Bicyclerepair with emacs

bicyclerepair is a python refactoring (and more) helper. I wanted to try it with emacs, i installed it from aur and updated .emacs as it's recomended:
;; pymacs
(autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t)
(autoload 'pymacs-eval "pymacs" nil t)
(autoload 'pymacs-apply "pymacs")
(autoload 'pymacs-call "pymacs")
(pymacs-load "bikeemacs" "brm-")
However i get the following error. Any ideas?
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Pymacs loading bikeemacs...failed")
signal(error ("Pymacs loading bikeemacs...failed"))
error("Pymacs loading %s...failed" "bikeemacs")
pymacs-load("bikeemacs" "brm-")

The solution was:
1. python-mode-1.0 should be loaded in emacs
2. cp ~/bicyclerepair-0.9/ide-integration/ /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bike/
3. replace the loading with: (pymacs-load "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bike/bikeemacs" "brm-")
I get the menu, but the refactoring (for example rename or find references) does not work...

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    Last edited by alexandre (2010-09-28 17:48:50)

    Thank you a lot for your answer, but my problem was not to replace "..." by "\ldots" after typing it, but how could I replace "..." by "\ldots" while I am typing it, just after I finished to push the last dot.
    I have tried to set it up with the abbrev mode, but it seems to work only for words. So for example, if I enter the word such as, say, "arch", then it replace it automatically by "archlinux" after pressing the space key. I won't have to replace the string manually, it does it automatically with the abbreviation mode of Emacs. Here is an example of what I am talking about :
    (abbrev-mode t) ; completion automatique
    (global-set-key (quote [tab]) (quote dabbrev-expand))
    (setq default-abbrev-mode t)
    (define-abbrev-table 'global-abbrev-table '(
    ("..." "\ldots" t)
    ("arch" "archlinux" nil)
    But my problem is, it doesn't work for "...", just for words. Of course, I could do it manually with the shortcut you wrote, but it would be nice to make it work automatically. Is there a way to do so ?
    If you don't understand what I am talking  about, try Vim, copy "imap <buffer> ... \ldots" in your .vimrc, and Vim will replace all "..." by "\ldots" while typing. I am sure I can do it with Emacs, I just don't know how.
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    Syncing is really just for one person with multiple machines so that their calendar moves with them. However, you can Publish and Subscribe to each others calendars.
    Do this on both machines:
    Select the calendar in the list at left and choose Publish from the Calendar menu. Choose the options which apply to you, but I do recommend the one "Publish changes automatically". Once you have clicked OK and the calendar is Published successfully, you can choose to send a mail to the other person in the next dialog.
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    ### capslock => ctrl
    xmodmap -e "clear Lock"
    xmodmap -e "add Control = Caps_Lock"
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    xmodmap -e "keycode 64 = Alt_L"
    xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Meta_L"
    ### remap of mod 4
    xmodmap -e "clear Mod4"
    xmodmap -e "add Mod4 = Super_L"
    ** Update:  The Alt key is not being swapped with the command key, but is not just a duplicate.  So no M-x can be done by both Alt-x and Command-x
    Last edited by iso (2011-02-19 19:21:01)

    java -cp "E:\Java Programmes\class" mygame.server.Server

  • How do I upgrade to 10.4 and... is wireless internet possible with eMac?

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    thanks for answering my last question about browsers: now using Camino and is way better than anything else...
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    2) Is it possible to get wirless net with eMacs? If so, what setting do you use?
    Thanks all!

    Tiger install DVDs are in short supply. Tiger is no longer available at the Apple Store *but may be available for $129 by calling Apple Phone Sales @ 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753)*. For other sources, do a Google search for MA453Z/A (10.4.6), MA190Z/A (10.4.3) and M9639Z/A (10.4) . Also look on eBay. Be sure & buy a retail version (black with silver X) and not a model specific version (gray) (See Can I use another Mac's system restore disc on my Mac? ). Expect to pay (possibly a lot) more than the Apple list price of $129.
    Also check these web stores: sku&sku=19521
    Possible Alternative if you are currently using Panther 10.3 – Do a Google search for Tiger 10.4 Upgrade DVD . It will upgrade your 10.3 to 10.4, but it doesn’t contain the full retail Tiger installer. Should be cheaper than the retail Tiger install DVD.
    After you install the base 10.4.x, update to the final Tiger version 10.4.11. Here's the link for the 10.4.11 combo update
    Look at this link Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Installing Software Support Page
    You can also download the Tiger Installation and Setup Guide
    When you upgrade the OS, do it via Archive & Install. See About the Archive and Install feature
    Be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings. Also, repair permissions before and after the install.
     Cheers, Tom

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    I'm trying to figure out a way to open ALL shell scripts (for which I use the extension ".sh") with emacs (launched in the terminal) by default.
    I've made some progress towards this goal, but am stuck on the last step. Here's what I've done:
    [1] I copied an Apple Script (from here: to create an Application (which I've called ""), that when launched with a file, will open it in emacs in the terminal.
    [2] I can make the default launch app for a individual shell script by right-clicking -> Open With -> Other... -> (+ check the box "Always Open With). However, doing this will only make it the default app for that single shell script, not for all of them, as I desire.
    [3] Normally, one can associate an application with a file extension, such that any file with that extension will be launched by default by this associated application, by: Right-clicking a file -> Get Info -> Open With -> Other... -> [DESIRED APP] (+ check the box "Always Open With) -> Change All... -> Click Continue when the pop-up appears which asks "Are you sure you want to change all similar documents to open with the application...". However, this does NOT work for; as soon as I click continue, the drop-down menu which I had used to select "" changes back to another, different Application.
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    Ilmari Aalto wrote:
    Hi Darth,
    Thanks for your hint! Nevertheless I think it's something more profound, since there's no error etc. For example, should I have the path wrong I assume that OWB would return me some kind of an error when it doesn't find the .sh-file? Isn't there any log-file to see whether the command was executed? It seems like the execution of the User Defined element would be skipped altogether.
    IlmariNo, if you don't give an absolute path OWB will not return any error, it just wont do anything at all...

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    That is how I use my macbook. When I start up in the moring, I turn the mouse, keyboard and monitor on first, I then hit the power button on the macbook and immediately close the lid. The macbook will then boot up on the external display. Just in case you allow the macbook to go to sleep, you need to go to allow bluetooth devices to wake the computer. You set this in the bluetooth system prefs.

  • Using Video Adapter with eMac

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    I would like to send video from my eMac to my TV. I purchased the Apple Video Adapter and an RCA cable. I have the adapter plugged into the computer, and the cable plugged into the adapter and the TV. I restarted the computer. The TV (on its video setting) shows static with the adapter plugged in; if I take it out, it goes black, so clearly some signal is passing through. However, I cannot figure out how to get the eMac to recognize the new "display".
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    Am I missing something? Is there a setting I need to change? Should I assume the adapter is defective (I gather this has happened to others)?
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    eMac 700 MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    I don't think the problem is at the TV's end, as it's clearly getting some sort of signal on the video setting I'm using (there's static when it's connected to the computer, and nothing when it's not). The problem is that the computer doesn't see that it's connected to another display.
    Something I realized, comparing computers (we also have a Mini)--the Mini's display preferences window has a "detect displays" button that the eMac's doesn't. They're both running 10.4.3. Any ideas (anyone?) why the eMac's missing it?
    Thanks again!

  • Printer Sharing with eMac, iMac, and iBook not working

    Hello, everyone. I hope you guys can help me out with this:
    I have an Epson Stylus CX4600 hooked up to my eMac via USB. My eMac prints fine with it. The eMac is getting its internet via an Ethernet wire going downstairs into my Linksys Router, which sends my Shaw internet to my iBook, my iMac, and my eMac.
    I want to allow the iMac and iBook to access the printer over the network directly, so I can just print from those computers and have it come out the eMac printer.
    I've looked at many articles on this. So far I've installed the drivers on all computers, plus they can all network to each other over File Sharing, so they are connected.
    But I haven't been able to print yet. The most I've been able to do is get the files I try to print from the iBook and iMac to show up on the eMac, in its printer queue. Only it didn't show up for a LONG time. And when it did, the jobs automatically stopped and everytime I clicked start, it would automatically switch back to stopped again. The files would not print.
    At this point, I want to get the iBook connected to it first. If I can do that, I'll try the iMac. But the iBook is first priority. I've tried making it connect to the Printer using IPP (IP Printing), and the result was... what I explained in the above paragraph. I also tried just ordinary Printer Sharing, but it said something close to this:
    "Unable to locate eMac.local, Unknown host."
    That hardly makes sense, because at that time I also tried getting the iBook connected to the eMac over File Sharing which worked. For some reason, the "eMac.local" and "iMac.local" files don't show up in my Network thing when I connect to them, or even when they're not connected. HOWEVER, I think they did at one point. I could swear I saw "eMac.local" and "iMac.local" in the Servers folder in the Network section of the iBook at one point. But it's no longer there.
    Please help. I've described my problem as well as possible. What a long post. If there's any way to make my eMac, iMac, and iBook be able to print through my Epson Stylus CX4600 at any time directly, then I'll do it.

    Yes. I did say that my eMac, iMac, and iBook are all
    connected to the internet and networked to each other
    over the Linksys router. I believe the router is
    still on factory settings because we never really
    "set" or programmed anything with it.
    Mac OS 9.2.2 on the iMac, Mac OS X 10.4.8 on the
    other two. IP addresses? is what I would use to connect to the
    eMac from the other computers.
    This is the eMac's IP, correct? Did you type it into Network, or was it assigned by the router's DHCP? is what I would use to connect to the
    iBook from the other computers.
    This is the iBook's IP, right? Again, fixed or DHCP? is what I would use to connect to the
    iMac from the other computers.
    Same for this IP.
    The iBook, as I've said, is wired. No wireless
    connections to speak of.
    Okay. Now, if the router is handing out IP addresses via DHCP, what range was it configured for? My Linksys, for example, is configured to hand out IPs in the range to It has the IP, so the IPs through are available for me to hand out as fixed IPs. If I was to hand out as a fixed IP, the router's DHCP server would have a potential problem, as it might hand out that address too, and only one device can have a particular IP address on a particular network. If your router is handing out, .101, and .102 via DHCP, you could and probably do have a conflict if you've got those addresses set up as fixed IPs. In particular, if you have anything else on the network, including Bonjour-enabled devices such as printers, you're likely to have a conflict.
    Best way to resolve a conflict, if any:
    1 set all the Macs to either DHCP, or if fixed IPs are required, to a fixed IP outside the range of the DHCP range on the router. (Or you could just turn off DHCP on the router.)
    2 check the router to be sure that DHCP is set the way you want it, and the DHCP pool is what you think it is.
    3 shut down the Macs.
    4 turn off the router, wait 30 seconds, turn it back on.
    5 turn the Macs back on, one at a time.
    On my Linksys, the way to set the DHCP pool is simple:
    1 log into the router. (My router IP: Yours would be Hit the 'Setup' tab. Verify the gateway IP. (Should be the router's IP. If it's not, something very strange is happening.) Verify the start of the DHCP pool. Verify that DHCP is on (or off, as you want). Verify the end of the DHCP pool. (My start is, and there are 245 IPs in the pool, so the end is If I changed the number of IPs to 200, the end of the pool would be, and I'd be able to set the IPs to 254 as fixed IPs if I wanted.) If your router allows for IPs to be reserved, you can set up reserved IPs for one or more of your Macs. (A reserved IP is an IP the router holds for a specific device. The network card in each computer has a specific MAC address; if that address is registered with the router, then every time that computer is turned on and connected it will get the IP that was reserved for it... so long as that IP is in the DHCP range and DHCP is turned on. Think of it as a fixed IP without your having to actually fix the IP.)

  • Using with eMac

    I have an eMac with USB 1.1, which i believe can't be updated to 2.0. At the moment I have a 3rd gen iPod which connects via Firewire and it all works fine. I'm considering upgrading to a new iPod, for the capacity, but I was wondering whether anyone has experience of using the new iPod with USB 1.1? Will it just be a case of taking a very long time to put 50GB onto it, but after that it will just be a minor annoyance when i put small amounts of new stuff on it each time I update it? Or is it basically not worth getting a new iPod if you haven't got USB 2.0?

    Will it just be a case of taking a very long time to put 50GB onto it<<<</div>
    USB2 is 480Mbps and USB1 is 12Mbps. These are BITS per second figures. The rates for BYTES per second are 48MBps and 1.2MBps, respectively. My math says 17 minutes for 50GB with USB2 and a really really long time with USB1.

  • Screen sharing not working with eMac lab after 3.2 update

    Screen sharing no longer functions after applying the 3.2 update in our eMac labs running 10.4.10 and PPC processors. However, it still functions in our iMac labs running 10.4.10 Intel processors. Before update, I was able to screen share with all the computers in the lab. After the update, I am only able to share with one single computer at a time. Not very useful anymore for teachers to use for demonstrating purposes at our school. It definately had something to do with the update since it was working moments before the update. Please help before I have to call Apple regarding this issue. Again, it only seems to affect screen sharing across PPC eMac computers, not Intel based computers.

    Through much testing at our schools, we determined that the problem lies with the update and the admin machine running ARD. If the admin machine is less than a G5 (doesn't matter if it is intel or PPC), ARD will not screen share with multiple computers (more than 3 machines) at a time. If you have a G5 admin machine, you probably will not experience this problem. Apple has yet to contact our district regarding any options for fixing the problem. We are currently in the process of shuffling computers to make sure there is a G5 admin machine in every lab to run ARD. However, I still think Apple needs to recognize this as a problem with their update. Screen sharing is a great tool for teaching class and it is too bad that with the current 3.2 update, it breaks the ability to use it with "older" G4 macs. Hence, that is why your eMac screen sharing is not working anymore. I can only hope for a prompt update to ARD to remedy this situation.

  • Problem using ddd with emacs

    Dear all,
    I am using emacs in conjunction with ddd to debug C codes on  my laptop
    I normally enter gdb commands on the tty in emacs, watch the position in the source code in emacs and look variable states in ddd.
    For some reason I can not enter gdb command on emacs's tty. It is as if ddd would not receive them. But, in turn if I enter gdb commands directly in ddd, I do get a copy of the command and its output on emacs tty.
    I call ddd like this:
    ddd -fullname
    I tried different alternative way to call ddd (--tty, --tty -fullname, --tty -fullname --gdb)
    So I went through some test in order to track down the problem.
    1) If I start ddd from a standard shell (gnome-terminal), I am able to send commands to ddd
    2) In emacs if I use gdb instead of ddd, I am able to send commands to gdb through the tty
    3) I copied the config file from my office machine, where the interplay between ddd and emacs works, but the communication problem between emacs and ddd remains.
    emacs version is emacs-23.1-5
    ddd version is  ddd-3.3.12-1
    I currently have no idea on how to solve my problem.
    Any idea ?
    Best regards,

    EntityFacade class is very simple and it uses a static EntityManager object. Here the code:
    public class EntityFacade {
         private static EntityManager em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("ElectroManager").createEntityManager();
         private static Logger logger=Logger.getLogger(EntityFacade.class);
         public static void insertCliente(Cliente c)
              logger.debug("Inserisco cliente nel db: " + c);
    If I call the method from inside a main it works well, so I think the problem is not the classpath neither the URL in the persistence.xml. However the URL is:
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:derby:c:/programmi/ElectroManager/db/electroManager"/>
    I use the latest build version of TopLink.

  • Need help with eMac NOW!!!

    I accidently put the Mac folder (forget what it is called, basically the OS) into the trash, and now when I boot it it just goes to a grey screen and says weird things. Even when I put in the Mac OS X install disc and hold "c". Someone please help me.

    1) Borrow a friend's Mac laptop (with firewire) and a firewire 6pin-6pin cable, and put the eMac into target disk mode, so that you can then mount it on the other computer, and get the System out of the trash.
    2) Remove the hard drive, after opening the eMac up and avoiding the dangerous currents, fragile power button, etc, and put it in an external case, plug into another Mac, and get the System out of the trash.
    3) Buy/Borrow Tiger on CD... and instal a new system. Once installed, restart the eMac, then drag the System out of the trash... (though the Tiger instal program may kill the existing system even tho it is in the trash?...)

  • Need help with EMAC

    My Emac screen freezes after a while and the only thing i can do is move the mouse. Nothing else happens i have to shut the computer down. Could this be a Capacitor Problem? Any help would be Appriecated.
    <Edited by Moderator>

    As dolbinau has pointed out, gauging by your serial number, your eMac may be affected by bad capacitors; a problem that Apple recognised a while ago, and set up a Repair Program to fix - free of charge.
    dolbinau's confusion over the symptoms of the capacitor problem is Apple's fault. The main symptom on eMacs with bad caps is that the computer will freeze, for no apparent reason, and cannot be "unfrozen" without pressing the power button and turning the computer off.
    Apple for some reason did not include this symptom in the Repair Program's notes.
    Anyway - because your eMac falls in the right range, you should contact Apple NOW to talk to them about it. Technically the Repair Program has expired (3 years from the date of the computer's purchase), however if you push (ie ask to speak to a supervisor) then they should agree to repair it for free.

  • Need help with emac restoration

    I bought an eMac in a garage sale. It came with Tiger installed in it. I am completely new to Mac OS's. In the effort of trying to upgrade it to Leopard, I think I erased the hard disk(MacHD). After that it immediately restarted and got stuck on the apple logo screen with a spinning wheel below it. Now I didn't get a CD/DVD when I bought it. And with the help of my friend now I have a leopard image in a hard disk.( I have a 250gb hard drive, about 180 is partitioned with fat32 filesystem, and the other 60gb has the leopard image). I restored the leopard .dmg into the partition using the disk utility application with the help of his mac book. So can anyone help me on how I need to proceed.

    Nope, boot the MBP using he t key, boot the eMac holding Option or alt, this should make the
    OK, booted the last way,
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at the top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    highlight the eMac's Hard Drive in Disk Utility, click the blue Info icon, what Format is it?
    How to format your disks...
    Thanks to Pondini, Formatting,  Partitioning, Verifying,  and  Repairing  Disks...

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