BI 7: Background activation very slow compared to Dialog activation

We are using the SAP BI 7.0 with SP15 and this question is about efficiency of dialog process compared to inefficiency of the background process and I want suggestions from SAP Basis/BI experts on this.
We have observed that our background processes on BI server are not running as efficiently as we would like them to run.
For example
DSO activation:
When I use u201CDialogu201D mode for DSO Activation with 3 parallel processes, I can activate a certain DSO with in 15 seconds. But the same DSO and the same data package when activated using u201Cbackgroundu201D mode with 3 parallel process takes about 15 minutes.(there are plenty of background processes available on the system when this activation is running). So dialog process runs 60 times faster than background process.
We saw the job log in SM37 when activation was running in the background mode and log showed that system 
u201CProgram RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS successfully scheduled as job BIBCTL_49VQYEYSLA9SH00QBYNN3MTUV with ID XXXXXu201D was executed internally about 100 times.
In BI 7 most of the operations can be executed only in the background parallel mode. And from the activation example we know that our background processes are not as efficient as dialog processes. It is understood that in general the background processes will not be as efficient as dialog processes, but in our case the difference is a factor of 60. We want help to identify, why the background processes are not as efficient as dialog processes. Any suggestion or help will be highly appreciated. This may be System Bug in SAP BI 7

I am having this same issue in SP15.  Did you find any solution?
I am finding my activation is slow for the number of records being activated.  The process RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS successfully scheduled as job BIBCTL_49VQYEYSLA9SH00QBYNN3MTUV with ID XXXXXu201D was executed internally about many, many times.  And if you look at the aggregate time of all of these schedulings this is what is taking soo much time.  Our batch job table is not large so this is not the problem.
Any more ideas?

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    I am using "openStream" and "readLine" for the files.
    Any opinions?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class urlaa extends JApplet
    //zz  implements Runnable, ActionListener
          implements ActionListener
    // zz added
        private JLabel item;
        private JList itemList;
      int par;
      int errorflag = 0 ;
      int orgsize = 14900 ;
      String par1;
      String s;
      String e1;
      String e2;
      String e3;
      String w1;
      String w2;
      String w3;
      String w4;
      int i = 0;
      int len ;
      int size ;
      String stringsize ;
      URLConnection conn ;
      int i2 = 0 ;
      int k = 0;
      int current = 0;
      String s1 ;
      String s6 ;
      String s7 ;
      String s8 ;
      String printline ;
      String pageLink;
      String arr[]  = new String[150] ;
      String arr2[] = new String[150] ;
      String arr3[] = new String[150] ;
      int arr4[] = new int[150] ;
      String inputLine;
      Thread runner;
      public void init()
             String parameter = getParameter("par1");
             if (parameter != null)
                 par = Integer.parseInt(parameter);
                 par = 99;
    // zz         Button goButton = new Button("Go");
    // zz         goButton.addActionListener(this);
    // zz         add(goButton);
    // zz   added
            this.item = new JLabel();
            Container container = this.getContentPane();
            this.itemList = this.getList();
            URL u;
            InputStream wis = null;
            DataInputStream dis;
            int rcnt = 0;
            int rcn2 = 0;
           //    1)  read filelist.txt file
           //         and load into a table.
           //    2)  close the filelist.txt file
           //    3)  Use the tabled file names to
           //         read and see if the bio
           //         has been done
           //  1) Read filelist.txt and load table
            u = new URL("");
            catch (MalformedURLException e)
              errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
              e1 = ("FILELIST.TXT MalformedURLException: " + e.getMessage()) ;
                u = new URL("");
                wis = u.openStream();
            catch (IOException ioe)
              errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
              e1 = ("FILELIST.TXT IOException : " + ioe.getMessage()) ;
    //      does not work     size = wis.getContentLength() ;
                // Convert the inputStream to a buffered DatainputStream.
                dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(wis));
                // Read 1st record to set up while loop
                     s1 = dis.readLine() ;  // get 1st rcd
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                     errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                     e3 = ("FILELIST.TXT IOException : " + ioe.getMessage()) ;
                   while (s1 !=  null)
                   {  // load file names loop
                   if (errorflag == 0)
                   {  // if errors
                    arr[i] = s1 ;
                    i++ ;
                    s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                    catch (IOException ioe)
                      errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                      s1 = null ; // force end of loop
                      e3 = ("load table read failed" + ioe) ;
                    rcnt++ ;
                    if (rcnt > 100)  // test code
                    {                // test code
                      errorflag = 1;
                      s1 = null ;
                      e3 = "Load table is looping!!" ;
                   }  // end of error check loop
                   }  // end of table load loop
               int lasttableentry = i ;  //
                   // CLOSE the filelist.txt file
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    e3 = ("close of filelist.txt file failed" + ioe) ;
    //   End of filelist read and load and close
    //      ptr to whats new names in table arr
            i = 0 ;
    //      While more names in table,
    //        Connect and Open file
    //        Read file until 4th rcd (rel 3rd rcd)
    //          if rcd has date, then move it to table
    //          else
    //          bump to next file name
              w1 = arr[i] ;
              w2 = w1.substring(1, 4) ;   // ONLY USED FOR CHK FOR XXXX
    //    ______________  start of major loop  _____________
            boolean morenames = true ;
            while (morenames)
            {  // Name table loop
            if (errorflag == 0)
            {  //if no errors
                u = new URL(w1);
                  URLConnection conn ;
                  conn = u.openConnection();
                  size = conn.getContentLength();
                catch (IOException e)
                  errorflag = 4 ;
                  morenames = false ;
                  e1 = ("file size logic failed " + w1) ;
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    morenames = false ;
                    e1 = ("next whats new url error : " + w1) ;
    // compile error                break ;
                  u   = new URL(w1) ;
                  wis = u.openStream();
              catch (IOException e)
                errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                morenames = false ;
                e2 = ("next whats new open error :  " + w1) ;
    //   compile error            break ;
    //            Convert the inputStream to a buffered DatainputStream.
                  dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(wis));
                if (errorflag == 0)
                {  //if no errors
    //  does not work                       String s2 = dis.readLine(3) ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                       catch (IOException e)
                         errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                         morenames = false ;
                         e2 = "whats new file MalformedURLException: " ;
                       // file is larger than original non-bio file size
                       if (size > orgsize)  //  if file size > original file size
                       String s2a = s1.substring(0, 5);
                       String s3 = "                       " ;
    //                 Only look at title records to get the name
                       if (s2a.equals("<titl"))
                          int k2 = 7 ;
                          int l = k2 + 1 ;
                            while (!s1.substring(k2, l).equals("<"))
                              k2++ ;
                              l++ ;
                          s3 = s1.substring(7, k2) ;
                          s3 = "               " ;
    //                 s3 now has blanks or the name
                       arr2[k] = w1 ;    // move name into arr2 (link to bio)
                       arr3[k] = s3 ;    // move name into arr3 (bio name)
                       arr4[k] = size ;  // move in file size
                       k++ ;
                       } // end of if length > 36
                } // end of chk for error flag zero (no errors)
                  //  now we have to close this whats new file
                   // CLOSE the current whats new file
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    morenames = false ;
                    e3 = ("close of the current whats new file failed" + ioe) ;
                  //  end of the close
              rcn2++ ;
              if (rcn2 > 100)  // test code
              {                // test code
                 errorflag = 2;
                 morenames = false ;
                 e3 = "Searching files is looping!!" ;
              i++ ;           // bump to next whats up name
              w1 = arr[i] ;   // load it into work string
              if (i > lasttableentry)
                morenames = false ;
              } // end of error checking loop
                  morenames = false ;
            } // end major name table loop
                   // CLOSE the last whats new file
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    e3 = ("close of last whats new file failed" + ioe) ;
    // end of init
    //     _________________ other methods  ______________________
    // zz added
        private JList getList() {
            // Create a List
            JList tempList = new JList(arr3);
            // Enable single selection
            return tempList;
        private JButton addButton() {
            JButton button = new JButton("Select Item below and click here to go to the bio");
            return button;
        private JPanel getPanel() {
            // set layout to GridLayout 3 rows and 1 columns, no separations
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1,0,0));
            JScrollPane spane1 = new JScrollPane(this.itemList);
    //       panel.add(new JLabel("Example List"));
            return panel;
    //   _______________  actionPerformed method  ____________________
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
           s8 = "actionPerformed";
    // zz added
            String command = evt.getActionCommand();
            // Get the selected value from the list and update the JLabel
    //  try to redirect to selected url
             int idx  = itemList.getSelectedIndex() ;
             String urlvalue = this.arr2[idx] ;
             URL u = new URL(urlvalue);
             this.getAppletContext().showDocument(u, "_self");
         catch(Exception e)

    jagossage wrote:
    But if you just let it sit there, it will finally fill the screen. Pretty amazing to me. The onus is on you, the developer, to decide how to distract your users as they wait for your code to finish. Why should you expect something to do it for you?
    I would much rather see a "progress bar" moving on the bottom like other screens.Ah, I think I see where you're confused. The progress bar and applet loading subtitles, etc are Java's way of presenting the progress of loading the applet. Once it's fully loaded, though (which it is when your code starts running), it hands off control to you. It's in your hands at that point.

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    Hi goranax,
    Have you looked at our [ performance troubleshooting section]? There is a lot of good information in there that should help.
    Hopefully this helps!

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    any suggestions?

    I realize that, but I also got the same speeds with my other wireless laptop (thinkpad t420s). The speed should be at around 50 Mbps regardless of whether it's wired or wireless according to my test.
    So if it's an antenna issue, does it mean I need to have the macbook serviced at an apple store?
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  • SQL report  in 9.2.1 is very slow compared to 7.3

    I have an sql report which takes only 5 minutes (oracle version 7.3) is taking almost double the time(one or two user accessing the system) with oracle version 9.2.1.
    This report sums the total amount grouped by date field using two tables. Data is exported from 7.3 and imported to 9.2. Indexes are same and the explain plan gives the same resultand runs on unix tru64. Other PL sql and proc programs performance is good compared to version 7.3
    Any idea why the statement is slow.

    It seems using F9 is the same as Ctrl+Enter, it just repeats the execution. I tried running "select count(*) from <table>" using a basic connection against a remote 11.2 DB, where the <table> had anywhere from 20K to 60K rows, on both and Regardless of the version, or table size, or repeated execution, all executions ran from 0.062 to 1.4 seconds. Sometimes successive executions run faster, sometimes not. Depends on what the database server and the network are doing.
    The <table> cases all happened to have indexes, so Autotrace showed the DB doing an index fast full scan. Even with dropping the index on the 60K table and forcing a table full access, the count(*) came back in under 0.25 sec, so the table needs to be bigger for lack of index to make a difference.
    Possibly the database version could be a factor, I haven't tested on 9i or 10g, but then that wouldn't really make much sense for simple counting. You are no doubt aware of the impact that file system or DB buffer caching could have on this type of test. Here is a post from Ask Tom on the same:

  • Report running very slow compared to Query Analyzer - high TimeDataRetrieval

    I have a report in SQL Reporting Services 2005 which calls a stored proc and the report takes a very long time to run and sometimes returns zero records. But when i run the stored proc in query analyzer it takes about 4 seconds!!
    I have checked the execution log on the RS using the below sql:
    Code Snippet
    use ReportServer
    Select * from ExecutionLog with (nolock) order by TimeStart DESC
    It shows that i have a large amount of time for the dataretrieval (601309ms, about 10mins) and does not return any records most likely because of a query timeout:
    TimeDataRetrieval  TimeProcessing  TimeRendering Source Status         ByteCount RowCount
      601309                      2227                     3                         1            rsSuccess 4916           0
    The weird thing is that when i run it in query analyzer, i get about 400 records in 4 seconds !!
    I dont understand what RS is doing to take up so much time like this to retrieve data.
    The report is very simple - it basically returns the records straight out into a table.
    The only thing I somewhat suspected was a parameter data type conflict between RS and SQL, specifically dates. I have a start and end date parameter in the report - i tried specifying this as date and string to see if it made any difference but it didn't.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Mark,
    I didn't say it was an issue of parameter sniffing, and I didn't point you towards the good article about that <s>. I asked you whether you had read the article, described to you earlier in the thread.
    What I said was that it might be an issue of appropriate and dynamic query optimization, versus a cached query plan.  Parameter sniffing is only one of many ways that SQL Server tries to figure out how to optimize a query.  I thought the article did a good job of discussing some of what goes on during this process, and that by absorbing that you could think of ways to handle the wider issue that would be appropriate to your code.  I also pointed you to a thread in which I discussed this in more detail.
    While there are truly many issues with the date controls in the default parameter interface and how they behave, I don't think that what you're experiencing with the date format is implicated in the performance issue.  I guess it *might* be if (say) there is a non-default param value in your proc but your report parameter allows nulls. 
    Let's say the report server database has a different date default than your production database in your system. I have never sat down and tested this scenario and I guess it might cause problems, So we'll look at that first. 
    Whether the date format is at fault is really easy to prove one way or the other, and once proven can be pretty easy to fix:
    Create a test parameter that is of string type.  SQL Server is really good about dynamic conversion of string dates to date types as you probably know.
    place values (formatted however you want) into this version of the parameter instead of your date control parameter.  Use valid dates, in both formats.
    Does your performance change?
    Do you get the right results but bad performance with US format date strings versus right results with good performance with AU date values?
    Do you get the WRONG results with US format date strings, or with AU date strings?
    Try additional permutations involving casting/converting in your proc.
    FWIW, go ahead in the Query Analyzer and put the SAME values you see in the log into your tests there (in US format, I mean).  Do you get the CORRECT results?  Does performance change?  Hold this thought and see below.
    Another thing you can do is look at the query plan as presented by the Query Analyzer when you present the arguments different ways.  See #7 above -- try presenting the date in different formats.  Does the plan show the same path and the same indexes in use each time, or are some not possible because of the way the date has to be converted?  When this happens, the issue is usually that the conversion must be done for each line compared in the filter.  You can fix this really easily in most cases by cast/convert in the procedure so that your SELECT line is only doing that work once. 
    If the plans are different, and perhaps the indexes used are different and you *can't* fix it by fixing the date before the SELECT, do you need to add an index, or perhaps rebuild one?
    Moving on from the date format, as I said before it may be really important NOT to go by your interactive Query Analyzer performance because what you do there may not be used by SQL Server in determining a query plan to cache and re-use.  In case you haven't read the other discussion that I pointed you to at (, think about using RECOMPILE or other options that will force a more dynamic investigation of the query.

  • Saving Emails As Activity Very Slow

    I have about 4 or 5 users that when they click on the Save Email as activity it seems to take a very long time, in some cases up to 5 minutes to do this for one email.   I have checked to make sure that the are no other network problems but everything is fine ont he Network Analyzer that I have used to check for network activity.  Plus there access to the internet and other network resources are normal.  The server looks normal there is little over head on it as well processor activity is very low along with memory and disk activity is normal.   Any suggestion on how to speed this up would be greatly appreciated.

    Welcome you post on the forum.
    Check this first:
    Quik save not saving attachment - Outlook Intergration
    Re: Outlook Integration and user error message

  • DDIC ACTIVATION very slow while applying SPS 7 to ECC 6.0

    Hello SDN
    I've been running this phase for at least 12 hours, is this normal ?
    How can I make it go faster?
    I have more patches to apply and I can't wait that long.
    Any help is appreciated.
    In my sm50 screen I see 2 background processes running :
    SAPLSTPA with status On Hold and
    RADMASDSC with status running and action sequential read of table DD03L
    When I see the detail of RADMASDSC I see that it is running.

    Since it is DDIC activation its not possible also to revert. I sincerely suggest you to overcome the problem without deleting the entry in the table. I haved faced the similar kind of issue in my experience and i resolved with the help of abaper. I suggest you to just get a help from abaper and creating the table field and flag the foreign key in the particular table. It will surely resolve your problem.
    Incase if you want to dlete the entry in database table level emans. Use this functional module
    Spam_reset _status in se37 and by forcefully you can delete the entry of the component. adn also please chck in table also pat01 pat02 and pat03..delete manually.
    Hope it will resolve ur problem
    Vijay kumar G

  • Very Slow compared to Lightroom 3

    I love the updated, but it runs unbareably slow. Is anybody having the same problem? Working with the healing brush takes about two seconds each stroke.

    This speed issue has some really weird aspects.  I have been using two different machines with the same database.  My workstation machine is a core i7, 12 Gb ram, quadro 1800 graphics, LR code on SSD system drive, images and LR databases on 1.5 T raid 0, 2 24" 1920X1200 screens.  It runs LR3 like a hot knife through butter.  The second is a Toshiba Portege R705-P35.  This is a notebook with a Core i3 and 4 Gb of ram, no special video hardware.  It runs LR3 competently, but not like the workstation.  Both are running Win 7 64.  Home premium on the notebook, ultimate on the workstation.  Both are up to date.
    I started with LR4 on the notebook with 350 images straight off the CF card (CR2s from Canon 50D).  Everything seemed to be OK.  I got home for the weekend and fired up the workstation. I saved all the metadata for about 5500 images to xmp using LR 3.6 then imported the files into LR4.  That seemed to work.  Keywords and develop settings seemed to be OK.  Virtual copies and collections were of course gone as expected.  Performance in the develop module was awful and only got worse.  It took seconds to respond to sliders.  At one point it seemed to crash every time I tried to change the crop on a virtual copy.  (the crop change seemed to make it to the LR database but not to the screen.  It was there when I restarted LR4!).  I loaded the small database from the notebook into the workstation.  It ran just as badly.  I tried to replicate the crash scenario the next morning.  No luck, so I can't give you a nice repeatable scenario.  Turning graphics accelleration off in LR did not seem to make a difference.
    I logged onto the forum.  I am obviously not the only one having trouble with LR4 on a serious workstation.  I powered off my second screen.  That made a huge performance difference.  The workstation was now only slightly slower than the notebook, but the sliders were still jerky.  I did manage to use the new soft proof feature and make some prints.  The behavior of the 2012 process looks very promising!
    I copied the 5500 images and LR databases from the workstation onto an esata external drive.  The notebook appears to be able to run it from the esata drive with no real problems.  The 2012 process is sometimes a bit sluggish, but generally not bad.  I have deliberately tried to stress it with local adjustments, sharpening, lens profile corrections, etc.
    I have no explanations for this behavior and unfortunately will not be home to run more experiments with the workstation for at least a few days.

  • My imac is running very slow compared to normal. any one have any ideas?

    iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2011)
    2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
    4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB
    running slowly compared to normal.
    Any suggestions in what to look for?

    When you see a beachball cursor or the slowness is especially bad, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Wifi download speed very slow comparing to ethernet

    I have very strange problem with internet connection in my iMac.
    I have a linksys router and 6Mbps broadband (slow or not, it's Poland ).
    I try to download the same file via wifi or cable (connected to linksys).
    Transfer on cable: 600-800kBps, transfer on wifi 50-100kBps.
    Why is that?
    It's very strange because ma macbook pro connected via wifi to linksys downloads the same file with transfer as well 600-800kBps.
    On iMac there is Leopard 10.5.5. Linksys was restarted many times. iMac - 24" inch model 2.8GHz.
    Does anybody know any solution?
    Thanks in advance

    hello anybody?

  • Creation of IDoc XML very slow compared to IDoc Flatfile

    Hi everyone,
    I did a test in our ERP6 system and created IDoc files for a few invoices. The result is that the creation of a XML Idoc is 22x slower than the creation of a flatfile Idoc. The creation of one large IDoc file with 1000 invoices took ~15 seconds as flatfile and ~5:30 minutes as XML. So the choice between flatfile or XML is really a performance question for me. Is that normal? I expected a difference but not that much.
    Can I speed up the XML creation anyhow? XML is better to process and I really want to use it, but I can not with this bad performance...
    Thank you!

    So the choice between flatfile or XML is really a performance question for me. Is that normal?
    Yes, it is normal. For every byte of data in xml file, it needs to create multiple bytes of structures according to XML format.
    But, i am wondering, why u need to go for xml, when there is no PI installed.
    Because, end output file is always in flatfile format.

  • Windows 8.1 not activating - very slow response from HP

    For past 4-5 days, i have been calling every day to HP regarding my windows activation issue.(every 10 mins a pop up shows " windows about to expire")PC settings show my windows will expire on 16th Dec if activation not done.
    1. On the first day i was told to update the windows and install it, i did that
    2. on second day i was send a link to update bios, i did that but no use.
    3. on the third day i talked over 50 mins on phone and some thing was installed through command prompt.nothing happened
    so than customer executive remotely accessed my computer again installed some files and told me to call next day.
    4. next day i was told to take backup on an external disk, and my system was restored, still nothing happened.
    After all this mental trauma and huge loss of work and time, today i decided to connect with Microsoft people.
    5. Now they asked "please ask HP for your product key" for you pre-installed windows. They should provide it"
    6. the Microsoft executive checked my system for key and suggested
    that the current key is only a trial version or test key and that is why this problem is persisting.
    Sir/ Madam this is a new laptop, and i have been so tensed and now i am loosing patience.
    Your executives give time and then they just don't call, even if they do it is not on suggested time slot.
    I request you to kindly resolve this matter ASAP. Please arrange a call back today between 9 AM to 11 AM, with a senior person who can answer all queries.
    An annoyed customer
    Thanks and Regards,Priyanshu Jaiswal

    Hi @PriyanshuJ ,
    I have brought your issue to the attention of an appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publically post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with how the Forum's private message capability works, you can learn about that here.
    I work for HP

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