
My page ran in RC 1 but not in rc2.
I get an end of file error on this page. When I remove the tablib for bc4juix(line 4) it runs fine just doesn't
show any of my bc4jtags.....what could be causing this error?????
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui/bc4j" prefix="bc4juix" %>
session.setAttribute("currentPage", "InqProDetail.jsp") ;
String sSin = (String)session.getAttribute("sessSin");
String sWhereClause = "sin='";
if ( (sSin == null) || (sSin == "") )
sWhereClause += "999'";
sWhereClause =sWhereClause+ sSin + "'";
<jbo:ApplicationModule configname="anteDatePackage.AnteDatePackageModule.AnteDatePackageModuleLocal" id="app1" releasemode="Stateful" />
<jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" whereclause='<%= sWhereClause%>' viewobject="AdclientView" rangesize="4" />
<jbo:Row id="CurrentRow" datasource="ds1" action="Current">
String sRowKey = request.getParameter("RowKey");
oracle.jbo.Row row = ds1.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
String sRevReq1997 = "0";
String sRevReq1998 = "0";
String sRevReq1999 = "0";
String sRevReq2000 = "0";
String sRevReq2001 = "0";
String sPosAnte1997 = "0";
String sPosAnte1998 = "0";
String sPosAnte1999 = "0";
String sPosAnte2000 = "0";
String sPosAnte2001 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1997 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1998 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1999 = "0";
String sFormalAnte2000 = "0";
String sFormalAnte2001 = "0";
String sTags = "0";
//if our current row is null, goto the first row
if(row != null)
sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
<jbo:OnEvent name="Update" >
<jbo:Row id = "EditRow" datasource="ds1" rowkey="<%= sRowKey %>" action="Update">
<jbo:SetAttribute datasource="ds1" dataitem="*" />
<jbo:PostChanges appid="app1"/>
<jbo:Commit appid="appl"/>
//sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
<jsp:include flush="true" page="GlobalDefs.jsp">
<jsp:param name="myTabIndex" value="0"/>
<jsp:param name="myHeaderIndex" value="0"/>
<%-- user interface begins here --%>
<TITLE>Client Profile Edit </TITLE>
<uix:ref refID="AnteDateButtonBar" ></uix:ref>
<uix:ref refID="AnteDateTabBar"></uix:ref>
<uix:ref refID="AnteDateGlobalHeader" ></uix:ref>
<uix:styledText text="Copyright Human Resources Development Canada" />"
<%-- Main page contents go here --%>
<uix:form name="clientForm" method="POST">
<bc4juix:Table datasource="dsl">
<uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
<uix:contentContainer text="Mailing Address" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="100%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Surname"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Surname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newsurname"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newsurname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Deceased"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Deceased"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newdeceased"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newdeceased"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address11"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address11"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress1"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address12"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address12"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress2"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress2"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address13"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address13"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress3"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress3"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Postalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Postalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newpostalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newpostalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Phone1"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Phone1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newphone1"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newphone1"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Office Information" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="95%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Localoffice"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Localoffice"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newlocaloffice"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newlocaloffice"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Hrcc"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Hrcc"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newhrcc"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newhrcc"/>
<%-- Mail In Date section --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Mail-in Dates" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="95%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="NotificationSent"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="NotificationSent"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="SubNotificationSent"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="SubNotificationSent"/>
<%-- tags Section --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="TAGS" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="40%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Tags"/>
<uix:choice name="Tags" selectedValue ="<%= sTags %>" >
<uix:ref refID="OptionTag" />
<%-- Returned Claimant Section --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Returned Claimant Information" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="40%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReturnedByClaimant"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReturnedByClaimant"/>
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1997"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1997" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1997 %>" >
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1998"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1998" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1998 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1999"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1999" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1999 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2000"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2000" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2000 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2001"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2001" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2001 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<%-- Assessment Letter Sent --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Assessment Letter Informtion" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="AssessmentLetterSent"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="AssessmentLetterSent"/>
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1997"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1997" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1997 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1998"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1998" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1998 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1999"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1999" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1999 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate2000"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate2000" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte2000 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate2001"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate2001" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte2001 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<%-- Formal Request Informtion --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Formal Request Informtion" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedateRequested"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedateRequested"/>
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1997"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1997" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1997 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1998"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1998" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1998 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1999"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1999" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1999 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate2000"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate2000" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte2000 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate2001"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate2001" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte2001 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="IPOC" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="30%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ForwaredIpoc"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ForwaredIpoc"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Comments" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Comments"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="IPOC" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="30%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReceivedIpoc"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReceivedIpoc"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:formValue name="RowKey" value='<%=request.getParameter("RowKey")%>' />
<uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
<jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateful" />

I dont have enough information to help you. Does the page run if you take out the uix:InputRender tag?

Similar Messages

  • HELP!!!!  bc4juix Input Render wont work

    m trying to get my page to run in jdevelper 9.0.2
    It seems I get an error when I add the bc4juix tag InputRender -
    Can someone explain this, it worked in rc1,
    int oracle.cabo.tags.MutableUINodeTag.doEndTag()
    void InqProDetail.jspService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
    void oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
    void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
    javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.String)
    void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
    void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
    void javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
    void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(javax.servlet.ServletRequest,
    void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(javax.servlet.ServletRequest,
    com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse, java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, boolean)
    void com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
    void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui/bc4j" prefix="bc4juix" %>
    session.setAttribute("currentPage", "InqProDetail.jsp") ;
    String sSin = (String)session.getAttribute("sessSin");
    String sWhereClause = "sin='";
    if ( (sSin == null) || (sSin == "") )
    sWhereClause += "999'";
    sWhereClause =sWhereClause+ sSin + "'";
    configname="anteDatePackage.AnteDatePackageModule.AnteDatePackageModuleLocal" id="app1"
    releasemode="Stateful" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" whereclause='<%= sWhereClause%>' viewobject="AdclientView"
    rangesize="4" />
    <jbo:Row id="CurrentRow" datasource="ds1" action="Current">
    String sRowKey = request.getParameter("RowKey");
    oracle.jbo.Row row = ds1.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
    String sRevReq1997 = "0";
    String sRevReq1998 = "0";
    String sRevReq1999 = "0";
    String sRevReq2000 = "0";
    String sRevReq2001 = "0";
    String sPosAnte1997 = "0";
    String sPosAnte1998 = "0";
    String sPosAnte1999 = "0";
    String sPosAnte2000 = "0";
    String sPosAnte2001 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte1997 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte1998 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte1999 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte2000 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte2001 = "0";
    String sTags = "0";
    //if our current row is null, goto the first row
    if(row != null)
    sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
    sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
    sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
    sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
    sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
    sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
    sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
    sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
    sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
    sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
    sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
    sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
    sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
    sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
    sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
    sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
    sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Update" >
    <jbo:Row id = "EditRow" datasource="ds1" rowkey="<%= sRowKey %>" action="Update">
    <jbo:SetAttribute datasource="ds1" dataitem="*" />
    <jbo:PostChanges appid="app1"/>
    <jbo:Commit appid="appl"/>
    //sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
    sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
    sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
    sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
    sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
    sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
    sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
    sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
    sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
    sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
    sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
    sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
    sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
    sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
    sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
    sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
    sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
    <jsp:include flush="true" page="GlobalDefs.jsp">
    <jsp:param name="myTabIndex" value="0"/>
    <jsp:param name="myHeaderIndex" value="0"/>
    <%-- user interface begins here --%>
    <TITLE>Client Profile Edit </TITLE>
    <uix:ref refID="AnteDateButtonBar" ></uix:ref>
    <uix:ref refID="AnteDateTabBar"></uix:ref>
    <uix:ref refID="AnteDateGlobalHeader" ></uix:ref>
    <uix:styledText text="Copyright Human Resources Development Canada" />"
    <%-- Main page contents go here --%>
    <uix:form name="clientForm" method="POST">
    <uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
    <uix:contentContainer text="Mailing Address" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="100%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:formValue name="RowKey" value='<%=request.getParameter("RowKey")%>' />
    <uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateful" />

    I dont have enough information to help you. Does the page run if you take out the uix:InputRender tag?

  • bc4juix:StyledText Links

    We are using the <bc4juix:StyledText> tag to view a viewobject data in a table. We are trying to have the columns represented as links to other JSP pages. Here is a snap shot of the code.
    <uix:styledText textBinding="LABEL"/>
    <%-- <jbo:AttributeIterate id="dsAttributes" datasource="ds1" > --%>
    <bc4juix:StyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Ict" accessKey="I" destination="untitled1.jsp" styleClass="OraDataText" />
    <bc4juix:StyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Dodaac" accessKey="D" destination="untitled1.jsp" styleClass="OraDataText" />
    <%-- </jbo:AttributeIterate>--%>
    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Which version of Jdev are you using? What are the results you are getting?

  • New UIX  Developer Help

    I've got a quick question I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere else so here goes:
    I've been tasked by my company to do some JSP development for a simple application (accessing a DB, printing reports, etc). They'd like it done in UIX because of the preformatted feel. Since I'm relatively new to this technology I've been using the wizards and hacking the pages as needed.
    So far so good. But on one of the editing pages (i.e. where you add/modify records) I'd like to not use the default input renderer (&lt;bc4juix:InputRender...&gt;) that the wizard provides (which produces a textbox) and use a combo box instead. The problem is if i use &lt;jbo:InputSelect...&gt; the combo box is kicked out of the UIX layout and defaults to the upper lefthand corner of the screen. Also, if i use &lt;uix:choice...&gt; I can't figure out how to map the values to the column in the table i'm using.
    I know this probably has a simple answer to it, but I'd appreciate help on either figuring out how to get jbo:InputSelect to fall into the UIX page layout or how to map the information in uix:choice to the database. Any other suggestions would be helpful
    If this doesn't make sense, let me know. Also can anyone suggest some good resources (either on the 'net or bookwise) for JSP and/or UIX development?
    Thanks in advance.

    Not sure how to customize the <bc4juix:InputRender> JSP tag, but you can find more information about many UIX topics in the UIX Developers Guide in the JDeveloper Help system.
    Also available online, at:
    Kind Regards.

  • Bc4juix:table and Columns with links  (Jsp tags)

    I'm tring to create a table with an image link that will pass the values of other columns on the url. The problem is I can't get the attribute values from the table. Here is a sample of my code:
    <bc4juix:Table datasource="ds1" width="100%" >
    <uix:sortableHeader text="Orc" value="Orc"
    sortable="no" />
    <uix:image destination="<%=url%>" source="new.gif" />
    Please help me!!!

    Urgent problem please help.

  • Error on WhereClause - jteam please HELP!

    Im trying to migrate rc1 to rc production.....
    Some of my pages work but am getting an application error on this page
    It is an Application error - no further information. When I remove the sWhereClause and the assignment of this
    sWhereClause, my page works so this is obviously the problem, this works in RC1 but why not in rc2????
    Please HELP!!!!
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui/bc4j" prefix="bc4juix" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="anteDatePackage.AnteDatePackageModule.AnteDatePackageModuleLocal" id="app1" />
    <%-- Define Application Module and DataSource--%>
    session.setAttribute("currentPage", "InqProfileDetail.jsp");
    String sSin = (String)session.getAttribute("sessSin") ;
    String sWhereClause = "sin='";
    if ( (sSin == null) || (sSin == "") )
    sWhereClause += "999'";
    sWhereClause =sWhereClause+ sSin + "'";
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" whereclause="<%=sWhereClause%>" viewobject="AdclientView" rangesize="4" />
    <jbo:Row id="CurrentRow" datasource="ds1" action="Current">
    String sRowKey = request.getParameter("RowKey");
    oracle.jbo.Row row = ds1.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
    String sRevReq1997 = "0";
    String sRevReq1998 = "0";
    String sRevReq1999 = "0";
    String sRevReq2000 = "0";
    String sRevReq2001 = "0";
    String sPosAnte1997 = "0";
    String sPosAnte1998 = "0";
    String sPosAnte1999 = "0";
    String sPosAnte2000 = "0";
    String sPosAnte2001 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte1997 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte1998 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte1999 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte2000 = "0";
    String sFormalAnte2001 = "0";
    String sTags = "0";
    // if our current row is null, goto the first row
    if(row != null)
    sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
    sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
    sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
    sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
    sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
    sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
    sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
    sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
    sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
    sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
    sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
    sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
    sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
    sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
    sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
    sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
    sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Update" >
    <jbo:Row id="EditRow" datasource="ds1" rowkey="<%= sRowKey %>" action="Update">
    <jbo:SetAttribute datasource="ds1" dataitem="*" />
    <jbo:PostChanges appid="app1"/>
    <jbo:Commit appid="app1"/>
    sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
    sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
    sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
    sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
    sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
    sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
    sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
    sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
    sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
    sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
    sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
    sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
    sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
    sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
    sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
    sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
    <jsp:include flush="true" page="GlobalDefs.jsp">
    <jsp:param name="myTabIndex" value="0"/>
    <jsp:param name="myHeaderIndex" value="0"/>
    <%-- user interface begins here --%>
    <TITLE>Client Profile Edit</TITLE>
    <uix:ref refID="AnteDateButtonBar" ></uix:ref>
    <uix:ref refID="AnteDateTabBar" ></uix:ref>
    <uix:ref refID="AnteDateGlobalHeader" ></uix:ref>
    <uix:styledText text="Copyright Human Resources Development Canada" />"
    <%-- Main page contents go here --%>
    <uix:form name="clientForm" method="POST">
    <uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Mailing Address" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="100%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Surname"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Surname"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newsurname"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newsurname"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Deceased"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Deceased"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newdeceased"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newdeceased"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address11"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address11"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress1"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress1"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address12"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address12"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress2"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress2"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address13"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address13"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress3"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress3"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Postalcd1"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Postalcd1"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newpostalcd1"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newpostalcd1"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Phone1"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Phone1"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newphone1"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newphone1"/>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Office Information" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="95%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Localoffice"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Localoffice"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newlocaloffice"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newlocaloffice"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Hrcc"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Hrcc"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newhrcc"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newhrcc"/>
    <%-- Mail In Date section --%>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Mail-in Dates" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="95%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="NotificationSent"/>
    <bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="NotificationSent"/>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="SubNotificationSent"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="SubNotificationSent"/>
    <%-- tags Section --%>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="TAGS" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="40%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Tags"/>
    <uix:choice name="Tags" selectedValue ="<%= sTags %>" >
    <uix:ref refID="OptionTag" />
    <%-- Returned Claimant Section --%>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Returned Claimant Information" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="40%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReturnedByClaimant"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReturnedByClaimant"/>
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1997"/>
    <uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1997" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1997 %>" >
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1998"/>
    <uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1998" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1998 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1999"/>
    <uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1999" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1999 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2000"/>
    <uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2000" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2000 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2001"/>
    <uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2001" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2001 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <%-- Assessment Letter Sent --%>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Assessment Letter Informtion" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="AssessmentLetterSent"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="AssessmentLetterSent"/>
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1997"/>
    <uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1997" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1997 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1998"/>
    <uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1998" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1998 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1999"/>
    <uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1999" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1999 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate2000"/>
    <uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate2000" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte2000 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate2001"/>
    <uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate2001" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte2001 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <%-- Formal Request Informtion --%>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Formal Request Informtion" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedateRequested"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedateRequested"/>
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1997"/>
    <uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1997" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1997 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1998"/>
    <uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1998" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1998 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1999"/>
    <uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1999" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1999 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate2000"/>
    <uix:choice name="FormalAntedate2000" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte2000 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate2001"/>
    <uix:choice name="FormalAntedate2001" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte2001 %>">
    <uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="IPOC" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="30%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ForwaredIpoc"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ForwaredIpoc"/>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="Comments" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Comments"/>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:contentContainer text="IPOC" width="100%" background="light">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="30%">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReceivedIpoc"/>
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReceivedIpoc"/>
    <uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
    <uix:formValue name="RowKey" value='<%=request.getParameter("RowKey")%>' />
    <uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateful" />

    I think you are getting my point.The above error occcured bcz i didnot use AUC field IN AIAB screen instead i tried using Completed asset which i have created. Could you please give advise for below questions.
    We have 2 AUC 's for computer software , these already have line items in them.
    What we did today is we created asset for computer software.
    Using AIAB we want to create a distribution rule and then using AIBU we want to post it to asset .
    1) My question was in AIAB screen we have options for
    CO.code: xxx
    Asset: ( In this do i need to give my AUC or ASSET number, I think we should give AUC number).
    2) My second question is we have 2 AUC's for computer software , we have amounts of 11000 and 300 in both. we want to transfer these 2 amounts to completed asset. Do i need to do 2 times like below:
    a) AUC with 11000 amount settle to completed asset( AIAB & AIBU)
    b) AUC with 300 amount settle to completed asset.( AIAB & AIBU)
    Please advise me.I will assign you points.Thanks in advance.

  • Problem with threads and simulation: please help

    please help me figure this out..
    i have something like this:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DrawShapes extends JApplet{
         private JButton choices[];
         private String names[]={"line", "square", "oval"};
         private JPanel buttonPanel;
         private DrawPanel drawingArea;
         private int width=300, height=200;
         public void init(){
              drawingArea=new DrawPanel(width, height);
              choices=new JButton[names.length];
              buttonPanel=new JPanel();
              buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, choices.length));
              ButtonHandler handler=new ButtonHandler();
              for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
                   choices=new JButton(names[i]);
              Container c=getContentPane();
              c.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              c.add(drawingArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         }//end init
         public void setWidth(int w){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 300);
         public void setHeight(int h){
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 200);
         /*public static void main(String args[]){
              int width, height;
                   height=200; width=300;
              JFrame appWindow=new JFrame("An applet running as an application");
                   new WindowAdapter(){
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
              DrawShapes appObj=new DrawShapes();
              appWindow.setSize(width, height);
         }//end main*/
         private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
    }//end class DrawShapes
    class DrawPanel extends JPanel{
         private int currentChoice=-1;
         private int width=100, height=100;
         public DrawPanel(int w, int h){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 100);
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 100);
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
                   case 0:     g.drawLine(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 1: g.drawRect(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 2: g.drawOval(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
         public void setCurrentChoice(int c){
         private int randomX(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*width);
         private int randomY(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*height);
    }//end class drawPanel
    That one's from a book. I used that code to start with my applet. Mine calls different merthod from the switch cases. Say I have:
    case 0: drawStart(g); break;
    public void drawStart(Graphics g){
      /* something here */
    public void drawMain(graphics g){
    g.drawString("test", x, y);
    //here's where i'm trying to pause
    //i've tried placing Thread.sleep between these lines
    g.drawLine(x, y, a, b);
    //Thread.sleep here
    g.drawRect(x, y, 50, 70);
    }I also need to put delays between method calls but I need to synchronize them. Am I doing it all wrong? The application pauses or sleeps but afterwards, it still drew everything all at once. Thanks a lot!

    It is. Sorry about that. Just answer any if you want to. I'd appreciate your help. Sorry again if it caused you anything or whatever. .n_n.

  • Query Help

    ou store point
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    I have to insert table1 to table2 by splitting into every 143point and assing serial number for every 143 from parameter.
    in aboce example we can split 3 time 143 like below table2 sample.
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 50 101
    LS LIB1 93 101
    LS LIB1 107 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    i tried below procedure its not working.
    table may have any order like below.
    ou store point
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    then table2
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 143 101
    LS LIB1 57 102
    LS LIB1 50 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    create or replace procedure assign_serial(from_num number,to_num number) is
    bal number(10);
    bal := 0;
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,c1.store,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,c1.store,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,c1.store,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    How to split and assign serial number,please hELP.

    .after giving serial num i have to change points in table1 to 0.The problem for SUm and split for every 143 is ,different OU and store is there.we have to know for which store points we earned serial number.
    i hope this below logic little satisfy except assign cardnum,please........ check and currect the logic
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    --variable used and bal
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    used := c1.points;
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,c1.store,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,c1.store,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,c1.store,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;

  • Help my safari doesnt open and gives me a crash report

    help my safari doesn't open and gives me a crash report ever since i downloaded a file from the internet. I have a macbook air (early 2014) with running os x yosemite version 10.10.1

    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem.
    You may have installed the "Genieo" or "InstallMac" ad-injection malware. Follow the instructions on this Apple Support page to remove it.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Besides the files listed in the linked support article, you may also need to remove this file in the same way:
    If there are other items with a name that includes "Genieo" or "genieo" alongside any of those you find, remove them as well.
    One of the steps in the article is to remove malicious Safari extensions. Do the equivalent in the Chrome and Firefox browsers, if you use either of those. If Safari crashes on launch, skip that step and come back to it after you've done everything else.
    If you don't find any of the files or extensions listed, or if removing them doesn't stop the ad injection, then you may have one of the other kinds of adware covered by the support article. Follow the rest of the instructions in the article.
    Make sure you don't repeat the mistake that led you to install the malware. Chances are you got it from an Internet cesspit such as "Softonic" or "CNET Download." Never visit either of those sites again. You might also have downloaded it from an ad in a page on some other site. The ad would probably have included a large green button labeled "Download" or "Download Now" in white letters. The button is designed to confuse people who intend to download something else on the same page. If you ever download a file that isn't obviously what you expected, delete it immediately.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates
    if it's not already checked.

  • Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter is not working. Please Help...

    I bought an Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter to connect my Macbook to a TV using normal video cable. When I connect the cable, my Laptop DIsplay gives a flickr once and then it shows nothing. I checked Display in the system preference where I don't get a secondary monitor option. My TV is panasonic and it's an old one. I work on Final Cut Pro and it's very very important to see my videos on a TV. What am I doing wrong with the connection? Anyone Please Please help...

    Your probably not doing anything wrong. There are thousands of users with Similar issues and it seems to be with many different adapters.
    We have Mini DP to VGA (3 different brands) and they all fail most of the time. This seems more prevalent with LCD Projectors. I've tested some (50+) with VGA Monitor (HP) and they all worked, LCD Projector (Epson, Hitachi, and Sanyo) and they all fail, DLP Projector (Sanyo) and one worked.
    My Apple Mini DP to DVi works most of the time. My Mini DP to HDMI (Generic non Apple) works every time.
    The general consensus is that Apple broke something in the OS around 10.6.4 or 10.6.5 and its not yet fixed. As we are a school we have logged a case with the EDU Support group so will see what happens.

  • Mini dvi to video adapter help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    ive got a 20" intel imac. i bought a mini dvi to video adapter.it said it works with the intel macs.
    i maybe being a bit thick here but the end of the dvi seems to be a different size to the port on the mac.
    please help....................

    You might find relief in the iMac Forum. Perhaps they will appreciate your distinctive thread header style more fully.
    good luck.

  • PSE icons instead of the photo. I need to view photos at a glance. Please help me????

    Please help, this is driving me crazy.  I have downloaded my free PSE #9, it came with my Leica Camera.  I cannot view at a glance any of my photos.  There is only an icon that reads, PSE.  To view any of my photos, I must click select and then preview.  This gets old, and I am doing 4 times the work. I am having to use the dates to guess where my photos might be.  I hate this!  My old Photo Shop #5 didn't do this.  When you went to my pictures, you could see every photo.
    I have tried the right click and open as any program.  What ever program I choose, that is the icon that appears.  No photo. Still no good.
    Please help.
    Thanking anyone in advance,

    Are you using Windows Explorer to view the files?
    If so, load Explorer, go to the Tools menu and select Folder Options.
    Click on the View tab and make sure the first option (Always show icons, never thumbnails) is not checked.
    Click on OK and see if that is any better.


    When connecting to I-Tunes my Ipod now appears only as 'IPOD'
    The Windows 'Autoplay' box appears on the left hand side of my screen.
    Everything then freezes for a short while then an error message says that I-Tunes has detected an Ipod that is corrupted.
    My Ipod itself is fine so I'm reluctant to restore if that will not solve the problem.
    Is something to do with an automatic software update?
    Please help......................
    Advent   Windows XP  

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    Do not omit the additional information pararaph.

  • HT203164 help! i am using itunes and windows vista 64. itunes will no longer burn cds. i have searched online and tried all i saw that could possibly fix it and it is still not working.

    i have tried:
    reloading itunes
    unchecking 'write'
    removing lower filters in regedit
    ensuring i had the correct 'gear' info in the upper filters in regedit
    removing 'gear' from regedit, system32
    reloading updated version of 'gear'
    cleaning my registery
    deleting itunes
    cleaning registry again
    reloading itunes
    cleaning registry again
    i still cannot burn cd. t i can import and play cds in itunes and i can watch dvds. itunes will just not burn to blank cds, and i have tried sever new blank cds, each is not recognized.
    i do not know what else to do, i have searched the internet and whatever i saw doable i tried.
    when i check the cd drive in itunes i had gotten a 4220 error, cnet advised to download a free error fixer, however, this error fixer gave me and enduser message, so that didn't work.
    the diagnostic for the cd burner read that i had to put in a formatted disc with content so i did and there are the results of that were that it read the cd and that the 4220 errir code was encountered last time there was an attempt to burn.
    and 'could not open cd handler 32. there is a problem with the installation of the drive in windows or the drive contains a copyprotected cd.
    the above is not the case as it also popped up for me to import cd to itunes.
    i tried to copy and past the entire contents here but it would not allow me to paste.
    please help!

    I too have only recently encountered this problem. I have been able to burn disks before but it keeps making all these weird sounds. It might be a hardware problem but the fact that everything else that uses a disk works I doubt it.

  • HELP! Can not install Oracle 8.1.5 w/ RedHat 6.1!

    I can not get Oracle 8.1.5 to install onto Linux RedHat 6.1. The
    Oracle installation script generates several errors. I have
    tried several attempts, using different options, but they all
    generate errors.
    Please help. The Oracle Installation scripts appear to be very
    buggy... or perhaps they are incompatible with the standard
    RedHat 6.1 release. Either way, it is very frustrating.
    I have documented one of my (failed) installation attempts below.
    Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
    I am installing Oracle onto a Dell Latitude CPi PC w/ 128MB RAM,
    a 366MHz Pentium II, and RedHat 6.1 (using the standard Linux
    2.2.12-2 kernel). RedHat was installed using the standard "Gnome
    Workstation" configuration.
    The Oralce CD is labeled:
    "Oralce 8i Enterprise Edition
    Release 8.1.5
    for Linux
    (c) Oracle Corporation 1999"
    I got this CD about one week ago at Oracle OpenWorld '99 in Los
    Angeles... it should be their "latest & greatest" version so far.
    1. Pre-Installation and ./runInstall
    I created an "oracle" Unix account w/ groups "oinstall" (the
    primary group) and "dba" (a secondary group).
    I created directories /u01 through /u04, belonging to oracle.
    I setup .cshrc and sourced it, containing:
    umask 022
    setenv DISPLAY `hostname`:0
    xhost +
    setenv ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle
    setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/8.1.5
    setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest
    setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    setenv NLS_LANG US7ASCII
    I downloaded jre116_v5 and installed to /usr/local/jre.
    Finally, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    cd /mnt/cdrom
    Problem: I got the error (from ./runInstall):
    Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /usr/local/jre/bin/jre.
    Please wait...
    Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
    : Bad address
    Workaround: Executed the following commands instead:
    cd /mnt/cdrom/install/linux
    3. runIns.sh and root.sh
    I selected the following options (from ./runIns.sh):
    Source: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.jar
    Destination: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    Typical (585MB)
    Installable Components: Oralce Intelligent Agent
    Global Database Name: cprtest.parkrussell.com
    SID: cprtest
    Directory for Database Files: /u02
    Then (when instructed by ./runIns.sh), I attempted to execute
    (from the
    "root" Unix account):
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    Problem: I got the error:
    "bash: ./root.sh: Permission denied"
    The execute bit was not set.
    Workaround: I executed:
    chmod a+x root.sh
    5. Configuration Tools
    The Oracle Installer (./runIns.sh) attempted to execute:
    A. Net8 Configuration Agent
    B. Oracle Database Configuration Agent
    Problem: The "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" failed with
    the following error message:
    "One or more tools have failed. It is recommended but not
    required that these tools succeed for this installation.
    You can now select these tools, read its details to examine
    why they have failed, fix those problems, and retry them.
    Or, you can click "Next" to continue."
    When I selected the "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" for
    more info, I got the following additional details (as the cause
    of the error):
    "A required command line argument is missing."
    The log file
    "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log" recorded:
    "Command which is being spawned is /usr/local/jre/bin/jre
    DBCreateWizard /createtype seed /numusers NO_VALUE /apptype
    NO_VALUE /cartridges NO_VALUE /options NO_VALUE /demos NO_VALUE
    /seedloc NO_VALUE /sid cprtest /orahome
    /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5 /orabase /u01/app/oracle /dbloc
    /u02 /clususer NO_VALUE /cluspswd NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE
    /gdbName cprtest.parkrussell.com
    Invalid Exit Code. The following result code will be used for
    configuration tool: 1
    Configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    Workaround: There is obviously nothing I can do to fix this
    problem. It appears to be an internal bug in ./runIns.sh.
    Therefore, I selected "Next" and executed "dbassist" directly.
    6. dbassist
    I executed:
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "JNLS Execution:oracle.ntpg.jnls.JNLSException
    Unable to find any National Character Sets. Please
    check your Oracle installation."
    Workaround: Press "OK" and ignore the error.
    7. dbassist (cont.)
    I selected the following options:
    Create database
    Copy existing database files from the CD
    Global Database Name: cprtest.parkrussell.com
    SID: cprtest
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "CD-ROM drive not detected on this system.
    Database not created."
    (Note: I've been running the installation scripts from the
    CDROM drive this entire time. "df" shows the CDROM drive
    mounted on /mnt/cdrom. "ls /mnt/cdrom" works too.)
    Workaround: Abort (which generated the additional error: "Unable
    to create database. DBCA-00003: No CD-ROM drive detected.") and
    run dbassist again, this time using different parameters.
    8. dbassist, again
    I executed "dbassist" again and selected the following options:
    Create database
    Create new database files
    Concurrently connected users: 5
    Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and iM demos
    Global Database Name: cprtest2.parkrussell.com
    SID: cprtest2
    Create database now
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "ORA-01012: not logged on"
    Workaround: Try, try again.
    9. dbassist, one last time
    Executed "dbassist" once more and selected the following options:
    Create database
    Create new database files
    Concurrently connected users: 5
    Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and interMedia
    Global Database Name: cprtest3.parkrussell.com
    SID: cprtest3
    Output creation script
    Then, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/install
    setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest3
    Problem: I got the following output:
    "Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning and Java options
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Connected.
    SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started.
    ORA-01012: not logged on
    SVRMGR> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>
    8> 9> CREATE DATABASE "cprtest3"
    ORA-01012: not logged on
    SVRMGR> Disconnected."
    Workaround: Beats me.
    10. sqlplus
    I attempted to execute sqlplus, but got the following error
    "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus: Permission denied."
    The execute bit was not set.
    Workaround: I executed:
    chmod a+x /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus
    I gave up for now... there were just too many things wrong with
    this installation, starting with the very first command I was
    supposed to execute (./runInstaller).
    I can't fathom why Oracle's installation script has so many bugs.
    Am I just doing something terribly wrong?
    Please help.

    I'm using enlightenment version 0.15.5-41, which is more recent
    than the 0.15.5-37 version (containing the Oracle installer
    patch) that you recommended. Unfortunately, it fails when using
    this version.
    I also tried installing Oracle using twm, with enlightenment
    disabled. This didn't help either.
    Furthermore, the errors that I'm encountering in the OUI are
    not just toward the end of the installation. They happen from
    the very beginning, right after I enter "./runInstall", and
    continue every step of the way.
    Calvin Mitchell (guest) wrote:
    : Check out my thread: "Assistants Failure Toward end of Oracle
    : Install" to see where i've gone with this.
    : if your running Enlightenment as your window manager you need
    : upgrade to 0.15.5-37, that will solve the OUI error.
    : Let me know if you solve any of your problems.
    : Chris Russell (guest) wrote:
    : : I can not get Oracle 8.1.5 to install onto Linux RedHat 6.1.
    : The
    : : Oracle installation script generates several errors. I have
    : : tried several attempts, using different options, but they all
    : : generate errors.
    : : Please help. The Oracle Installation scripts appear to be
    : : buggy... or perhaps they are incompatible with the standard
    : : RedHat 6.1 release. Either way, it is very frustrating.
    : : I have documented one of my (failed) installation attempts
    : below.
    : : Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
    : : I am installing Oracle onto a Dell Latitude CPi PC w/ 128MB
    : RAM,
    : : a 366MHz Pentium II, and RedHat 6.1 (using the standard Linux
    : : 2.2.12-2 kernel). RedHat was installed using the standard
    : "Gnome
    : : Workstation" configuration.
    : : The Oralce CD is labeled:
    : : "Oralce 8i Enterprise Edition
    : : Release 8.1.5
    : : for Linux
    : : (c) Oracle Corporation 1999"
    : : I got this CD about one week ago at Oracle OpenWorld '99 in
    : : Angeles... it should be their "latest & greatest" version so
    : far.
    : : 1. Pre-Installation and ./runInstall
    : : I created an "oracle" Unix account w/ groups "oinstall" (the
    : : primary group) and "dba" (a secondary group).
    : : I created directories /u01 through /u04, belonging to oracle.
    : : I setup .cshrc and sourced it, containing:
    : : umask 022
    : : setenv DISPLAY `hostname`:0
    : : xhost +
    : : setenv ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle
    : : setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/8.1.5
    : : setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest
    : : setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    : : setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib
    : : setenv NLS_LANG US7ASCII
    : : I downloaded jre116_v5 and installed to /usr/local/jre.
    : : Finally, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    : : cd /mnt/cdrom
    : : ./runInstall
    : : Problem: I got the error (from ./runInstall):
    : : Initializing Java Virtual Machine from
    : /usr/local/jre/bin/jre.
    : : Please wait...
    : : Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
    : : : Bad address
    : : Workaround: Executed the following commands instead:
    : : cd /mnt/cdrom/install/linux
    : : ./runIns.sh
    : : 3. runIns.sh and root.sh
    : : I selected the following options (from ./runIns.sh):
    : : Source: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.jar
    : : Destination: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    : : Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    : : Typical (585MB)
    : : Installable Components: Oralce Intelligent Agent
    : : Global Database Name: cprtest.parkrussell.com
    : : SID: cprtest
    : : Directory for Database Files: /u02
    : : Then (when instructed by ./runIns.sh), I attempted to execute
    : : (from the
    : : "root" Unix account):
    : : cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    : : ./root.sh
    : : Problem: I got the error:
    : : "bash: ./root.sh: Permission denied"
    : : The execute bit was not set.
    : : Workaround: I executed:
    : : chmod a+x root.sh
    : : ./root.sh
    : : 5. Configuration Tools
    : : The Oracle Installer (./runIns.sh) attempted to execute:
    : : A. Net8 Configuration Agent
    : : B. Oracle Database Configuration Agent
    : : Problem: The "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" failed
    : : the following error message:
    : : "One or more tools have failed. It is recommended but not
    : : required that these tools succeed for this installation.
    : : You can now select these tools, read its details to
    : : why they have failed, fix those problems, and retry them.
    : : Or, you can click "Next" to continue."
    : : When I selected the "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" for
    : : more info, I got the following additional details (as the
    : : of the error):
    : : "A required command line argument is missing."
    : : The log file
    : : "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log"
    : recorded:
    : : "Command which is being spawned is /usr/local/jre/bin/jre
    : : -Duser.dir=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/assistants/dbca/jlib
    : : -classpath
    : 3_1_10.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/jlib/share-
    : cle/product/8.1.5/jlib/help-
    : 3_0_7.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/jlib/oracle_ice-
    : n.jar
    : : DBCreateWizard /createtype seed /numusers NO_VALUE /apptype
    : : NO_VALUE /cartridges NO_VALUE /options NO_VALUE /demos
    : : /seedloc NO_VALUE /sid cprtest /orahome
    : : /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5 /orabase /u01/app/oracle /dbloc
    : : /u02 /clususer NO_VALUE /cluspswd NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE
    : : /gdbName cprtest.parkrussell.com
    : : Invalid Exit Code. The following result code will be used
    : : configuration tool: 1
    : : Configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    : : failed"
    : : Workaround: There is obviously nothing I can do to fix this
    : : problem. It appears to be an internal bug in ./runIns.sh.
    : : Therefore, I selected "Next" and executed "dbassist"
    : : 6. dbassist
    : : I executed:
    : : dbassist
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "JNLS Execution:oracle.ntpg.jnls.JNLSException
    : : Unable to find any National Character Sets. Please
    : : check your Oracle installation."
    : : Workaround: Press "OK" and ignore the error.
    : : 7. dbassist (cont.)
    : : I selected the following options:
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Copy existing database files from the CD
    : : Global Database Name: cprtest.parkrussell.com
    : : SID: cprtest
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "CD-ROM drive not detected on this system.
    : : Database not created."
    : : (Note: I've been running the installation scripts from the
    : : CDROM drive this entire time. "df" shows the CDROM drive
    : : mounted on /mnt/cdrom. "ls /mnt/cdrom" works too.)
    : : Workaround: Abort (which generated the additional error:
    : "Unable
    : : to create database. DBCA-00003: No CD-ROM drive detected.")
    : and
    : : run dbassist again, this time using different parameters.
    : : 8. dbassist, again
    : : I executed "dbassist" again and selected the following
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Create new database files
    : : Hybrid
    : : Concurrently connected users: 5
    : : Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and iM demos
    : : Global Database Name: cprtest2.parkrussell.com
    : : SID: cprtest2
    : : Create database now
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "ORA-01012: not logged on"
    : : Workaround: Try, try again.
    : : 9. dbassist, one last time
    : : Executed "dbassist" once more and selected the following
    : options:
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Create new database files
    : : Hybrid
    : : Concurrently connected users: 5
    : : Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and interMedia
    : : demos
    : : Global Database Name: cprtest3.parkrussell.com
    : : SID: cprtest3
    : : Output creation script
    : : Then, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    : : cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/install
    : : setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest3
    : : ./sqlcprtest3.sh
    : : Problem: I got the following output:
    : : "Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    : : (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights
    : : Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    : : With the Partitioning and Java options
    : : PL/SQL Release - Production
    : : SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Connected.
    : : SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started.
    : : ORA-01012: not logged on
    : : SVRMGR> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>
    : : 8> 9> CREATE DATABASE "cprtest3"
    : : ORA-01012: not logged on
    : : SVRMGR> Disconnected."
    : : Workaround: Beats me.
    : : 10. sqlplus
    : : I attempted to execute sqlplus, but got the following error
    : : message:
    : : "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus: Permission
    : denied."
    : : The execute bit was not set.
    : : Workaround: I executed:
    : : chmod a+x /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus
    : : sqlplus
    : : I gave up for now... there were just too many things wrong
    : : this installation, starting with the very first command I was
    : : supposed to execute (./runInstaller).
    : : I can't fathom why Oracle's installation script has so many
    : bugs.
    : : Am I just doing something terribly wrong?
    : : Please help.

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