Beta 3 Functional Reference

   Is there a new Functional Reference for Beta 3?
Beta 1 Functional Reference
Beta 2 Functional Reference

Hi Bruton,
The function reference for Beta3 can be found here:

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    First, I saw on the National Instruments Home Page that the PDF version of
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    Don Pellegrino wrote:
    > First, I saw on the National Instruments Home Page that the PDF version of
    > the Function Reference Manual has been discontinued in favor of the Online
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    This doc can be found on
    > I thought the DAQCard-AI-16E-4 was a popular product and I assume it still
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    To the best of my knowledge, yes it does.
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    Hope you are refering it to the actual page, which you invoke for any cfm/cfc request then yes, its extension would be .cfm/.cfc page but if you are refering it to its corresponding encoded pages from {ColdFusion10}\cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses then its extension would be .class.
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    The InitCVIRTE function is in the CVI run time engine (cvirte.dll)..not part of NI-DAQ.
    Applications written or using CVI may call this function..
    How are you running into this ?
    From the CVI help...
    This function performs initialization of the CVI Run-Time Engine. It is needed only in executables or DLLs that are linked using an external compiler. Otherwise, it is harmless.
    It should be called in your main, WinMain, or DllMain, function. The parameter values you should pass depend on which of these three functions you are calling InitCVIRTE from. The following examples show how to use InitCVIRTE in each case.
    If you are using main, your code should be as follows.
    int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
    return -1; /* out of memory */
    /* your other code */
    return 0;
    If you are using WinMain, your code should be as follows.
    int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance,
    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    LPSTR lpszCmdLine,
    int nCmdShow)
    if (InitCVIRTE (hInstance, 0, 0) == 0)
    return -1; /* out of memory */
    /* your other code */
    return 0;
    If you are creating a DLL, you must call InitCVIRTE and CloseCVIRTE in your DllMain function, as in the following.
    int __stdcall DllMain (void *hinstDLL, int fdwReason,
    void *lpvReserved)
    if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    if (InitCVIRTE (hinstDLL, 0, 0) == 0)
    return 0; /* out of memory */
    /* your other ATTACH code */
    else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
    /* your other DETACH code */
    CloseCVIRTE ();
    return 1;
    NOTE: The prototype for InitCVIRTE is in cvirte.h, not
    NOTE: In CVI 4.0.1, this function was expanded from one to
    three parameters. Executables and DLLs that were
    created using the one-parameter version of the function
    will continue to work properly.
    /*-------------------- Prototype ---------------------*/
    int InitCVIRTE (void *HInstance, char *Argv[], void *Reserved);
    Nandan Dharwadker
    Staff Software Engineer
    Measurement Studio Hardware Team

  • Pdf version of the NI-DAQ Function Reference?

    I'm looking for a pdf version of the NI-DAQ 6.9.1 Function Reference, is there one available? All I can find so far is the online help. thanks!

    I've got a feeling that the latest version of NI-DAQ FRM in .pdf format is 6.6 (file 321645e.pdf on the software / hardware PDF support library CDs).
    The Start->Program->National Instruments->Ni-daq->NI-DAQ Help is all there is, but it does contain all the relevant information.
    If you could find a program to convert a help file into a .pdf, you'll need to e-mail [email protected]
    to get their permission to do it.
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer

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    Hi friends
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    In SRM there are different Partner functions like REQUESTER, GOODS RECIPIENT, VENDOR ,LOCATION.
    All the org units or users in SRM will have a unique identification number called Business Partner Number maintained in table BUT000.
    The users can have differnt partner functions in differnt documents and accordingly mainatained in table CRMD_PARTNER.
    Hope this will give you some infomation.

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    I am sorry as it might be a stupid question but any help would be appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Harmonium,
    i think what you search is under Start --> National Instruments --> Vision --> Documentation --> NI-IMAQ IO
    In this directory you found the documentation for the imaq**** functions.
    C:\Programme\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ IO\Docs 
    There are three librarys the NI-IMAQ I/O, NI-IMAQ Librarys and the NI-IMAQdx. If you can please use the NI-IMAQdx library,
    because its the newest for doing aquisition. The documentation can be found here
    C:\Programme\National Instruments\NI-IMAQdx\Docs
    best regards
    Alexander Glasner
    AE NIE

  • Are Classes better than Function groups and Modules

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    Then how classes are beneficial?
    Deepak Bhalla

    Yes they are compared in the sense that the class and function group are the containers, and the methods and function modules are the interfaces in which you interact with the encapsulated data. 
    Again if you are developing an application in which you are not forced to push the processing to differenet work processes,  then using classes/methods is preferrable. The reason I say this, is because anything coming from SAP will most likely be implemented as a class as opposed to a function group.  This is not to say that SAP will not create new function modules, because of course there still is a use for them.
    Rich Heilman

  • 3113: Activity 'XXPONIT/233480' is missing a function reference.

    Hello All,
    I have designed a workflow in which i have to call workflow for n number of times.
    In this workflow i have taken one notification and one function . when user submits workflow, its reached to user's parent level(1). If it approves then forwarded to function. it will check whether for that parent level(1) parent is found or not. if parent is found then it will identify the parent level(2) and sets into Attribute level(1) .
    and forwarded back to notification.
    when i am trying to run this workflow am getting the *(3113: Activity 'XXPONIT/233480' is missing a function reference.) error.
    Eg. ____________Yes_______
    | |
    v Approve | No
    Start---> Notification ------------------> function ------------------> End
    | ^
    I am pasting pl/sql code here: Suggest me where i am wrong:
    create or replace package body XXPO_WF_NIT_APPROVAL_PKG is
    v_user_id number;
    v_user_name VARCHAR2(15);
    v_flag_parent_exist varchar2(1);
    v_item_key NUMBER;
    v_initiator varchar2(15);
    /*To generate Unique Value for item key*/
    SELECT XXPO_NIT_SEQ.nextval INTO v_item_key FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('item key ' ||v_item_key);
    /* To create Workflow Process*/
    wf_engine.CreateProcess(itemtype => 'XXPONIT',
    itemkey => v_item_key,
    process => 'NIT_PROC');
    /* For Getting Initiator name who has initiated workflow*/
    SELECT fu.user_name INTO v_initiator
    FROM fnd_user fu
    where user_id = p_user_id;
    /*for getting next approver level user name and user Id*/
    SELECT fu1.user_name,fu1.user_id INTO v_user_name,v_user_id
    FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf1,
    fnd_user fu1
    WHERE paaf1.person_id = fu1.employee_id
    AND paaf1.position_id IN (SELECT ppse.parent_position_id
    FROM per_position_structures pps,
    per_pos_structure_elements ppse
    WHERE pps.position_structure_id = ppse.pos_structure_version_id
    AND pps.position_structure_id = 4061 /*PO Test NIT Heirarchy*/
    AND ppse.subordinate_position_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT paaf.position_id
    FROM Per_All_Assignments_f paaf
    WHERE paaf.position_id IS NOT NULL
    AND paaf.person_id IN (SELECT papf.person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f papf,
    fnd_user fu
    WHERE fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
    AND papf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
    AND fu.user_id = p_user_id/*1547*/ )));
    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => 'XXPONIT',
    itemkey => v_item_key,
    aname => 'INITIATOR',
    avalue => v_initiator);
    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => 'XXPONIT',
    itemkey => v_item_key,
    aname => 'ATR_LEVEL1',
    avalue => v_user_name);
    wf_engine.StartProcess(itemtype => 'XXPONIT',
    itemkey => v_item_key);
    dbms_output.put_line('In WF_START_PROCESS' ||SQLCODE || ':No data found' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('In WF_START_PROCESS' ||SQLCODE || ':Duplicate values found' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('In WF_START_PROCESS' ||SQLCODE || ':Other Exception' || SQLERRM);
    --====================End of WF_Start procedure================
    procedure is_comment_null(itemtype IN VARCHAR2,
    itemkey IN VARCHAR2,
    actid IN NUMBER,
    funcmode IN VARCHAR2,
    resultout OUT VARCHAR2) is
    v_comments_fst_level varchar2(200);
    v_result_fst varchar2(100);
    v_count number;
    v_comments_fst_level := WF_NOTIFICATION.GetAttrText(WF_ENGINE.CONTEXT_NID,
    IF (v_result_fst = 'REJECTED') THEN
    IF v_comments_fst_level IS NULL THEN
    RESULTOUT :='ERROR: Comment is required while rejecting the request';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line(SQLCODE || ':No data found' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('is_comment_null'|| SQLCODE || ':No data found' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('is_comment_null' || SQLCODE || ':Duplicate values found' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('is_comment_null'|| SQLCODE || ':Other Exception' || SQLERRM);
    END is_comment_null;
    v_count number;
    --==============To initiate next approval workflow================
    SELECT count(fu1.user_name) INTO v_count
    FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf1,
    fnd_user fu1
    WHERE paaf1.person_id = fu1.employee_id
    AND paaf1.position_id IN (SELECT ppse.parent_position_id
    FROM per_position_structures pps,
    per_pos_structure_elements ppse
    WHERE pps.position_structure_id = ppse.pos_structure_version_id
    AND pps.position_structure_id = 4061
    AND ppse.subordinate_position_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT paaf.position_id
    FROM Per_All_Assignments_f paaf
    WHERE paaf.position_id IS NOT NULL
    AND paaf.person_id IN (SELECT papf.person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f papf,
    fnd_user fu
    WHERE fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
    AND papf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
    AND fu.user_id = v_user_id)));
    IF v_count > 0 THEN
    v_flag_parent_exist := 'Y';
    /* To get next approver name */
    SELECT fu1.user_name INTO v_user_name
    FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf1,
    fnd_user fu1
    WHERE paaf1.person_id = fu1.employee_id
    AND paaf1.position_id IN (SELECT ppse.parent_position_id
    FROM per_position_structures pps,
    per_pos_structure_elements ppse
    WHERE pps.position_structure_id = ppse.pos_structure_version_id
    AND pps.position_structure_id = 4061
    AND ppse.subordinate_position_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT paaf.position_id
    FROM Per_All_Assignments_f paaf
    WHERE paaf.position_id IS NOT NULL
    AND paaf.person_id IN (SELECT papf.person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f papf,
    fnd_user fu
    WHERE fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
    AND papf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
    AND fu.user_id = v_user_id)));
    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => 'XXPONIT',
    itemkey => v_item_key,
    aname => 'ATR_LEVEL1',
    avalue => v_user_name);
    v_flag_parent_exist := 'N';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_flag_parent_exist = 'Y' THEN
    RESULTOUT := 'Y';
    ELSE IF v_flag_parent_exist = 'N' THEN
    RESULTOUT := 'N';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END Next_approver;
    sheetal Mittal

    I believe the document that you are looking for can be found in the following location. This help file describes the NI-DAQmx Library functions, which you can use with National Instruments data acquisition and switch devices to develop instrumentation, acquisition, and control applications.
    Message Edited by jaced on 11-05-2007 12:18 PM
    Signal Sources Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments
    NI-DAQmx C help.jpg ‏98 KB

  • Getting "museJSAssert: Error calling selector function: Reference Error: Web Pro is not defined".

    First off, I am not a coding person. I decided to use Muse becuse I am good with Illustrator and Photoshop.
    The sight I built: is now getting a bunch of errors when it initially was working fine. I am using godaddy for a host and using their ftp.
    This is the error I am getting now: museJSAssert: Error calling selector function: Reference Error: Web Pro is not defined
    You can see how my sight is supposed to work at
    I have no idea what to do. Please help.

    Well, if nothing else I've ascertained that it's not GoDaddy's connectivity issue, as the issue continues late into today, and it does vary a bit per the other error reports. Using FileZilla there are just a few timeouts in the log, enough to give some pause but not necessarily (according to GD) disruptive. I've checked the list of uploaded files against the Muse Export folder contents and everything is there. In fact, the site looks good, buttons work, rollovers, etc, but there are no images. Like everyone else, this has cost me time and money in the last 24 hours.
    Let's see what the good people at Adobe live chat have to say, and I'll share it with you.

  • Function references and stateful cfcs?

    Using 8.0.1
    ok, i have a happy component (example4.cfc):
    <cfcomponent output="false">
      variables.txt = "un-init";
    <cffunction name="Init" access="public" returntype="example4" output="false">
      variables.txt = "init";
      <cfreturn this />
    <cffunction name="remoteEcho" access="remote" returntype="string" ExtDirect="true" output="false">
      <cfargument name="str" type="string" required="true" />
      <cfreturn str &  "[" & variables.txt & "]"/>
    and I am trying to call a function reference like so:
    cfc = CreateObject('Component', 'Example4').Init();
    method = cfc['RemoteEcho']; //<- try to create function reference
    <cfdump var="#cfc#">
    <cfdump var="#method#">
    <cfdump var="#cfc.remoteEcho('bobo')#"><!--- this works, naturally --->
    <cfdump var="#method('bobo')#"><!--- failure here --->
    The problem that I am running into is that it cannot find the variables.txt private member.
    Element TXT is undefined in VARIABLES.
    The direct call works fine, however the reference acts as if it's, i don't know, a regular UDF outside of a cfc?
    Any help here, or will this just not work?

    As far as I know it will not work if you're accessing private
    variables because I seem to remember that the function reference is
    not tied to the cfc instance.

  • JuseJSAssert Error calling selector function: Reference Error:'PIE' is undefined

    Since installing your new version of Adobe Muse yesterday I have not been able to get updated pages to upload to my website.  I have exported the html to my desktop and it looks right there but when I upload it to the website I get the following error message: MuseJSAssert: Error calling selector function: Reference Error:"PIE" is undefined.   I have uploaded only the updated page but then I tried uploading the whole site MANY times and it just is NOT working.  Can I go back to the prior version as I had no problems with it.  PLEASE help!  I have worked on this for two days and am tired of it and need to get my site working properly!  Thanks for your quick response!

    Whats the site URL in question? Are you uploading the site to Business Catalyst or to a third party hosting provider? Did you try uploading all site files through a FTP client like Filezilla? Is that a specific browser/version where the problem occurs?

  • Function reference / documentation

    Hi there,
    where can I find a complete "function reference" of CR functions?
    At MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) I just found the following:
    But there is only a description of the syntax how to use functions in CR ...
    I need a "function reference" where all functions are listed and described!
    Split(inputString, delmitter, count, compare)
    Can delmitter be a char or even a string, what does the compare paramter etc. OK, this is just a simple example and I can do "try and error" but this isn't the correct way of course and there are a lot of functions available in CR ...
    Since VS2008 the MSDN integration of CR does not work (404 error) ...
    (used VS2005 in the past)
    Thanks in advance,

    Wow, thank you for your immediate response
    We're using "Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008" at the moment ...
    If I click the "?" button in "Formular Workshop" I just get the following:
    Visual Studio
    Information Not Found
    See Also  Send Feedback
    The information that you are trying to access could not be found. Various events could have caused this error.
    - Broken links
    - No topic in Local Help
    - No F1 Help topic available
    - Online Help is not available
    - Help has not been installed
    - Online Help cannot be accessed because the proxy server cannot authenticate the user
    To report this error, visit the MSDN Product Feedback Center.
    There should be such thing at the SDN?

  • NI USB-6211 function reference

      Where can I find API function reference for NI USB-6211?
      Thank you

    Hello A.V.
      Not exactly drivers. I'm searching for a way my programm could interact with a NI USB-6211 device.
      I suppose there should be a C-language API library shipped with it.
      Let me explain it further. I need a standalone waveform function generator and now I'm searching for a suitable device.
      It should be controllable from my program (waveform parameters configuration, start/stop), but be able to run on its own after being started.
      It is also important for me to have an access to internal clock of the device to be able to synchronyze it with host PC.
      I could not find answers in the users manual and I hope API function reference will help me.
    Best regards,

  • Ni-daq function reference

    Could someone point me to what include files I need to call the ni-daq functions
    directly from a C program? (or point me to where I can get that information,
    I've looked through the function reference but can't seem to find it)

     Hi rd,
     The variable buffer is an array of u32 where the conversion samples are stored.
     The variable numPtsToread specifies how many points to read from the buffer.
     The latest version of the NI-DAQ drivers is 7.4.4, the Traditional NI-DAQ C Function Reference help manual will be installed when you install those drivers.
     Thanks and  have a great afternoon!
     Best regards,
     Applications Engineer
     National Instruments

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