Best EQ plugin for Logic?

the sony oxford plugs aren't compatible from what I can tell...
has anyone used the URS plugs? I know they have AU/VST versions available but apparently you need digi's ilok to use them...
metric halo's channelstrip?
what are your favorite third party plugins for LE??

I guess you could process elements 1 or 2 at a time through your outboard and then record them back into the mix. Or record through this equipment and don't compress so much in the mix.
If I had that kind of gear I would probably be recording through it mainly. Maybe using it a tiny bit in the mix but not much.
I just don't trust the software behind these plugins. There have to be a lot of the same commands/algorythms in use, it can't actually be that hard to make a peice of software to reduce a wordlength by a certain amount when it reaches a certain amount. It must be really tough to perfectly model an actual piece of hardware.
It still seems weird to me that this is what companies aim to do, in the digital realm you can make compressors which can have 0ms attacks and effect the volume of something without affecting the tone. Still no one has done this, companies just want the software to sound like hardware. WHY NOT JUST USE HARDWARE.

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    Charlie the Tuna wrote:
    Thanks, pancenter, I never would have known this. Compression on the fly? Once I convert/export a file doesn't it simply become a smaller file? If there's compression on the fly, isn't a large file being compressed even more?
    Once you export the file to a compressed format, the codec that does the compression also has to decompress on playback. The DV file is not compressed, it is the native video/audio format, there is no translation when playing.
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    First, return to 32-bit mode. 64 bit still has some ß-issues and some features that are not working/disabled, and the only perk of 64-bit is that Logic can adress more than 4 GB RAM, which you don't have anyway.
    Samples on the startup drive is not a problem, unless you start using really big third party sample libraries, or zillions of EXS instruments. Some of the Logic content insists on residing on the startup disk anyway, better leave that where it is.
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    If dropouts you hear during playback also show up in the (offline?) bounce, it is probably not a buffer issue, as the buffer is irrelevant for bouncing offline.
    So how many tracks and what kind of tracks in this project? Which plugins and how many instances of them?

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    Eriksimon wrote:
    Hey, Robin, lighten up, I don't think he intended to be mean. He's from Munich, you see.
    Haha... yep, that curious combination of humor and a direct unadorned response.
    I like it.
    That was a great explanation of dropping center panned tracks out of a stereo mix, although one may hear some vocal reverb splash way back in the mix. I'll have to try this and see what the vocals are covering up.
    If you're a Beatles fan or interested in any of the recording techniques used this 55 minute George Martin interview is a must. He has some examples with him. Really worth a listen!
    p.s. I love this line...
    "Performance took precedence over perfection".

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    blayzay wrote:
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    No point in rehashing the same old plugin threads...
    Here's a few, there are plenty more if you use the search function:-
    OSX has Core Audio, and the standard Core Audio plugin format is AudioUnits - it's the only format Logic supports for plugins.

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    Hi Jonathan,
    In my experience, smaller files seem to take less of a toll on the overall system than large uncompressed files. Whatever increased processor load there may (or may not?) be from using a real time software codec is outweighed by the strain of playing the wide data stream of uncompressed video. My personal preference is to ask for the movie as a DV Quicktime (pretty big, hi-rez file) or on a miniDV tape. Then I can use Quicktime Pro to make my own smaller version. The H.264 codec is pretty amazing, I usually use that, and I usually cut the size of the frame in half when I convert the movie (i.e. 720x480 becomes 360x240.) Also, I usually make a lot of short movies when I re-compress rather than one big one. I find it easier to chop the film up into cues and then just work with the movie file for the cue I'm on.
    Regarding Frame Rate: you won't drift. If you are in sync with your quicktime movie, then you are in sync. They need to make sure that the movie file they give you is correct, with no pull-up or pull-done, no sections from a different frame-rate source that haven't been properly converted and when they are converted they turn out to play at a different speed than on the movie file that they gave me, I mean you... I mean... ok, I'm ranting. I had a bad experience. But the point is that if you have a reliable Quicktime movie then you can't go wrong. The reason that you should set Logic to the same frame rate as what the filmakers are using is this: so everyone will be talking about the same unit of time when they say "frame." That's all. If they say "we're taking out 5 frames" it would be nice if you could cut 5 frames in Logic and know that you were correct. Check with your editor on this, but I believe that 23.98fpc is counted as 24fpc. So I think 24fpc is the right choice in Logic.
    I like to extract the movie's audio to the arrange page and use that reference audio instead of listening to the movie. Listen to the Arrange page audio track against the Movie audio track to make sure they are in sync. No plugins on the audio track's channel and no plugins on the Master Fader, to avoid a latency off-set .
    Then, when I either mix a cue or export the tracks for someone else to mix, I include a little fragment of reference track audio before (or after) the music cue to to make sure the editor has an absolute position reference for the music.

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    My MacBook Pro:
    Mac OS X 10.6.8
    Processor 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7
    Geheugen 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    My software: Logic Studio

    If Midi connectivity is important: Focusrite Saffire 6 (USB). Check out the User Guide:
    Otherwise, I would strongly recommend Mackie's Onyx Blackjack, especially when also out gigging. Check out the product page and you can also download an Owner's Manual:
    I use the Mackie . User Guides/Manuals are a great way of checking out detail about a product when deciding what to buy.
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    I know the Waveform editor leaves a bit to be desired, and I personally tend to use it as little as possible.
    But you can raise and lower the gain of a region very simply in the arrange window, select the region you wish to alter and go to the inspector on the top left of the arrange window. You will see a "Gain" entry there, click on the number and drag up or down to raise or lower the gain of that region.
    Just thought this might help.

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    Sorry, but is this an iPad question? Axiom Pro 61 is not an iPad-compatible peripheral, so perhaps you mean to post in the Logic forum?

  • Absolute best AD converter for Logic

    Ok this is going to likely start a firestorm, I'm not doing it on purpose.
    I'm looking to get rid of the MOTU, take it out of the signal chain completely. This is an option I'm considering above and beyond the update of the processors in it. I don't use the mic pres in it because the ISA sounds so much better, the MOTU just sounds flat and plain blehhhh...
    Anyway, I am wondering what you would consider to be the best hands down AD converter which would plug into the mac via firewire to get data to and from Logic.
    I don't have a tower, so using an embedded pci card is not going to happen. Perhaps that's what I need to get first before really doing this connection right?
    I know the Ensemble exists, and it is an option, but I don't really care for all the mic pres in it, just want something that can handle signal flow, so that at the other end of the signal I can hook it up to a patch bay (I'm assuming via AES connection) with the ISA's and other equipment I'm slowly going to get.
    thanks for you time, I'm listening.

    Recommendation taken to heart, all recommendations have, and I am looking to see how I can manage to test and listen to the hardware that I am considering when the end of the list comes up. One way is to go find recording studios in my area with this hardware, pay for 1 hour in the studio if I must (or even schmooze the dude or lady on the phone to let me just come in to listen) But it's gonna be hard to judge anything if I don't bring in something to record myself and go back home to listen to it. I think that would be the best way to test. Rent studio for 1 hour, go in with my guitar and mic, ask them to hook it up, record, take files, go home to listen and AB on a specific system. That's gonna prove to be hard to do I think. Maybe not. Going to a local dealer, regardless of how descent they are, I'm not going to have an environment conducive to recording a guitar piece and listening to it I think. (Any other suggestions welcome)
    That said, this is a project in motion. My plan is to grow my studio over the space of 2 years and get more and more people to come over. I would have no objection getting an 800 now and later supplementing/replacing it with other converters. Throwing the motu out to pasture is priority one The difference between 3000 for the Rosetta and 6500 for the x16's is quite a bit. The question there is if this 'quite a bit' is twice the price, and if this 'quite a bit' si worth the price for the people that I am catering to when I first start. There is a point of diminishing returns I have to keep in mind.
    If I was going to climb to 6500 I would flat out get the Lavry's no question. Yeah I would get less in/outs, but the sound here is what we're after, and the studio right now is geared towards vocals and acoustic guitar/bass recording, so no drums and big stuff like that yet, and need for a high number of inputs (by high I mean 16+).
    In the end it's my ears and my marketting

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    just looking for plugins tha give me good industry sound

    Waves makes some decent "all-in-one/single knob" type stuff, but Logic is more than capable of the same thing. I'd suggest rolling up your sleeves and digging into Logic's EQ, Compressor, Reverb and Delay plugins. You can achieve the same thing. As to the "industry sound" - that's good ears and years of practice, and there are no shortcuts for that...

Maybe you are looking for

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