Self-teaching Acrobat and stuck on this one

Here is the form in question. I want to set it up so as more items are added into the rows across on the top section, the bottom large block decresses. In other words, on the last row BEFORE the large box, if the carriage return/enter key is hit, I would like a new line to apper with fields identical to the one that was just filled in.(think Excel)  As the rows get entereed, the "Miscellaneous? box at the botton decreases in size accordingly as teh rows above it are added.. Is this doable? Thank you. I get the best information from you all though I never take the time to tell you.   

So can I copy and past this to Live Cycle? If I am doign tns of forms, it sounds liek Live Cycle is the wya to go, right? Can the forms also somehow be easily run on a mainframe that generally runs Elixir software?

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    Perhaps iOS  Apple Maps are absolutely useless for expatriate in China.
    Use Google Maps instead
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    Contact Adobe support:
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

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    I had the same problem using weblogic and oracle clob but I solved it yesterday.
    here is the part of my code:
    import java.sql.*;
    PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement ( "INSERT INTO database VALUES ( ?, EMPTY_CLOB() )" );
    stmt.setInt ( 1, 1 );
    // inserts a new entry with an empty clob object
    stmt.executeUpdate ();
    if ( stmt != null )
    // retrieves CLOB-Object
    stmt = con.prepareStatement ( "SELECT clob_field FROM database WHERE id=?" );
    stmt.setInt ( 1, 1 );
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery ( );
    if ( )
    Clob cl = rs.getClob(1);
    Writer clobWriter = ((OracleThinClob)cl).getCharacterOutputStream();
    // Open the sample file as a stream for insertion into the Clob column
    File testFile = new File ( "file.txt" );
    FileReader testReader = new FileReader ( testFile );
    // buffer to hold data to being written to the clob.
    char[] cBuffer = new char[((OracleThinClob)cl).getBufferSize()];
    // Read data from file, write it to clob
    int iRead = 0;
    while( (iRead= != -1 )
    clobWriter.write( cBuffer, 0, iRead);
    if ( rs != null )
    if ( stmt != null )
    // update clob-data in database      
    stmt = con.prepareStatement ( "UPDATE database SET clob_field = ? WHERE id = ?" );
    stmt.setClob ( 1, cl );
    stmt.setInt ( 2, 1 );
    Don't forget to handle the exceptions!
    Be sure that "weblogic.jar" is set in %classpath%.

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    # Contributor: ilikenwf/Matt Parnell <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Adds antialiasing to fonts in gtk 1.2 apps"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/gdkxft-$pkgver
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "See the Readme at in order to set antialiasing settings so that you will actually see a difference. Failure to do so will result in no change."

    Some remarks in regard to your PKGBUILD:
    * Any messages to be read by the user or commands that need to be executed after installation, should be put in a .install file.
    * Always use and avoid specifying a mirror yourself.
    * In the provides array, you place packages whose features your package provides. This is used to satisfy dependencies of other packages.
    * The correct license is LGPL, not GPL.
    Here's a revised PKGBUILD (please note that it may require further tweaking):
    # Contributor: ilikenwf/Matt Parnell <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Adds antialiasing to fonts in gtk 1.2 apps"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('libxft' 'gtk')
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
    export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/freetype2"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --sysconfdir=/etc \
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
    # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
    post_install() {
    pre_upgrade() {
    pre_remove $1
    post_upgrade() {
    post_install $1
    pre_remove() {
    usr/sbin/gdkxft_sysinstall -u
    # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

  • Album Art Won't Stay Attached To This One Song File

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    Out of the 4172 songs in my iTunes library, for some time there there has been one song which will not accept any form of album artwork. I add it and hit "OK" and it goes on the song, but as soon as I switch to another song and back to this one, the artwork is gone again. The entire album (as with most of my albums) is 44.1k, 16bit AIFF files. I have not encountered this problem with any other song. Only this one. No matter how many times I duplicate into an entirely new file, I still can't add artwork to it. This problem was annoying me greatly until I converted the song to a similar format, Apple Lossless, and now it freely accepts the artwork, and the artwork stays. But as soon as I convert it back to AIFF, the artwork disappears and I can't add it. I even attempted to re-rip it from the disk, converted it through FLAC, ALAC, and then to AIFF, the first two of which accepted the artwork, but not AIFF.
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    For #1, the iPod's Artwork cache does get corrupted when making frequent changes. In the iPod's Music preferences tab in iTunes, remove the check beside "Display album artwork on your iPod" and select Apply.
    Once the iPod has finished syncing, recheck it and hit Apply again. iTunes should recreate the artwork cache and re-sync it to your iPod.
    For #2, are you running the itunes database (it has an ITL extension) from the exHD ? Or from the default location on your C: drive. The downloaded artwork from the itunes store goes into a folder named Album Artwork, and that is created in the same folder as the ITL file.
    Not sure if this is it, since I embed the artwork in all my files.

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    Hello djensen1x,
    Could you please let me know what version of Acrobat are you using.
    Also, tell me your workflow of combining those PDF files?
    Please share the screenshot of the error message that you get.
    Hope to get your response.

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    We have 30 ipads at our school and it is great.  We are about 850 student on my school and everyone are using the ipads. One hour at the time. (we have a booking system.)
    I teach music and are using Garageband. I need to find away were my students that are working on a project can export the files and save them somewhere, so when they 7 days later open Garage band can import there song with all the correct  midi-tracks. When I export the song to Icloud the song become an Mp4 file (I think).  And I can import the files via Icloude.
    This is because too many times the song has been sabotages during the week
    Dan Sweden

    your students could store their projects in iCloud, only you would continously have to change the AppleIDs of the iPads, so each student could store the songs with their own AppleID.  I don't think this will be feasable.
    The other possibility would be to share the projects to iTunes and to download them to iTunes  on a Mac at the end of each lesson. Does your school have Macs? This will not work with PCs.
    See this link:  GarageBand for iPad: Get answers fast
    Look at the section "Share GarageBand songs",   
    Send a GarageBand song to iTunes:
    -- Léonie

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    Greetings cdewinkel,
    It seems your iPad is not staying connected to your computer during syncing. The following article provides a number of troubleshooting steps which may help. This article is intended for devices which are not being detected, but the troubleshooting steps are relevant to your issue:
    If you don't see your connected device in iTunes for Mac - Apple Support
    Make sure that your device is on
    Also make sure that you can get to the Home screen.
    Get help if you have one of these issues:
    Your iOS device won't respond or turn on.
    Your iPod won't turn on.
    You forgot your passcode or your device is disabled.
    Make sure that your Mac supports your device
    See the system requirements for iPhone, iPad, or iPod.Check your USB connections
    Unplug other USB devices from your Mac and try again.
    Try a different USB port.
    Try a different USB cable. 
    Learn more about using USB cables with your Mac.Make sure that your device trusts the computer
    You might get an alert if you haven't connected your iOS device to this computer before. Unlock your device and tap Trust. 
    Learn more about the Trust This Computer alert.Restart your device
    Restart your iOS device or reset your iPod.Restart your Mac
    Turn your Mac off and back on.Update your software
    Check for software updates on your Mac.
    Check for an iTunes update.
    Check your security software
    If you have security software installed, learn how to resolve issues between iTunes and your security software. 
    Get more help
    If you still don't see your device in iTunes, contact Apple Support.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

  • I changed email address and had to delete my account and create a new one with the new email address. When I did this i lost all of the information in my calendar. How can I recover this vital information?

    My email address changed and I had to delete my account and create a new one with the new address. After I did this all of the data in my iPhone calendar is gone. How can I recover this vital data?

    It is my understanding that if you delete the account per the instructions below, you will be able recreate, but you will NOT have access to the prior BBM contacts.
    Read this for full information and suggestions to regain access to your BBID >>
    You have to remember either the BlackBerryID password, or the secret question answer. Without either, you're stuck.
    Your choices are:
    --Use another email account to create an entirely new BlackBerryID (with which you will lose access to any purchased apps using the "forgotten" first BlackBerryID, or
    --Find the initial email you were sent to confirm the initial BlackBerryID, and in it is a link to click to cancel and delete the account. Click on that, delete the account and then you can use that same email to create an entirely new account.
    Good luck.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
    BlackBerry Support Forums Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

  • Ipurchased Adobe acrobat XI Pro student & Teacher edition and need to send my proof of eligibility. How do I send it to receive my serial number?

    Ipurchased Adobe acrobat XI Pro Student & Teacher edition and need to send my proof of eligibility so that I can receive the serial #. How do I do this??

    For details regarding the student/teacher provisions you can refer to the following information page:
    Another good resource for getting information is the student and teacher edition information forum: mation_?view=discussions
    Here are some links regarding student discounts from Adobe:

  • My iPod appeared to be dead, i plugged it into my computer to charge and it said it needed to be restored. it updated it and now is stuck and my itunes says "waiting for iPod" and has been this way for hours. please help!

    my iPod appeared to be dead, i plugged it into my computer to charge and it said it needed to be restored. it updated it and now is stuck and my itunes says "waiting for iPod" and has been this way for hours. i've tried to hold down the home and power button and nothing happens!! my computere and itunes recognizes the iPod, but the iPod its self is completely unresponsive!! and helpoful hints?

    See Here...

  • I have 3 different itunes accounts and would like to combine them into just one for all my devices, a macbook pro, an iphone 4S, an older IPOD, and a ver sion one Ipad. how can i do this on all devices ?

    i have 3 different itunes accounts and would like to combine them into just one for all my devices, a macbook pro, an iphone 4S, an older IPOD, and a ver sion one Ipad. how can i do this on all devices ?

    i had one for a long time, then when i got the ipad i didn't realize they would all still work under one so i set up the second one on that
    then when i got the new iphone i put in the info for the first and main one from my mac pro and it would not work at all, and i knew it was right, then it asked me to create a new one or i couldnt finish the setup
    hence why i have 3 now
    hard to believe you cannot combine into one
    oh well, i will just make them all accessible for all 3

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    I want to change my cell phone because it's having scratches on it and i also feel like its home button did't work correctly
    So i want to know that can i have a new cell phone on replace of this one at any nearby of my house App store without any cost  ?
    But i'm not having any line yet on my phone i use it on net mostly so what is the scene can i have or can't ??
    please inform me soon !

    Is your phone still covered by warranty?  If so, go to your nearest Apple store and depending on what happened, this may or may not be covered by warranty.  If it is, then you can get a replacement exactly as the phone you already have.
    If out of warranty, then there is nothing you can do and you'll have to pay.

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