Better TV output

I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck in getting better quality for TV output. The basic H264 at 320x240 is watchable but sort of low quality.
Since CD quality is 480i, I'm wondering if mpg4 at the highest settings like 720x320 can get closer to that level of quality.
not that I'd be using a lot, but if I'm going to spend hours converting my movies, I'd rather do it in a way that gives me the highest quality.

Here is a comprehensive article I wrote that should make you a monitoring expert:
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    Password: <password>
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    Thanks for the reply David.
    when you change the folder back to bin-debug does the package explorer update to indicate the change has been made ?
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    Also have you tried to manually name the output path  outside of Flashbuilder then edit the actionscriptproperties file to to new path.
    I've always used bin-debug so I didn't have to manually name;  actionscriptproperties does show bin-debug also. 
    I don't know if you wanted me to try a new folder to see what happens?  I haven't,  I'd rather figure out why bin is always set.
    Thanks for the help and the reply,

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    just to add:
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    You can output sound through more than one little external USB sound card, but probably not to more than one at a time. You'll have to select the Output in the Sound Preferences each time to switch them, too.
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    Peace to you,
    C. Livingstone

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    The issue with comments being removed when organize imports is run is a known issue captured by a small set of bugs: Comments do not remain with currect import statements when performing 'organize imports' Any data in between imports are deleted when doing an "organize imports" operation Import inserted into wrong location when existing import is followed by a single line comment
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    With the FB-23179 fix, your imports will only be removed when you explicitly organize imports. I hope this info helps.
    Jason San Jose
    Quality Engineer, Flash Builder

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    Go to Solution.

    I'm sorry but none of the Lumia phones are particularly good in music playback quality. The 920/820 are miles ahead of the 900/800 but still pales against the competition. From my experience the old Nokia N8 is very good, the N9 loses slightly but is still good, the Galaxy S3 is outstanding, the Galaxy S2 is mediocre and iphones (any model) won't disappoint. The Nokia X6 is built for sound so I'm not surprised that you find the 920 a downgrade in sound quality. As you've discovered an equalizer is not going to compensate for deficient sound. Quantity of bass is not equal to quality. If music playback is important to you I suggest look elsewhere.

  • S/PDIF digital optical output imac intel 2.4 ghz core 2 duo

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    Connection Combination Input
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    even though i did just order the wire online, lets start over since you obviously know what your talking about when it comes to this kind of stuff.
    i have a 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo imac(i believe late 2007) running latest version of snow leopard 10.6.7
    i used to have a killer phillips surround system300 watts that sounded great even though its petty to todays standards,i usually hooked it up with a cd/aux wire(headphone jack one side,red white other side) from the imac's headphone port to the stereo's aux input(red/white) but then my rabbit chewed the wires and speaker beyond repair,so i bought this brand new phillips blu ray system 100 watts thinking i would get much better sound while connected to my imac while playing movies,games etc. but once i hooked it up like i used with the older system,it sounds basically the same,only slightly better,when it should be 700 watts better! but i figured i was doing something wrong wince the imac has all these crazy better quality output ports and the new system has all these crazy better input methods. dont want to sound ********,i do know a lot about basic audio,editing and all things computers! anyways, i was poking around with the system profiler application and noticed it said the S/PDIF output mode was available and the imac had a digital output capability. i also noticed in the manual for the phillips that it said something about a coaxial/digital input and thus i thought by buying a special wire i need to make the connection i would get much better clearer or ever dolby or dts audio output,which most of the blu rays and games i play on my mac have. so basically i have all the necessary components except for the wire to achieve this dream of mine. thats where you came in to help,thank GOD!
    Here is the link for the exact model i ordered from walmart and already have set up and connected via the old method as we speak. 41
    by comparing the player with the imac i have can you tell me if i am on the right track as i thought i was before?? Or what would you suggest i do to get better or the correct high def sound out of the imac from whatever is playing and to play out of the new phillips blu ray system i just bought. Thank you very much for all your time and helping me with what should be an easy, simple problem.

  • Print module issues

    for me there are three issues that are missing / should be improved with the print module:
    The  sharpening quality and setting options are still behind i.e. Qimage.  Having  in mind what Qimage is costing, it should be fairly ease for  Adobe to  reach the better Qimage output sharpening quality.
    Soft proofing is still missing and should be added in the next major release at the latest.
    There  should be something like a loop view for the print layout screen. When  using large format printer formats the rulers become extremely small that an  exact positioning is almost impossible.
    Looking forward to these, in the given priority.

    G_Lat wrote:
    The print resolution is no longer displayed making it difficult to decide if I need to modify the resolution prior to printing.
    Why would you modify the resolution? One of the huge advantages of Lightroom is that you don't have to do things like this anymore.  You simply choose the output resolution in the Print Job panel and Lightroom takes care of the rest.  How (and why) exactly are modifying resolution?
    As to your second question, I am getting a print preview when I turn it on in the printer driver. Although I would never use it, it is working here.
    It might help to submit some system info and some printer info:

  • Importing from Imovie HD 6

    If I import a finished project form imovie hd 6 into imovie 08 then export, will imovie 08's better hd output capabilities apply in the same way as if i just did the whole project in imovie 08? phew...

    iMOVIE 08 will accept the footage from your iMovie 6 project, but you will lose and transitions, titles, music, etc. and the clips may be out of order.

  • Use iMac in Target Display Mode with a Power Mac G4

    I would like to connect my Power Mac G4 MDD (Model = to the new iMac (27 inch, Mid 2010) in Target Display Mode. That is, I want the new iMac to be the display for my Power Mac G4. Has anybody done this (including using the iMac 27 inch, Late 2009, which can also do this)? In a general sort of way, this sort of thing is described on this support page:
    The problem: The iMac requires a Mini Displayport connection. The PowerMac has ADC and DVI-I display connections and also came with an adapter for converting DVI-I to VGA. How can I convert/adapt to get the appropriate Mini Displayport connection?
    Gefen makes a converter ( that will convert DVI-D to Mini Displayport, but the description explicitly says that it will work with DVI-D only while my PowerMac has DVI-I. I know that these are two different, incompatible connections.
    Is there another converter that works with DVI-I? Or is there a way to adapt from DVI-I to DVI-D? Or how about a VGA or ADC to Mini Displayport converter?

    Thanks so much for your reply. You're right on target for what I'm looking for and that article is VERY helpful! If you don't mind, I do have a couple more questions/clarifications.
    1) First, I think that I didn't read the Wikipedia reference concerning DVI ( closely enough. It includes the following paragraph. If I understand it and what you said, it shouldn't be a problem to connect the male DVI-D of the converter into the female DVI-I socket of my Power Mac. Right?
    +The long flat pin on a DVI-I connector is wider than the same pin on a DVI-D connector, so it is not possible to connect a male DVI-I to a female DVI-D by removing the 4 analog pins. It is possible, however, to connect a male DVI-D cable to a female DVI-I connector. Many flat panel LCD monitors have only the DVI-D connection so that a DVI-D male to DVI-D male cable will suffice when connecting the monitor to a computer's DVI-I female connector.+
    2) I'm not clear on the difference between the Altona AT-DP200 and the Gefen converter. The Gefen converter is somewhat less expensive, so I'm trying to figure out what the downside is. The article you mentioned says that the ATP-DP200 "doesn't scale images", but that seems to only be an issue if I'm trying to connect other devices (PS3, Blu-ray), not if I just want to connect my Power Mac.
    The description of the Gefen converter includes the following drawbacks:
    +The only major drawback to Gefen's solution is no support for VGA devices or HDCP. A minor gripe would be the fact that the Gefen device only accepts one input resolution and only outputs one resolution (1920 x 1200 at 60 Hz). These limited options aside, the Gefen device looks like it could do the basic trick of transforming a DVI signal to Mini DisplayPort so that you could use your 27" iMac for a few more purposes, provided that the input signal carries the required 1920 x 1200 resolution.+
    I'm not clear on what the practical impact of those limitations would be. I don't think the the lack of support for VGA devices or HDCP is an issue for my application. But I'm wondering about the statement that it only accepts one input resolution and outputs only one resolution (1920 x 1200) and the need for the input signal to carry 1920 x 1200. I take it, first of all, that the Power Mac can supply that input resolution. And, what is the impact of the device only having that resolution output to the iMac screen? That is, how would that look on the screen, ugly or okay? Finally, would the Altona device provide a better looking output on the iMac screen because it can apparently handle different resolutions? The manufacturer's description says, "Resolutions: all resolutions up to 1920x1200 (It is Important to select one of the resolutions that display
    is capable of displaying, refer to your display’s users manual)."
    Thanks again.

  • TV@ Plus, what video capture settings to use?

     I have a TV@ Plus and am unsure what video capture settings to use. I've had it for several months and solved my audio problems and need to know what Video Input Format, Capture Format (Profile), Capture - Size, Quality, Bit Rate and Audio Format settings to use. Should I use the same settings for all input sources or do I use different settings for CATV and S-video inputs? It seems to be OK with my current settings as far as capture and playback goes, I'm OK on the hardware part but with tech detatails I'm a bit  .
     I will be using it to capture from CATV, DVD and VCR input sources for later recording to DVD's. I use a GoDVD! CT-2 connected to the S-video input for recording Macrovision protected media to the HDD.
     My computer sound is monitor mounted stereo speakers.
     Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.

    Quote from: HenryW on 12-September-06, 04:25:48
    I have a TV@ Plus and am unsure what video capture settings to use. I've had it for several months and solved my audio problems and need to know what Video Input Format, Capture Format (Profile), Capture - Size, Quality, Bit Rate and Audio Format settings to use.
    I already had transferred and converted some of my old VHS and VCD movie collections into DVDs (using Composite Input).
    The higher the bit rate the better quality video output you will have - but bigger file size.
    To give you an example:
    A 2 hour video captured on MPEG set at 4000/bps will be translated it to 3.58GB. More than enough to be written on a 4.7 DVD.
    For audio bit rates, you can choose from 128/bps to 224/bps. As for me I set it to 224/bps. Again the bigger bit rates the better audio output. And don't forget to slide up the audio record level to 100%. That will give you a better and clearer recorded audio output.

Maybe you are looking for