Before I buy...Hard Drive Replacement

Is this internal Hard Drive Ok?
Ive been off work for a couple days and been reading about internal hard drives. Ive decided that I want to stay with 5400 RPM. I just NEED more space.
I have the macbook pro in my signature. Anyone see a problem with this hard drive?

Hi a,
That should work fine.

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  • Time Machine Problem after Hard drive replacement

    Hi all,
    I am new at this so thanks in advance for any help or direction.  I am running Mac OS X version 10.6.8 on an iMac and am having troubles with my Time Machine since having my 1 TB hard drive replaced under the Seagate recall.  Specifically, the store somehow cloned my drive during the replacement process but now when Time Machine runs it doesn't recognize its prior backups as belonging to itself, starts to perform a full backup and then realizes it runs out of room as shown above.
    I am backing up wirelessly to a 2012 dlink network attached storage device and it was working perfectly before having the hard drive replaced.  The first time took ages but since was working fine.  I have spent 3+ hours on the phone with apple support to no avail (trying to associate the old backups with TM and then just trying to delete them to start over..,) and have since been working through the Pondini pages of troubleshooting TM solutions.
         Specifically, I have followed the instructions on going through the green box steps 1-5 successfully first, but then I am unable to complete the process to inherit or associate the old backups (either pink or blue box) due to this error. 
    If I cannot associate the old backups with this 'new HD computer'  then I think that I need to erase all prior backups so that I have room on the NAS to start TM backup from scratch.  However, this is problematic as I cannot 'see' the old backups to try to delete them through Time Machine itself as the computer does not see itself as existing on the timeline prior to the HD replacement date.  I therefore need a way of deleting the whole thing but clearly not through Finder or Terminal from problems mentioned by doing this in prior posts.
    My NAS is partitioned so that all the Time Machine Backups were supposed to be just in one part of the NAS, separate from the stuff we were archiving from several other computers....(I cannot just reformat the entire NAS).  From reading many of the Pondini troubleshooting posts I think that I need to do something to delete the whole sparsebundle? and think I have located it (see image below) (although I am not sure if it is the one from my prior successful backups prior to Nov 18 or from the more recent failed attempts).
    I am carefully reading about deleting but at this point am a bit confused as to the best course of action.
    Ideally, I would love to successfully tell TM that it has already backed itself up and that the Backups.backups folder belongs to it and not some other computer, so it can just proceed with updates.
    Failing that, I think that I would try to delete all prior backups to free up the entire 1.87 TB that are designated and apple formatted for TM on the NAS and then restart TM from scratch.
    Not sure if the Backups.backups folder that I have identified has all the info from before November 18th and then could be used to restore itself as I cannot see it through TM.
    Thanks for the advice in advance.  I would be grateful for any assistance and I am sure others having their hard drives replaced would also benefit.

    Hi all,
    I am a bit disappointed that nobody has offered me any help!  Please?  Pondini?

  • Who has had their Hard Drive replaced before!?

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    I just had mine replaced. My apps were all running fine. The main tell I have noticed as my dorm tech guy is unusual noises coming from the drive. If a higher pitched sound is coming from the left side then normal, it seems to be reading and writting when not in use, or like mine it sounded like a buzz saw was running, then likely a hard drive problem. Luckily for me I had 17 days left on my apple care, but a new hard drive shouldnt cost to much, and if your familiar with taking apart computers you can do it yourself...

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    Pull out all of your USB devices, and reboot. Now, replace the USB devices they way you'd like them to work. That reassigns the devices so you can use them again.
    Respond here...I'm interested how this turns out.

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    formatted ntfs
    NTFS format not work on mac system , need to be formatted as Extended Mac os Journaled format and partition table need to be GUID
    how to do that in video

  • Restoring from Time Machine after 1T hard drive replacement

    I am a super computer novice. I picked up my computer yesterday after having the recalled Seagate hard drive replaced. I backed up my computer using Time Machine before I took it in on a Seagate "Backup Plus" portable hard drive.
    Now, when I have tried to use the restore start up, the computer recognizes that my drive is connected, but says there are no files on that drive it can use to restore the system.
    I can see that there are 50GB on the disk, and when I look in it, there are files called "Macintosh HD" so that makes me think that my stuff is in fact on my external drive. why can't my computer see it?
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    Thanks for the help, I really need it!

    The first thing to do is upgrade back to ML, which you can easily do.  Just redownload ML from the app store with the same AppleID you used the previous time you purchased the ML upgrade.  Your purchase is tied to the AppleID you used when buying, so you can download it again (as many times as you wish) without payment as long as you use the same AppleID.
    Once you have upgrade it to ML, then try the restore from the backup (which I gather was made when while running ML before).

  • Time machine won't back up since I have restored from time machine following hard drive replacement.  I am being told there is not enough space, however the back up is less than the hard drive size

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    Has anyone else got any experience of this and therefore could give me some hints on what to do.  I am reluctant to wipe the backup drive and start again, however I would prefer not to have to buy another hard drive if I can avoid it as this one is technically big enough
    I look forward to getting some responses

    Hi, I never use TM myself.
    Have you looked through Pondini's extensive TM help site?
    Can't imaging something not being covered there.
    PS. It's generally recommended a TM drive be at least twice the size of your main drive.

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    Hi bodegakc,
    If you have the serial number then please use the below mentioned link to download the product you are looking for .
    Also before installing Please go to Applications-->Utilities--> Adobe installers and if there is any uninstaller for CS5.5 , you can remove it and do a fresh install.
    You can also use creative cloud cleaner tool before installing.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Nikhil Gupta

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    You need to transfer the iTunes Library from the most recent backup you made before the hard drive was replaced.
    You can't transfer the full iTunes Library from the iPad back to iTunes.
    There are third-party Windows applications that will transfer data from an iOS device, but they don't re-create the iTunes Library exactly as it was before.

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    No it isn't something you'd find on the computer, it has to be custom installed from the 10.6 installer disc or Software Update if it wasn't before.  It allows you to use older PowerPC applications on your Mac.   On the other hand double check the version of iTunes you have does not require 10.7 minimum either.

  • I just had my hard drive replaced and restored everything from a Time Machine external hard drive backup and now my "note" widgets won't load. Any ideas ?

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    I did some research and found the solution to my problem. So I hope it's okay to answer my own question.
    When you reinstall the OS, your Preferences go back to their default settings. Apparently Preferences is where this widget information is stored. This Preferences folder is located in the user Library folder which is hidden by default. You can access it using "one, or the other" of the following actions.
    Action 1:      (1) In the Finder, choose Go > Go To Folder
                         (2) In the Go To Folder dialog, type ~/Library
                         (3) Click Go
                                                          -- OR --
    Action 2:     Hold down the option (alt) key when using the Go menu. The Library folder is listed just                            below the Home folder.
    After opening the Preferences folder, the file that you want to locate for k-notes is named
    After you locate it make note of the byte size of the file. Now, with the Preferences folder still open, open Time Machine and go back in time until you see a big jump in the file size. That will be your uncorrupted plist. Restore it and close Time Machine.
    Then Restart your computer.
    After following this procedure I brought up Dashboard and my blank k-notes were now refilled with the previous text and color that occupied them before I had to restore the OS.
    This procedure also worked for Sticky notes, which in the Preference folder are named

  • Imac hard drive replacement

    Incredibly my rarely used 2011 Imac Hard Drive is toast. I saw they have a replacement program but even though it is way too soon for a hard drive OF QUALITY to be going out so soon as mine - mine is not included in the replacement program. 
    Which I have a problem with - how odd it is that they had enough trouble with these computers/hard drives to do a replacement program but mine which did the same thing, expired way too soon isn't covered.  I've not had use of the computer for 4 months while I tried to fix the problem so it lasted a little over a year.
    Anyway I need to know what to do to try to replace it myself as i haven't the funds to take it to Apple for repair.   Plus, Apple Computers and me are history I will never buy another after spending over $1200 for a computer that's nothing more than a very large paperweight right now.
    How do I know what size and all that?
    I may not be able to afford even that so more than likely this is going to be a very nice looking worthless computer going to the landfill.

    I Am leaning more toward Kappy's comments, based on your attitude and comments, but I will ask some questions and add some useful comments as I am in a somewhat charitable mood.
    Do you still have AppleCare on this iMac?
    From your rather blunt comments I assume no, but have to ask anyhow.
    This is why I recommend purchasing and registering for 3- year extended AppleCare.
    Because of the nature of the newer iMac designs, hardware failure seems more likely or commonplace occurrence. I believe it's more of a excessive heat related issue than anything else despite what Apple has qualified as "normal" operating temps for these iMac models.
    Check out the iFixit home site and search for iMac disassembly or tear/take down. Or search for iMac hard drive replacement on the site.
    Another option is for you to purchase an external FireWire 400/800 drive as your new boot drive.
    Running your iMac from a FW800 drive will be about as fast as running it from the iMac's Internal drive.
    If you can afford it get as large a drive as you can afford.
    And just for your info, while hard drives can last for years without issue they will go bad, eventually.
    Some drives crash and burn faster than others. Especiallly true of the notebook style drives that Apple installs into the newer design iMac. With hard drives, the question is not if they will fail, but when will they fail.
    If you had all of your data backed up to an extra, external drive or optical discs to begin with, you wouldn't be so upset about your internal drive dying as your data still would've been intact on another drive or discs in the first place.
    I Always advocate for having some sort of backup strategy for your important data in the event of hardware or hard drive storage failure.

  • Time Machine backups extremely slow after hard drive replacement

    I'm having trouble with Time Machine backups following a hard drive replacement. The Apple Store replaced my MacBook Pro's damaged hard drive three days ago and I successfully restored my system (OSX 10.6.8) using a Time Machine backup. The computer is running fine now, but ever since the repair my Time Machine back-ups take a very long time (>2 hours per backup, versus 30-60 seconds before the repair). I know that the intiial backup of a new computer can take a while but I'm now onto complete backup #10 since the repair and they are not getting quicker. I'm not adding/changing many files or software in between backups. The backups appear to be successful but the external hard drive and computer fan are running nearly constantly, which is concerning (and annoying). Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks.

    Peruse Pondini's TM FAQs, for information.

  • After i had my hard drive replaced, i've gone to get my old emails and am unable to find them on time machine. The file isn't there. HELP!

    Pretty sure this will be some sort of user error, but i'm lost.
    I had to have my hard drive replaced, so before taking it to the genius bar, i backed up using time machine. I'd had issues with trying to use Carbon Copy Cloner previously so had formatted the external drive before doing time machine. TM seemed to work fine and copied what looked to be everything. Once i'd got the new hard drive in and went to restore everything, when i looked for the file i need to get to apparently get my mails back (Library > Preferences > it's not there.
    Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated.

    Turn Time Machine OFF temporarily in its preference pane. Leave the window open.
    Navigate in the Finder to your backup disk, and then to the folder named "Backups.backupdb" at the top level of the volume. If you back up over a network, you'll first have to mount the disk image file containing your backups by double-clicking it. Descend into the folder until you see the snapshots, which are represented by folders with a name that begins with the date of the snapshot. Find the one you want to restore from. There's a link named "Latest" representing the most recent snapshot. Use that one, if possible. Otherwise, you'll have to remember the date of the snapshot you choose.
    Inside the snapshot folder is a folder hierarchy like the one on the source disk. Find one of the items you can't restore and select it. Open the Info dialog for the selected item. In the Sharing & Permissions section, you may see an entry in the access list that shows "Fetching…" in the Name column. If so, click the lock icon in the lower right corner of the dialog and authenticate. Then delete the "Fetching…" item from the icon list. Click the gear icon below the list and select Apply to enclosed items from the popup menu.
    Now you should be able either to copy the item in the Finder or to restore it in the time-travel view. If you use the time-travel view, be sure to select the snapshot you just modified. If successful, repeat the operation with the other items you were unable to restore. You can select multiple items in the Finder and open a single Info dialog for all of them by pressing the key combination option-command-I.
    When you're done, turn TM back ON and close its preference pane.

  • Hard Drive Replacement for MBP 17"

    Saw discussion on 15" MBP Hard Drive Replacement. I have 17" MBP which I purchased as it first came out almost 3 years ago and it has a 100GB hard drive. This has never been of adequate size. What sort of drive can I use in my MBP to get maximum storage? And, what about my Apple Care policy if I install the hard drive myself? I think the Apple Care policy was for 3 years? I purchased the MBP about May 2006.
    Where do I purchase the drive for this MBP - and which HD make might be best - or good?

    If you bought your MBP in May of 2006, your warranty will be ending in a month or two, so you can just wait until it has ended. An AASP can replace the drive for you sooner if you don't want to wait, and your warranty will remain intact except for the drive itself, which will now be covered by the manufacturer's warranty instead, usually 3 or 5 years.
    You don't necessarily void your warranty if you do the work yourself, but you do run the risk that some other problem would be blamed on the unauthorized repair and consequently not be covered. There has been a great deal of discussion on this topic.
    One thing to check when buying your drive--check to see if it has its own version of the sudden motion sensor. Preferably, get one without, since the MBP has its own sudden motion sensor built in. (This can be disabled if you happen to get a drive that has one.)
    Good luck!

  • Third-party hard drive replacement

    I want to upgrade the hard drive in my ca. March 2006 MacBook Pro (2.0 GHz) with something bigger than the original 100 GB Seagate that came in it. I have looked online at the various places that offer directions for doing this yourself and, frankly, don't feel comfortable trying this myself. Because I live in a rural area, I am not close to any Apple Authorized Repair Centers, and so I would like to send it off to have the hard drive replaced. I had good luck in the past with iResQ (they fixed a dead Titanium PowerBook that I used before I got this MBP) and I have seen a few other places online.
    I would appreciate hearing from anyone with first-hand experience with any of these third-party places doing hard drive replacement. Any and all comments (or suggestions - except telling me that I can do it myself) will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Quite true--I should have phrased that more along the lines that you risk voiding your warranty if a non- Apple authorized person does the repair. I believe that if an Apple authorized repair person inflicts damage while in the computer, Apple will still honor the warranty because the damage was done by someone that they authorized to do the work. If someone unauthorized does the work, there is always the possibility that some future problem may be blamed on the unauthorized work and won't be covered. And if the unauthorized person causes actual damage, you're on your own, for that damage anyway. Applecare should still cover something totally unrelated.
    The one thing that does change is that the new drive itself will not be covered by Applecare any more. However, it will be covered by the manufacturer's own warranty, which is usually 3-5 years. Everything else in the machine should still be covered by Applecare.

Maybe you are looking for