Beta Test of DORE' (Reusable Express Framework)

We presented DORE' at Forum 96 (a reusable framework for Forte' Express
generated applications) and received an interest for the product from many
companies. Before general availability of DORE', we would like to have a
short Beta test period with up to ten companies. If anyone is interested in
being a beta test site for DORE' or knows of a company that may be
interested, please fill in the details below and reply directly to me. The
requests will be accepted on a first come first served basis. We expect the
beta test period to last about two months, and during that time the test
sites will receive a free evaluation copy of DORE' to integrate with their
Express applications.
Also we would like to supply the demo presented at Forum 96 to anyone who is
interested to try out the DORE' features for themselves. Again, contact me
directly if you are interested in the demo. At the moment, this requires the
user to have an Oracle database installed.
We are planning to start shipping both the demo program and DORE' in Beta
form as soon as we receive release E of Forte' and the compatible version of
Express. This release should be available shortly.
For those of you who haven't got a clue about what DORE' is, but would like
to find out more, please contact me and I will send you a short document
describing the features of this product.
Paolo Sidoli
Beta Test application Details
Type of application to be developed:
Paolo Sidoli
DS Data Systems
Parma, Italy
Tel. ++39 521 2781
Fax. ++39 521 272818
[email protected]

We presented DORE' at Forum 96 (a reusable framework for Forte' Express
generated applications) and received an interest for the product from many
companies. Before general availability of DORE', we would like to have a
short Beta test period with up to ten companies. If anyone is interested in
being a beta test site for DORE' or knows of a company that may be
interested, please fill in the details below and reply directly to me. The
requests will be accepted on a first come first served basis. We expect the
beta test period to last about two months, and during that time the test
sites will receive a free evaluation copy of DORE' to integrate with their
Express applications.
Also we would like to supply the demo presented at Forum 96 to anyone who is
interested to try out the DORE' features for themselves. Again, contact me
directly if you are interested in the demo. At the moment, this requires the
user to have an Oracle database installed.
We are planning to start shipping both the demo program and DORE' in Beta
form as soon as we receive release E of Forte' and the compatible version of
Express. This release should be available shortly.
For those of you who haven't got a clue about what DORE' is, but would like
to find out more, please contact me and I will send you a short document
describing the features of this product.
Paolo Sidoli
Beta Test application Details
Type of application to be developed:
Paolo Sidoli
DS Data Systems
Parma, Italy
Tel. ++39 521 2781
Fax. ++39 521 272818
[email protected]

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    Hello Jim,
    I wanted to respond to your posting about the status of the update but the thread has been locked, so I started a new one. Anyway, I was wondering if there was a chance that we could get a beta test version of the software provided to experienced and brave individuals that can report back to the dev team with various issues and bugs to be fixed?
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    Rob Gries
    Android Developer

    Hi Rob,
    Thanks for the thoughtful message. Your points are well made and, while I don't disagree that there are mutual benefits, Toshiba has no current plans for directly building or supporting a developer community.
    On the other hand, private beta testing for the Thrive product line was first launched last summer and I expect it to be ongoing as major software updates reach reasonably usable states within the development process. However, you won't see discussion of beta testing in the message boards because beta testers are under NDA.
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    Go to Solution.

    I don't believe we're beta testing the N97 for Nokia. Beta testing suggests it is in a state prior to production. Nokia's track record (at least to me) seems that leading edge phones never reach a stable plateau.
    What I believe happens is the phone is released and remains unstable until they sort of perfect the platform, then a new handset is released bringing a whole new world of bugs and problems and so the cycle continues.
    By the time the phone is suitable for every day use it is, by today's technological stance, ancient and the damage has already been done to the reputation.
    S40 phones seem to fare much better, mainly because it is much more widely used within Nokia. S60 is up against some fine competition from vendors who will rush fixes out.. Nokia only ever seems to rush phones out. It isn't the same and it shows (see their forcast for the next 6 months)
    I honestly would not be surprised if this flagship phone limps on in a partially functional state until it is superceeded by a budget blackberry clone.
    Sad? Very! Am I being cynical, or telling it like it is.
    I'd be real interested to know if any exec at Nokia used the N97 in the weeks before it was released.. Not that I'm a fan, but we all know Stevie J used an iphone long before it was released.. I kind of get the impression they must all use very basic "corporate" s40 handsets and assume their flagship product must be of the same calibre.
    Next release, why not give 100 people N97 for testing, real testing.  It seems Nokias quality assurance team is out of touch with what a $700 handset demands.. ooooh, I gasp in awe at your 30 MB of free capactity when you remove ALL the applications you can. (It's like having a 2TB hard drive in a computer and continuing to boot from a floppy)
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    (but this is what they want? you'll get bored with the handset and buy a replacement! yeay!)

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    Do a clean (re-)install:
    * Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    * Firefox 4.0:
    * Uninstall your current Firefox version and remove the Firefox program folder before installing that copy of the Firefox installer.
    * Don't remove personal data if you uninstall the current version.
    * It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
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    You likely installed what was a one of the Beta builds of a version at time and then been on Beta channel ever since.
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    Murray and David: it worked! It is a rare and joyous experience to have a straightforward solution to the sorts of problems I come up with (including other realms). But I have to say that with HTML and CSS (and hence with Dreamweaver), solutions to difficulties have seemed within easier reach than in other parts of the computer world.
    By the way, I wanted to choose "correct answer" for both your posts, but after making the first click it was no longer available for the remaining post--so I typed "helpful" even though that one was correct too.
    Thanks again.

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    <true/> ]]>
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    I have been asked to pass on the following message
    Beta test for PC Suite release 6.84 will start soon! The link to registration form will be published here this week.
    Best Regards,
    Nokia PC Suite Beta test team

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    Have recieved the following information.
    Registration for Beta test of Nokia PC Suite release 6.84 has started!
    Please look for more information at
    Best Regards,
    Nokia PC Suite Beta test team

    Beta testing is not about new features - it's about making sure the features of the Beta version work correctly.
    I was part of the 6.83 Beta test, but unfortunately I did not receive my new computer early enough submit the multitude of problems I'm experiencing under Vista. Hopefully I'll be selected to be part of the 6.84 Beta test.
    They DO listen to feedback about the Beta. I raised an ongoing issue from previous versions relating to dates in sent messages (they were all dated in 1601 or something) and within a couple of Beta refreshes, the problem was fixed.
    Let's hope they continue to improve this rather buggy and unreliable software.

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    Is it possible to build the following with Toplink Expression Framework?
    SYS_NR NUMBER(5,0)
    IM_SYS_NAME VARCHAR2(80) ) ;
    Package1.FUNCTION1 returns Type TY_TB_TEST.
    select * from TABLE(CAST(PACKAGE1.FUNCTION1(42)) AS TY_TB_TEST ));
    thank you!

    Nope, just use SQL.
    - Don

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    They asked me to participate in a beta test which stores iWork in the cloud. Not 100% on all the specifics but I was wondering/worried if when the trail is over will all my documents saved there be lost?

    Good question, as soon as Apple announces anything we ll find out. I do have some documents there as well.
    Probably I should back them up ASAP, just in case.
    Apple XD wrote:
    They asked me to participate in a beta test which stores iWork in the cloud. Not 100% on all the specifics but I was wondering/worried if when the trail is over will all my documents saved there be lost?

Maybe you are looking for

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