BC sets-REG

can anyone help me in detail the steps for BC sets.
We configured the system and I want to make a copy of it

> hi
> can anyone help me in detail the steps for BC sets.
What BC-set you want activate?

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    i start with stratus .i try set it to work with my dedicated apache server and sql but have no clue how to do it or where to put this file on my server.
    i realy have probleme with reg.cgi
    for now i did www/cgi-bin/reg.cgi and in the xml i set my websiteurl = "http://88..../cgi-bin/"
    also how to complete reg.cgi for have it to talk with my db ?
    here the reg.cgi file.
    help please ...
    #! /usr/bin/python --
    reg.cgi by Michael Thornburgh.
    This file is in the public domain.
    IMPORTANT: This script is for illustrative purposes only. It does
    not have user authentication or other access control measures that
    a real production service would have.
    This script should be placed in the cgi-bin location according to
    your web server installation. The database is an SQLite3 database.
    Edit the location of the database in variable "dbFile".
    Create it with the following schema:
    CREATE TABLE registrations (
        m_username VARCHAR COLLATE NOCASE,
        m_identity VARCHAR,
        m_updatetime DATETIME,
        PRIMARY KEY (m_username)
    CREATE INDEX registrations_updatetime ON registrations (m_updatetime ASC);
    dbFile = '.../registrations.db'
    import cgi
    import sqlite3
    import xml.sax.saxutils
    query = cgi.parse()
    db = sqlite3.connect(dbFile)
    user = query.get('username', [None])[0]
    identity = query.get('identity', [None])[0]
    friends = query.get('friends', [])
    print 'Content-type: text/plain\n\n<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<result>'
    if user:
            c = db.cursor()
            c.execute("insert or replace into registrations values (?, ?, datetime('now'))", (user, identity))
            print '\t<update>true</update>'
            print '\t<update>false</update>'
    for f in friends:
        print "\t<friend>\n\t\t<user>%s</user>" % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(f), )
        c = db.cursor()
        c.execute("select m_username, m_identity from registrations where m_username = ? and m_updatetime > datetime('now', '-1 hour')", (f, ))
        for result in c.fetchall():
            eachIdent = result[1]
            if not eachIdent:
                eachIdent = ""
            print "\t\t<identity>%s</identity>" % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(eachIdent), )
            if f != result[0]:
                print "\t\t<registered>%s</registered>" % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(result[0]), )
        print "\t</friend>"
    print "</result>"

    Persistent binding is effectively provided by STMS (MPxIO) - is there anything in particular you're wanting to do that STMS doesn't provide?

  • Order status SETT reg

    Hi dudes,
    i have one requirement asked my FICO collegue that once production order settled those orders should get SETT settled status, we are not able to get that for orders. we want secrecate the orders based on settlement.
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    Yes, As Mr. thyagarajan Said, immediately after settlement you can set the status to CLSD and you can sort your production orders with this.
    The advantage withthis process is after settlement is done, no one can post costs on the Orders.
    But, our standard practice is we set the DLFL to the Odres after settlemt and evantually DLT and Archiving of the Orders.
    If the Volume of the Orders is More without additional steps if you want to delete the orders then you can have the second Option, otherwise 1st option is better..
    Hope this helps..

  • Using Excel VBA to Print to PDF File?

    Hi, All !!
    I have an Excel VBA application that creates Excel reports.  These need to be sent external to our company in PDF format.  I've downloaded the Acrobat SDK and have found the VB sample for AdobePDFSilent.  Unfortunately, it appears that this is written for VB or VB.Net as I don't have any of the data types available that are created in the code.  However, from another forum, I've gotten some VB code that appears to do many of the processes included in the SDK sample.
    The code below doesn't give me any errors, but no PDF file is created.
    My VBA code
    Declare Function RegOpenKeyA Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _
        ByVal Key As Long, _
        ByVal SubKey As String, _
        NewKey As Long) As Long
    Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" ( _
        ByVal hKey As Long, _
        ByVal lpValueName As String, _
        ByVal Reserved As Long, _
        ByVal dwType As Long, _
        lpData As Any, _
        ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
    Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _
        ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
    Sub TestPrintPDF()
        Dim strDefaultPrinter As String
        Dim strOutFile As String
        Dim lngRegResult As Long
        Dim lngResult As Long
        Dim dhcHKeyCurrentUser As Long
        Dim PDFPath As String
        Const dhcRegSz As Long = 1
    1    Workbooks.Open ("\\master\fnshares\bcbcm\Client Management\Client Services\New Account Fees\09 September 2010\3Q10 Rebate Ltrs\Infi\MacroTest\A02.xls")
    2    Select Case ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
    3        Case 1
    4            Sheets(1).Select
    5        Case 2
    6            Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name)).Select
    7        Case 3
    8            Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name)).Select
    9        Case 4
    10            Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name, Sheets(4).Name)).Select
    11        Case 5
    12           Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name, Sheets(4).Name, Sheets(5).Name)).Select
    13      Case 6
    14         Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name, Sheets(4).Name, Sheets(5).Name, Sheets(6).Name)).Select
    15  End Select
    16  dhcHKeyCurrentUser = &H80000001
    17  strDefaultPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter
    18  PDFPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator 'The directory in which you want to save the file
    19  strOutFile = PDFPath & Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".pdf" 'Change the pdf file name if required. This should have the fully qualified path
    20  lngRegResult = RegOpenKeyA(dhcHKeyCurrentUser, "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl", lngResult)
    21  lngRegResult = RegSetValueEx(lngResult, Application.Path & "\Excel.exe", 0&, dhcRegSz, ByVal strOutFile, Len(strOutFile))
    22  lngRegResult = RegCloseKey(lngResult)
    23  ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PrintOut copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="Adobe PDF"
    24  Application.ActivePrinter = strDefaultPrinter
    25  ActiveWorkbook.Close False
    End Sub
    From what I can determine, the lines 17 & 24 combined basically accomplish the same thing as the SaveandUpdateDefaultPrinter function in the SDK (get and save the current default printer and return it to that default after printing the PDF).
    Line 20 opens the Registry key for Distiller\PrinterJobControl which is done in part of the ConvertFile function in the following SDK code.
    SDK Code
                Dim objDistillerRegKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot
                Dim strDistillerSubKey As String = "SOFTWARE\\Adobe\\Acrobat Distiller\\PrinterJobControl"
                'Open Current User's Distiller Subkey for writing
                objDistillerRegKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(strDistillerSubKey, True)
    Line 21 sets the Registry key for Excel with the name of the PDF file to output which also appears to be done in part of the ConvertFile function in the following code.
    SDK Code
               If (Not objDistillerRegKey Is Nothing) Then     'set reg key value for this app and file
                    objDistillerRegKey.SetValue(strAppPath, strOutputFile)
                End If
    I have verified, using RegEdit, that this Registry key does get set with the desired output filename.
    Line 23 prints the Excel file to PDF when done manually (this was recorded using the Excel Macro Recorder).  This should be comparable to the PrintToAdobePDF function in the SDK as below.
    SDK Code
        Private Sub PrintToAdobePDF(ByVal InputfilePath As String)
            'Prints InputFilePath to the AdobePDF printer.
            'Since we just gathered all this info programmatically,
            'this function assumes the file is present, that it has an
            'associated application and that the current user has print privileges.
            'Define properties for the print process
            Dim pProcInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
            pProcInfo.FileName = InputfilePath
            pProcInfo.Verb = "Print"
            'Make process invisible
            pProcInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
            pProcInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
            'start print process
            Dim pMyProc As Process = Process.Start(pProcInfo)
        End Sub
    These are some of the statements I can't do because I don't have a ProcessStartInfo type.  What am I doing wrong or NOT doing that the PDF file is not created?  I hope I've described my situation in enough, but not too much detail.  Thanks for your help.
    Nate Brei

    Reinhard & Karl Heinz,
    Thank you both for your responses and willingness to work with me on this problem.  This is driving me crazy & is getting very frustrating.  It seems that I've tried everything that people have suggested (I've also posted on a VB Forum that I subscribe to) and I'm basically doing what works for everyone else but doesn't work for me.  I've got to be close.
    Reinhard, regarding your last post, it doesn't appear to be a one-time setting.  Everytime I come into the Printers Property box (even after I've printed a PDF document manually, that option about system & document fonts is ALWAYS turned on.  If it is a registry setting, please let me know how to turn it off.  I'm using Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard.
    Karl Heinz, I've tried that based on my initial post (see the code there).  Since your post, I tried it again.  I get the same result, NO FILE is produced anywhere.
    I wish I could post pictures, but evidently I can't.  So, I going to post first my code (in case you want to try to recreate my problem), then the values of the variables in that code when I run it (so you can I have everything set correctly as far as I know), and finally, the values of the Registry entries that I have after I run it.  So, please bear with me as the post may be a little long.
    My Code
    Declare Function RegOpenKeyA Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _
        ByVal Key As Long, _
        ByVal SubKey As String, _
        NewKey As Long) As Long
    Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" ( _
        ByVal hKey As Long, _
        ByVal lpValueName As String, _
        ByVal Reserved As Long, _
        ByVal dwType As Long, _
        lpData As Any, _
        ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
    Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _
        ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
    Sub TestPrintPDF()
        Dim strDefaultPrinter As String
        Dim strOutFile As String
        Dim lngRegResult As Long
        Dim lngResult As Long
        Dim dhcHKeyCurrentUser As Long
        Dim PDFPath As String
        Const dhcRegSz As Long = 1
        'Workbooks.Open ("\\master\fnshares\bcbcm\Client Management\Client Services\New Account Fees\09 September 2010\3Q10 Rebate Ltrs\Infi\MacroTest\A02.xls")
        Workbooks.Open ("H:\A02.xls")
        Select Case ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
            Case 1
            Case 2
                Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name)).Select
            Case 3
                Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name)).Select
            Case 4
                Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name, _
            Case 5
                Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name, _
                 Sheets(4).Name, Sheets(5).Name)).Select
            Case 6
                Sheets(Array(Sheets(1).Name, Sheets(2).Name, Sheets(3).Name, _
                 Sheets(4).Name, Sheets(5).Name, Sheets(6).Name)).Select
        End Select
        dhcHKeyCurrentUser = &H80000001
        strDefaultPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter
        'The directory in which you want to save the file
        PDFPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator
        'Change the pdf file name if required. This should have the fully qualified path
        strOutFile = PDFPath & Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".pdf"
        lngRegResult = RegOpenKeyA(dhcHKeyCurrentUser, "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl", _
        lngRegResult = RegSetValueEx(lngResult, Application.Path & "\Excel.exe", 0&, dhcRegSz, _
            ByVal strOutFile, Len(strOutFile))
        lngRegResult = RegCloseKey(lngResult)
        ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PrintOut copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="Adobe PDF"
        'ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PrintOut copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="Adobe PDF", _
            printtofile:=True, collate:=True, prtofilename:=strOutFile
        'Call printToPdf(strOutFile)
        Application.ActivePrinter = strDefaultPrinter
        ActiveWorkbook.Close False
    End Sub
    Sub printToPdf(PDFFilename)
        ' Define a postscript file name
        PSFileName = "H:\TempPostScript.ps"
        ' Print the Excel range to the postscript file
        'Dim MySheet As Worksheet
        'Set MySheet = ActiveSheet
        ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="Adobe PDF", _
            printtofile:=True, collate:=True, prtofilename:=PSFileName
        ' Convert the postscript file to .pdf
        Set myPDF = CreateObject("PdfDistiller.PdfDistiller.1")
        myPDF.FileToPDF PSFileName, PDFFilename, ""
    End Sub
    Values of my Variables When I Run the Code
    ? dhcHKeyCurrentUser
    ? strDefaultPrinter
         \\tcps01p\FNT12W00 Canon 5020 PCL 5e on Ne04:
    ? PDFPath
    ? strOutFile
    ? lngResult
    ? Application.Path & "\Excel.exe
         C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Excel.exe
    ? dhcRegSz
    ? Len(strOutFile)
    ? PSFileName
    ? PDFFilename
    Values of my Registry Entries (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl)
    (Default)          REG_SZ          (value not set)
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Excel.exe          REG_SZ          H:\A02.pdf
    LastPdfPortFolder - EXCEL.EXE          REG_SZ          "Q:\Client Management\Client Services\New Account Fees\09 September 2010\3Q10 Rebate Ltrs\Infi\MacroTest
    Note:  There are a couple of other entries for documents that I've printed manually that I didn't include.  Also, the last entry above, contains the value of the folder that I last manually "printed" to.
    I've also noticed that I have a Registry SubKey under PrinterJobControl called DownloadFonts.  However, the only entry there is:
         (Default) REG_SZ (value not set)
    Is this the registry key you mentioned, Reinhard?
    As you can see in my code, I have 3 different methods that I've tried to print.  The first one defaults everything after selecting the Acrobat PDF printer.  The second sets the output filename as a PDF (basically what you suggested, Karl Heinz).  The third method calls a procedure that prints to a PostScript file & then uses Distiller to print from that file to pdf.  This is the method Reinhard suggested.
    With the first 2 methods, I get NO error messages, but no file(s) show up.  With the 3 method, I get the error about the Fonts checkbox, but it creates a 0K PostScript file.  When I skip that statement and run the other 2 statements, I get a log file that says the PostScript file is empty and not PDF file was created.
    YIKES...  What's going on?  Thanks again for attempting to help me!!!

  • MSS General info - exclude values in filter?

    We have Employee Group as part of the columns in General data.
    It is possible to Filter, eg to set Reg* and get all "Regular employees".
    But is it possible to filter by excluding a value.
    Given following emp.groups:
    Regular Employees
    Temporary Employees
    We want to exclude External employees via filter function.

    Please check the below links it will help you in defining the filter on the columns.
    Table Filter (Generic Method)
    Hope this helps.

  • Compilation of C program in 64 bit mode using  gcc

    How do i compile a C program in 64 bit mode using gcc 2.95.2. I am using Sun Os 5.8.
    Pls give the command

    When i use the follwing script
    cc -w -v -DSOLARIS -DSOLARIS2 -m64 -c $1.c -I./. -I/usr/lib/sparcv9 -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/sys -I/usr1/soft/smshdr -I/oracle9i/precomp/public -I/oracle9i/sqllib/public
    I got the following error .. Pls help
    Reading specs from /opt/sfw/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.2/specs
    gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
    /opt/sfw/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.2/cpp -lang-c -v -I./. -I/usr/li
    b/sparcv9 -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/sys -I/usr1/soft/smshdr -I/oracle9i/prec
    omp/public -I/oracle9i/sqllib/public -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=95 -Dsparc -D
    sun -Dunix -D__svr4__ -D__SVR4 -D__sparc__ -D__sun__ -D__unix__ -D__svr4__ -D__S
    VR4 -D__sparc -D__sun -D__unix -Asystem(unix) -Asystem(svr4) -w -D__arch64__ -Ac
    pu(sparc64) -Amachine(sparc64) -DSOLARIS -DSOLARIS2 XCupCRC.c /var/tmp/cckMTbiU.
    GNU CPP version 2.95.2 19991024 (release) (sparc)
    #include "..." search starts here:
    #include <...> search starts here:
    End of search list.
    The following default directories have been omitted from the search path:
    End of omitted list.
    /opt/sfw/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/2.95.2/cc1 /var/tmp/cckMTbiU.i -quiet
    -dumpbase XCupCRC.c -m64 -w -version -o /var/tmp/ccqeBknF.s
    cc1: -m64 is not supported by this configuration
    cc1: -mptr32 not allowed on -m64
    GNU C version 2.95.2 19991024 (release) (sparc-sun-solaris2.8) compiled by GNU C
    version 2.95.2 19991024 (release).
    XCupCRC.c: In function `XCupCRC':
    XCupCRC.c:45: internal error--unrecognizable insn:
    (insn 208 206 210 (set (reg:DI 10 %o2)
    (symbol_ref:DI ("*.LLC0"))) -1 (nil)

  • Packages in Software Center

    I am starting to test software center and when I publish Packages I do not get the option for Categories or the option to choose if it requires Approval or not.
    Is this possible or to get those features do you have to create applications?

    How can you building and application tell it to import reg keys or set reg keys?  I do this now via the package and batch file to import the reg keys.
    Same way. There's nothing really different about a deployment type from this perspective -- it's a command-line which can be a batch file.
    Also how can you or can you tell an application before it installs it needs to uninstall something first? Example I want when Office 2013 is installed with lync 2013 to uninstall Lync 2010?
    That depends upon the application itself. In this case, you should be able to use Office setup as it will automatically uninstall previous versions of Office apps.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com

  • Troubles with AdobePDFSilent

    I'm trying to use the adobe SDK in a VB app to convert and HTML doc to a PDF behind the scenes. My program is going to be used to email our customers invoices after hours. Right now i can run my program to save the invoices as a HTML doc, i'm getting the invoice from our intranet that is why it's going as HTML, and then it attaches it to an email and sends it out.
    What i would like it to do is create the html file to a directory and then have it convert into a PDF behind the scenes. With a little tweaking the adobePDFsilent example will work perfectly. The problem is that right now it's not printing "silently".
    I have modified the code at all but this is what it does.
    I pick my input and output directory. i've tried having that directory on a network drive and on my C: drive and neither have worked so far.
    Once i run the program, the directory has 4 files in it, the select a print window comes up 4 times. If i hit cancel nothing happens. If i hit print then it comes up with the save as window which has the name of the file as it is in the program.i hit save and it creates the PDF and then opens it.
    What i want it to do is to look in the directory, convert it to pdf, and then save it to the said directory. This is what the sample codes seems to be trying accomplish but it isn't.I found a forum post on this but it was from 2008 and had no luck in finding a fix, in that thread anyway.
    My specs are:
    adobe acrobat 8 which didn't work so i installed trial version of X to see if that fixed it and it did not
    windows xp SP3
    visual studio 2005
    Any help would be appreciated

    thanks for the suggestion. i looked in the registry and everything looks like i "think" it should. i thought maybe it was because i had google chrome opening HTML docs so i tried notepad and IE and no dice.
    here are the 2 funcitons that seem to do most of the work. i just want it so it prints behind the scenes so it can all be done overnight.
        Friend Sub ConvertFile(ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal strOutputDir As String)
            'Two parts to converting a file:
            'a) update registry for silent conversion of strFilePath
            'b) perform the print command with the associated application - PrintToAdobePDF()
            Dim objThisFile As New FileInfo(strFilePath)   'get FileInfo object for file string
            Dim strFileExt As String = objThisFile.Extension   'get file extension
            'Documentation example for what we're going to do in the registry:
            'Set the key for the output file name to turn off prompting
            ' [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl]
            ' "C:\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\wordpad.exe" =
            ' "c:\\MyPDFoutputFileName.pdf"
            ' removed once the StartDoc(HDC hdc, CONST DOCINFO* lpdi) has successfully completed
            'Get application for current file
            Dim strAppPath As String = GetProgramPath(strFileExt)
            'If there is an app for the file, then convert
            If Not strAppPath = "" Then
                'Get file name without extension
                Dim strFilePrefix As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFilePath)
                'Create output file path
                Dim strOutputFile As String = strOutputDir & "\" & strFilePrefix & ".pdf"
                ' Registry Updates
                Dim objDistillerRegKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot
                Dim strDistillerSubKey As String = "SOFTWARE\\Adobe\\Acrobat Distiller\\PrinterJobControl"
                'Open Current User's Distiller Subkey for writing
                objDistillerRegKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(strDistillerSubKey, True)
                Dim strSaveOutputPath As String = ""
                'Distiller Registry Key
                If objDistillerRegKey Is Nothing Then   'if key is not there, create it
                    objDistillerRegKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(strDistillerSubKey)
                End If
                If (Not objDistillerRegKey Is Nothing) Then     'set reg key value for this app and file
                    objDistillerRegKey.SetValue(strAppPath, strOutputFile)
                End If
                'if there's an app for this file
                ' Else
                '  Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox("No app for this file " & strFilePath)
            End If
        End Sub
    Private Sub PrintToAdobePDF(ByVal InputfilePath As String)
            'Prints InputFilePath to the AdobePDF printer.
            'Since we just gathered all this info programmatically,
            'this function assumes the file is present, that it has an
            'associated application and that the current user has print privileges.
            'Define properties for the print process
            Dim pProcInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
            pProcInfo.FileName = InputfilePath
            pProcInfo.Verb = "Print"
            'Make process invisible
            pProcInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
            pProcInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
            'start print process
            Dim pMyProc As Process = Process.Start(pProcInfo)
        End Sub

  • Authorization scheme problem

    Hi all,
    I have implemented ACL authorization (Restricted only), and have just created a new ACL scheme in my app is the name of "Registration" same copy of EDIT scheme, I have set following users with these roles:
    USERS with roles
    1. Admin with Administrator.
    2. Guest with Registration.
    3. Frank with Edit.
    I have create a Navigation List entries (for redirection) on my home page with following entries with restricted roles:
    Navigation List :
    Administration (for Administrator only ) assigned 'ADMIN' role
    New Registration (for 1 time user registration) assigned 'REGISTRATION' role
    Student Schedule (for existing users) assigned 'EDIT' role
    Student Semester Result (for existing users) assigned 'EDIT' role
    Student Attendance (for existing users) assigned 'EDIT' role
    When I set REGIS role to guest user , all entries of navigation list ( i mentioned above) except Administration Entry are shown on this page.
    I want to restrict guest user, who can only see Registration Link only. How can I do this ??
    help me out
    waiting for your prompt reply
    regards n thanks

    Thanks for your reply scott, at least someone is there to understand it :).
    Well ok just forget everything and focus on it, I am using apex version Apex 3.0.1 with Oracle, my question is simple as i had stated above long time ago, I have added a new scheme/role 'REGIS' as same as EDIT role and changed EDIT to REGIS on that scheme/role, through this I just want to access only guest user to log in temporarily and create its account in our application and log out, and when he registered in our application, a role EDIT will assigned him automatically and he will be able connect our portal with EDIT role now.
    I had created a simple HTML page and created a Navigation List on it.
    there are 5 list entries on this page .
    1. Administration
    2. New User Registration.
    3. Student schedule.
    4. Student results
    5. Student attendance.
    (assigned ADMIN , so only administrator can see this link and all the entries)
    -New User Registration
    (only guest user with REGIS role can see this link)
    (only registered users with EDIT role can see these links)
    I have set these authorization in every list entry with authorization schemes mentioned above.
    Q. But the problem in this situation is that when I assign REGIS scheme to my 2 list entry, all other entries (3,4,5) including 2nd entry are also visible to guest user who has REGIS scheme assigned.
    I hope now you can understand clearly what I am trying to say and understand it.
    Hoping for your prompt reply.

  • Registry settings on 64-bit Windows 7

    We are currently trying out TestStand 4.1 as well as 4.5 (the 2010 beta) on a 64-bit Windows 7. We have the following problem (not knowing whether this has to do with Windows 7 or with 64-bit, actually).
    We always set the TestStand configuration and custom public directory to a mapped drive (X:\Settings\TestStand, actually) so that we can easily clone the projects and also switch between different projects on a single developer machine without regard to what user is active and where the user directory may be. That is, we set:
    reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\National Instruments\TestStand\4.1" /v CfgLocation /t REG_SZ /d "X:\Settings\TestStand" /f
    reg add "HKLM\Software\National Instruments\TestStand\4.1" /v CustomPublicLocation /d "X:\Settings\TestStand" /f
    resp. with version 4.5.
    This does not seem to work correctly with 64-bit Windows 7. Are there any issues known with this under Windows 7 and/or 64-bit Windows?
    Go to Solution.

    Jim, is correct. To further clarify, on 64-bit Microsoft OSes, 32-bit programs will automatically get their access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\ redirected to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\National Instruments\, but 64-bit programs must explicitly access things under the Wow6432Node key to modify values for 32-bit programs.
    Hope this helps,

  • Updating row

    In order to update a row I have the cursor of the result set point to the proper row, and I only want to modify the contents of that row. Yet for some reason when I am updating the current row other rows in my table will get updated instead. I tried to make the where expression in my excute update statement as specific to the current row as possible, so that I could avoid other rows getting updated. Could someone tell me if the code below will do this? rs is the resultset, and the loop does work properly.
      rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * " +
                                  "FROM BANK");
    int t=0;
    stmt.executeUpdate(("UPDATE BANK SET REG='True' WHERE SSN='"
    +rs.getString(9)+"' AND NAME='"+rs.getString(3)+"' AND STATE='"
    +rs.getString(6)+"' AND ACCOUNT='"+rs.getString(2)+"'"));

    Maybe in some of ur update that 'i' value is reached that is why some times the update just cuts and does not do it 100%. I cannot clearly tell but it is a guess.
    Maybe u should get rid of 'i' and just set a boolean value to flush after u finish everything and then break/exit
    I know it may not be much help but u could try it.

  • Reg key to set PDF opening in Reader and not the web browser

    Is there a reg key which would apply to all users/computer (not just current user, Hkey_user) to set a variable that would open PDF's in the actual Adobe Reader program and not in a web browser.
    I only find references to reg key's that apply to the current users logged in, but unfortunately I work in an education facility and we use Dynamic user id's which creates a new user each time in windows, and then removes the profile on logout
    Thanks in advance,

    Would you suggest downloading the Adobe Customization Wizard and creating an MST file to distribute the app?  If so, do you have documentation on where to change this setting?

  • Reg setting up Logical database

    I need to set up logical file system for generating Idoc. can any one help me in setting up logical file system and how to config the idoc to that location.
    I appreciate your help.
    waiting to hear

    I am not sure I understood your requirement. Your heading said "Reg setting up Logical database". But in your description you are asking about "logical file system". Then you say IDOC configuration. Can you please explain what you want to do?
    You can create logical file using transaction FILE. If you are talking about RFC Destinations for Idocs(not logical file system), then you are talking about SM59. If you are looking for configuring logical systems for ALE distribution or workflow configuration, then you do that in customizing transaction SPRO under "Basis Components>ALE>Logical Systems--> Define Logical Systems".
    Please let us know which one it is.

  • Reg. Multiple Result set in OBIEE

    Hi All,
    I would like to have some pointers or any documentation reg. the processing of mutiple result sets from a DB2 stored procedure, by the OBIEE layer.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Radha,
    If you want to cache the results in the Oracle BI Server, you should check that option. When you run a query the Oracle BI Server will get its results from the cache, based on the persistence time you define. If the cache is expired, the Oracle BI Server will go to the database to get the results.
    If you want to use caching, you should enable caching in the nqsconfig.ini file.
    Daan Bakboord

  • File Commit reg setting changed??

    Does anyone know when the dword reg setting for File Commit changed from "Enable Write Behind" to "File Commit"?
    The most current client version as of now is Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows 7 (IR4) and this version is certainly using HKLM\SOFTWARE\Novell\Client\Parameters\File Commit.
    Previous versions and current documentation as of Client 2 SP3 seem to indicate the value is HKLM\SOFTWARE\Novell\Client\Parameters\Enable Write Behind. Here is a recent article about Client 2 SP3 that indicates its the older setting. https://www.novell.com/communities/c...stry-settings/
    Using Enable Write Behind = 1 alone does not set File Commit to on.

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