BerkeleyDB in FreeBSD kernel mode

I would like to know if there have been any efforts to get BerkeleyDB working in FreeBSD kernel mode? We have a requirement
to perform concurrent writes to BerkeleyDB from kernel mode and reads from user space applications. Also, we do not support
exceptions in our kernel space. This may rule out the BDB C++ interface, which is okay for us. Alternatively, we would need
the Db/DbEnv constructors not throw exceptions and use a status constructor argument to convey if the object construction fails.
Disabling exceptions in rest of BDB calls can be done using the constructor argument 'DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS'.
Any leads to getting BerkeleyDB working in the FreeBSD kernel space is appreciated.
with best regards,

Compiling with Sun Studio
Use the -D_KERNEL option to indicate that this code defines a kernel module.
If you are compiling for a 64-bit x86 architecture, use both the -xarch=amd64 option and the -xmodel=kernel option:
% cc -D_KERNEL -xarch=amd64 -xmodel=kernel -c mydriver.c
% ld -r -o mydriver mydriver.o

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    Hi roberto-
    Yes, its a shame. I have also contacted lenovo support hoping that they can sort out this problem. However, first response from them was 'contact your internet service provider since internet connectivity goes down'! :-/ I am hoping I have been able to get through to them now at least about where the problem lies. I wonder if anyone has tried using the laptop with the same broadcom wireless adapter with some other version of OS (linux, windows 7 etc.) and whether they still face the same problem. I haven't tried that yet. If this is just an OS / driver issue I hope someone somewhere is working on a fix! If not, I guess the only other solution would be to get an external USB wifi adapter but that is not something one would want to do when you buy a brand new Lenovo laptop. This was a big let down for me.

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    Very similar to
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    Thanks in advance for any and all advice!!!!
    Don't forget, if you find the help you need, click the "Propose as Answer" link at the bottom of the post containing the solution!

    I wish I could get a screenshot
    What are the chances of it being a bogus message?  For that reason and others I would be running ProcMon to find, correlate and supplement any and all diagnostics which are being produced.  Filter with  Operation Is WriteFile.  You
    need to infer which WriteFile  corresponds with which message but that is relatively easy because the Detail contains a close approximation to each message's length.  In any case, you get to see all the files that were involved and easy access to
    Good luck
    Robert Aldwinckle

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    Actually with Solaris on SPARC, there is a very key consideration - you should be on ASE 15.7 sp50 or sp100 or higher AND have applied the kernel jumbo patch (Oracle BugID 16054425) from Solaris that fixes the issue in which they prohibited OS threads from issuing KAIO calls.   Then in ASE, you need to configure the 'solaris async i/o mode' parameter.
    The changes between threaded and process mode kernels should be transparent to your application.  Generally speaking, SAP recommends 'threaded' kernel mode - and specifically for SAP applications only certifies 'threaded' kernel mode.    For custom applications, you *could* use either - although, depending on how many engines you run and what chipset you are on, you might see better performance with one vs. the other - typically threaded kernel mode is better, although there are exceptions.
    Generally, the main difference is that in process kernel mode, each engine did disk and network IO polling.   Due to OS security restrictions, this often meant that a engine had to process the disk IO in which it submitted...or for networking, your SPID had to run on your network engine for any network IO.  In threaded mode, there is a single parent process with engine tasks (threads) and IO tasks (threads).   Consequently, for customers used to running in the 10's of engines, we suggest a starting point of reducing the number of engines by 2 to give the IO tasks CPU time.
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    Here is one of my BSOD dump file. Please check it.
    Thank you very much!

    I suggest you start by doing a system file check.  This one crash was Related to Ndu.sys Windows Network Data Usage Monitoring Driver from Microsoft Corporation
    Please run a system file check (SFC)
    All instructions are in our Wiki article below...
    Should you have any questions please ask us.
    System file check (SFC) Scan and Repair System Files
    Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag

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    you use?
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    32-bit libraries (e.g. Oracle JDriver).
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    sorry no help,
    [email protected] (Len) wrote:
    We need to run Oracle 9.2 and WebLogic 7.0 on the same box running AIX
    5.1. Since Oracle 9.2 is only available as a 64-bit app, we need to
    run AIX 5.1 in 64-bit kernel mode.
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    We need to use the 32-bit JVM because WebLogic 7.0 contains some
    32-bit libraries (e.g. Oracle JDriver).
    Would apprecite any stories regarding success/failure.

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    I've installed all drivers and the error remains.
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    Device manager shows me that every device is working properly.
    Has anyone got an solution?

    ACPI is the power management facility for your Windows Operating system. If this is failing you may have to run a system recovery on your computer. You can do this with the hidden partition on your hard drive, however this will erase all of the data on your machine. If this doesn't solve the problem, you may have to consider getting your hard drive checked for bad sectors as this may have failed.
    Hope this helps. :)

  • How do I find wether Solaris 8 is running in 32 bit or 64 bit kernel mode

    I have some questions
    1)Ho do I know wether solaris 8 is running in 32 bit kernel mode or 64 bit kernel mode.
    2)Is there any way that we can switch between 32 bit and 64 bit without reinstalling the OS.?
    3)Does the SunLink OSI 8.1.1 work with solaris 8(32 bit kernel mode) without any patch. If any patch required , can you tell me the patch that i need to install.
    Thanking in anticipation

    To find out wheter 32 or 63-bit mode
    # /usr/bin/isainfo -kv
    Now, switching between modes
    32-bit mode
    # eeprom boot-file=kernel/unix
    64-bit mode
    # eeprom boot-file=kernel/sparcv9/unix
    or OK prompt,
    32-bits mode
    boot kernel/unix
    64-bit mode
    boot kernel/sparcv9/unix
    or even,
    32-bit mode
    setenv boot-file kernel/unix
    setenv boot-file kernel/sparcv9/unix

  • Getting slice/volume size from kernel mode

    Hi, my driver needs to be able to get a slice/volume size in LBs.
    Until now, when I wanted to send IOCTLS in kernel mode I used the
    cdev_ioctl function.
    However I'v encountered some strange problems when using this
    function for disksuite devices. The DIOCINFO IOCTL works fine, however
    neither DKIOCGVTOC nor DKIOCGAPART worked. The rc is 0 but the buffers
    contained random garabage. Does anyone have any idea what's wrong?
    Further info:
    1.On scsi or veritas volume manager devices these IOCTLS works fine, only on
    devices controleld by the disksuite driver (md) am I encountering such problems.
    2.The OS is solaris 8.
    3.The IOCTLS work fine from user-mode for all devices types.
    4.I am using cdev_ioctl as follows:
    cdev_ioctl(hTargetDevice, /*The device dev_t*/
    ioctlCode, /*Ioctl code*/
    (intptr_t)pInputBuffer, /*The info structure*/
    FKIOCTL|FREAD, /*Kernel ioctl*/
    kcred, /*Root privileges*/
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi, for other peoples information - I finally figured out the problem. It was actually a faulty RAM module which I had bought. I had upgraded from 2 to 4 gb of RAM using an approved type of RAM for my particular computer. Finally I removed one module of RAM (after doing nearly everything else under the sun including trying to reinstall the operating system and wipe the computer etc) and the computer worked fine.

  • Windows 8.1 Nvidia Windows Kernel Mode Driver Driver stopped responding and recovered?

    I have the newst version of the 15" MBP Retina with the Haswell chip and Nvidia GT 750m.  The problem I started having about 1 week ago is intermittent it seems, but involves the graphics driver when I'm in windows.
    The screen goes flashes to black for about 5 seconds then recovers and the display comes back up.  It just continues to do this every 10-15 seconds and the error messages displayed is "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered"  below that it says Display driver Nvidia Windows Kernel Mode Driver Vers.####### stopped responding and has successfully recoverd.
    What's crazy is the problem is not limited to any particular version of the driver!  I used system restore and went back a few weeks just to make sure, thinking it was just a conflict with a new update somewhere.  I have tried to install old versions of the 64-bit Geforce driver and it is irrelevant, the problem keeps cropping back up. I dont' know what to do, and can't even function in the Windows side hardly at all for very long.
    Please help

    Hi Robert, 
    I dont know if this will help you, but yesterday when I logged into Win 8.1 on the same rMBP as you I got an update notice for a new driver for the NVIDIA graphics card.  
    This is the driver that I got the notice for.
    You may want to download this and try installing it. 
    Good Luck

  • Is there a way to use berkeleydb in memory only mode?

    Hi, all,
    I want to use berkeleydb as memory only mode, I don't want data to be stored as db file.
    Is there such way and how to implement it?

    Please see the "Memory-only or Flash configurations" documentation at:

  • Unexpected kernel mode trap wdf01000.sys

      HI I been facing this issue last couple of days its becouse while browzing the interner and BSNl model U 100 which is based in India . I goin to give you the whocrased report below here. Crash Dump Analysis
    Crash dump directory: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump
    Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.
    On Sun 02-08-2015 03:41:17 GMT your computer crashed
    crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\080215-24031-01.dmp
    This was probably caused by the following module: wdf01000.sys (Wdf01000+0x316CA)
    Bugcheck code: 0x1000007F (0x8, 0xFFFFD00022764130, 0xFFFFD0002277FFE0, 0xFFFFF801B14C86CA)
    file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wdf01000.sys
    product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
    company: Microsoft Corporation
    description: Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime
    Bug check description: This indicates that a trap was generated by the Intel CPU and the kernel failed to catch this trap.
    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue.
    The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system that cannot be identified at this time.
      System Information (local)
    computer name: VISAKH
    windows version: Windows 8.1 , 6.3, build: 9600
    windows dir: C:\WINDOWS
    Hardware: HP 15 Notebook PC, Hewlett-Packard, 2212
    CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz Intel586, level: 6
    4 logical processors, active mask: 15
    RAM: 6370975744 total
      Please help me to resolve this problem. Regards Visakh 

      HI I been facing this issue last couple of days its becouse while browzing the interner and BSNl model U 100 which is based in India . I goin to give you the whocrased report below here. Crash Dump Analysis
    Crash dump directory: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump
    Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.
    On Sun 02-08-2015 03:41:17 GMT your computer crashed
    crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\080215-24031-01.dmp
    This was probably caused by the following module: wdf01000.sys (Wdf01000+0x316CA)
    Bugcheck code: 0x1000007F (0x8, 0xFFFFD00022764130, 0xFFFFD0002277FFE0, 0xFFFFF801B14C86CA)
    file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wdf01000.sys
    product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
    company: Microsoft Corporation
    description: Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime
    Bug check description: This indicates that a trap was generated by the Intel CPU and the kernel failed to catch this trap.
    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue.
    The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system that cannot be identified at this time.
      System Information (local)
    computer name: VISAKH
    windows version: Windows 8.1 , 6.3, build: 9600
    windows dir: C:\WINDOWS
    Hardware: HP 15 Notebook PC, Hewlett-Packard, 2212
    CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz Intel586, level: 6
    4 logical processors, active mask: 15
    RAM: 6370975744 total
      Please help me to resolve this problem. Regards Visakh 

  • 32 bit and 64 bit kernel modes

    Just curious to know if users experienced the exact same problem in both these modes.

    1. Fresh install of OSX 10.6 running in both 32-bit and 64-bit kernel modes.
    How did you get your data back onto the fresh install? If you used Migration Assistant, you probably imported the problem (likely caused by some corrupt settings file somewhere) right back into your fresh install.
    OTOH, if it happens on a clean system, you may have some kind of hardware issue, though I can't imagine what kind of hardware issue would only affect QuickLook! Perhaps zap your PRAM? (Restart and hold command-option-P-R until you hear a second startup chime.)
    2. Deleting ~/Library/Preferences/ .
    Good thought. You may also want to try trashing:
    3. Repairing partitions from both Disk Utility and Install DVD.
    Do you mean repair permissions? If so, you shouldn't repair permissions while booted from the install disk. You should always do this using the copy of Disk Utility on your hard drive, while booted from your hard drive as you normally would be.
    OTOH, repairing the hard drive can only be done on the boot drive while booted from the install disk.
    4. Using the following applications to run all tasks: MainMenu & OnyX.
    What tasks? Regardless, this is probably unnecessary:
    [Five Mac Maintenance Myths|]
    5. Uninstalling Perian and reinstalling.
    Is QuickLook only failing on videos, or is it failing for all types of files? Did you make sure you've got the latest version of Perian?

  • Apple USB Modem Not Supported in Snow Leopard Running 64-bit Kernel Mode

    Has anyone been able to get the Apple USB Modem to work with Snow Leopard (SL) when running SL in 64-bit kernel mode? I get an error saying hardware not supported.

    I would suggest you take this question up in the MacBook Pro forum or perhaps the Snow Leopard forum. This forum is for question about older, Pre-G3 Apple hardware and so not the forum where you'll be most likely to get a quick and applicable response.

Maybe you are looking for