Battery Swells and case pops open while battery is stored away in a box

I have (had) two batteries for my 17 inch MacBook Pro. I bought the computer with its one battery in June, 06 and I bought the spare battery from the Apple Store online just a few days later... Since then I will use one for a month or two and then switch to the other... When I've gone on a couple of trips, I take and use both on airplanes.. After a trip this past Christmas I took one of the batteries at about half charge (if I recall) and put it away in the spare battery box... I am getting ready to go on a trip soon so today I took that battery out of the box and, much to my surprise, it was blown open on one side. The lid is raised up over half an inch on one side and you can see all the guts of the battery... Had anyone ever seen this happen while the battery is quietly stored away??? It might have been warm or perhaps even hot when I put it away months ago but my guess is it was warm at most... Since I first heard about some of these battery problems I never leave mine under charge when no one is around... After seeing this battery it bothers me to imagine what might have happened had this been under charge and hot!!!!! I called Apple just to see if they have another one in stock and they said yes... I then just mentioned why I wanted another one and when I told the guy, he told me to make an appointment at the Genius bar and bring it in... I did such and will take it in there tomorrow... Both my batteries are literally days beyond being one year old so I doubt they will do anything but what the heck... I just need a second battery. If they give me a replacement, great... If not, I'll have to buy one but golly, looking at how badly this think is blown open is pretty scary, especially since it was just stored away in a box... Anyone had similar experience??? Thanks... bob...
FW800 G4 dual 1.25 Ghz and 17 inch MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

Thanks for the information... I didn't know Apple had extended the battery warranty... I bought this computer (and battery) on June 3rd and noticed this blown open battery case just yesterday, June 15th so an warranty extension would certainly be welcomed...
The more I thought about this last night the more I am inclined to believe that a partially charged battery sitting around for months might be problematic in that it appears some gases must have built up inside the case of this battery... This battery worked fine, charged, discharged, as a battery powering the computer or while plugged into the charger, hot under load or cold with no load... In other words it worked fine under all known operating conditions until I stored it somewhat charged for an extended period of time (months)... Then the case blew open and it appears to have been quite a "pop" when it went... There are no signs of heat or burning but it's peeled apart like a small explosion went off inside the case... I did some reading last night on this type of battery and found the word "overpressure" mentioned here and there although nowhere did I read about "overpressure causing the battery to break open"... Just a guess but perhaps these batteries don't like to be stored for an extended period of time once they've been broken in or charged/discharged over several cycles... Again, thanks for the information about the warranty... Bob...

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
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    First, I sent an email to the author of PhotoME to inform him of the serious issues his addon caused with Firefox latest versions.
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    fix for Home button
    iPhone Home Button Not Working or Unresponsive? Try This Fix
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    - If not under warranty Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
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    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
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    What version of iPhoto? Assuming 09 or later:
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
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    You should really read the manual.
    "How do you restore from backup? "
    Restore.  When given the choice, choose to use backup.
    "And how can I check to see if the pics and videos are on my computer somewhere first??"
    They would only be where you put them.  What program did you use to import them?  Pics/vids taken with ipod are not part of the sync process at all.  You should be importing them just as you would with any digital camera.
    If you did not import them, then they are not on your computer.

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    Repair permissions - and restart your computer.

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