Error on WhereClause - jteam please HELP!

Im trying to migrate rc1 to rc production.....
Some of my pages work but am getting an application error on this page
It is an Application error - no further information. When I remove the sWhereClause and the assignment of this
sWhereClause, my page works so this is obviously the problem, this works in RC1 but why not in rc2????
Please HELP!!!!
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bc4juix" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="uix" %>
<jbo:ApplicationModule configname="anteDatePackage.AnteDatePackageModule.AnteDatePackageModuleLocal" id="app1" />
<%-- Define Application Module and DataSource--%>
session.setAttribute("currentPage", "InqProfileDetail.jsp");
String sSin = (String)session.getAttribute("sessSin") ;
String sWhereClause = "sin='";
if ( (sSin == null) || (sSin == "") )
sWhereClause += "999'";
sWhereClause =sWhereClause+ sSin + "'";
<jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" whereclause="<%=sWhereClause%>" viewobject="AdclientView" rangesize="4" />
<jbo:Row id="CurrentRow" datasource="ds1" action="Current">
String sRowKey = request.getParameter("RowKey");
oracle.jbo.Row row = ds1.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
String sRevReq1997 = "0";
String sRevReq1998 = "0";
String sRevReq1999 = "0";
String sRevReq2000 = "0";
String sRevReq2001 = "0";
String sPosAnte1997 = "0";
String sPosAnte1998 = "0";
String sPosAnte1999 = "0";
String sPosAnte2000 = "0";
String sPosAnte2001 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1997 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1998 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1999 = "0";
String sFormalAnte2000 = "0";
String sFormalAnte2001 = "0";
String sTags = "0";
// if our current row is null, goto the first row
if(row != null)
sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
<jbo:OnEvent name="Update" >
<jbo:Row id="EditRow" datasource="ds1" rowkey="<%= sRowKey %>" action="Update">
<jbo:SetAttribute datasource="ds1" dataitem="*" />
<jbo:PostChanges appid="app1"/>
<jbo:Commit appid="app1"/>
sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
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<%-- Mail In Date section --%>
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<uix:contentContainer text="Mail-in Dates" width="100%" background="light">
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<%-- Returned Claimant Section --%>
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<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1999" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1999 %>">
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<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2000"/>
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<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2001" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2001 %>">
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<%-- Assessment Letter Sent --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
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<%-- Formal Request Informtion --%>
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I think you are getting my point.The above error occcured bcz i didnot use AUC field IN AIAB screen instead i tried using Completed asset which i have created. Could you please give advise for below questions.
We have 2 AUC 's for computer software , these already have line items in them.
What we did today is we created asset for computer software.
Using AIAB we want to create a distribution rule and then using AIBU we want to post it to asset .
1) My question was in AIAB screen we have options for
CO.code: xxx
Asset: ( In this do i need to give my AUC or ASSET number, I think we should give AUC number).
2) My second question is we have 2 AUC's for computer software , we have amounts of 11000 and 300 in both. we want to transfer these 2 amounts to completed asset. Do i need to do 2 times like below:
a) AUC with 11000 amount settle to completed asset( AIAB & AIBU)
b) AUC with 300 amount settle to completed asset.( AIAB & AIBU)
Please advise me.I will assign you points.Thanks in advance.

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    Hey Prahaladvatsan,
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, there is a blank app icon on the home screen. It looks like you have already done some troubleshooting. I would recommend that you read these articles, they may be helpful in troubleshooting your issue.
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    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device: Several Alternative Solutions
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    (apologies for barging in, lllass.)
    Let's try a standalone Apple Mobile Device Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of why it's not installing under normal conditions.
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    Error 9006: Following Troubleshooting security software frequently resolves this error. There may be third-party software installed that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting a TcpWindowSize entry into your Registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause this error. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance.

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    Read my post. I don't know if you're having the same problem but I hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: Happyfish

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    Errors related to third-party security software
    Error 2, 4 (or -4), 6, 1000, 9006
    Follow Troubleshooting security software. Often, uninstalling third-party security software will resolve these errors.
    There may be third-party software that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting a TcpWindowSize entry into your registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause these errors. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance or follow this article by Microsoft: How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
    Verify that access to ports 80 and 443 are allowed on your network.
    Verify that communication to or is not blocked by a firewall, or other Internet security setting.
    Discard the .ipsw file, open iTunes and attempt to download the update again. See the steps underAdvanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations.
    Restore your device while connected to a different network.
    Restore using a different computer.

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    From the article which you posted your question from:
    Errors related to downgrading iOS
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    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.

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  • Image from database loaded at run time.

    Post Author: Adam20002 CA Forum: .NET I am using Crystal Reports 11. I have a report with an image in it that i want to change dynamically from my ASP.Net page. I am doing this at the moment by passing an image path in as a parameter and setting the

  • How to change the database in Crystal reports

    To give an overview there is one project going on where the oracle database is getting migrated from 10g to 11g. All the details of database like IP, port etc are changing as part of this. I can see the driver name configured as crdb_ado (Custom driv