BEA 9.2, JSTL Exploded EAR problem

Application is originally deployed as EAR.
To allow faster development I have installed it as exploded view. Within BEA I have removed EAR deployment (which is working fine), and set up EXPLODED ear. Setup is exactly the same, with exception of selecting EAR folder.
However, for me it does not work. I got number of errors similar to:
frontendLayout.jsp:20:35: This attribute does not support request time values.
<c:set var="displayedObjectTitle" value="${requestScope[pageScope.DISPLAYED_OBJECT_TITLE_KEY]}" />
I can not even "Accept Changes" (on BEA Web console).
I can accept changes, but each page I open shows number of errors similar to one above.
Did someone have similar issue and was is resolved?
One of possible solutions for issue could be (as I found it somewhere) replacement of:
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
But there too many pages to change, that I did not even tried it.
Does someone know what is causing this issue? How can I Resolve it? It obviously has something to do with JSTL versions, but what is the best way to resolve it?

One of possible solutions for issue could be (as I found it somewhere) replacement of:
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
Just read this. That's correct.
But there too many pages to change, that I did not even tried it. Why do you have that embedded in each page? A better solution would be to write an include.jsp and then just @include that. One change and all the pages see it.
Does someone know what is causing this issue? How can I Resolve it? It obviously has something to do with JSTL versions, but what is the best way to resolve it?See above.

Similar Messages

  • Classpath problem in exploded ear

    I'm having problems deploying an application in a new environment. We deploy Mercury.ear as an exploded ear under
    Windows in a single-server domain without any problem.
    I am tasked with setting up a WL cluster as the first step in our cluster certification/testing (under Linux/RedHat ASE 3.0).
    We are using WL 8.1. SP2. This should be a relatively trivial task, but I must be missing something obvious,
    because I've been banging my head on it the last couple of days.
    Basically, I have two WL managed servers, ClusterMember1 and ClusterMember2 and an admin server AdminServer created in a WL domain.
    All servers start normally (when no applications are deployed to the managed servers).
    I have appended our entire config.xml to the end of this post, but here is the relevant <Application> section:
    <Application Name="Mercury"
    StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
    <EJBComponent Name="MercuryEJB.jar" Targets="ClusterMember1" URI="MercuryEJB.jar"/>
    <WebAppComponent Name="Apollo" Targets="ClusterMember1" URI="MercuryWeb.war"/>
    <ConnectorComponent Name="SpectraConnector.rar"
    Targets="ClusterMember1" URI="SpectraConnector.rar"/>
    I am only attempting to deploy to managed server ClusterMember1 at this time.
    When I attempt to start ClusterMember1:
    ./ ClusterMember1 http://localhost:9001 &
    It starts up, syncs with the admin server, and then attempts to deploy the Mercury application. I get the following exception when it attempts to start the Mercury application:
    <Feb 1, 2006 10:07:55 AM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101216> <Servlet: "context" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "Apollo".
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Error registering bean with name 'ApolloSessionManager' defined in URL [file:/root/bea/user_projects/domains/clusterdomain/applications/Mercury/mercuryresources.jar/resources/xml/springconfig/Service-DAO-config.xml]: Class that bean class [] depends on not found; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sg/sims/mercury/apolloweb/service/processor/ApolloSessionManager
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.createServlet()Ljavax/servlet/Servlet;(
    Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Error registering bean with name 'ApolloSessionManager' defined in URL [file:/root/bea/user_projects/domains/clusterdomain/applications/Mercury/mercuryresources.jar/resources/xml/springconfig/Service-DAO-config.xml]: Class that bean class [] depends on not found; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sg/sims/mercury/apolloweb/service/processor/ApolloSessionManager
         at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser.parseBeanDefinition(Lorg/w3c/dom/Element;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/springframework/beans/factory/config/BeanDefinition;(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sg/sims/mercury/apolloweb/service/processor/ApolloSessionManager
         at java.lang.Class.forName(Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljava/lang/Class;(Unknown Source)
    Clearly, Spring can't find the ApolloSessionManager class (or one of its dependent classes, the error message is somewhat unclear in places).
    However, the ApolloSessionManager.class file is there, under the mercurybusiness.jar directory (with package structure).
    // from ${DOMAIN_HOME}/applications/Mercury:
    ls -la mercurybusiness.jar/com/sg/sims/mercury/apolloweb/service/processor/ApolloSessionManager
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7162 Jan 31 17:20 mercurybusiness.jar/com/sg/sims/mercury/apolloweb/service/processor/ApolloSessionManager.class
    mercurybusiness.jar (in turn) is present in the MercuryEJB.jar MANIFEST.MF file:
    // ${DOMAIN_HOME}/applications/Mercury/MercuryEJB.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.1
    Created-By: 1.4.2_05-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Class-Path: mercurycommon.jar mercuryresources.jar mercurybusiness.jar mercuryserviceflow.jar mercuryutils.jar spectraconnector.rar {...snipped...}
    The same situation appears for the classes that ApolloSessonManager depends on: MercuryLogger (a log4j wrapper) and the HTTPClient.jar classes
    (e.g. Cookie, etc), except 3rd party jars are listed in the MANIFEST.MF of MercuryEJB.jar but are not exploded.
    There is no weblogic-application.xml file to override the default classloader hierarchy, so my understanding
    is that everything in the application should share a single classloader.
    So I am at a loss to understand why classes in MercuryWeb.war can not load classes in dependent jars of MercuryEJB.jar.
    As a note, if I add /root/bea/user_projects/domains/clusterdomain/applications/Mercury/mercurybusiness.jar to the CLASSPATH variable in,
    this error disappears of course, and it barfs on the next application class it can't find (in one of the other exploded jars that MercuryEJB.jar depends on.
    Can someone help point out what I may be missing?
    Chris Goodacre
    // config.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Domain ConfigurationVersion="" Name="clusterdomain">
    <Server Cluster="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1" ListenAddress=""
    ListenPort="9001" Name="AdminServer" NativeIOEnabled="true"
    ReliableDeliveryPolicy="RMDefaultPolicy" ServerVersion="">
    <SSL Enabled="false" HostnameVerificationIgnored="false"
    IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="AdminServer"/>
    <WSReliableDeliveryPolicy DefaultRetryCount="10"
    DefaultTimeToLive="60000" Name="RMDefaultPolicy" Store="FileStore"/>
    <Security Name="clusterdomain"
    Realm="wl_default_realm" RealmSetup="true"/>
    CredentialEncrypted="{3DES}dMeE/vNpCcbjzOMZGfNeShv5VFZuQ=" Name="clusterdomain"/>
    Name="clusterdomain" RealmBootStrapVersion="1"/>
    <Realm FileRealm="wl_default_file_realm" Name="wl_default_realm"/>
    <FileRealm Name="wl_default_file_realm"/>
    <PasswordPolicy Name="wl_default_password_policy"/>
    <JMSConnectionFactory DefaultDeliveryMode="Non-Persistent"
    JNDIName="jms/ConnectionFactory" Name="ConnectionFactory" Targets="AdminServer"/>
    <JMSFileStore Directory="rmfilestore" Name="FileStore"/>
    <JMSServer Name="WSStoreForwardInternalJMSServerAdminServer"
    Store="FileStore" Targets="AdminServer">
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128740234"
    JNDINameReplicated="false" Name="WSInternaljms.internal.queue.WSStoreForwardQueueAdminServer"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128740390"
    JNDINameReplicated="false" Name="WSInternaljms.internal.queue.WSDupsEliminationHistoryQueueAdminServer"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128837453" JNDIName="jms/MenuQueue"
    Name="MenuQueue" StoreEnabled="false"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128864296"
    JNDIName="jms/MenuXMLQueue" Name="MenuXMLQueue" StoreEnabled="false"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128892343"
    JNDIName="jms/DataSyncQueue" Name="DataSyncQueue" StoreEnabled="false"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128915421"
    JNDIName="jms/LoginRefreshQueue" Name="LoginRefreshQueue" StoreEnabled="false"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128937046"
    JNDIName="jms/ProfileQueue" Name="ProfileQueue" StoreEnabled="false"/>
    <JMSQueue CreationTime="1123128957125"
    JNDIName="jms/ReportsQueue" Name="ReportsQueue" StoreEnabled="false"/>
    <Cluster Name="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1"/>
    <Server Cluster="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1" ExpectedToRun="false"
    ListenPort="9999" Name="ClusterMember1" ServerVersion="">
    <ServerDebug Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <KernelDebug Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <Log Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <ServerStart Name="ClusterMember1"
    PasswordEncrypted="{3DES}TC7nfOvKF0xwJB/f+tyYwQ==" Username="toolbox"/>
    <WebServer Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <COM Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <IIOP Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <JTAMigratableTarget Name="ClusterMember1" UserPreferredServer="ClusterMember1"/>
    <JTARecoveryService Name="ClusterMember1"/>
    <MigratableTarget Cluster="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1"
    Name="ClusterMember1 (migratable)"
    Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="ClusterMember1"/>
    <Server Cluster="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1" ExpectedToRun="false"
    ListenPort="9998" Name="ClusterMember2" ServerVersion="">
    <ServerDebug Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <KernelDebug Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <Log Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <ServerStart Name="ClusterMember2"
    PasswordEncrypted="{3DES}TC7nfOvKF0xwJB/f+tyYwQ==" Username="toolbox"/>
    <WebServer Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <COM Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <IIOP Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <JTAMigratableTarget Name="ClusterMember2" UserPreferredServer="ClusterMember2"/>
    <JTARecoveryService Name="ClusterMember2"/>
    <MigratableTarget Cluster="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1"
    Name="ClusterMember2 (migratable)"
    Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="ClusterMember2"/>
    <JDBCConnectionPool DriverName="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver"
    Targets="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1" TestTableName="SQL SELECT 1" URL="jdbc:sybase:Tds:"/>
    <JDBCDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/MercuryDS" Name="MercuryDS"
    PoolName="MercuryJDBCConnPool" Targets="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1"/>
    <MigratableTarget Cluster="SIMS_TEST_CLUSTER_1"
    Name="AdminServer (migratable)"
    Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="AdminServer"/>
    <Application Name="Mercury"
    StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
    <EJBComponent Name="MercuryEJB.jar" Targets="ClusterMember1" URI="MercuryEJB.jar"/>
    <WebAppComponent Name="Apollo" Targets="ClusterMember1" URI="MercuryWeb.war"/>
    <ConnectorComponent Name="SpectraConnector.rar"
    Targets="ClusterMember1" URI="SpectraConnector.rar"/>

    Sorry, I don't have the response to your question.
    But I'd like to know how youmake your servlet and your applet communicate.
    I'm building a web site using both applets and servlet. And I nned to make them communicate. I'm trying to use RMI but I get many problems.
    Can I know Which solution you have chosen for applet-servlet communication ?

  • Exploded EAR welcome-file problem

    I setup an Exploded Ear application in WLS6.1 sp1 on NT.
    It works fine except the welcome page.
    when I try http://localhost:7001/MyApp it gives the attached
    error message. It works fine if I type .../MyApp/index.jsp.
    even I tried with exploded banking example. It doesn't work either.
    Error message on browser
    Error 403--Forbidden
    10.4.4 403 Forbidden
    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization
    will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was
    not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled,
    it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. This status code
    is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request
    has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
    Please can anybody help me.
    Sankar venkat.


  • Exploded EAR in Weblogic 7.0.2

    I'm trying to deploy an exploded EAR file but I must be missing something since WLS doesn't deploy my application.
    I've read the documentation from
    Beneath the structure in my 'applications' directory as describes in I've put application.xml in the MyApp directory - is it the right place and is the file correct?
    ...(JSP etc.)
    ...(class files)
    application.xml looks like:
    Thomas Aagaard Jensen
    UNI-C, Uddannelse - IT-undervisningsmidler
    WWW :
    Tlf. : +45 8937 6673
    E-mail : [email protected]

              We are facing the same problem; i.e. we are getting the same error message when we are trying to run our struts application on Weblogic 7.0.5 using JDK 1.3.1. This problem occured particularly when we tried to do a load testing using approx 20 concurrent users (a lesser load was supported though). Can you please let us know how this problem was sorted out on your end?

  • Deploying Portal App in exploded EAR format

    Hi all,
    We are using Portal BEA 8.1 SP2 and we also configured a cluster with
    production mode enabled.
    We want to deploy our portal app in exploded EAR format.
    But when we use workshop to "Build App" and when the application build is successful.
    And when we copy the App folder to the production server and deploy,
    We get the following error,
    [Deployer:149033]preparing application commApp on mgServer1
    [Deployer:149033]preparing application commApp on mgServer2
    [Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on mgServer1
    [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]Deploy application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.: Application commApp is packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure. The Split Development Directory structure can only be used in development environments with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to deploy this application to a separate managed server or cluster, use the wlpackage ant task to create an exploded or archived EAR.
    [Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on mgServer2
    [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]Deploy application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.: Application commApp is packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure. The Split Development Directory structure can only be used in development environments with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to deploy this application to a separate managed server or cluster, use the wlpackage ant task to create an exploded or archived EAR.
    What is the problem ?

    To deploy the app as EAR (I am confused by the expression "exploed EAR", my understanding
    its either exploded or EAR format) build the app as EAR (there is an option in
    the workshop build drop down).
    Did this help?
    "Karthi" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi all,
    We are using Portal BEA 8.1 SP2 and we also configured a cluster with
    production mode enabled.
    We want to deploy our portal app in exploded EAR format.
    But when we use workshop to "Build App" and when the application build
    is successful.=20
    And when we copy the App folder to the production server and deploy,=20
    We get the following error,
    [Deployer:149033]preparing application commApp on mgServer1
    [Deployer:149033]preparing application commApp on mgServer2
    [Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on mgServer1
    [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]Deploy
    application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.:=20 Application commApp
    is packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure.
    The Split Development Directory structure can only be used in =
    development environments with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to
    deploy this application to a separate managed server or cluster, use
    the =
    wlpackage ant task to create an exploded or archived EAR.
    [Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on mgServer2
    [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]Deploy
    application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.:=20 Application commApp
    is packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure.
    The Split Development Directory structure can only be used in =
    development environments with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to
    deploy this application to a separate managed server or cluster, use
    the =
    wlpackage ant task to create an exploded or archived EAR.
    What is the problem ?
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1400" name=3DGENERATOR>
    <BODY bgColor=3D#c0c0c0 background=3D"">
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hi all,<BR><BR>We are using Portal BEA
    8.1 SP2 and=20
    we also configured a cluster with<BR>production mode enabled.<BR><BR>We
    want to=20
    deploy our portal app in exploded EAR=20
    when we use workshop to "Build App" and when the application build is=20
    successful. <BR><BR>And when we copy the App folder to the production
    server and=20
    deploy, <BR><BR>We get the following =
    application commApp on mgServer1<BR>[Deployer:149033]preparing =
    commApp on mgServer2<BR>[Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on=20
    mgServer1<BR>[Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task=20
    [Deployer:149026]Deploy application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.:=20
    <BR> Application =
    commApp is=20
    packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure. The
    Development Directory structure can only be used in development =
    with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to deploy this application
    to =
    separate managed server or cluster, use the wlpackage ant task to create
    exploded or archived EAR.<BR>.<BR>[Deployer:149033]failed application
    commApp on=20
    mgServer2<BR>[Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task=20
    [Deployer:149026]Deploy application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.:=20
    <BR> Application =
    commApp is=20
    packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure. The
    Development Directory structure can only be used in development =
    with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to deploy this application
    to =
    separate managed server or cluster, use the wlpackage ant task to create
    exploded or archived EAR.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>What is the problem ?</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Thanks,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Karthi.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>

  • ZipException while deploying exploded .ear

    WLS 8.1 SP1.
    My .ear contains 2 ejb.jar's, 1 web.war, and some library jar's. It is deployed
    without any problem. Now trying to deploy as exploded directory, I got
    <Jul 30, 2003 12:15:14 PM EDT> <Error> <J2EE> <BEA-160131> <Error deploying abc_web:
    with deployment error Could not load abc_web and nested error
    [HTTP:101062][ServletContext(id=3831981,name=,context-path=/)] Error reading Web
    application "c:\bea\user_projects\ABC\deploy\abc_app.ear\abc_web.war". Access is denied
    at Method)
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    Any suggestions? Thanks.
    Eric Ma

    Are you saying that you are successfully using a directory name of
    <something>.war in WL 8.1xx? I continue to get the error you mentioned. I
    suspect that it is a bug in WL. You will notice that the stack trace goes
    through java.util.ZipFile. This makes me think that WL is supposing that the
    archive is jar'ed instead of exploded.
    "Eric Ma" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Thanks a lot! I deleted the .wlnotdelete directory and restarted theserver and
    now it works!
    Eric Ma
    "sangita" <[email protected]> wrote:
    did you deleted all references to the old .ear file ???
    i hope you might have deleted/undeployed the .ear file before deploying
    as in
    exploded form ?
    "Eric Ma" <[email protected]> wrote:
    WLS 8.1 SP1.
    My .ear contains 2 ejb.jar's, 1 web.war, and some library jar's. It
    is deployed
    without any problem. Now trying to deploy as exploded directory, Igot
    <Jul 30, 2003 12:15:14 PM EDT> <Error> <J2EE> <BEA-160131> <Error
    with deployment error Could not load abc_web and nested
    [HTTP:101062][ServletContext(id=3831981,name=,context-path=/)] Error
    reading Web
    application "c:\bea\user_projects\ABC\deploy\abc_app.ear\abc_web.war". Access is denied
    at Method)
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    Any suggestions? Thanks.
    Eric Ma

  • Deploying BEA Portal App in Managed Server problems....

    I have a BEA portal application (exploded EAR) that I want to deploy in a managed server. I first created a regular portal domain (8.1 SP4). I then created a managed server via the console. When I went to deploy my portal application (in the console), I received an error indicating that the application was a Split Development Directory and that I would have to run the wlpackage Ant task against the application first. I ran the wlpackage ant task and it seemingly worked.
    I then used the wldeploy Ant task to deploy it in the managed server but got an error indicating that it could not find a JNDI name from one of the data sources. I went back to the console and targeted/deployed all of the default Connection Pools & Data Sources to the managed server thinking that was the reason the deploy failed.
    When I ran the wldeploy again I got the following error:
    Module: content.jar Error: Exception activating module: EJBModule(content.jar, status=PREPARED)
    Unable to deploy EJB: ValueBean from content.jar
    java.sql.SQLException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'portalFrameworkPool; contentDataSource;weblogic.jdbc.jts.commercialPool' didn't find subcontext 'portalFrameworkPool;contentDataSource;weblogic' Resolved ; remaining name 'portalFrameworkPool;contentDataSource;weblogic/jdbc/jts/commercialPool'
    Has anyone run into this? Am I not suppose to deploy a portal application in a managed server?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks - Peter Len

    Problem solved.......
    After targeting all the data sources and poolers to the managed server, I restarted the main domain but did not restart the managed server. After restarting the managed server all was well.
    Thanks - Peter

  • Deploying exploded ear file

    I have exploded an ear file, and I am trying to deploy it in weblogic 7.0.
    This ear has several jars and war files.
    However, when I deploy it
    (Access is denied) at Method) -- while trying
    to open the war file.
    I have followed the same steps as mentioned in the bea docs , by exploding all
    the individual wars, jars, inside the ear ..
    Any help is appreciated..
    Thanks in advance.

    I believe manifest class-paths should work fine for exploded EARs as
    well. Don't you want 'common' rather than '../common' in your
    class-path entry?
    -- Rob
    Eric Ma wrote:
    Yes, I was talking about the MANIFEST.MF Class-Path entries. My exploded ear
    looks like (under mydomain/applications)
    The MANIFEST.MF file has
    Class-Path: ../common/
    I read at that
    Class-Path is only supported in the .ear format. Is it true?
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    Are you talking about manifest class-path entries? If so, can you show
    me what your exploded EAR looks like? (ie its layout and your
    class-path entries.)

  • Deploying jars within a single (exploded) ear

    Our project currently uses 8.1 SP3 with split deployment structure.
    Currently the project is split into multiple ears deployed on a single (managed) server. It is my understanding that calls made across ear's even on the same server (jvm) need to be marshalled and unmarshalled using pass by value.
    We are trying to consolidate all our EJBs and Web apps into a single .ear so that we can take advantage of call-by-reference. We also have a requirement of being able to deploy "groups" of EJBs (within a single jar) and/or a web app. Deploying a single ear for the entire project would be one extreme, as it would be painful to deploy individual modules within the ear. On the other hand, using an exploded ear would be too "granular" a way of deploying our changes (we have many EJBs, etc.).
    Is it possible to deploy an exploded ear consisting of jar and war files ? I am in the process of trying this and was looking for feedback. The idea is of being able to deploy parts of the app, such as a .jar or a .war file. Can wlpackage create an exploded ear using .jar and .war files instead of modules consisting of .java/.jsp, etc. files? Thanks for your help!

    There is a classpath issue. Normally ejbs are loaded on top of the ears classpath, so whenever you redeploy them, you have to redeploy the webapps, too. In 8.1 you can build your custom class loader hierarchy. Take a look at

  • How to Deploy portal 8.1 production cluster in exploded ear format in solaris

    Hi all,
    How can we deploy our PORTAL application in
    Weblogic 8.1 SP2 Weblogic 8.1 SP2 Weblogic 8.1 SP2 Weblogic 8.1 SP2
    Solaris Solaris Solaris Solaris Solaris Solaris
    Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster
    Cluster (2 x 2 managed servers)
    exploded ear format exploded ear format exploded ear format exploded ear
    format exploded ear format
    don't send me this link
    I used this link 100 times, but no use.
    Steps I did
    1. Build the application using workshop ( NO ear NO ear NO ear NO ear NO ear
    NO ear NO ear NO ear )
    2. use wlpackage to pack the built application ( NO ear NO ear NO ear NO
    ear NO ear NO ear NO ear NO ear )
    3. Deploy using console ( NO stage NO stage NO stage NO stage NO stage)
    The Error,
    The following error message I got.
    [Deployer:149033]preparing application commApp on mgServer1
    [Deployer:149033]preparing application commApp on mgServer2
    [Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on mgServer1
    [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]Deploy
    application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.: Application commApp is
    packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure. The Split
    Development Directory structure can only be used in development environments
    with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to deploy this application to a
    separate managed server or cluster, use the wlpackage ant task to create an
    exploded or archived EAR.
    [Deployer:149033]failed application commApp on mgServer2
    [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]Deploy
    application commApp on devCluster,bkarthiPS.: Application commApp is
    packaged using the WebLogic Split Development Directory structure. The Split
    Development Directory structure can only be used in development environments
    with a single WebLogic Server. If you wish to deploy this application to a
    separate managed server or cluster, use the wlpackage ant task to create an
    exploded or archived EAR.

    Its simple PORTAL application . After deploying this application we can add portlets as a childs to this application .
    Now this is simple PORTAL application with CSS file.
    Give me some idea about
    How to create PORTLET application with CSS files . Where to include this CSS file in a PORTLET application??????
    Normally we are creating first PORTAL application and adding CSS files to
    Portlet Content-->Themes-->html--> abc.css .
    --> Head.jsp we are giving the css file path in this JSP page as
    <link href='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="abc.css"/>' rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
    After this I am adding my PORTLET application to this PORTAL .
    Then its working fine. But I want to know how to add CSS files to PORTLET application???????
    Please help me :-(

  • Deployment question: exploded EAR application

    I've been having some EJB connection problems when I try to deploy an exploded
    EAR app.
    Here is some background info.
    Running WL 6.1 SP2 on Solaris 8
    I have the following directory structure for my EAR app which
    contains my EJB's and WEB app
    The application.xml file contains all the descriptors for each EJB jar file in
    the ejb directory as well as the deployment descriptor to the webApp.
    In the Weblogic console I can create a new application called myApp and point
    it to the above directory (/deployment/config/mydomain/myApp) and it will deploy
    all the EJB's and the web app and I can display the login page to my webApp but
    as soon as I try to login and the webApp has to connect to a LOGIN ejb it fails
    because it cannot connect to the EJB.
    If I deploy each ejb jar file separately into a running weblogic environement
    I can login which means I can successfully connect to the EJB's.
    Has anyone done something similar to this. I'm following the BANK example that
    came with WL6.1, but I have not been successful and wondering if anyone can shed
    some light here for me.
    If you want to see my application.xml or web.xml let me know and I'll post it

    Make sure your EJB's have a deployment target. I noticed that when I
    deployed an exploded ear file, the EJB's weren't deployed to the server,
    they were present in the console, but not deployed.
    -Brett Schmoll
    "Ray" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3c374e60$[email protected]..
    I've been having some EJB connection problems when I try to deploy anexploded
    EAR app.
    Here is some background info.
    Running WL 6.1 SP2 on Solaris 8
    I have the following directory structure for my EAR app which
    contains my EJB's and WEB app
    The application.xml file contains all the descriptors for each EJB jarfile in
    the ejb directory as well as the deployment descriptor to the webApp.
    In the Weblogic console I can create a new application called myApp andpoint
    it to the above directory (/deployment/config/mydomain/myApp) and it willdeploy
    all the EJB's and the web app and I can display the login page to mywebApp but
    as soon as I try to login and the webApp has to connect to a LOGIN ejb itfails
    because it cannot connect to the EJB.
    If I deploy each ejb jar file separately into a running weblogicenvironement
    I can login which means I can successfully connect to the EJB's.
    Has anyone done something similar to this. I'm following the BANK examplethat
    came with WL6.1, but I have not been successful and wondering if anyonecan shed
    some light here for me.
    If you want to see my application.xml or web.xml let me know and I'll postit

  • How to identify the Exploded EAR name from the UI

    I need to do a customization in a page, "Manage Employment" (of 'Human Resources' product family)using Jdeveloper. Is there a way to find the corresponding EAR file from the UI.
    When I searched in the UNIX box (under /xx/oracle/fapp/products/fusionapps/applications/hcm/deploy) I can see Ext*.jar file in the following EAR directories.
    [ora@xxxxxxxxx deploy]$ find . -name Ext*.jar
    Which JAR file should I take to customize? Is the file same under different exploded EAR directories. Please let me know.

    Hi Jani,
    I moved the entire EAR directory and the Ext*.jar to my local machine and created the "Customization Application Workspace". I was able to find out the View object to be customized
    using the Filter of 'Customizable Archive' as you suggested.
    But when I try to edit the page, the Jdeveloper seems to be hanged and I get the following error in the log.
    Apr 23, 2013 12:35:52 AM oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock traceDeadlock
    SEVERE: lock deadlock; thread 'AWT-EventQueue-0' blocked on lock 'BenefitsServic
    eCenter.jsff' for more than 20,000ms:
    "AWT-EventQueue-0" id=15, blocked, no reads, no writes, no history collected:
    at oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock.writeLock(
    at oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer.writeLock(AbstractTextBuff
    at oracle.ide.model.TextNode$FacadeTextBuffer.writeLock(
    at oracle.mds.internal.dt.dom.MDSDomModelPlugin.acquireWriteLockDirectly
    at oracle.bali.xml.dom.impl.DomModelImpl._acquireWriteLock(DomModelImpl.
    at oracle.bali.xml.dom.impl.DomModelImpl.acquireWriteLock(DomModelImpl.j
    I use the below memory setting in the Jdev start command script.
    set USER_MEM_ARGS=-Xms256m -Xmx1250m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000
    Also I have done the appropriate memory settings in jdev.conf and ide.conf files as suggested in the Fusion Applications Developer guide.
    Can you please help?

  • Exploded EAR deployment supported?

    I am currently developing with the MyEclipse IDE. Does Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8.1 support exploded deployment of EARs, and can it 'hot deploy' changes into the running Application Server?
    Thank You

    SJSE 8.1 doesn't support exploded deployment of EAR projects. It currently supports exploded deployment of WAR projects.
    I know that folks have extended NetBeans to support exploded EAR deployment in NB 6.0...
    You can find out more about that in this blog entry and screencast:
    Can you clarify what you mean by 'hot deploy'? Different folks have different definitions of this phrase... I think SJSE 8.1 does 'hot deploy' as I understand it... but my understanding may not match your vision of this feature...

  • Redeploying of exploded EJBs within an exploded EAR

    Hi all,
    I've an exploded EAR application which has an exploded EJB. Inside my exploded EJB, I've a META-INF folder with a REDEPLOY file, if I update my EJB & touches the REDEPLOY file inside the META-INF, the EJB doesn't get redeployed. I'd to touched the REDEPLOY inside the META-INF folder of the exploded EAR, is this behavior correct?
    Or am I missing something here?

    If you are only attempting to read the file, you should read the file as a resource. If you are planning on writing to this file, then it is not a good idea that you depend on where this file is deployed, just place it anywhere else.
    Anyhow, if you have to do it, the best way is to obtain the resource URL, and from that the file name. BTW, there is no warranty that the war will get exploded, that you may be able to freely modify the file, nor that the file name be null :-S
    {the Classloader of your choice}.getResource(<Resource name>).getFile()
    should do the trick.

  • Exploded EAR and REDPLOY file

    WLS 6.1 ( SP2) , NT 5.0
    I have an exploded EAR outside the weblogic home as mentioned in the
    tutorial. I can deploy
    the app fine, when I start the server. However when I change a servlet or
    EJB bean and touch
    the REDPLOY file within the META-INF folder, the application does not seem
    to pick up
    the changes. I am running the server as an administrative server.
    I have to restart the server for the changes to take effect. Please advise.

    All the archive files used in Java apps are basically ZIP files with the extension changed.
    JARs are used to package classes.
    WARs are used to package web applications ( the complete directory structure are mandated by J2EE specs ) and may contain JARs
    EARs are used to package a J2EE application ( think web app + EJBs in general ) and may consist of many web modules packaged as WARs.
    Take a look at this too:,289625,sid26_gci837938,00.html
    People on the forum help others voluntarily, it's not their job.
    Help them help you.
    Learn how to ask questions first:
    (Yes I know it's on JavaRanch but I think it applies everywhere)

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