Best way to build a bilingual site?

What would be the smartest way to do a bilingual site? Have
two distinct
copies of every HTML file, or offer both languages in the
same HTML file and
running "if/then" checks at every text instance?

> What would be the smartest way to do a bilingual site?
Have two distinct
> copies of every HTML file, or offer both languages in
the same HTML file
> and running "if/then" checks at every text instance?
If you are staffed and committed enough to ensure that all
pages will be
translated and updated in tangent, then the best route is to
implement a CMS
that can handle localization and, probably, workflow to
ensure all content
is updated in synch.
If not, then it probably makes sense to separate out the
translated sections
into their own areas and updated however the rest of the site
is being

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    You already have other people addressing the DB issues - so I will bring up the other... You are just saving a copy as a new page and then copy and pasting the changed content into  it?
    What you want to do is take the first page, once you have your design done - and save it as a template (file - save as - Dreamweaver Template).
    Then you want to select the areas (most likely the divs you have content in) that will have content changed, and select the div or p or whatever element... and go to Insert - Template Objects - Editible Region.
    Make sure you don't made editable the areas that are the primary design - such as a logo element, a header image, the navigation etc.  If you want to change those - you would do so by making the change on the template, and then it will automatically update all pages made based on that template.
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    Good luck

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    For me, as a noob, It's all about creative problem solving.
    For lots of stuff, there's no right or wrong solution, but you have
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    This might save you loads of headaches: avoid using scenes,
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    This is perhaps the easiest way to create a website quickly.

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    I've never done it, but sure, all sorts of companies will contract to code up an application for you - big companies like Honeywell and General Dynamics to Joe Programmer free-lancing out of his house will contract for computer coding projects.  Without knowing details of the app to be developed I have no idea what it would cost or how long it would take.  Some of the free-lance programmers I personally know bill out at over (some, well over) $100/hour.
    If you really think your idea is great, then be sure to approach discussing it with a developer as a business transaction.  Almost every company will have an unsolicted ideas policy in place (Apple explicitly does under their legal information page) and any unsolicited ideas sent in become the intellectual property of the company (by sending the idea unsolicited, you have legally "given" it to them).
    P.S. as to how long to learn how to program well?  Some people spend an entire college degree's worth of time and effort to master that.

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    Hi Reaver74,
    In the example site, the form is an interactive form where next option is offered based on the selection. This kind of form can't be created in Muse at the moment. You need to get the code for such form from some external source and embed it in Muse.

  • What is the best way to build a career path where I can evolve into an SAP role instead of one that is Customer Service based?

    In October 2011, my previous employer converted to SAP, as the rest of the worldwide entities were already using SAP. At that time, I was an Order Coordinator, where my job role was to process all of the Inside/Outside Sales Representatives orders for the US. Because of my keen attention to detail, the speed in which I learn new roles and general IT knowledge, I was asked to be the SAP SuperUser for our Financial Operations team. I quickly began to learn the roles of Order-to-Cash, Customer Master Data, Pricing Conditions, Contracts, some Material Master Data, and even Customer/Material Pricing Audits. I also performed manual customer billing in SAP until the automatic modules were implemented. Knowledge of these roles created a need for me to become a trainer to my team, where the SAP Consultants left off. After only working in SAP for the few months after the conversion started, I evolved out of an Order Coordinator rights of access and was given a not-so-typical role as an "analyst". I had more than a firefighter role in SAP, as my normal log in credentials gave me full rights to all of these modules and even special reporting. Our parent global company realized necessity for my role and followed proper protocol to authorize the access changes to still meet the SOx regulations. Prior to using SAP, I never thought I'd fall in love with it and enjoy my job so much, but it happened! Despite my previous employer's less than perfect data that was copied into SAP, we managed to have an efficient ongoing process to clean it all up.  I became more of a liaison between Financial Operations and our IT Dept/SAP Consultants. I "translated" the technical steps that IT/SAP Consultants were trying to teach everyone and trained my Financial Operations team in a way they would understand. I truly enjoyed my job, even at our most difficult moments.
    However, after all of the fun I was having while working in SAP and truly gaining a ton of useful experience and knowledge, "life" happened and I had an opportunity to move from Atlanta, GA to southern California. I've searched for months to find a new career here in California with a company that I could continue my learning experiences and become more proficient in SAP, but I'm a little lost. My search to find jobs have only given me possibilities in Customer Service positions or ones that are SAP sales/programming based. I'm floating in limbo and looking for help from the SAP community on where I can go from here to get back into a career path with SAP.
    I'm 28 years old and I'm currently finishing my Associate degree in Business Administration. I'm a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), certified with the Help-Desk Institute as a Support Center Analyst, and also completed my previous employer's Quality Advocate Certification which focused on Six Sigma and Lean concepts. Prior to leaving the company, I was being considered for a company sponsored training in the Six Sigma Green or Black Belt program. I've recently started working a contract position as a Customer Service Rep, processing orders, but the company will be completing an SAP conversion in May 2013; so only a few months away. The problem I have in this position is that I feel frustrated in learning their current software when their entire team seems to have their own personal ways of doing their job. I prefer to have structure and perform job duties the right way, then building on that to make the job more streamlined. I spoke with my recruiter but he feels I may be a bit premature on feelings about working in this contract position. I may be just feeling a little impatient in having to wait another 3 months to see if the company may even hire me on permanently and what role I would have with SAP, beyond Customer Service Rep. I'm hoping to get some direction from the SAP community on where I might focus my attention in learning SAP. My hope is to find a position working with SAP like the one I enjoyed so much back in GA. I'm even considering options to learn the programming side. I think SAP is a great software package once people understand how it's designed, or can be designed, to work.
    Please help!!
    I'd be happy to provide my resume to anyone willing to review it and give me some pointers. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    I appreciate the length and detail of your post. I struggle answering questions from folks who give too little info. It's refreshing to have too much info for a change.
    I'll summarize your post and give suggestions:
    You have very strong end user experience, almost bordering on support level SD knowledge. You have experience with the way that at least one company implemented SAP SD but don't have many years of experience with different approaches, so you can't pitch yourself as someone who's "been-there, done-that" outside of the SD world and you can't bill yourself as having SD functional knowledge to the extend that you could be a consultant for SAP SD.  (See FAQ: Different Career Paths in SAP for descriptions of different traditional SAP career paths.)
    You've moved to Southern California, which is chock full of companies using SAP, by the way, and you're having a hard time finding the right job. Your education is probably going to be problematic at this point. Most SAP related jobs require a Bachelor's Degree at a minimum. Definitely keep on going with your degree. I don't know where you're doing your associate's degree, but you might want to look in to Cal State Fullerton, which has an *excellent* SAP focused business degree program. (
    You've found work at a company but had to start over at a lower level of responsibility. Since the job you just landed will be transitioning to SAP in 3 months, you have an opportunity to repeat your previous rise by volunteering to be a super-user again. Alternatively, you could talk to the group within your company and express your desire to help out supporting the system from the back end. Traditionally, companies lose a few folks immediately following an implementation, so there's a good chance that if you make your desires and skills known, that you'll be able to move onto the support team once a position opens up.
    All of the above assumes that you want to continue on the functional side of SD. You didn't mention any aptitude or preference for programming. It is certainly easier to get programming jobs than functional jobs (see How did you get your start in SAP?), but it seems like you really enjoyed the functional side of SAP. I do *not* recommend learning an SAP skill for which you have no desire simply to get a job, hoping that you can switch later. Use the skills you have to get the job you really want, doing something that really excites you. It's far to easy to fall into a job simply because it's there and get trapped and burned out.
    Hope this helps!
    Best regards,

  • Best way of dealing with multiple sites?

    As I make more and more sites the time it takes to "publish to folder" grows because I have all the old sites in my project file, so everything gets re-published to the folder, even old sites I have no interest in editing any more.
    What is the best way of handling iWeb so I can concentrate just on the site I'm currently working on without worrying about other sites? Yet, I might still want to leave the possibility open of returning to one of the old sites at some point...

    The following is from the iWebSites site:
    *How iWebSites Works*
    iWeb normally stores a user’s websites in one folder (or package) called “Domains.sites,” in the user’s home library located at “~/Application Support/iWeb/”. It expects this package to be present, but if it isn’t, it will create it when launching iWeb. iWebSites manipulates “Domains.sites” to create more than one website package (a “.sites” file) in the Application Support/iWeb folder. Simply, iWeb opens up “Domains.sites” when it launches, and whatever website happens to be in that package is the website that iWeb uses while running. *iWebSites renames “Domains.sites” when creating a new site*, and it leaves the newly named “.sites” file in the Application Support/iWeb folder. iWebSites enables the user to switch between sites (by creating the appropriate “Domains.sites” package), delete sites, create new sites, and duplicate sites.
    So one should open iWebSites first and select which site to open. If iWeb is launched after once opening a site with iWebStes it will open that domain file. If you want to work on a different site you'll need to launch iWebSites and open the desired site file from within iWS so that the file names are changed.
    To create a new, separate file click on the New Site button in iWebSites. Then select the New Site (still in iWebSites) and change it's name to something that will reflect the content of the new site. As seen in the screenshot I posted above giving a site a relevant name makes determining which site you want to open much easier.

  • What is the best way to build a news system?

    Hi everyone,
    I am building a website using webcenter and I need to do a section called "News". The Editor user is going to put on this section some news about the company.
    The doubt is: What is the best way to do is? There is a way to integrate the webcenter with Content Server and store the news as a content on it? Or the best thing to do is treat each news as a page (by using the task flow - Page create new)?

    Hi Daniel,
    I'm not shure if that is the best way, but we're using the Page Service Task Flow and scope.
    If you want to use Oracle Content Server(ucm) probably your user must create a doc(news) and upload it by using something like the Library Task Flow.

  • Figuring the best way to create a web site

    i am an inexperienced java developer. i need to create web application where the user logs in. i want to know wish is the best way to go about.
    for eg,: should all my content be in one jsp file(logic, presentation and db logic) or should i servlets or should develop a j2ee application and have a web server send requests to an application server. i just wanna know which is the best way to develop a sophisticated web site that will not require major code rewriting in future and that won't be difficult to maintain. any advice will be warranted.
    also, what is an application server and is there a free one available.

    Tas (or anyone) can you perhaps help me design my project....I understand the concept of separating presentation from business and db logic but its difficult to implement while actually coding. For example...
    On one of my jsps a user must select departure and destination cities for a trip. these available cities must be extracted from a database.
    heres the code...
    <th width='50%' class='rowDef' align='left' valign=top>
    <select name='boardingCity'>
    try {
    cityList = st.executeQuery("SELECT CityCode, CityName FROM CityList");
    while ( {
    out.println("<option value='" + cityList.getString(1) + "' />" + cityList.getString(2));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("checkForAvailability.jsp...Error:" + e);
    <th width='50%' class='rowDef' align='left' valign=top>
    <select name='destinationCity'>
    try {
    cityList2 = st.executeQuery("SELECT CityCode, CityName FROM CityList");
    while ( {
    out.println("<option value='" + cityList2.getString(1) + "' />" + cityList2.getString(2));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("checkForAvailability.jsp...Error:" + e);
    now how do i go about separating the db logic from the presentation. where will it be coded. do u have sample code?

  • Question about best way to build page

    I built a site by first designing it in Photoshop and then
    slicing it up, leaving an area for the main text for each
    individual page. I then brought the html and images into
    Dreamweaver and built a template, making an editable region in the
    table cell where the main text for each page will go. Here's a
    screenshot to give you a better idea...
    Originally I set it up so that the editable region had a
    scroll bar to accomodate the amount of text for the page (I used
    overflow set to auto in the CSS). The problem is, the client
    doesn't want scrollbars and wants the page to dynamically expand
    vertically based on the amount of text for the page (with the
    woman's picture top aligned with the text and her bio link under
    the nav bar, and the 2 magazine photos along with her blurb and
    copyright pushed down to the bottom below the main text).
    If I don't use scrollbars and try to put more text than will
    fit into the cell of the editable region, it breaks the table and
    the nav bar gets all screwed up and looks like this...
    I'm at a loss, how can I set this up so the page will
    dynamically expand vertically with the text? Any suggestions? Is a
    table not the way to go? What's the best way of doing it?
    I'm open to anything at this point, I've been trying things
    on my own for hours with no results, any help is appreciated,

    xslamx wrote:
    > The Photoshop design is what the client approved and is
    expecting, so I'm kind
    > of stuck with it and can't really simplify it. Is that
    what you meant by
    > "start in Dreamweaver", changing the layout to make it
    Its quite simple to recreate directly from within
    Dreamweaver. Below is
    the main html/css structure you require. Just a simple two
    column, one
    row table will do the job. Cut code below, paste into a new
    document....add content and tweak a bit.
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, snas-serif;
    font-size: 65%;
    background-color: #000;
    color: #fff;
    line-height: 140%;
    #mainTable {
    width: 800px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    #leftCol {
    width: 600px;
    vertical-align: top;
    #leftCol h1 {
    font-size: 120%;
    padding: 12px 0 0 0;
    #leftCol h2 {
    font-size: 110%;
    padding: 12px 0 9px 0;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
    #leftCol h3 {
    font-size: 100%;
    #leftCol h1, #leftCol h2, #leftCol h3 {
    margin: 0 0 5px 70px;
    width: 350px;
    #leftCol p {
    padding: 0 0 5px 0;
    margin: 0 0 0 70px;
    width: 350px;
    #mindyImage {
    float: right;
    margin: 12px 12px 0 0;
    border: 1px solid #fff;
    #list {
    margin-left: 70px;
    padding: 0 0 0 15px;
    width: 335px;
    #leftCol ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    #leftCol li {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    #rightCol {
    vertical-align: top;
    padding: 20px 0 0 0;
    #rightCol ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
    width: 120px;
    #rightCol li {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
    #rightCol a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #8b7d6b;
    background-color: #eedfcc;
    display: block;
    text-align: right;
    padding: 4px 5px 4px 0;
    <table id="mainTable" border="0" cellspacing="0"
    <td id="leftCol">
    <img src="makeUpStudioLogo.gif" alt="The Make Up Studio
    width="600" height="125">
    <img src="mindy.gif" id="mindyImage" alt="Mindy - the
    make-up artist"
    width="150" height="250">
    <h1>Introduction to make up Artistry for the aspiring
    Makeup Artist.</h1>
    <p>Having worked with students and clients for years,
    Mindy now offers
    a workshop-style lesson for the aspiring Makeup Artist.
    You'll get hands-on instruction to suits your needs and
    learn beauty
    bascics to give you the knowledge needed to start a
    career. The course will include:
    <div id="list">
    <li>Kit supply basics, informational</li>
    <li>Introduction to brushes and tools</li>
    <li>Introduction to color theory</li>
    <li>Lighting basics</li>
    <li>Skincare and prep</li>
    <li>Basic beauty and corrective makeup</li>
    <li>Sculpting the perfect and
    <li>Applying false eyeleashes</li>
    <li>Overview of all makeup uses</li>
    <li>Concealer and foundation techniques</li>
    <h2>2-day beginner course-$600 (includes all materials
    <h3>Career & Portfolio Development</h3>
    <p>This workshop covers the basics necessary for a
    carerr in makeup -
    including resumes, business cards, making and keeping
    contacts and
    portfolio development. The first
    few days will be devoted to technique. You'll then be
    supplied with
    models to create two distinct looks for your portfolio. Both
    of your
    designs will be photographed by one of the city's
    to fashion photographers. Each student will choose two
    photos from the
    shoot to promote themselves. This workshop is an exciting
    for the Makeup Artist to express their creativity
    for the purpose of promoting themselves.</p><br>
    <p><strong>This course is limited to working
    <td id="rightCol">
    <li><img src="curvetop.gif" alt="" width="120"
    <li><a href="#">About us</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Portfolio</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">In
    <li><a href="#">Press
    <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Links</a></li>
    <li><img src="curveBottom.gif" alt="" width="120"

  • Best way to make a Flash site

    I'm working on my first Flash site and, since I'm quite new to Flash, I've been exhausting myself seeing all kind of tutorials in order to avoid any common/beginner mistakes.
    So, my question is: should I build my Flash site in a single file or should I build page per file (ex: index.html, about.html, contacts.html, etc.)? The reason I'm asking this is because in one of the tutorials -, Flash CS4 Professional Creating a First Web Site (Paul Trani) - the site is all in a sinlge file and the menus are located in diferent parts on the timeline (check image)...

    There are all kinds of ways to design a site, so asking which is better than another is more often going to get you a response involving a personal preference - and it is okay to have your own preference. 
    But if you are intending to create a true Flash site, then that term is usually moreso associated with having just one html page.  The Flash content is where you make the decisions you are asking about... whether to include it all in one Flash file or to create separate Flash files (per section) that get loaded into a main Flash file.
    The bottom line... pick what you are comfortable with and get the experience under your belt.  Since you indicated this is your first Flash site, if that means there will be more, then you can use those opportunities to try different approaches.

  • Best Way To Build A Song

    I was thinkin of ways to build songs and thought it might be interesting to hear what everyones opinion is on this? I know inspiration can come in many diff ways but... when actually in the recording process where is a good place to start assuming you are not recording live instruments?? Anyone? Thanks

    NOw you got me started
    Once you have your song................You listen back to it..........Let's say it sounds muddy......BEFORE you start EQing..........make sure it isn't muddy because of the orchestration !
    9 times out of 10 it is the composition that is muddy NOT the mix......
    Check your inversions of the chords .....make sure that your hook lines aren't duplicating notes that are in the block chords of the progression......Instead have them an Octave higher or lower............
    So every note has it's own space....That way everything is heard clearly...
    LEAN AND should breathe so don't be afraid of little pockets of nothingness.....
    Kick drum and bassline form a union and should sound Together (That gets rid of ALOT of low-end mud)
    That doesn't mean whenever the BASS hits, the Kick should hit.........just don't have them fight each other....
    Oh yeah almost forgot......don't get caught listening and working on an 8bar verse loop for hours on end........Because it will become virtually impossible for you to think up anything to follow it!
    That is why I said get the entire chord Progression first.......

  • Opinions needed on best way to add a mobile site

    We have an existing somewhat older website that does not nicely support mobile devices. While it looks and works fine on tablets, it becomes somewhat unusable on smartphones. We do not have the time/dollars at this point to start from scratch and rebuild with all of the latest bells and whistles. So the question becomes what is the cleanest/fastest/easiest way to add a mobile website. In trying to research this answer, it appears there is no one right answer. I actually have found many possibilities. Right now I have Dreamweaver CS5 and am not going to upgrade any time soon or change tools.
    Here are some possibilities I'm considering:
    Adding a new "home" page and letting the user decide to either "go lean and mobile" or go wide screen and use the full website. This doesn't seem too bad to me since I'm clearly going to have to maintain 2 websites in the near term.
    From there I see choices where the direction is chosen based on the OS or it is chosen based on the screen size. I have seen some based on Javascript and some CSS based. It just gets pretty confusing to know which is best.
    We are adding online ordering (pizza place) and want to definitely make it useable for the mobile world. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    As a follow on question, how big of a problem would we run into (how many phone users might we anger) if we used a js based menu on our mobile sit?. Not sure how many devices/OS don't support javascript.
    Thanks so much!

    If you go down this slippery slope, trying to identify mobile user-agents is the single biggest obstacle you will face.  The list is understandably huge and constantly changing.   To make matters worse, many browsers pretend to be other browsers. So sniffing for mobile devices and redirecting them to your mobile only site is not only a major chore, it's not even 100% reliable.  And then there's the matter of maintaining 2 separate sites...  Oh, don't even go there.
    Re-code your current site to make it Responsive.  Below are several Frameworks you can use to jump start your new layouts.
    Foundation Zurb
    Skeleton Boilerplate
    Initializr (HTML5 Boilerplate, Responsive or Bootstrap)
    DMX Zone's Bootstrap *free Extension for DW*
    Project Seven's Page Packs *Commercial CSS Templates for DW*
    Whichever menu system you choose, it needs to be user friendly for desktops as well as touch screen devices.  CSS styled lists are the foundation to build on.  Then you can add jQuery MeanMenu to make it mobile friendly.  I have a working example of it below (resize your browser viewport):
    Nancy O.

Maybe you are looking for