BI Mock Exam Link/Materials

HI Friends
I am going to take up SAP BI Certification exam before that i would like to practice Mock exam .Would u give me some site name or links please.which  is very useful to me.

SAP BW Certification Test Simulation
BI certification tips pls

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    I don't know about a .jar file, but here is a link for some

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    We have a business scenario where we currently purchase and sell a product as one item (let us say that it is a notebook in a box), but we have just been advised by HMRC that both the notebook and box need to have separate commodity codes as the box can be used to hold items other than the notebook.
    We now have the requirement that we need to deal with two separate products, both inbound and outbound from our warehouse, so we cannot use a kitting or sub-contracting process.  We are thinking of using cross-selling in SD to link the two products.  This will work fine in MM as long as a Sales Order is our start point.  We'd have 2 items on an SO and MRP would generate requirements for both.  However, SD is not always our start point.  We could also generate planned independent requirements, or create manual purchase requisitions.
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    Hi, Like when you have SD in Picture then you do not have problem, Right?
    Similarly for planned independent requirements also you have to give manual Input depending on planning, so I am not able to see problem here also,
    Similarly when you are making manual purchase requisitions then there also you can have as many items as per your requirement,
    So what kind of linkage you are looking for, where is the linkage if you are telling "We'd have 2 items on an SO and MRP would generate requirements for both"
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    WillyM wrote:
    Does anyone know of any official mock exams for the SQL Expert exam (1Z0-047)? All I can find are dodgy brain dump sites...
    Wll Kaplan the official Oracle Partner appears to be offering them here .... - Preparation - Practice Tests .....
    Also how realistic are the questions in the Master Exams that come with OCA Oracle Database SQL Certified Expert Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-047) (Osborne Oracle Press Series) - Steve O'Hearn? The questions at the end of each chapter seem far too simple to me and are much easier than the 7 or so sample questions on the Oracle page for this exam. Any thoughts from those who have taken the exam and used this book?What follows if thru memory
    ( The questions the the end of the first few chapters are trivial ... they then become more relevant ).
    Well I found the book helpful and from what I can remember the practice tests helped point some gaps I had.
    Typically I think I find real exams sometimes need a bit longer than that on some of the practice tests.
    I personally only use practice tests when i think i have learnt all material as a check to where i'm at and to identify gaps.
    I will even leave the end of chapter tests under i think i have grasped everything.
    And I will never take end of chapter tests if i have read that chapter earlier in the day!
    ( If i get tempted must take end of chapter tests early then i choose a reasonably meaty chapter about 1/3 into the book).
    The book was enough for me .... but it may not be so for everyone ... we can be different and start from different places.
    Someone mentioned they got rhu the test easily in an hour .... well i was pushing time the whole way through!

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    The full name of the certification is: Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer

    875304 wrote:
    You can try Java EE 6 EJB OCE Certification Training Lab.
    Please when suggesting material give some indication of the material's providence and your providence
    (ie are you a spammer or forum points seeker).
    As it happens regards as certifcation safe (at least when last verified 2008) at time of post.
    This post looks like spam ... however your other two current posts indicate you appear to be something other than a spammer ... just and only just.

  • Confusing SCJP 6 mock exam questions

    *class StringSplit {*
    *public static void main(String [] args) {*
    String s = "x1234 y56 z7 a";
    String [] sa = s.split("\d");
    int count = 0;
    for( String x : sa)
    System.out.println("total: " + count);
    What is the result?
    The "correct" answer for this question on the guide I'm using is 8.
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    Thank you.
    Edited by: lapchern on Feb 1, 2010 10:31 PM
    Edited by: lapchern on Feb 1, 2010 10:34 PM

    please, edit your question and use the tag (there is a button in the editor window)                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    I want to obtain Java mock exam questions. Can anyone help me ?

    Go to JavaRanch's mock exam site (
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    hurry 2 give me all queries to clear doubtsGhen Sommere nites be geting longe
    And swallows sing thir farwell songe
    A mans mynde turns to mateers of thee hart
    An fynde that he shal wysh to take part
    In exams to passe the SJCP
    an wyn the love of the object of hys fanciee

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    I would be extremely grateful for your help, thanks, Dave.
    [email protected]

    Check out
    Other than that, get a good certification prep book and work through it. My favorite is A Programmers Guide to Java Certification - , but there are several good ones. You'll probably need to try a few things out by writing simple code. Mock exams, including those in the books, are great preparation, although you'll find that some of them are lower quality than others. One piece of advice - don't pay for mock exams - it's just not necessary.
    Good Luck

  • Question from mock exam for SCJP 5

    Hi everyone,
    I have encountered this question:
    class Game{ }
    class Cricket extends Game{ }
    class Instrument{ }
    class Guitar extends Instrument{ }
    interface Player<E>{ void play(E e); }
    interface GamePlayer<E extends Game> extends Player<E>{ }
    interface MusicPlayer<E extends Instrument> extends Player{ }Identify valid declarations.
    And one of the possible answers is (which is not correct):
    class MidiPlayer implements MysicPlayer {
       public void play(Guitar) {}
    }And the explanation given why it is a wrong answer is:
    "Observe that this is a non-typed usage of MusicPlayer. Since MusicPlayer has not been typed to
    anything, that means, it should be able to work with any object. Thus, MidiPlayer must have a
    method play(Object )."
    But this explanation in my opinion is wrong as play(Object) would not satisfy MusicPlayer
    interface. It would have to be play(Instrument) ... Am I right here ?

    But this explanation in my opinion is wrong as play(Object) would not satisfy MusicPlayer
    interface. It would have to be play(Instrument) ... Am I right here ?
    AdrianYes, and no.
    play(Object) WOULD satisfy the MusicPlayer interface, because Object is the super class of Instrument. The requirement for a class to implement an interface is that its parameter types be able to accept the types specified in the interface, and its return type be a type or subtype of the return type from the interface.
    So technially, it should be instrument, BUT
    It is perfectly valid to accept any super type of Instrument, which includes java.lang.Object. The point is that if I do this:
    MusicPlayer musicPlayer = new MidiPlayer(); Guitar());This MUST be legal. Since MidiPlayer has a play operation that is void and accepts an Object (which a Guitar happens to be a subtype of), this is legal. The restriction is that the play method cannot take type Guitar, because not all Instruments are Guitars, and the play method cannot take String, for example, because an Instrument is not a String. But it can define a parameter of type Object, because all Instruments are Objects.
    I'm not sure if that made much sense, but that's the answer you're looking for. Here's the relevent section from the JLS:
    - Adam

  • I am going to sun certification exam 1.5 se

    how to prepare and which notes more use ours
    i need syllabus

    Here are some more links for your ref..
    Java Technology Certification -
    Starting point for Sun's Java technology certification.
      jCert -
    Learn about initiative to recognize Java certifications across industry vendors.
      SCJP 1.4 certification primer -
    Outlines the new programmer certification exam with suggestions for preparation, sample questions and links to resources.
      Whizlabs -
    Test simulators for Sun Java Certification Exams: SCJP, SCWCD and SCEA [Commercial]
      JavaPrepare - Tutorials, mock exams and other preparation material for SCJP and SCWCD.
      Marcus Green's Java Certification - SCJP exam resource with tutorials, mock exam and community features.
      Absolute Java - Collection of tidbits to prepare for SCJP exam.
      Java Certification Webring -
    Web-ring of sites involved with certification.
      Bill's Java Certification Resources -
    SCJP mock-tests and links to other resources. - Includes list of certification books, study aides, links for mock exams and salary surveys.
      Java Guru: Java Certification Forum Home Page -
    Forum to pose and view the who, what, where, why and how questions on Java certification.
      Wah! Java - Contains topic-wise mock tests, tips from those who passed, recommended books and links to other testing/java resources.
      Certified Java Programmer Mock Exam (310-025, 310-035) - Contains mock exams and tutorials for SCJP exam.
      Certification: The Java Mock Test -
    Offers free applet based mock exam for SCJP2.
      VoodooExam -
    SCJP mock exam engine with facility to add new question/answers.
    Needs jdk1.2.1 or higher [download].
      Free Java Certification Training -
    Contains mock tests, source code, resources for Sun Certifications, resources on Web-development and UML.
      SCWCD Exam Review -
    Review notes for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam.
      Jiris -
    Contains mock exams, links, forum, code examples and other SCJP/SCWCD resources.
      JavaCaps Home Page - SCJP, SCWCD resources including tutorials, FAQs, Mock Exam and links. - Certification -
    Certification information and mock exams.
      Sun Certified Java Programmer sample test paper! -
    A practice test for SCJP comprising of 30 questions with answers.
      Anilbachi Java Certification Resources - SCJP tutorial, mock exams, objectives, mock exam links and discussion forum.
      Mock Exam -
    Javascript based SCJP Mock Exam. - SCWCD mock exam -
    Offers mock Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam.
      Sun Certified Programmer Examination Revision Book -
    SCJP Tutorial based on Sun's Objectives.
      Enthuware - Test simulators for Sun certification exams. [Commercial]
      The Java Skinny - Contains sample questions, SCJP exam objectives with code examples and other resources.
      Java Quick Reference - Comprises of concise study notes for SCJP exam and other links. - Java Certifications -
    Explore information and links for Java and Sun certifications.
    Includes articles, practice tests, software reviews, book reviews, and forums.
      Java Certification Study Group -
    Study community with forums, chat and resources.
      Universal teacher -
    SCJP exam simulator containing 600 questions [Download].
      Java Certification Study Notes -
    SCJP & SCWCD study notes, resources and tips. - Contains interactive quizzes, pitfalls, FAQs by programmers, list of integrated development tools.
      JavaQuestion Bank - Includes general and certification questions and other java resources.
      SCJP Preparatory Questions -
    SCJP questions, summary, exam details and resources collected from various sites. - SCJP2 mock exam -
    Offers mock SCJP exam.
      Learn + play Java - Interactive, downloadable course for SCJP with built-in Java source interpreter. Work and experiment with class libraries using the tests and JLS Summary.
      Java Certification Exam Questions -
    SCJP mock tests, exam notes and other resources.
      SCJP2 MockExam -
    60 questions mock test [Download].
      Dallas SCJD Study Group -
    Developer exam resources including FAQs, guidelines, presentations, free books and discussion forum.
      JSecure - Java Certification exam simulator. [Commercial]
      Online Java -
    Contains excerpts from an ongoing SCJP book, exam information, notes and links to Mock exams/resources.
      Radhika's Java and HTMl Home -
    Contains links to SCJP resources.
      Prasks Resources -
    Sun Certified Java Architect resources and experiences.
      Certification4Career -
    Contains study guides, mock exams, discussion board and links for SCJP.
      Quick Java - Contains a Java lookup reference and test-simulator based on a book.
      go4java- Java Certification Site -
    Includes SCJP experiences, FAQs, mock exams, tutorials and links to other resources. -
    Contains study aides, news and mock exams.
      Abhilash's java quiz site -
    Comprises of set of nine practice quizzes for SCJP exam with answers.
      Oracle Certified Java Developer -
    Starting point for Oracle Certified Java Developer OCP program.
      Java Programmer Certification -
    SCJP Revision notes, links and other resources.
      j-think -
    Contains SCJP notes.
      Java Certification (SCJP) -
    Contains SCJP mock exam, tidbits, exam notes and links to other resources.
      Sun Java Certification Notes -
    Contains concise preparation notes.
      Cramsession -
    Study guides for Java Certification exams; needs (free) registration.
      JCertify -
    Java Certification exam simulator with tutorials and integrated training content. [Commercial] If you had gone thru all these sites, you would be the Master in java! :-)
    Good Luck!

  • IW42 - Materials for Operation linked to Order, not Operation

    In my current development, I'm struggling with linking materials to an operation, after IW42 has been completed.
    In my test data, I coded for two situations, lookup of MSEG values starting with AFRU-WABLNR or WEBLNR (via AFWI-MBLNR).  While that was viable in IW41, that doesn't work with IW42 because AFRU-WABLNR and WEBLNR are always initial.
    My other course is to call BAPI_ALM_CONF_GETDETAIL, using the keys from AFRU, which is the more desirable approach, but not used in previous versions of this work.  The BAPI call results in an empty goods movement and an empty goods movement errors table.
    In researching SAP tables, I'm finding only a link between material document and service order in table AUFM...there seems to be no link that I can use to assign the material consumed to the service order operation that consumed the material.
    This seems to be supported by Doc Flow displays in IW12 and IW32.  The goods issues are showing sequentially for the order, followed by operations and the confirmations (hours) for each operation. I cannot find a link for material to operation in any of the documents found in document flow.
    Question:  Is anyone aware of :
    1.  An alternative way to link goods movements to operations in this situation; or
    2.  SAP settings that I should point out that would support assigning goods movement to a service order operation?

    Resolved...functional specialist decided to use IW41, which allows retrieval of goods movements by operation.

  • Online Mock SCJPP 1.5 Exam

    Hi, I am about to give my SCJP exam in a week
    I have just studied Kathy Siera and given exams which are there on the Cd
    Can anybody tell me about some good mock exams present online that are free
    I will appreciate ur help

    Kathy Sierra Book have good Mock exams , if you get it over 60% then you prepare well for the exam , there is Marcus Green Mock its also useful for the exam and there is Whizlab Simulator its also fantastic simulator for SCJP exams

  • Needed SCBCD exam Mock URL's.

    Could any one please provide me with the urls where i can find free chapter wise/full length mock exams, last minute tips,material,cheet sheets etc. of SCBCD exam. Anything few is of great help to me.
    Thanks and regards

    ya actually i tried to find on google. but its not giving me the sorted lists of urls.. moreover i really don't know wherether these are really gonna help me.. becouse most of them comes without answers so u can't able to monitor where u going wrong...

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