Billing button appear even not GI and confirm....

Dear Expert,
Current, i'm facing problem that the the billing document button will appear even the GI button and released not completed if have more than 1 job in the service order (DBM module).
If only have i job...the action control is smooth.
I try to do config but still failed. hence, appreaciated that somebody can help me to resolved my problem....
For more info, i'm using DBM5.

Check copy controls  between sales document and billing document .
Goto VTFA, Select the line and double click on items.
Select the item and choose details.
Copying requirements 023, This routine will check billing blocks of sales document items..

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    Dear Expert,
    Current, i'm facing problem that the the billing document button will appear even the GI button and released not completed if have more than 1 job in the service order.
    If only have i job...the action control is smooth.
    I try to do config but still failed. hence, appreaciated that somebody can help me to resolved my problem....
    For more info, i'm using DBM5.

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    Can you try by just deleting the PO? Dont delete the confirmation.
    I think once you have done the confirmation, the SC will not come back to SOCO. (Logically if you see, confirming means you have already received goods, so after receiving goods, I dont think SC will be visible again in SOCO)

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    Remove the time out event or set it to -1
    The following code you have implemented in order to compute the number of values to read will most probable return invalid values (note, the array has only a single element included!)
    The code has redundancy in the "Time Base" Value Change event and your "First Run User Event".
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    hope this helps,
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    Expert: Geometry
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Basu,
    What is the workflow framework that your are using. Is  it application controlled workflow?
    1.     Go to T code BBP_PD and check if the workflow triggered for the shopping cart is in in-Process status. If it is in in-process status copy the header workitem and go to T code SWPC , remove all the values displayed in the selection screen just enter the header work item ID and execute.  If you are able to see any entry after execution select it and click on continue workflow. this will fix your problem.
    2.     Check in transaction SM58 to see if there are any failed entry on the day of shopping cart creation , if there is any entry in failed status please reprocess the LUW.
    hopefully any one of the above steps will fix your issue.

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    Exception     CX_CRM_ICI_EXCEPTION
    Message class     1
    message number     15
    message     Area Code: 1, Error Code: 15
    Program name     CL_ICI_SOAP_DELEGATE==========CP
    row number     942
    Exception     CX_BCB_EXCEPTION
    Exception text     
    Message class     0
    message number     7
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    we are currently on CRM2007 SP6. 
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    Gplus Adapter for mySAP ICI Multi-Channel</name>
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    Hey Heber,
    Your post was very helpful.  No, this wasn't happening to everyone...just this one CSR.  And he's sort of a constant complainer.  I've had to explain/train him many times on using ICweb and telephony buttons.
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    Thanks again,

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    Open the page that you want as the home page in a tab and drag the tab or the favicon from the left end of the location bar on the toolbar Home button.

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    Good Evening i have problems with my laptop since it was sent to me without a hard disk drive so i have to buy a new one to make it work, first here are some useful information regarding my laptop.
    Hp pavilion dv 9000
    OS: Windows Vista Home premium
    HDD1: 250Gb
    Ram: 1030mb
    so when i got the hard disk drive, i installed windows vista as its operating system and so far it worked well, and after that i downloaded drivers from HP's website, with correct laptop model and os, i searched for the most compatible drivers that will make my laptop function 100%
    i installed
    NVIDIA  Chipset driver
    Hp Quick lunch buttons
    Audio Driver
    so after the installation and reboot of my laptop, it seems that only NVIDIA chipset driver worked, the quick lunch buttons are still not working, and also i cannot hear anything comming out of my speaker when i try to play some music, but i hear some loud beeps so it means it is 100% functioning  and also i noticed the 3 indicators at the bottom lefot of my laptop for (Power,Charging,Reading) lights are not lighting up.
     i tried to uninstall it and install it again just like other blogs says but it doesnt work. . .
    i really want to make my laptop fully functional . . 
    can you help me please

    Hello @iamDestiny ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I understand you've installed a new HDD in your notebook and are unable to use the keyboard shortcuts and have no sound from programs on the computer.
    It would help to know if you're using a 32 or 64 bit version of Vista. To see which version of Windows you are using click here: Which Windows operating system am I running?
    Keep in mind beeps typically come from the onboard BIOS speaker, not the actual speakers. Can you tell me what you do to hear the beeping so we can tell if this is a system beep or a Windows sound? Also, can you tell me if headphones work?
    Regarding drivers: I would suggest installing the HP Support Assistant (HPSA) to search for drivers for you. You can download this here: HP Support Assistant. You can see how to use it here: Using HP Support Assistant (Windows 7, Windows Vista).
    When you installed Vista did you use the HP recovery CD's or your own copy of Windows? 
    Let me know the updated info or if the HPSA works.
    Please click the "Kudos, Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post if you want to say "Thanks" for helping!
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    The Great Deku Tree
    I work on behalf of HP.

  • Note 3 and Missing Knox

      Verizon, when will Samsung Knox return to my Note 3?  Please read the entire post.  I purchased the Note 3 within the first weeks of it's availability.  I wanted the larger screen and the security of the Samsung Knox app.
       Out of the box the phone was great, then came the first software update push.  The reception I had for the first week was now gone.  Same locations now were marginal if not No Service... even running up Rt 93 (highway in NH where I commute).  I stayed patient and adapted my usage counting on Verizon to correct this push.  Plenty of other features to explore and learn, like Knox.
      I looked for the Knox app icon, searched the device, found youtubes and other references on the Internet, but could not find the icon on my device.  I found many Knox services & processes running.  It was even listed and selected as a Device Administrator but no icon.  No I did not accidentally do anything to the icon and I still had not added or removed any software... still in out-of-the-box condition.  I thought maybe the software push "bumped" my Knox... stay patient... Verizon will correct this too.
      I continued to integrate the device into my routine but was checking for the software updates the would correct what the last update apparently did.  Finally, a new update... Yes, Apply!  Tada!  Your device is up to date with MJE!  Awesome... let's checkout the reception and find Knox!  Reception... unchanged.  Okay well let's find Kno.... where did it go?!?  The Device Admin and all but one service/ process GONE!   I rebooted and checked for updates... what is going on?  I checked the community, Googled and chatted with Samsung.  I called Verizon Support and spoke with a very nice tech, for a couple of hours, who was very interested in helping.  She ended up taking a new device out the box and verified Knox was there as I described then performed updates and POOF!  GONE!  She said it must have been a Samsung issue and gave me their number.
      A couple of weeks ago I went the Best Buy were there was a Samsung rep in the Samsung display area.  I asked him about Knox and if there was another update forthcoming.  He was dismayed and pulled out his personal Note 3 with Knox.  We looked at the functioning displays and there was Knox.  It appears that Note 3 and Knox have been working without issue or removal on Sprint.  He was going to ask his support community then email me... no email.
      I returned to the store where I purchased the device and explained everything.  They weren't knowledgeable or even aware of Knox.  They contacted Support for about thirty minutes until I mentioned I wanted my device swapped out.  My thought was to hopefully get a device with the original software then deny all updates.  Got the new device and all updates were forced... same issues.
      Where are my corrections?  I purchased this device based on the advertisements by and reputations of Verizon and Samsung.  Knowing that Sprint has the same device and Knox tells me it is not a Samsung issue.  This is my thinking, I buy a car at the dealership in town and something is wrong with the seatbelt... I go back to that dealership not the seatbelt manufacturer.  I bought the device from Verizon... something is wrong with my device... Verizon should work with Samsung IF it is not a Verizon issue.  There is even some chatter saying Verizon and Samsung are having a tiff with each over... not good PR for either company.  Please do not publish any links or solutions you have not tested and are not 100% certain of... credibility suffers otherwise.  This is yours to win!  I accept things take time to fix.  Good luck and thank you for taking the time to read all of this.  Best Regards!

    Just paid $295.00 for the "service" my Verizon Note 3 and 2 other lines.  Feeling a lot I had hoped I paid enough at least for a response from V.  I won't check back here again... V, you know my number if you want to help.

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    The message "iPad Not Backed Up" appears on the screen and will not go away, even after I push the "OK" button. What can I do?

    rodrocket wrote:
    ... What can I do?
    Perform a Reset...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

  • HT204053 When I try to login to my apple ID on my iphone 4 to use facetime, it will not work and tells me to check my connection?  I have even tried creating a new apple ID but the same message appears

    When I try to log onto my Apple ID to use facetime, it will not work and tells me to check my connection.  I have even tried creating a new apple ID but the same message appears.  I do not understand why this is happening, could anyone help me resolve this issue it is very frusterating that I can not enable facetime or imessage.

    I could do that, however when I select the icloud button (or whatever the heck it is) I am asked to enter the apple id and password. So if you are suppose to create another one for icloud you'd think it would give you the option at this point which would be logical.

  • HT4968 My "Home" calendar only appears on my Mac and not the Cloud even though "Home" is checked in all places.

    My "Home" calendar only appears on my Mac and not the Cloud. If I uncheck "home on my mac" all events disappear even though it's still checked on the iCloud calendars.

    (unless you already have one) Create a new empty calendar from the iCal file menu, select which account you want to create it in.
    If you have only a few appointments you can move them individually by editing them and changing the calendar in the edit options.
    Alternatively you can copy all the appointments in one calendar to another and delete the original.
    To copy a calendar ctrl-click on it from the menu that appears when you select the calendar button (top left corner of iCal) and choose export (export it to your desktop for ease)
    Double click the exported file and choose the new empty calendar to import them into.
    Ctrl-click on the original calendar from the menu that appears when you select the calendar button and choose delete.

  • My husband just got an iphone. I've had mine for a while.  We use the same email address so I though we could use the same apple id and password.  But now it appears everything on my phone also shows up on his phone and vis versa, even "Notes."  Not good.

    My husband just got an iphone. I've had mine for a while.  We use the same email address so I thought we could use the same apple id and password.  But now it appears everything on my phone also shows up on his phone and vis versa, even "Notes."  Not good.  How do I unlink them? 

    Read this planning tips:
    iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family

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