Batch processing PGA memory settings.

I was tweaking the 'area' parameters for my batch processing run on the database (as Oracle suggested here).
You might want to adjust this parameter for decision support systems, batch jobs, or large CREATE INDEX operations.The one thing I noticed is when I increase sort_area_size (in manual mode), why is it that the hash_area_size automatically became twice the size of sort_area? But this doesn't happen the other way around?
XX@d > sho parameter area
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
bitmap_merge_area_size               integer     1048576
create_bitmap_area_size              integer     8388608
hash_area_size                       integer     131072
sort_area_retained_size              integer     0
sort_area_size                       integer     65536
workarea_size_policy                 string      AUTO
XX@d > alter session set workarea_size_policy=manual;
Session altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
XX@d > sho parameter area
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
bitmap_merge_area_size               integer     1048576
create_bitmap_area_size              integer     8388608
hash_area_size                       integer     131072
sort_area_retained_size              integer     0
sort_area_size                       integer     65536
workarea_size_policy                 string      MANUAL
XX@d > alter session set sort_area_size=1024000;
Session altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
XX@d > sho parameter area
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
bitmap_merge_area_size               integer     1048576
create_bitmap_area_size              integer     8388608
hash_area_size                       integer     2048000
sort_area_retained_size              integer     0
sort_area_size                       integer     1024000
workarea_size_policy                 string      MANUAL
XX@d > alter session set hash_area_size=4096000;
Session altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
XX@d > sho parameter area
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
bitmap_merge_area_size               integer     1048576
create_bitmap_area_size              integer     8388608
hash_area_size                       integer     4096000
sort_area_retained_size              integer     0
sort_area_size                       integer     1024000
workarea_size_policy                 string      MANUALI also have a similar post in here, but, thought of opening another thread since the question is different:
Manual pga management for Batch processing.

Because by default it is 2*sort_area_size
And sort_area_size by default is 65536
Gints Plivna
Message was edited by:
Added info about sort_area_size

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    User created *.sequ files are stored:
    Vista –
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    XP –
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    It may be worth a search for all *.sequ files on the HDD to be sure you know where all of them are.
    Sounds like old ones were not removed by uninstall & with re-install, Acrobat is picking them up.
    Be well...

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    ssst.sid, ,
    round(ssst.value/1024/1024,2) memory ,
    from v$statname stn,v$sesstat ssst , v$session ses
    where stn.STATISTIC# = ssst.STATISTIC# and
    ssst.sid = ses.sid and
    name like 'session%pga%memory%'
    order by 3 asc ;
    Edited by: P explorer on Aug 28, 2009 9:56 PM

    From sql script, that get "session pga memory","session pga memory max" each of session in oracle database(on that node)
    You'll see
    sid: session id
    if "session pga memory" = pga memory in this session now
    if "session pga memory max"= maximum pga memory in this session.
    program: os program name
    More deatails abour v$session
    If need to know all PGA size in that node
    "session pga memory":
    round(sum(ssst.value)/1024/1024,2) memory
    from v$statname stn,v$sesstat ssst , v$session ses
    where stn.STATISTIC# = ssst.STATISTIC# and
    ssst.sid = ses.sid and
    name ='session pga memory';
    "session pga memory max":
    round(sum(ssst.value)/1024/1024,2) memory
    from v$statname stn,v$sesstat ssst , v$session ses
    where stn.STATISTIC# = ssst.STATISTIC# and
    ssst.sid = ses.sid and
    name ='session pga memory max';
    Or if you need to check PGA memory all nodes (RAC)
    COLUMN username FORMAT A20
    COLUMN module FORMAT A20
    SELECT a.inst_id,
    NVL(a.username,'(oracle)') AS username,
    Trunc(b.value/1024) AS memory_kb
    FROM gv$session a,
    gv$sesstat b,
    gv$statname c
    WHERE a.sid = b.sid
    AND a.inst_id = b.inst_id
    AND b.statistic# = c.statistic#
    AND b.inst_id = c.inst_id
    AND = 'session pga memory'
    AND a.program IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY b.value DESC;

  • OutOfMemory in Batch process

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    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    My memory settings are Xmx400 Xms400 Xoss7m Xss7m for java 1.5
    Any ideas? Configuration changes that may have been over-written/omitted in the upgrade? New settings?

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  • Batch Process increases file size from 230kb - 5044kb

    I'm currently using Acrobat 7 Professional.
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    Can someone help me please??? I've been working on this for a couple days now and I'm at my limits.
    How can I batch process that will flatten layers but give me a manageable file size?
    Your help would be GREATLY appreciated - Michelle

    I don't know if it can help here, but don't I recall that wayyyy back in Photoshop 7.0 the last File - Save As you have executed sets the JPEG quality for batch File - Save As commands?  I am not sure when the "Override Action Save-As Commands" became functional, but try this:
    1.  Uncheck "Override Action Save-As Commands".
    2.  Remove the "File - Save As" step you have recorded in your action.  The action should NOT save the file.
    3.  Save any old JPEG file at the quality level you prefer, just to set the "memory" of the quality level.
    4.  Run the File - Automate - Batch, specifying input and output folders there.
    I'll bet it will work.

  • Please Help, Issues when batch processing Multi Frame images in Fireworks

    I hope someone will know how to do this and tell me where I am going wrong.
    Objective 1
    I have a large number of images that all have the exact same number of frames (4) and are all exactly the same size that I want to get resized, cropped and water marked (when I say 'watermarked I mean have my websites logo pasted in a specificlocation on each frame, I have my websites logo as a seperate .png file which I copy from).
    Current Process
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    I start a batch process and use my command, making sure that I also export from the .png to animated gif (and I edit the settings to make it 256 animated gif).
    Error 1
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    Question 1
    Please let me know what process I should be following to correct the Error 1 above.
    Objective & Question 2
    I want to do exactly the same thing as shown above but this time the files have a varying number of frames (from 2 to 45 frames (or instances as CS4 seems to call them)). Is there a way to paste my logo to the to the exact same location on ALL frames?
    Other information
    I have tried WHXY Paste extension and I can not see how to use that to solve the issue. I have also tried 'Paste in Place' however I can not see how to use the Paste In Place extension as it is not appering in my list of commands.
    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    Andy, you could start a batch process which will do most of the things you are asking for. THe batch process can be done using Fireworks. The right way to start is going to Archivo / Procesar por Lotes and then follow all the different option this tool has to offer.  Yes, I know I gave you the names in Spanish but that is the way I use Adobe Fireworks.
    I hope this was usefull for you!
    Best regards,
    Frank Meier | Curso Arreglos Florales

  • Can I use Organizer to change the .jpg size of all photos in a folder in one batch process?

    We're using wa-a-ay too much disk space for a growing photo collection.   My daughter is a camera freak with four kids -- need I say more? 
    In my current test folder the sizes of the original photos range from 2.3 MB to 4.2 MB.  I picked one photo at random and printed the original and then three more, saved by PSE9 as .jpg files at maximum, middle, and minimum quality settings on plain letter-size paper, and again on 4x6 photo paper.  It takes a magnifying glass and a calibrated eyeball to detect a difference on the plain paper, and it's even more difficult on the photo paper.  I think I should relieve the pressure on the hard drive's capacity by reducing everything to a more reasonable size; after all, the minimum-quality print takes up less than one percent of the disk space as does the maximum-quality print.
    I have a hunch that I can accomplish this in a batch process with Organizer, but that's all I have is the hunch -- not the know-how.   I would like someone to step me through the process.
    I also expect a lecture on why I shouldn't do this.  Go for it; I'll listen.
    Thanks,  Bud

    BudV a écrit:
    I also expect a lecture on why I shouldn't do this.  Go for it; I'll listen.
    You are the one to judge... Will you regret it if you want to use some pictures with the original size and resolution at a later time?
    Yes, you can use either the organizer or the 'process multiple files' command of the editor. But first you should think about two questions:
    - Are you ready to backup the full resolution and size files before the 'shrinking'? External USB drives with big capacities are available and affordable.
    - From what you are saying, the optimal size would be for files resized for 4" x 6" format at 300 ppi in jpeg quality 8 to 10.
    Resizing from the Editor: Use the 'process multiple files' command and click the 'Same as source' button. I would not do it without a sound backup first... This can be done folder by folder.
    Resizing from the Organizer : Use the 'Export' command. That command leaves the original and puts the resulting files in a new folder. The resulting files are NOT included in the catalog.This means that keeping your organization (categories, albums, tags...) will be tricky; same if you are using a folder organization system.
    Another solution with a third party software such as Faststone photo resizer:
    - Absolutely do a full backup before
    - run the resizing options in the external software so that the files are resized without being moved. That replaces the originals.
    - If you are using the organizer, your organization will be kept, but the file sizes in the catalog and thumbnail databases will be wrong. You can regenerate the thumbnail cache by deleting the thumbs.5.cache file in your catalog folder; it will be automatically rebuilt.
    That has worked for me in the past... no guarantee for you!

  • Can we have a Real batch process

    The current batch process functionality in Audition records not keystrokes, but settings; so if you record a process using the ClickPop Eliminator functionality under Restoration, you get whatever settings you used with the sound sample you used during the script recording.  However, if you want to record a script that uses the very powerful Auto Find All Levels feature of the Click/Pop functionality, you're out of luck (as far as I know).
    I'm in the process of cleaning up a bunch of old recordings I have and digitizing them.  I can't use the click/pop setting of one for the others!  They're just too different, so I've been spending hours waiting while the system samples the current audio and applies the click/pop settings.  Can we get a true automation system that let's me record the fact that I want the system to run the Auto Find, then use the results to run the Click/pop eliminator.  I could then process hundreds of files while I sleep instead of having to check my computer screen every five minutes and get the next step of the process running!
    There are other products with better automation, but they don't do as good a job to reduce noise and eliminate clicks and pops on a wide variety of audio as Audition does.  But if you know some that does, please let me know!

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  • How do i install ViewMail 7 as a batch process?

    ViewMail 7.0(2)
    Microsoft Outlook 2007
    MS Exchange 2007
    Unity 7.0(2)
    I was just wondering if there is a way to deploy viewmail to client PCs en masse. I have about 150 users that I need to install view mail on, and I would rather find a way of doing this as a batch process, as opposed to walking to every workstation and performing the task manually.
    I have created a script that will allow me to install viewmail, but I have to specify the extension for each and every person, which of course, defeats the purpose of a script in the first place.
    Thanks very much.
    Deepak Dalal

    Hi -
    Here's what I recommend - use your script as you indicated to populate the majority of common registry settings for ViewMail for all users - i.e. Unity server name, Record and Playback settings, etc.  For the extension, include this information in a user welcome note that gets sent to the users the morning of the phone cutover.  You can include a screenshot with instructions for the ViewMail General Options tab.  Users have to enroll in voicemail anyway and we have found they adapt easily to entering their extension number as part of the enrollment process.  From experience, we have observed that users have problems entering the Unity server name, either misspell it or enter the wrong IP address, which is why I recommend you include this information in the script.  Also, scripts can be deployed to a number of workstations using Active Directory Group Policy or via software distribution application like Microsoft SMS or Altiris.
    Sincerely, Ginger

  • Cropping not maintained from Bridge to PS when batch processing

    This is the oddest thing, because it has never happened before. I am sending images that are cropped in Bridge to a Photoshop batch process (just image resize and sharpening), but they are showing up in the new folder un-cropped.
    Anybody seen this before?

    Perhaps the "then click [Done]" part is being omitted?  It's easy to forget and click [Cancel], which will toss out the crop and any other settings changes.
    Other possibilities:
    If you've set Camera Raw to use SideCar XMP files to maintain the settings, make sure you're not moving just the raw files to some other location without the XMP files.
    If you've set Camera Raw to use the central database, make sure you're opening the images on the same computer on which you set the crop, and also make sure you've given the Camera Raw database enough room to grow (I've found that the default 1 GB is not nearly enough).

  • Batch process makes image resolution change to 72dpi - it should be 300dpi - Help!

    In my work I use a batch process to run an action that converts EPS files to TIFF files. I have been using this successfully in Photoshop 7 on a Win2000 PC for a number of years. The process is as follows...
    Open EPS file
    Flatten Image
    When I recorded the action I made sure that the resolution was set to 300dpi as we require the TIFF produced at the end to be that resolution.
    I am now testing PSCS3 on a WinXP machine as we are upgrading all of our equipment. When I run the action as a batch process the TIFFs that are saved end up being 72dpi - They should be 300dpi. This worked in PS7 on the Win2000 machine and I am using exactly the same process in PSCS3 on the new WinXP machine, but something must be going wrong somewhere for the TIFFs to be saved at 72dpi instead of the required 300dpi. Any ideas?

    That doesn't seem to work - it doesn't appear to record any changes I make in the 'Image Size' dialog.
    When I look at the actions that I recorded in PS7 there are all the settings that I specified at the 'Open' step, such as 300dpi, greyscale, etc. saved under 'Open', but when I do the same in PSCS3 it doesn't record all the settings, just the actual 'Open' command, so I need to find a way of making PSCS3 remember '300dpi', 'greyscale', etc. within the 'Open' step like it did when I recorded the action using PS7.

  • Acrobat Pro X batch processing different in Win 7

    My company just completed moving everyone from Win XP to Win 7 (yes, I know, but better late than never). I regularily use Acrobat Pro X to batch process and password protect large numbers of a variety of documents (Word, Publisher, Excel and PowerPoint 2-up printouts.)
    Under Windows XP the process was pretty straight forward:
    1) Open Acrobat Pro
    2) Secect "Batch Process" File -> Create -> Batch Create Multiple files... (a window appears).
    3) Drag a large group of documents into the window (you can drag over 50 docs, it doesn't matter), then begin the process (which automatically walks through all the documents and PDFs them.)
    4) When the process is complete, open up the Action Wizard File -> Action Wizard -> Select the appropriate action
    5) A window appears, drag the PDFs into the window and go. All PDS quickly get the security applied.
    With Windows 7 the functionality is different (I really don't know if it is the operating system change or some type of policy change that I am unaware of). The process is far slower because I literally have to PDF and Apply Security to each document one at a time. The process goes like this:
    Under Windows 7:
    1) Select a group of documents, but NO MORE THAN 15.
    2) Drag the documents over the "Acrobat Pro X" icon and launch them this way. Each document created a "temporary PDF". Multiple windows open up, stacked on top of each other.
    3) Go to each window individually and first save the file (that way the file name is preserved), then go to the Action Wizard and apply the security. Then close the PDF.
    4) Repeat this process for each open window (document).
    5) Repeat as necessary until you have the several hundred documents processed.
    Literally this is a "hands-on" process for each document. Is there a better way? Am I missing something in the Acrobat or Windows 7 settings?
    If I try to batch process the old way under Windows 7 I get a series of error messages for each document. (I can't even get to the action wizard process.)
    Any suggestions?
    Is there a third party app that will work without having to administer it so much?
    Thank you,

    Hi Test Screen Name,
    While reproducing the problem I realized I was in error as to how far in the sequence the problem occured. I actually do get as far as batch creating PDF,. The only difference there is that I can no longer "drag and drop" files in the batch create window. I have to use the "Add files..." command in the upper left of the batch create window.
    So, the application batch creates the files. Afterward, I use the Action Wizard to batch "Password Protect" the files. It is during this command run that the error occures. (Note: I am trying to save over the old files by having them save to the same directory under the same name, just like I used to be able to do.) The error I get is:
    Action Completed.
    Saved to: \\HOME\path-to-original-files\
    The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document in a different
    Document: Name of document1.pdf
    Output: Name of document1.pdf
    The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document in a different
    Document: Name of document2.pdf
    Output: Name of document2.pdf
    The error message loops through all the documents. I don't have the documents open or in use. By default they shouldn't be "read-only". This all did not occure when I previously used the application with Windows XP.
    I have not yet tried saving them to a different directory. I will try that later today. (I didn't want to have a lot of versions of the same documents, it tends to be confusing.)
    Thank you for your reply,

  • Reducing file size in batch processes (multiple files)

    I am now using a canon XTi 10.5 megapixel camera. I'm loving it, taking tons and pics, and see my memory on my computer shrinking rapidly. I'm not too worried about hard drive space as I can simply buy another hard drive. Where I'm running into problems is on my iPod. I have an 80gb video iPod. It is suddenly full, Almost 1/2 with audio, 1/2 with photos. I'm realizing that I need take the 5-7 megabyte files each (photos) in iPhoto and reduce them down a bit in dimensions and/or jpeg compression.
    I use photoshop elements and am familiar with the multiple files option. I've used that a bit, nice feature.
    Heres my question:
    I know iPhoto is sensitive to manipulation of photos/changes if the changes aren't done through its interface. How can I go about taking the original pics for a number of events (talking about perhaps 2000 pics right now) and batch process them down in size a bit without weirding out iPhoto?
    Does iPhoto have an option to batch change files in such a fashion? Is it as simple as finding the originals in the finder and simpy reducing them in size and making iPhoto update its thumbnails?
    and how do I make iPhoto update its thumbnails, I forget...

    If you just want displayable image files on the iPod and not the full sized files then a very good solution, IMO, is to export those photos you want on the iPod to a folder on the Desktop. Then use Resize! to batch change the pixel dimension and the jpg compression level of the files. For my iPod Nano I use 640 x 480 and have Resize! compress them to medium. That gives me files in the 100 KB size range. If you want a smaller file just increase the compressions level a bit. Resize! automatically creates a new folder for the resized images so you can try different levels on the same folder. You can get a lot of photos on your iPod at that size. I then put that folder of resized files in my Pictures folder and have iTunes use it instead of using iPhoto.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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