very good samples.
    Those samples should get you started very quickly on how to send email from Java program.

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    1) What's the difference between Sun Management Center
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  • DVD studio basic questions...

    I have mostly used FCP to make web videos, so making a DVD is new for me. I used iDVD in the past for family videos, but that's about it.
    Some basic questions...
    1) Does DVD Studio work from different FCP files? Meaning, can I create all the "chapter sections" in my dvd in different FCP files? Is that the best way to do it? Or does it all have to be done in one FCP file with some sort of chapter marker system?
    2) Does DVD Studio read from FCP direct or from exported .dv files?
    3) Do I have a choice of using FCP or exported .dv files?
    I ask these so I know the right way to approach my FCP project.
    Also, if it can use .dv files, then I can outsource the authoring of making the DVD to someone else to save me some time. This is harder to do with the FCP files.
    4) When I used iDVD in the past and dvds I buy in the store, all I could get was about 1 hour on a dvd.
    With DVD studio, how can you make a longer DVD that can fit more than 1 hour, as I am making a professional product for duplication.
    Thanks sooooooooo much for your wisdom..... john

    Hi John - in response:
    1) yes, it can certainly do so. However, you can also use a single timeline in FCP, set chapter markers and add the DVDSP meta data (click 'm' twice in the FCP timeline to get the chapter marker window, and add the data there). You might also add the markers when in DVDSP - all fairly easy to do. I often use lots of different FCP clips to make a single track in DVDSP - you have to think of a DVDSP timeline very differently to a FCP one... in DVDSP the timeline can hold completely different films and you use chapter markers to help delineate it all. You only need to use a new track in DVDSP if it helps with the overall structure for the disc, or if you've used 99 chapter markers in the first one already.
    2) yes, it can. Using a FCP reference file is possible, as is using an exported .dv file. The difference is a matter of preference, largely. I tend to export out of FCP as a QT self-contained file, encode it using compressor to be mpeg2, and then import into DVDSP. You can, of course, go from FCP directly to compressor without making the QT file. The output from compressor is what you are after for DVDSP - you can use QT or .dv files right into DVDSP, but they get compressed to MPEG2 as the disc is built. The encoder in DVDSP is not a particularly refined tool, and Compressor will give you so many more options, including encoding the audio to AC3 (dolby digital) which is a very important thing to do!
    3) yes again... see above? You can't use the FCP project files, you certainly can use other file types, but you really ought to use MPEG2 files from Compressor. You'll get a better looking result.
    4) yes... this all comes down to the way the footage is encoded (I'm labouring the point, but Compressor is your friend here again). There are lots of ways you can squeeze more onto a standard 4.37Gb disc - it is easy to get 2 hours on if you know what you are doing. This could be an entire thread of it's own, but the basics are that you need to use Dolby Digital audio (AC3) which has a tiny file size but a decent audio sound. This leaves you with more space on your disc for the video. The more you compress the video (use lower bitrates like 3Mbps) the smaller the file will be, and therefore the more footage you can fit onto the disc.
    The problem is that lower bitrates can result in lower quality. This is especially true if your footage includes pans, zooms, shimmering water, leaves on trees, fades and so on. You tend to get blocky areas that look poor. Higher bitrates certainly help, but you get larger file sizes and thus can fit less on the disc... it's always a trade off between file size and quality. With iDVD the encoding decisions are taken for you, and you can't control it, but it fortunately does a pretty decent job.
    There is no set or enciding rules that will work for every piece of video you have got, however you can go a long way using variable rate encodes (VBR) that have a range from 4 - 7.4Mbps. In order to know whether the resulting file will fit onto your disc you have to do some good old 'bit budgeting'. There are online tools to help you where you type in the length of your footage in minutes, and the size of your DVD capacity, and it tells you what the bitrate needs to be in order to fit the space available. Be careful though - it cannot tell what your footage is, and you have to preview the results yourself to judge if the quality is right.
    A tip is to find the 'problem' areas in the footage, make a short (2mins) clip and encode that at different bit rates. When you find one that works well, use that for all of the footage. As long as you use 2 pass (VBR) encodes in Compressor, it will assign lower bitrates to the easier sections, and higher bitrates to the problem areas.
    There are many other encoders out there which are better than Compressor - have a look at Cinemacraft on a PC for a start - but you pay a premium for them. They also take a while to learn, but the trick to making a great looking DVD is to use great looking source footage and encode it well before making the DVD. If you encode as part of making the DVD then you've missed the point and you'll get 'average' results at best!

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    Well, by now you must be as confused as I am.  Will apreciate any help, basic please.
    Grandma Granny

    I am technical person and we techincal people are not good in explaining things easily. But I will make an attempt
    Actually all the photographs are saved on your hard-drive which is controlled by windows. Means you can see all the photographs in windows if you know exact location.
    Photoshop Elements and Picasa just use references and show you same photographs which are actually on your Hard-Drive/Windows.So effectively there is only one copy of your photographs - few are accessed through Picasa , others through Elements. I would suggest to stick to one application for organizing your photographs and that better way in long run.
    Hope that my explainnation is of some use to you. In case not, please bombard more questions...

  • Moving from Entourage to Mail - basic questions

    Once my shiny new iMac arrives, I intend to stop using Entourage (v.X) for email and switch to Mail.
    I've never used Mail before, so I've got a few basic questions - I hope someone can help!
    1. Is there a limit on how many emails / attachments Mail can hold? Entourage is infamous for unrecoverably crashing if you let its Database get bigger than 2Gb (4Gb with a patch).
    2. How easy is it to archive Mail emails? And how easy is it to then access them for reference, if required?
    3. Can I easily transfer my Entourage address book to Mail?
    Hope someone can help!

    Mail creates a separate account folder for each email account you have. It also has a another folder to hold mailboxes/folders that you use to organize and archive messages away from Inboxes, Sent, etc.
    With each separate mailbox (Inbox, Sent or custom folder) there is no limit on number of messages, but with Mail 2.x (the one in Tiger) the size of each mailbox, including message attachments, must be kept below 2 GB. The only limit on the overall Mail folder, including On My Mac mailboxes, is the space on your hard drive, or boot partition, where your Home folder resides.
    It is not convenient (nor necessary) to archive outside of the Mail folder where all mailboxes/folder reside, although backups can be made for disk failure, etc.
    Open the Address Book application, and you will find under File, the command to Import. For what you can Import, check AB Help, searching on import and Entourage, and you will find Entourage listed as a source -- see also:

  • Basic question

    Hello, i have a basic question. if i have defined 2 fields in a cube or a dso:
    Name Quantity
    and from the external flat file i get some characters for my quantity field. would my load fail?  for standard dso and for write optimized?
    NOTE: quantity field is a keyfigure defined as numeric.
    and the load coming in has "VIKPATEL" for Quantity field and not numbers.

    Hi Vik,
    Yes, the load will fail.
    May be you coud first load this data into BW (into PSA) and set both fields as characters fields. Then you can create DSO, do transformation from this PSA to the DSO, and put your logic as to what do you want to do with those Quantity that is not number (e.g. convert to 0, or 'Not assgined', etc).
    You can use transfer rule, or a clean up ABAP code in the start routine.
    Hope this helps.

  • Pl/sql vs sql basic question

    I have a very very basic question, so excuse me for that... I just would like to know the difference ( and the difference in usage) between sql and pl/sql?
    thank you

    SQL - the structured query language - is the language available for extracting data from the database. It is a 4GL, and each command stands alone and performs a database action.
    PL/SQL is the 3GL primarily intended to control the flow of a series of SQL commands. PL/SQL does not, in any way, interact with the data in the database. It does, however, allow SQL statements to be called, or even created, in a specific order.
    SQL is capable of a LOT more than people usually realize. Unfortunate, as people often create PL/SQL programs when single SQL statements will do the job. I encourage reading the O'Reilly 'Mastering Oracle SQL' book ... only after fiunishing that book do I recommend any of Feuerstein's excellent PL/SQL books.

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    will I be able to sync my music from computer to new iPod at no charge?
    Yes, you will.

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