Bi capabilities in Netviewer 2004s Document

Is there any one with pdf 'BI capabilities in Netviewer 2004s'  - details view of size 3.5 mb. I am actually trying to download it since long but, i always end up with errror 'failure to download'.
can some one share it with me at [email protected]

Go through these Docs.

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    Message was edited by: worcsdave1

    Also, the font-size has shrunk.
    Confirm you are exporting/including the font/fonts used with the original document when creating those PDFs, otherwise you are asking the receiving side, if it doesn't have the same, to take a guess and freely substitute as it sees fit.
    What comes out is rarely the same as what goes in otherwise.

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    bettena wrote:
    I have recently updated to Lion and am now unable to access any of my microsoft word documents.
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    Uodate to Office 2011, or use Pages, Text Edit or a host of other Apps such as OpenOffice etc. Keeping them in Word format depends on whether or not you intend using MS Office in the future.

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    Pages '09 will open .doc files from Word 2004. The Mac OS is not what is in question. Pages '09 opens Word 2004 documents and if the same version of Pages will run in Lion and in Mountain Lion ..... Thats all that matters.
    I trust you were using MS Office 2004 and would now like to buy Pages?

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        Sagar Kale

    Hi Sagar Kale ,
    Welcome to Netweaver Family!
    These r some excellent web-sites which give u a detailed,descriptive overview of Netweaver :
    SAP NetWeaver
    SAP NetWeaver : Overview of SAP NetWeaver AS Java Administration
    SAP NetWeaver Overview
    Describing NetWeaver
    Overview of SAP NetWeaver Mobile and SAP Solutions for Mobile Business,id,586,nodeid,147.html
    Re: Need  XI Document or PDF
    ****Pls don't forget 2 reward points if u find this useful

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    Office 2004 Applications Won't Work in Lion
    You must have Office 2004 which is a PPC-only suite and will not work in Lion. You need to upgrade to Office 2011 - Mactopia - or you can try the freeware suite, Libre Office, that is functionally similar to Office 2007 for Windows except it works on Lion.
    You may want to consider as well:
    These two suites are similar to Libre Office but not as current or as well-supported:
    Open Office
    And, then there is Apple's iWork suite:
    Pages - word processing and layout
    Keynote - presentation
    Numbers - spreadsheet
    Each can open and save Office compatible files. They may be purchased separately via the Mac App Store for $19.99 each.
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    Will you answer my question please.
    Did you pay someone to install Office without giving you the disk.
    In the meantime you can Download the trial of Office 2011 for free, (you can download it from here) you can use it for 30 days, ask the vendor for your license code (you purchased it when you purchased Office), enter it in the trial version on your computer and it will become a full version.
    The suggestion to use Mail for now is also good, and is the fastest way to get going as well.

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    Mac users using Word 2004 who receive a Word 2008 for Mac, (or Word 2007 for Windows) document, will not be albe to read this without having the Open XML Converter installed, which can be downloaded from Microsoft.
    Go to this page:
    and click on the right under Most Popular, 'Open XML File Format Converter for Mac 1.0'
    This opens a window at the bottom of the page. Scroll that to the bottom and click on English.dmg, and it will download for you as a disk image, which can be installed in the usual way.
    After installation you can open and read .xml formatted Word 2008 documents in Word 2004.
    I would suggest that your Mum install this!

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    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I would seriously doubt that you could recover the file if it is saved with the same name without some very expensive help from a company like Drive Savers. Even then it sould be doubtful as the old file was overwritten and the information in it changed when you saved it.

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    Word 2004 will run under Snow Leopard, and I never found it to be particularly slow, But either Word 2008 or Word 2011 should be able to open your 2004 documents with no problems. Either version will continue to save in the older Word .doc format unless you explictly save it in the newer .docx format.
    Microsoft offers a 30-day trial version of 2011 if you want to test it for yourself:
    It'll run on any Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later.

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    Any thoughts on this a greatly appreciated.
    Bud James

    I have had concerns about this very same issue. I noticed that a 1 page document of plain text in Pages 09 took up 128KB of space, whereas if I saved the same document to Word 2004 it was 24KB. However it is in fact true that the larger the document the more efficient it is. A 2 page text document in Pages 09 was 168KB. If I add my 1 page document to the end of my 2 page document, the total size of the new document in Pages 09 is 200KB.
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    (I can anticipate the response: Get a big hard drive and quit complaining! But still...).

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    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    I know this sounds obvious, but have you turned on the Comments feature for that document? I get book manuscripts all the time with comments, and have no problems with them.

  • Remove Office command for Office 2004

    I have just purchased an iMac with OS 10.4.8 and it came with the Test Drive for Office 2004. Every time I open an existing Word document, it automatically switches it and saves it as 2004, and when I want to print, I get the message that I cannot print until I purchase Office 2004. I do not and cannot update to Office 2004 because I work at a university that uses Office 2001 and I need to stay compatible. I researched and followed the directions to Remove Office for Office 2004, (but kept my Office 2001), emptied the Trash, Restarted the computer, but the same thing keeps happening! I checked the Hard Drive and Office 2004 is nowhere to be found, but my Word 2001 documents are being automatically saved as Word 2004 documents and then I cannot print them. I am in a vicious cycle here and will appreciate any guidance. Thanks!

    Hi again gracie:
    Since you have Office 2001 installed as well, would recommend you make a good backup of your hard drive before deleting anything (except the preference files [plist]. I would dump all of the Microsoft preference files (Word, Office, etc), run the Office Test Drive uninstaller (I think there is one), and see if the corrects the problem. All of those things should not hurt anything.
    A fairly easy way of backing up and or having a retreat paath is to make a bootable clone of your system on an external hard drive. I use a little program called SuperDuper ($28 at In that way, you are almost completely protected in the event of a hardware or software problem.
    Incidentally, my Word 2004 gives a bunch of options when I do a "save as." It "says" that the save format is the same one used by Word 98 through 2004. I am no Word expert (far from it) but it seems that the formats should be compatible?????? Perhaps the test drive messed things up.

  • Unable to open Word 97-2004 on my iphone5

    Have received a Microsoft word document on email
    On my ipod touch ios 5.1.1 it opens ok
    Ipad ios 6.1.3 it opens ok
    iphone5 ios 6.1.4 it will not open
    All I get is a gray screen with the document name and Microsoft Word 97-2004 document 46kb
    Any ideas anyone

    What version of office are you using?  Did you try to right click a file and then pick "open with..." and see what happens?

Maybe you are looking for

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