Beginner - Self Teaching

I would like to learn to develop apps for the desktop and phone on windows...maybe even cross platform. I was looking to be pointed in the right direction on tools, language, etc..
I've looked at visual studio and it is quite intimidating since it does everything and the kitchen sink. The new Code app looks nice since it does less of the work for me and isn't as feature rich..I may learn more.
Also, do I start with C#? What is the best language to start with.
And finally, there is a wealth of information here. Can I get pointed to a place for those with 0 experience.?
Any Guidance would be great. Thanks so much
Tim Apple

Hi Joe,
Whoa. What exactly are you asking here? Not to be mean, but this is the type of question goes unanswered in the forums. It looks too much like you're trying to get someone to do your work.
My advice is, take it slow. Think about what you have read. Apply it to each step. Since you haven't given an indication of where you are in the book, I'm going to assume based on the problem that you're fairly far. I'm assuming you know how to compile and run a program, how to write a class, what inheritance is, etc.
Step 1: How do you get input from the user? Has the book covered streams yet?
Step 2: Again, do you understand what streams are and how to read from them?
Step 3: Have you read about Wrappers and parsing strings?
Generally, in the forum, the kind of questions that get good responses are fairly specific, as in:
"Hi, I tried this code:
<code snippet />
and I'm getting this error:
<error />
What could be wrong?"
If you do that, you'll find this forum a great learning aid. But really, a lot of effort has to be put in before you bring it here.
Good luck and keep learning! It will pay off.

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  • Self teach

    ok here goes
    a while ago a friend of mine got satellite internet. hughes?.. the required technition came hooked the modem by ethernet to the laptop.. they ask since this instalation do you think it would be possible to connect our wireless router.. not hub.. they tried but favorably failed.. my friend called me. but because i am self taught i suceeded where they failed. my friends computer was only.. vista.. and i only know and worked on a vista for about a month.. but because i'm self taught im a huge problem solver. even though vista for the majority of the time asks for allow, continue, unblock yatta yatta yatta. with my revolations never use a wizard setting up networks.. im strongly against wizards. in vista the only wizard i accept is one that checks for checks and balance if the wizard is connected to internet or network. but the diagnose the problem i say no to. entering in information manually to router mac address and ip gateway and dns addresses for static ip address from your router and no dynamic hosting from router if it is not static ip for the ethernet or wireless card for your pc doesnt like a secure wireless section and become unstable if you use dhcp on your router. reason i say this is doing this method allows for clerical sence from router to router. my friend when i went there he had a router i have never heard of. but since its supported i downloaded the manual looked at how it was different and succeeded to hook him wirelessly not hard right?..well and another thing is turn dhcp and ddns off on the modem and just use its gateway address. so if later it gets confused you since manually doing it you can just unplug the modem and router ac cord wait 30 seconds plug the modem in wait 20 seconds or till the lights stop blinking then plug the power cord into the router just wait 1 minute then you should be connected. now because on the modem you turned ddns and dhcp and used mac address and gateway and ISP's dns address its that easy to reset them. another thing is that anti virus isnt compermised on vista you cant goto task menu in processes and end process on a installed anti virus. you must uninstall the program.. firewall is basiclly same.
    story goes i hear best buy has geek squads. well do they know its verry handy to download manuals. know that manual installation of network is 50% faster and effective. you dont need to ever call ISP's for DNS addresses, but you do need dns from them but its just you dont need thier help. also i did it that way and i confirmed my public library internet is from the same ISP i have. and no i didnt hack. i just selected my wireless card adapter right clicked and went to status. if open system to dhcp and no passphrase to log onto your router they can get all this information no extra software needed. thats wireless anyways. so turn your mac address and router to shut off dhcp. but not static dhcp. and you will also need to know the names of your pc's -- start menu right click my computer and propertise and computer name or control panel yatta yatta yatta. or if my computer is on desktop. either one of the 3. on my friend router i was not happy. you had to go into web browser 192.168.yatta.yatta in router and any wireless you need to take thier registered computer name and mac address and check the box that said block this connection. i paid a little more at best buy than this cheep thing and mine wont negotiate with others unless previous enter information. this one loged you on and chose. my router is a dlink something best buy knows and i even belive linksys does the same type of stuff but i never looked at linksys if its more better if you make your ip address to static to turn off additional ip addresses handed out by dhcp or not with secure connection but test it. 

    When you are behind a router , you will always get the 192.. whatever address. You can go to many sites to see what your real IP is , I personallly like or
    I am not an employee of BBY in any shape or form. All information presented in my replies or postings is my own opinion. It is up to you , the end user to determine the ultimate validity of any information presented on these forums.

  • Self teaching and need help please

    Hi, I'm trying to teach myself Java. Trying being the operative word. I've purchased the book "Java Software Solutions" and I'm trudging my way through it. Anyway, to my question: it's a 6 parter that was an test-yourself question in the book that I'm having a lot of trouble with. It says to use a program provided by Lewis and Loftus and edit that program so that it, 1. asks the user for a file name and when the user enters that on the keyboard it finds the file, 2. read each line and place it in a string array and setup an integer count variable to keep track of the lines read so it stops at the end, 3. Create an int array (of the size given by the count determined above) and filling it with the number part of each element of the String array. Create a String array (of the size given by the count determined above) and fill it with the name part of each element of the above String array, 4. Finish the implementation of the Sorts class to include the selectionSort method for arrays of Comparable. Include the isSorted method as a static boolean method that will take either an array of int or an array of Comparable, 5. Use the Sorts class to do both insertionSort and selectionSort on both arrays and refill the arrays between sorts and test the arrays before and after sorting with the isSorted method, 6. Give output consisting of the results of testing with the isSorted method before and after each sort on each array, the array names should be given, the count should be given.
    Many thanks to anyone who actually took the time to read this and many more to anyone who would help a struggling businessman trying to learn Java, if you could give me an example of this it would be much appreciated as this is the first place I've gotten stuck and could use an example to further my learning. The file that needs to be called is gcgc.dat and the Sorts program to be modified is this:
    //       Author: Lewis and Loftus
    //  Demonstrates the selection sort and insertion sort algorithms,
    //  as well as a generic object sort.
    public class Sorts
       //  Sorts the specified array of integers using the selection
       //  sort algorithm.
       public static void selectionSort (int[] numbers)
          int min, temp;
          for (int index = 0; index < numbers.length-1; index++)
             min = index;
             for (int scan = index+1; scan < numbers.length; scan++)
                if (numbers[scan] < numbers[min])
                   min = scan;
             // Swap the values
             temp = numbers[min];
             numbers[min] = numbers[index];
             numbers[index] = temp;
       //  Sorts the specified array of integers using the insertion
       //  sort algorithm.
       public static void insertionSort (int[] numbers)
          for (int index = 1; index < numbers.length; index++)
             int key = numbers[index];
             int position = index;
             // shift larger values to the right
             while (position > 0 && numbers[position-1] > key)
                numbers[position] = numbers[position-1];
             numbers[position] = key;
       //  Sorts the specified array of objects using the insertion
       //  sort algorithm.
       public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] objects)
          for (int index = 1; index < objects.length; index++)
             Comparable key = objects[index];
             int position = index;
             // shift larger values to the right
             while (position > 0 && objects[position-1].compareTo(key) > 0)
                objects[position] = objects[position-1];
             objects[position] = key;
    }Again, many thanks to anyone who took the time to mull this over. Hope to hear from you soon.
    -Joe Williams

    Hi Joe,
    Whoa. What exactly are you asking here? Not to be mean, but this is the type of question goes unanswered in the forums. It looks too much like you're trying to get someone to do your work.
    My advice is, take it slow. Think about what you have read. Apply it to each step. Since you haven't given an indication of where you are in the book, I'm going to assume based on the problem that you're fairly far. I'm assuming you know how to compile and run a program, how to write a class, what inheritance is, etc.
    Step 1: How do you get input from the user? Has the book covered streams yet?
    Step 2: Again, do you understand what streams are and how to read from them?
    Step 3: Have you read about Wrappers and parsing strings?
    Generally, in the forum, the kind of questions that get good responses are fairly specific, as in:
    "Hi, I tried this code:
    <code snippet />
    and I'm getting this error:
    <error />
    What could be wrong?"
    If you do that, you'll find this forum a great learning aid. But really, a lot of effort has to be put in before you bring it here.
    Good luck and keep learning! It will pay off.

  • Seeking advice for a self-teaching programme of new Java techs

    after a few years of technically poor projects (I learnt a lot in terms of process, quality, and non-Java technologies, by the way), I'd like to catch up with mainstream Java development.
    I am preparing a programme to learn a few technologies I have missed over the past years. I plan to develop a couple of utilities (simple CRUD apps) on my spare time, gradually including bits and bits of the bricks I want to grasp.
    I need some advice though to make this learning effective.
    My first priority is to invest in reusable knowledge, so I will stick to "standard" bricks, and will aim mostly at off-the-shelf tools that work out of the box
    (for example, I don't want to spend hours to fix a DB install&configuration issue, as I know I will probably never be paid for that kind of job).
    Specifically, the technologies I plan to embrace are:
    * Java SE 5 and 6
    * jUnit 4
    * Spring
    * EJB 3 & JPA
    * Web UIs
    Here are the points where you might help me:
    * JDK 1.5 vs 1.6
    No real doubt here, the biggest language gap was introduced by 1.5. If I'm correct, 1.6 essentially brings new APIs; as long as those APIs are not my primary target (I'll try them only after I've completed my first round of catch-up :o), I am not missing much language-wise, am I correct?
    I could also jump directly to 1.6, ignoring its new APIs, and concentrate on
    1.5 language features, but the risk is stability (losing time with a 1.6 beta bug).
    * jUnit 4
    Nothing special, except I have practically read nothing about it on these forums (contrast this with TSS, where there are regular threads disputing the relative merits of jUnit vs TestNG).
    Is v4.0 a non-event? It seems to bring some niceties (mark test components using annotations), but how much comfort did it bring to those of you who have used it over jUnit 3.8.1?
    * Spring
    Leaving aside that it's on my must-do list, I actually wonder which version I should try?
    I also feel I should try it first on a non-EJB app, to avoid mixing concerns. I will skip the JDBC wrapping API though, as I already have a lot to do with other persistance APIs.
    Any feedback?
    * EJB3/JPA
    (I formerly worked with generation 2.1 of the EE specs)
    1) The biggest issue here is to find a reliable EJB3 container.
    * I've heard JBoss is EJB3-ready, but I don't think it's certified yet.
    * Project GlassFish (Sun-driven open-source JEE5 container) is still in the making
    * Sun SASP9 is, well, released, but I don't know how much of JEE it supports, and haven't investigated into the licensing details yet
    Any feedback on what you're using as a JEE5 container?
    2) As far as EJB vs JPA goes, I also have the plan to use the persistence API
    outside of EJB (likely, I will develop the same simple CRUD app twice,
    once as a Webapp and once as as Swing app, both over the same DB schema).
    But maybe this is pointless, as the entity annotations and API are agnostic; have you experienced some difference that deserve thorough learning?
    3) Obviously I will need a DB. If the EJB container includes one, fine, at least for the EJB part, otherwise I'll need to install and configure one, that will need to run on a desktop PC on MS WIndows, and preferrably include a handy SQL client console for manual verification.
    I know enough of SQL to build even a sub-optimal application schema. However I know nothing of a DB administration, and I don't want to invest in that direction.
    Any advice as to a simple off-the-shelf free DB that runs on Windows?
    * Web UIs
    The dilmena here is two-fold:
    1) In term of "view" technology, I hesitate between plain JSP and JSF
    If I understand correctly, JSF is a specification for reusable view components.
    My local job market leaves me no oportunity to be a UI component developer, whereas I am more likely to someday be tasked to integrate 3rd-party UI components into a business project.
    Is my surface understanding of JSF correct? In this case, how much of JSF should I know if I don't have to develop JSF components?
    2) In terms of controller, as part of my Spring learning, I'll probably have a look into Spring MVC.
    My question is, how much of the servlet/JSP API does springMVC show/hide?
    Is it a good idea to use springMVC to learn servlets and JSPs, or should I stick to manual servlet+JSP?
    I should add that I've worked with servlets/JSPs formerly (as of J2EE 2 or 3),
    I only need to dig new servlet/JSP features.

    Jim_Found wrote:
    okay, so normally you would write the following if-elseif block in order to achieve this
    if (MessageType.TYPE_A.equals(myMessageType)) {
    // do this
    } else if (MessageType.TYPE_B.equals(myMessageType)) {
    // do that
    } else if ...
    but, if you use <this design pattern> and create this <class>, you can suppress the above block to
    CoolClass coolObj = new CoolClass();
    coolObj.doMagic(myMessage);Funny enough inside the doMagic() method would be something along the lines of
    if (MessageType.TYPE_A.equals(myMessageType)) {
    // do this
    } else if (MessageType.TYPE_B.equals(myMessageType)) {
    // do that
    } else if ...Mel

  • Self-teaching Acrobat and stuck on this one

    Here is the form in question. I want to set it up so as more items are added into the rows across on the top section, the bottom large block decresses. In other words, on the last row BEFORE the large box, if the carriage return/enter key is hit, I would like a new line to apper with fields identical to the one that was just filled in.(think Excel)  As the rows get entereed, the "Miscellaneous? box at the botton decreases in size accordingly as teh rows above it are added.. Is this doable? Thank you. I get the best information from you all though I never take the time to tell you.   

    So can I copy and past this to Live Cycle? If I am doign tns of forms, it sounds liek Live Cycle is the wya to go, right? Can the forms also somehow be easily run on a mainframe that generally runs Elixir software?

  • Beginner Question

    Hello all, hopefully I have posted this to the correct LiveCycle board!
    I'm new to Acrobat and LiveCycle in general. I'm working out of windows LiveCycle Designer 8.x  and my question is as follows....
    I'm working off of the "Quote" Form Template and what I am looking for is a way to make the rows of the Table expand as needed.  I will be converting this Template into a "Purchase Order" form, and there will be many occassions where I will need to increase the table rows - perhaps onto a second or even third page - due to the volume of different items I will be seeking prices on at a given time.
    Long story short I would like to take this "QUOTE" form template and make it such that if needed, I can expand the table size one row at a time, pushing the content beneath (Comments, subtotal, etc) onto the next page....
    Hoping I have explained my query well enough,  Could anyone provide me a solution or point me in the correct direction?
    Many thanks!

    As a followup, so as not to clog the board with numerous threads I have another beginner question
    For the sake of hypotheticals I am creating a dynamic PDF form.  This pdf is a Purchase Order Form, with a table in the Body that will expand/contract as the form user needs.  (EXA-  Default table size is 5 items, however user is creating an order for 12 items, he/she can increase the table rows to desired capactiy.) It will be a very simple layout. All data for the form will come from manual entry, no XML data binding going on.
    My new question is as follows:    Is there a way I can have this user's Adobe reader or Adobe acrobat software remember previous data entries, so that if 4 weeks after ordering widget X he/she needs to place another order for widget X, the software will autofill the table as he/she types into the table cell?
    This would be similar to how Excel will start to autofill if it recognizes a previously entered value from some other cell in the worksheet (workbook?)
    [NAME]   [MODEL]   [QTY]   [PRICE]
    Widget           A            433        $30.00
    Would it be possible for the software to notice that I'm typing the word "widget" somewhere after typing "wid" ???
    Many thanks for any and all followups, I'm a teenager trying to help out in my father's small business. They are in the darkages here and I'm doing my best to self teach.

  • Web dynpro abap beginner

    Hi guys,
    I want to learn WEB DYNPRO ABAP. I have knowledge of ABAP and ABAP OBJECTS. SO please help me out by sending good documents (self teaching) regarding web dynpro abap.
    My email id is [email protected]
    good documents will be rewarded for sure.
    thanks & regards,

    hi Prasana,
    I have mailed you one pdf. its good for beginers.
    Get screen shot pdf from this page. [original link is broken]
    All the best,

  • Web dynpro beginner

    Hi guys,
                    I want to learn WEB DYNPRO ABAP. I have knowledge of ABAP and ABAP OBJECTS. SO please help me out by sending good documents (self teaching)  regarding web dynpro abap.
                 My email id is [email protected]
    good documents will be rewarded for sure.
    thanks & regards,

    hi Prasana,
    I have mailed you one pdf. its good for beginers.
    Get screen shot pdf from this page. [original link is broken]
    All the best,

  • I feel like a pain in the rump but,

    I am a true beginner and as such get very lost. I am self teaching myself how to design and create websites. The main reason is to build my own. The other reason is that I might be able to pull in an extra income if and when I become skilled. With that in mind, can you help me with the directions on duplicating my background fill from my Home page to the others. It is a bit difficult as I am using a gradient background. Thanks for all the other help and I want to thank you, in advance, for your help here.

    I don't know if I am allowed to publish the same website to 2 different hosts but, I will be publishing to my new domain at I would also like to put it up at Business Catalyst just for show. I already have an account with the first place and it comes with $200 worth of advertising on Google, Bing, and Facebook. I have some experience with AdSense so I hope it won't be difficult to get things going. I also have 500, available, email addresses. I only need 5 to 10 at most!
    I have learned a lot of extra stuff because of the responses I have received here. I thank you all again and btw, I just posted another question. I look forward to your replies.

  • Handsome young Java apprentice seeks Princess Leia!!!!

    I have had a mixed bag of help and criticism so far. Thanks for those who've helped. I really appreciate it. I am trying to learn the Java Language, i am simply not interested in someone else doing the work for me. With this in mind, any help with the following would be greatly appreciated. I feel quite please with what I've done so far. Please resist the temptation to use this post to laugh at the beginner and post sarcastic comments for fellow nerds to laugh at. I do not need it. So what if I've needed my hand held throughout this simple task? I have no tutor and am self teaching. I also have no prior programming experience. Thanks all ----Here goes!
    I just need the Student and PLatinum Accounts to have methods to make the Overdraft Limit 2.5 times the opening balance and then methods to allow interest to accrue on all the accounts. Any syntax errors ?
    /* A program to create 3 bank accounts from an abstract superclass
       with methods to accept deposits and withdrawals and show balance
    class bankAccount //Declares superclass
       private String accountName; //Account Holder Name
       private String accountNo; //Account Number
       private double accountBalance;//Account balance
       private double accountRate;//Interest Rate
         public bankAccount(String name, String number,double balance, double rate) //Class Constructor    
           accountName = name;
               accountNo = number;
               accountBalance = balance;
               accountRate = rate;
      /*get methods to allow main program full access
         public String getName () {return accountName;}
         public void setName(String s) {accountName = s;}
         public String getNumber() {return accountNo;}
         public void setNumber(String n) {accountNumber = n;}
         public double getBalance() {return accountBalance;}
         public void setBalance(double balance) {accountBalance = balance;}
         public double getRate() {return accountRate;}
         public void setRate(double rate) {accountRate = rate;}
      /*methods to allow deposit and withdrawals
         public void deposit (double amount) {accountBalance +=amount;}
         public void withdraw (double amount) {accountbalance -=amount;}
       /*code block to add deposit to balance and check withdrawal is allowed
          public bankAccount(double initialAmount)
          { balance = initialAmount;}
          public void deposit(double amount)
          {balance += amount;}
          public void withdraw(double amount)
          {if (balance >= amount)
          balance -= amount;
          System.out.println("Insufficient funds");}
          public double getBalance()
          {return balance;}
    /* Current Account class
    public final class currentAccount extends bankAccount
        public currentAccount( String name, String number, double balance, double rate, double odLimit)
           super (name, number, balance, rate);
    /* Student Account Class
    public final class studentAccount extends bankAccount
         private double overdraftLimit;
          public studentAccount( String name, String number, double balance, double rate, double odLimit)
           super (name, number, balance, rate);
           overdraftLimit = odLimit;
            public double getodLimit() {return overdraftLimit;}
    /* Platinum Account Class
    public final class platinumAccount extends bankAccount
         private double overdraftLimit;
          public platinumAccount( String name, String number, double balance, double rate, double odLimit)
           super (name, number, balance, rate);
           overdraftLimit = odLimit;
            public double getodLimit() {return overdraftLimit;}
    /* Main method to create Account Objects
          public static void main (String [args])
             bankAccount account1 = new currentAccount
             ("Steve Bart", "100987", "250.00", "2.5");
             System.out.println (account1.accountName + ""+account1.accountNumber+""+
            bankAccount account1 = new studentAccount
             ("Steve Bart", "102345", "450.00", "1.5");
             System.out.println (account1.accountName + ""+account1.accountNumber+""+
            bankAccount account1 = new platinumAccount
             ("Steve Bart", "202934", "650.00", "3.5");
             System.out.println (account1.accountName + ""+account1.accountNumber+""+
    } // ends program

    I would just set the overdraftLimit in the constructor.
    public final class platinumAccount extends bankAccount
        private double overdraftLimit;
        public platinumAccount( String name, String number, double balance, double rate) {
           super (name, number, balance, rate);
           overdraftLimit = balance * 2.5;
        public double getodLimit() {
            return overdraftLimit;

  • The Java(tm) Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics

    the online version of the book:
    I'm aware that this edition (3rd) is necessarily a bit outdated (december 2000)
    Anyway i'd like some opinions from students/programmers who's programming background was, at the time, at most php or asp + html + css.
    I started with Bruece Eckel's Thinking in java but i'm realizing its mostly for c/c++ programmers. So i'll get back to it later.
    So i'd like to hear your opinion on hands on beguinners self teaching books on java

    well jdbc isn't beginner is it?
    Besides, no offence but if you are coming from web programming, you are technically not much better off than those who have no programming experience. Scripting is v different from HLL programming, and you may find it more of a hindrance than a help having experience like that. Who knows tho... just get a good book like those discussed. Also do a forum search as this question has been answered so many times I'd have to write the number down as a float ;o)

  • How can I pubish SWF interactive magazine to flash based website? It's not working!

    I hope someone can help me launch my first interactive magazine (SWF) to our website with ID 5. Okay, my hard copy mag came out great so then I started on the interactive edition. Everything was going swell with adding 3 short videos ( FLV  ) and creating 3 slide shows. When I previewed it by exporting to SWF I could preview it in my browser fine. Page curls, fade in words (although the “hide until animated” options only works in two out of about 7 instances. (same settings) file:///C:/Users/lauralaptop/Documents/NEW%20PUBLICATION%20QUARTERLY%20JOURNAL%202011%20se pt%202/ ml
    I then followed instructions from another Adobe exercise, exported it to Flash, went to Publish Settings, but of course when I pressed “publish” I didn’t get the same result as the teacher…I got an error message about text. I searched a forum with the same message I got and saw that making sure my text setting was set for Classic, solved someone else’s problem. So I did and was able to “publish”. But now, when I open either the SWF or HTML file, it’ just rapidly repeating the 12 pages in my file in a loop!
    file:///C:/Users/lauralaptop/Desktop/LIFE%20apr-may-june%202011%201st%20issue%20INTERACTIV E%20TRYOUT%20Aug%2031%204pm.html
    I have spent most of the summer self teaching myself InDesign CS5 (not easy!) and am excited to be able to put out an interactive SWF file that can be opened in a Flash player through our Flash based website. I feel like I’m just inches away for launch but now I’m getting frustrated. Isn’t this going to be possible?
    Also, when I publish it in Flash, it creates a SWF file AND an HTML file. But on our website, I have only one option to make a link to a document OR an outside link to open a file. How does that work?
    Many thanks for whoever can help me out here. This was supposed to be a spring issue. Had to change it to summer and now I guess it’s a fall launch!

    Thank you for your quick reply, Rob. Well, i can't open the link you gave me to mysite (got a 404 error), could you resend it?
    Originally, I exported the file to SWF (player) and just tried to link that file from our flash based website. It opens fine, page curls fine, slide shows fine, but when you click on the photos with videos, page 5 (father and baby) and two others, the image disappears and only a white comes up to fill that area. Could you go to this link on our website to see what I mean? Go to the NEWSBREAK TRANSFORMS and click on the Life, Stories of Transformation.
    Rob, here is where i have very limited knowledge: As I said we use a flash based (read very user friendly) web hosting company. When I am in the back end to upload the swf file, I have only one option  - "attach a video, attach a document, attach a link" so how would I upload a "folder" with more than one item to the server?
    I thought it would be considered a video since the SWF file says SWF movie, but when I when i try to upload as a video, it doesn't come up as importable. (am i sounding really stupid?) Maybe I should admit that yes, I'm an ID5 newbie AND yes,  I'm no spring chicken but I have been working in CS2,3,4 for several years and now 5 and am quite proficient in the create aspect of Adobe products. It's just now the technical part about how to actually get my  in work published to the site.There isn't anyone else in my company able to help me so I have to reach out to this forum!
    I love ID and this is just my first effort but I'm looking forward to creating many more interactive magazines for my company.
    Thanks for any help.

  • Help.  Need to create 3 methods to do what main did originally.

    good afternoon. I am new to programming with java and would like to change the current code that I had written below to include 3 methods to do all the work originally done in main. I would like a method to handle the input, a method to do the subtotals and a method to display the data. Main will simply call all 3 methods in order and when they end, main will end. I am struggling some on how this should look and am seeking some of your advice on accomplishing this task. Any help is greatly appreciated as I am struggling to separate this out properly to get it to compile.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class CateringProject
    // This program requests the name of an item to be catered, the price
    // of the item, and the quantity ordered. It will then calculate the
    // total cost plus tax.
    public static void main (String[] args)
    final double TAX_RATE = 0.06; // 6% sales tax
    int quantity;
    double subtotal, tax, totalCost, unitPrice;
    String itemName;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
    NumberFormat fmt1 = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
    NumberFormat fmt2 = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
    System.out.print ("Enter the item name: ");
    itemName = scan.nextLine();
    System.out.print ("Enter the unit price: ");
    unitPrice = scan.nextDouble();
    System.out.print ("Enter the quantity: ");
    quantity = scan.nextInt();
    itemName = itemName;
    subtotal = quantity * unitPrice;
    tax = subtotal * TAX_RATE;
    totalCost = subtotal + tax;
    // Print output with appropriate formatting
    System.out.println ("Item requested: " + itemName);
    System.out.println ("Price per item: " + fmt1.format(unitPrice));
    System.out.println ("Quantity of requested item: " + quantity);
    System.out.println ("Subtotal: " + fmt1.format(subtotal));
    System.out.println ("Tax: " + fmt1.format(tax) + " at "
    + fmt2.format(TAX_RATE));
    System.out.println ("Total: " + fmt1.format(totalCost));

    Thank you for your response. This is, in essence, a homework problem. The only difference is that I am trying to "self-teach" myself java and have borrowed a book from a friend to help me do so. I am working through the coding problems in the book but am missing a key factor when I need a push in the right direction.... I have no instructor. I am wanting to learn this but do not have the resources yet to take a class at a recognized institution. I thought this might be a good way for me to reach out for help and a nudge. The catering code (which I have reposted using the code button below) is the first "project" that the book calls for. what I am trying to do now is the next.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class CateringProject
       //  This program requests the name of an item to be catered, the price
       //  of the item, and the quantity ordered.  It will then calculate the
       //  total cost plus tax.
       public static void main (String[] args)
          final double TAX_RATE = 0.06;  // 6% sales tax
          int quantity;
          double subtotal, tax, totalCost, unitPrice;
          String itemName;
          Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
          NumberFormat fmt1 = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
          NumberFormat fmt2 = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
          System.out.print ("Enter the item name: ");
          itemName = scan.nextLine();
          System.out.print ("Enter the unit price: ");
          unitPrice = scan.nextDouble();
           System.out.print ("Enter the quantity: ");
          quantity = scan.nextInt();
          itemName = itemName;
          subtotal = quantity * unitPrice;
          tax = subtotal * TAX_RATE;
          totalCost = subtotal + tax;
          // Print output with appropriate formatting
          System.out.println ("Item requested: " + itemName);
          System.out.println ("Price per item: " + fmt1.format(unitPrice));
          System.out.println ("Quantity of requested item: " + quantity);
          System.out.println ("Subtotal: " + fmt1.format(subtotal));
          System.out.println ("Tax: " + fmt1.format(tax) + " at "
                              + fmt2.format(TAX_RATE));
          System.out.println ("Total: " + fmt1.format(totalCost));

  • Server will not connect to itunes, app store, google drive, etc.

    MacBook Pro, mid 2012, running Yosemite. I posted here because these problems started after upgrading to Yosemite, so maybe it's specific to that, not sure.
    I seem to have a few interlinked problems. I solved a problem with kernel_task taking over 100% CPU usage and preventing an internet connection by getting rid of my Norton/Symantec security suite as well as TunnelBear. However, there seems to be a residual problem, as nothing seems to be connecting to the server.
    I can surf the Internet no problem; it's things like iTunes (which crashes every time I try to open it), the App Store (which is a grey slate saying "cannot connect to app store"), and Google Drive (which doesn't sync) that are having connection issues.
    I actually first noticed this problem after downloading Pacifist to extract the 'coreaudiod' launch daemon (which got destroyed in one of my previous fixes, long story), but it won't work until I can connect to the App Store and get a Mac OS X installer.
    I am self-teaching as I go here, so I don't know much about this (and don't have any Mac tech support where I am unfortunately) and could use the help.
    Here's what EtreCheck has to say, fwiw:
    EtreCheck version: 2.0.6 (91)
    Report generated 6 November 2014 18:31:35 GMT-3
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      MacBook Pro Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, 13" (Mid 2012)
      MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,1
      1 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4-core
      8 GB RAM Upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM0
      4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Good - Handoff/Airdrop2 supported
      Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      Intel HD Graphics 4000 -
      Color LCD 1440 x 900
      NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M - VRAM: 1024 MB
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.10 (14A389) - Uptime: 2:46:7
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      APPLE HDD HTS547575A9E384 disk0 : (750.16 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk1) /  [Startup]: 748.93 GB (511.05 GB free)
      Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
      Core Storage: disk0s2 749.30 GB Online
    USB Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
      Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
      [not loaded] com.seagate.driver.PowSecDriverCore (5.2.3 - SDK 10.4) Support
      /System/Library/Extensions/Seagate Storage Driver.kext/Contents/PlugIns
      [not loaded] com.seagate.driver.PowSecLeafDriver_10_4 (5.2.3 - SDK 10.4) Support
      [not loaded] com.seagate.driver.PowSecLeafDriver_10_5 (5.2.3 - SDK 10.5) Support
      [not loaded] com.seagate.driver.SeagateDriveIcons (5.2.3 - SDK 10.4) Support
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist Support
      [loaded] Support
      [running] com.pharos.notify.plist Support
      [running] com.pharos.popup.plist Support
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [failed] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
      [loaded] Support
      [loaded] Support
      [loaded] com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard.plist Support
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist Support
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist Support
    User Login Items: ℹ️
      iTunesHelper Application (/Applications/
      Google Drive Application (/Applications/Google
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 15.0.0 - SDK 10.10 Check version
      o1dbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 Support
      Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.5.2f1 - SDK 10.6 Support
      Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
      Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version: Support
      AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.09 - SDK 10.6 Support
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      Silverlight: Version: 5.1.30317.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Cannot contact Adobe
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 Support
      SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.1 - SDK 10.6 Support
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.09 - SDK 10.6 Support
      DirectorShockwave: Version: 12.1.1r151 - SDK 10.6 Support
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
      Norton Internet Security (Disabled)
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Flash Player  Support
      Flip4Mac WMV  Support
      Paragon NTFS for Mac ® OS X  Support
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          5% Google Chrome
          4% AppleIDAuthAgent
          3% WindowServer
          0% Google Drive
          0% GoogleTalkPlugin
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      344 MB Google Chrome
      153 MB Google Chrome Helper
      137 MB Finder
      137 MB Google Drive
      129 MB WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      750 MB Free RAM
      3.97 GB Active RAM
      2.80 GB Inactive RAM
      1.06 GB Wired RAM
      4.34 GB Page-ins
      135 KB Page-outs

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data, then reinstall the OS.* You don't need to erase the startup volume, and you won't need the backup unless something goes wrong. If the system was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you may need the Apple ID and password you used.
    If you use FileVault 2, then before running the Installer you must launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the FileVault startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) It will be nested below another icon with the same name. Click the Unlock button in the toolbar and enter your login password when prompted. Then quit Disk Utility to be returned to the main Recovery screen.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    If you installed the Java runtime distributed by Apple and still need it, you'll have to reinstall it. The same goes for Xcode. All other data will be preserved.
    *The linked support article refers to OS X 10.10 ("Yosemite"), but the procedure is the same for OS X 10.7 ("Lion") and later.

  • One form for multiple tables

    I'm Pretty new to Access, as I've been given units to cover for my college course.  Unfortunately my tutor has had this dumped on him too (so he's kinda self teaching as he goes as well)....
    My issue is that I am trying to create a single form that will allow for all the information to be entered onto, which will then disseminate that info to the separate tables.
    The database is a simple film database that has 8 tables in total. Seven are data tables (Filminfo; Certificate; Genre; Series; Role; Producer; Actor) and the seventh is a central table that is filled with keys as a connection for them all. Series is also
    an off shoot from the filminfo table. I do have a pic, but I couldn't attach an image until my account was verified!
    This is how we were advised to set it out and as far as I can tell the other parts that have been built are working. I know there is a way to do it, but tonight the internet is failing me, that, or my lack of understanding
    exactly what I'm reading.
    Therefore any help that could be offered by anybody that can work out what I'm rambling on about, would be most appreciated (even more so if in layman's terms)

    What you have in relational database terms is a 7-way many-to-many relationship type between the 'referenced' tables.  This is what your eighth table is modelling by resolving the many-to-many relationship type into seven one-to-many relationship types.
    The problem here is that you are going to end up with a huge amount of 'redundancy' in the table modelling the relationship type.  At least some of the other tables represent entity types of which there can be more that one instance per film, e.g. there
    will be more than one actor in most films.  So let's say you record four actors for a film.  That means four rows in the table, but you then have to record the producer of the film four times as well, entering the same foreign key value into all
    four rows.  That's what's meant by redundancy.  Redundancy is a bad thing because it leaves the table open to the risk of 'update anomalies', e.g. two or more different producers could be inadvertently entered in different rows of the four. 
    Which is the correct one?  There's no way of knowing.
    So what relationship types do we really have here?  Let's concentrate on films and actors.  Each film can have many actors, and each actor can appear in many films (think Michael Caine!), so the relationship type is many-to-many.  Now a many-to-many
    relationship type cannot be modelled directly between two tables, it's done by a third table which resolves it into two one-to-many relationship types.  So in broad outline the tables would be like this:
    ....FilmID  (PK)
    ....ActorID  (PK)
    and to model the relationship type:
    ....FilmID  (FK)
    ....ActorID  (FK)
    The primary key of this last table is a composite one made up of the two foreign keys FilmID and ActorID.
    Karl's already given you a clue how to represent this; by means of a form/subform.  The form would be based on Films and the subform on FilmActors.  For a simple example of this basic type of many-to-many relationship type and how to represent it
    in a form/subform take a look at in my public databases folder at:!169
    If you have difficulty opening the link copy its text (NB, not the link location) and paste it into your browser's address bar.
    This little demo file illustrates a number of interfaces using forms, but just look at the conventional form/subform set-up.  The other two are just there because from time to time people have asked how to do it in these other ways.  Quite why they
    want to is another matter!
    My demo just has one subform, but there's no reason why you can't have multiple subforms in a films form of course, each for a different related entity type, each linked to the parent form on FilmID.  Tip:  to save space put ach subform on a separate
    page of a tab control, with the main film data in the parent form above the tab control so it's visible permanently as you move between different pages of the tab control.
    BTW in my StudentCourses demo try typing into the combo box in the subform the name of a new course not currently listed, French say, and see what happens.  Take a look at the code in the combo box's NotInList event procedure to see how it works. 
    For other uses of this event procedure take a look at the NotInlist demo file in the same OneDrive folder.
    I can sympathise with your tutor BTW.  My next door neighbour is head of the art department at a high school, but she has to teach maths also!
    PS:  I included Role as column in the FilmActors table, but what about Alec Guinness in Kind Hearts and Coronets? (google it if you're not familiar with the film)  How do you think you'd handle that situation?
    Ken Sheridan, Stafford, England

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