Better explanation of the mirror channels?

I am in the process of setting up ZLM 7.3, and using zlmmirror to bring down the channels for SLES/SLED 10 and 11 from nu. I was wondering if someone could give me a better description of each of these channels? I can't seem to find that documented anywhere.
-Updates (self explanatory...)
-Extras (only exists for SLES/SLED 11?)
I'm sure i am probably overlooking some place where there is a detailed explanation, so if that is the case, I'm sorry for asking the obvious.
Allen Beddingfield

take a look at this tid here:
Which software catalogs to mirror with Subscription Management Tool
Regarding the extras I'm not fully sure.
There are just a few packages in and I guess that are special builds or so.
So I think nothing you need to mirror down.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Try the following steps, check whether things are working after each step where appropriate, before trying the next.
    Check AirPlay is turned on on the Apple TV (turn it off and on if it already is)
    Check that both devices are on the same network (Settings > Wifi, on the mobile device and Settings > General > Network, on the Apple TV).
    Restart the Apple TV (Settings > General > Restart).
    Restart the Apple TV by removing ALL the cables for 30 seconds.
    Restart your router. (Also try removing it’s power cord for at least 30 seconds)
    Restart your mobile device.
    If you are still having problems, the following article(s) may help you.
    Troubleshooting AirPlay
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Recommended Wi-Fi settings
    Wifi Diagnostic Software (for Mac users)
    You may also find some help on this page, where I’ve collected some of the more unusual solutions to network issues.
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    Thanks, MM
    Message Edited by mmutreja on 03-09-2008 02:34 PM

    There is no channel 161 for the Linksys's N portion. If you choose Wideband, it offers you 3 choices... Auto(DFS), channel 38 or channel 46 and that's it.
    Message Edited by Chuck_IV on 04-07-2008 11:51 PM

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    Please elaborate the issue and Supply pertinent information for quicker answers:
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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    I use the 'iStumbler Spectrum widget', which shows me how much congestion there is. After identifying where the most congestion is, its simply a matter of identifying which of the channels without much congestion works best for you. There isn't really a magic formula, though trying different settings until you have a better signal to noise ratio is all I can suggest.
    Also, remember that 2.4GHz phones can also cause increased noise.

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    Look under networks.

    linuxgeek wrote:
    @enonorez, I did not see the Discovery Channel on U-verse's on demand menu, too. Since Discovery Channel is not offered by AT&T U-verse via on demand, you would have to go to the AT&T U-verse channel request website and make a request for Discovery Channel On Demand.
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    Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
    Need Help? PM ATT Uverse Care (all service problems)
    ATT Customer Care(billing and all other problems)
    Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
    I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more

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    Thank you.

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    Ok. As I said that model does not allow for mirroring. As for the iPad it needs to be on the same network and ATV up to date as well as enabled for airplay.
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    I have the VI attached.
    Cont Acq Thermocouple Samples-HW ‏46 KB

    Hi Sandro,
    By "I want to use 1 channel for the CJC", are you talking about using the NI 9211's built-in CJC channel, _cjtemp?
    If so, go back to the original example code and set the CJC Source control to Built-In. This will cause DAQmx to use _cjtemp as the CJC source. You won't see the CJC temperature on the graph by default: Reading the CJC Values with the Thermocouple Measurements.
    If you have an external CJC sensor connected to one of the thermocouple channels (ai0:3), then create a global channel in MAX (thermistor, or voltage w/custom scale), specify the name of that channel in the CJC Channel control, and set CJC Source to Channel. It's better to use the built-in CJC sensor unless the external CJC sensor is definitely more accurate, and not less.
    Regarding the Start button you added to the example VI, I would recommend moving the call to DAQmx Create Channel out of the polling loop so that it doesn't leak memory by creating DAQmx tasks that never get used. Adding a call to Wait Until Next ms Multiple (from the Timing palette) or Wait For Front Panel Activity (from the Dialog & User Interface palette) would prevent the polling loop from wasting CPU cycles.
    Brad Keryan
    NI R&D

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    The shadow doesn't work on the darker parts of the cloud. That's not really so much of a prob in 2D, but this is a stereo 3D project and having the shadow intermittently disappear looks odd.
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    How do I do that? I bet it's really obvious!
    Cheers! !|___jive_emoticon_name=wink|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=!
    Currently using CS5

    Use the Channel Combiner effect or things like Shift Channel to expose multiple channels and merge them differently. Or you could use a pre-comp that has duplicates of your stuff and then use matte and stencil blending modes. It's really just a matter of using one on top of the ther and combining them sensibly...

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    Welcome to the Apple Community maricespieces.
    AirPlay Mirroring requires a second-generation Apple TV or later, OS X 10.8 or better and is supported on the following Mac models: iMac (Mid 2011 or newer), Mac mini (Mid 2011 or newer), MacBook Air (Mid 2011 or newer), and MacBook Pro (Early 2011 or newer). You can see which Mac you have and which operating system you are using by selecting 'About this Mac' from the Apple menu in the top left corner of your Mac and selecting the 'More Info' button.

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    Are there any problems with this scenario?

    This should maintain my original 180GB mirrored array and give me two new 70GB partitions to mirror or possibly do something else with. Is this correct?
    No can do.
    You can only mirror disks, not partitions. Whatever partition map it has will be replaced if you add this drive to the mirror.
    Later versions support mirroring at the partition level - IIRC I'm not sure if that's a 10.5 thing or an Intel/GUID partition map thing, but I know it isn't supported on the G4's running Tiger.
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    You can just add the 250. The OS will treat it just like a 180GB drive to match the existing RAID members and the additional space will be lost.
    Would I be better off creating a disk image of the array, add the two new 250GB disks, create the array and then restore the image to the new array
    If you want the larger space then, sure, get a pair of 250's. Build a mirror using them and copy the data over.
    Would Carbon Copy Cloner be good for this?
    It would do it, but you can also clone the drive through either Disk Utility or the command-line asr.

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