Binary-Value String to Float

If I have a String which looks something like the following -
how could I convert that to an integer 10 ?

class Test{
     public static void main (String args[]) {
          String myString = "101010";
          int myStringSize = myString.length();
          int sum = 0 ;
          int count=0;
          for (int i = myStringSize-1;i>=0; i--) {
               sum += (Math.pow(2,i))*Integer.parseInt(myString.charAt(count)+"");

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    I want to convert binary value to string format. How can i do that if possible please give me sample code.?
    One more question is i want to do reverse thing also that is convert string value to binary format.?
    Waiting for reply

    There are methods in Integer, Long etc for transforming to binary.
    I think there are probably also methods to go from binary to an int. Check out the JavaDoc

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    Check Integer.parseInt,%20int)

  • Assigning a binary value to an integer

    Hi, I am trying to assign a binary value in my program to an integer. In some assembly languages you would do the following:
    mov a, 00010101b
    for binary and for hex:
    mov a, 0E2h
    In java, you can assign a hex value with:
    int a=0x3F;
    What should I do to assign a binary value? Is it possible?
    Regards... Martin Schmiedel

    The static method parseInt in the java.lang.Integer class can be used to convert a String representing a binary number into its decimal integer value. In addition to the string representing the number, you also pass in an integer representing the radix, which for binary would be 2, hex would be 16, etc. So for example:
    int x = Integer.parseInt("00010110", 2);
    Is that what you're trying to do? Cheers,

  • Binary Values unreadable - Database corrupt?

    I'm experiencing a really weird problem here, I have a table with some varchar columns and two binary columns. What I do now, is to select data from it via Python with the following select statement:
    select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid desc
    What happens is, that only for this customerid some binary data is missing, they contain an empty string. If I do the select like this:
    select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid
    It does work, the data is there. With this, it works too:
    select * from torder order by torderid desc
    So it seems, the combination of "customerid=1624" and "desc" somehow corrupts the results.
    What's furthermore interesting is, that when I delete the last inserted row of the result, it works, and if I add a new one, it's broken again.
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    Any clues of how to fix this?
    My database version is Kernel    7.6.06   Build 003-121-202-135 | X32/LINUX 7.6.06   Build 003-121-20
    Previously, I had 7.6.03 and updated it to the above version, hoping that this would fix the problem, but it did not.
    Best Regards,
    Hermann Himmelbauer

    Ok, first many thanks for your quick reply. I did not answer at first as the problem magically went away. But unfortunately the problem is back today.
    The DDL statements look the following, there are no indexes on the table:
    CREATE TABLE torder (
            creation_date TIMESTAMP,
            transfer_date TIMESTAMP,
            signed_date TIMESTAMP,
            signed_with VARCHAR(3) CHECK (signed_with in ('TAN', 'BKU', 'MAN') OR signed_with IS NULL),
            revocation_date TIMESTAMP,
            done_date TIMESTAMP,
            formdata LONG BYTE NOT NULL,
            trans_function VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL CHECK (trans_function in ('do_bank_transfer', 'do_bank_collection',
                                    'do_cheque_transfer', 'do_cash', 'do_cashdraw')),
            trans_type VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL CHECK (trans_type in ('national','sepa','international')),
            applet_location VARCHAR(35),
            errors_text VARCHAR(100),
            errors LONG BYTE,
            customerid INTEGER,
            dbuserid INTEGER,
            torder_periodicid INTEGER,
            PRIMARY KEY (torderid),
             FOREIGN KEY(customerid) REFERENCES kunde (kundeid),
             FOREIGN KEY(dbuserid) REFERENCES dbuser (dbuserid),
             FOREIGN KEY(torder_periodicid) REFERENCES torder_periodic (torder_periodicid)
    The insert statements look the following (They are copied out of the SQLAlchemy SQL log), one can see that the binary values are inserted here:
    INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...d110:INSERT INTO torder (creation_date, transfer_date, signed_date, si
    gned_with, revocation_date, done_date, formdata, trans_function, trans_type, applet_location, errors_text, err
    ors, customerid, dbuserid, torder_periodicid) VALUES (now(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...d110:['20091027113506345604', None, None, None, None, '\x80\x02}q\x01(
    aq\x08K\x00U\x11foreign_acc_name1q\tU\x11Foreign Account 2q\nU\x0cacc_payer_noq\x0bX\t\x00\x00\x00999111110q\x
    0cU\ttextlinesq\r]q\x0e(U\x0c1st transferq\x0fU\tMultilineq\x10U\x0bFor testingq\x11eU\x06amountq\x12cdecimal\
    q\x17U\x0bfor Testingq\x18u.', 'do_bank_transfer', 'national', 'url:test_transfer', None, None, None, None, No
    All rows are inserted with binary data, so it's never NULL and it's also never set to an empty string ('').
    But when reading back the rows, some binary values are an empty string.
    The following Python code illustrates the problem:
    import sapdb.dbapi
    def true_false_result(result):
        if result:
            return 'Bug begins'
            return 'Bug ends'
    def check_bincols(bdb, sqlcmd):
        print "----
        print "QUERY: %s" % sqlcmd
        print "----
        bdbc = bdb.cursor()
        bdbe = bdbc.execute(sqlcmd)
        bug_occured = False
        stored_bin_result = False
        while 1:
            row = bdbe.fetchone()
            if row is None:
    Now check if the binary data results to an empty string,
    This should never happen (= the database bug)
            bin_result = (row[7]() == '')
            if bin_result != stored_bin_result:
                bug_occured = True
                print "Toggle to %s at torderid %s" % (
                stored_bin_result = bin_result
        if not bug_occured:
            print "No Bug for this query"
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        bdb = sapdb.dbapi.connect('USER', 'PASS', 'DBNAME', 'LOCALHOST')
    First try the original query, which results in a bug
        sqlcmd = 'select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid desc'
        check_bincols(bdb, sqlcmd)
    This query normally is bugfree
        sqlcmd = 'select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid'
        check_bincols(bdb, sqlcmd)
    This query has a bug, too
        sqlcmd = 'select * from torder order by torderid desc'
        check_bincols(bdb, sqlcmd)
    But this one not
        sqlcmd = 'select * from torder order by torderid'
        check_bincols(bdb, sqlcmd)
    This triggers the bug, too, which is curious as there's practically no ordering
        sqlcmd = 'select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by customerid desc'
        check_bincols(bdb, sqlcmd)
    So, it seems that the bug occurs only when using "DESC" for descending
    The output of this program is:
    QUERY: select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid desc
    Toggle to Bug begins at torderid 1355
    Toggle to Bug ends at torderid 582
    QUERY: select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid
    No Bug for this query
    QUERY: select * from torder order by torderid desc
    No Bug for this query
    QUERY: select * from torder order by torderid
    No Bug for this query
    QUERY: select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by customerid desc
    Toggle to Bug begins at torderid 1355
    Toggle to Bug ends at torderid 582
    So, it can be seen that the problem occurs ONLY when using descending ordering. Moreover it's interesting that the result for "select * from torder order by torderid desc" is sometimes buggy, sometimes not, which seems to be related if someone inserted some more rows or not. What's furthermore interesting is the last query, as there the order is applied to "customerid", which is the very same for every row, so there is no ordering and the bug occurs here, too.
    All this happens on my production instance. I have a testing environment, where I imported the very same data set (same database version etc.) and there is no such problem (for now), so it's quite complicated to nail down the problem further as I cannot easily disrupt the availability of the production instance.
    All I could do for now is not to use the "DESC" command and reorder the data in my application, but that is really suboptimal as I have to keep all results in memory.
    Any help is really appreciated!
    Best Regards,<BR>
    Hermann Himmelbauer
    Update: I tried the same query with the following code with C++ / SQLDBC (I modified one of the SQLDBC examples):
    First you have to include SQLDBC.h
    #include "SQLDBC.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct ConnectArgsT {
        char * username;
        char * password;
        char * dbname;
        char * host;
    } ConnectArgsT;
    static void parseArgs (ConnectArgsT * connectArgs, int argc, char **argv);
    using namespace SQLDBC;
    Let start your program with a main function
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       ConnectArgsT connectArgs;
       parseArgs (&connectArgs, argc, argv);
       char errorText[200];
    Every application has to initialize the SQLDBC library by getting a
    reference to the ClientRuntime and calling the SQLDBC_Environment constructor.
       SQLDBC_IRuntime *runtime;
       runtime = SQLDBC::GetClientRuntime(errorText, sizeof(errorText));
       if (!runtime) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Getting instance of the ClientRuntime failed %s", errorText);
         return (1);
       SQLDBC_Environment env(runtime);
    Create a new connection object and open a session to the database.
       SQLDBC_Connection *conn = env.createConnection();
       SQLDBC_Retcode rc;
       rc = conn->connect(, connectArgs.dbname,
                          connectArgs.username, connectArgs.password);
       if(SQLDBC_OK != rc) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to the database failed %s", conn->error().getErrorText());
         return (1);
       printf("Sucessfull connected to %s as user %s\n",
              connectArgs.dbname, connectArgs.username);
    Create a new statment object and execute it.
       SQLDBC_Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement();
       rc = stmt->execute("select * from torder where customerid=1624 order by torderid desc");
       if(SQLDBC_OK != rc) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Execution failed %s", stmt->error().getErrorText());
         return (1);
    Check if the SQL command return a resultset and get a result set object.
       SQLDBC_ResultSet *result;
       result = stmt->getResultSet();
       if(!result) {
         fprintf(stderr, "SQL command doesn't return a result set %s", stmt->error().getErrorText());
         return (1);
    Position the curors within the resultset by doing a fetch next call.
       while (1) {
         rc = result->next();
         if(SQLDBC_OK != rc) {
           //fprintf(stderr, "Error fetching data %s", stmt->error().getErrorText());
           //return (1);
         char szString[30];
         char szString1[3000];
         SQLDBC_Length ind;
    Get a string value from the column.
         rc = result->getObject(1, SQLDBC_HOSTTYPE_ASCII, szString, &ind, sizeof(szString));
         if(SQLDBC_OK != rc) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Error getObject %s", stmt->error().getErrorText());
           return (1);
         rc = result->getObject(8, SQLDBC_HOSTTYPE_ASCII, szString1, &ind, sizeof(szString1));
         if(SQLDBC_OK != rc) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Error getObject %s", stmt->error().getErrorText());
           return (1);
         printf("%s %s\n", szString, szString1);
    Finish your program with a returncode.
       return 0;
    static void parseArgs (ConnectArgsT * connectArgs, int argc, char **argv)
    setting defaults for demo database
        connectArgs->username = (char*)"USER";
        connectArgs->password = (char*)"PASS";
        connectArgs->dbname = (char*)"MYDB";
        connectArgs->host = (char*)"localhost";
    use values from command line
        if (argc > 4) {
            connectArgs->host = argv [4];
        if (argc > 3) {
            connectArgs->dbname = argv [3];
        if (argc > 2) {
            connectArgs->password = argv [2];
        if (argc > 1) {
            connectArgs->username = argv [1];
    This works!! So it seems, that the problem is related to the Python module, which is interesting, as adding "DESC" should not be any difference to it. I personally suspect that there are some memory leaks in the code, which result in this strange behavior.
    Any suggestions?<p/>
    Best Regards<br>
    Hermann Himmelbauer
    Edited by: Hermann Himmelbauer on Oct 28, 2009 12:51 PM
    Edited by: Hermann Himmelbauer on Oct 28, 2009 12:55 PM

  • Convert from String to float

    How do I convert from String to float?

    you can use a Double for example - assuming value is that string to parse
    float f;
    try { Double d = new Double(value); f = d.floatValue(); }
    catch (NumberFormatException e) { f = 0.0; } // error - string value could not be parsed
    // here use your float fHope, that helps
    greetings Marsian
    P.S.: the Double class is usefull for that, because you also can get intValue(), doubleValue() or longValue() out of it for example. The StreamTokenizer for example parses numbers also only to double.

  • Losing the leading zero in binary values

    Hi all,
    I�m currently creating some basic examples of bitwise operations and I�ve just noticed that I�m losing the leadnig zero of a binary value ( e.g.
    decimal 1 (expecting to see bin of 0001) is manifesting as 1
    decimal 16 (expecting to see bin of 00010000) is manifesting as 10000
    below is a full example
    import static java.lang.Integer.*;
    public class BitExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {   
         toBinaryString(0x1) + '\n' +
         toBinaryString(0x16) + '\n' +
         toBinaryString(0x6a) + '\n' +
    I can see I�m missing something, but not sure what. Can you help?
    Many Thanks

    which obviously returns a very different resultNo it does not ... let's translate the example to decimal (with additions instead of bitwise operations, but that doesn't change anything:
    1234 +
    1234 +
    1235both notations are correct, aren't they? Now the second one doesn't look so nice (and usually the 1 should be right-aligned to be easily readable, but it isn't wrong, because of this.
    The same is true for binary operations. The problem is, that while learning bitwise operations it's easier to unserstand if you always write the leading zero (as you do in your example).

  • Convert string to floating-point

    Hi all,
    ..very basic question, but I tryed it for hours and only received short-dumps
    <b>How can I convert a string into a floating-point number?</b>
    Kind regards,

    try this
    to convert  string to float.
    data : a type f,
    s type string value '1.023'.
    a = s.
    write :/ a.
    to convert float to string.
    data : a type f value '1.023',
    s type string.
    s = a.
    write : s.

  • Get binary value

    Hi all
    Consider that I have a string in hex like this:
    3020058020C00004Now I wanna convert it to binary, then I wanna have each digit single. For example, binary value for above string is:
    11000000100000000001011000000000100000110000000000000000000100And I wanna have
    0How can I achieve this?

                String s_hex = "3020058020C00004";
                String s_bin = Long.toBinaryString(Long.parseLong(s_hex, 16));
                for(int i = 0;i<s_bin.length();i++)

  • Retrieving empty values from multi value string in user profile custom properties

    I created a webpart to save and retrieve data from custom properties. I use the code below to get the stored data:
    for (int i = 0; i < profile[property].Count; i++)
    Item = profile[property][i] == null ? string.Empty : profile[property][i].ToString();
    list.Add(Regex.Split(Item, @"\,\#"));
    Nothinig special about it.
    In my development environment, it works fine. The problem is  in my UAT environment. I'm facing an issue that i hope someone has been through. When the custom property is a multi value string type, it returns a empty string. I tested with HTML and single
    value fields and it works fine.
    Independently of the field type, it saves the data all right.
    Can anyone help me?

    Thanks, Chitvan Jain.
    I did as you suggested, but nothing changed. The problem is that profile[propname] comes already blank when using multi value property, even if there is data  to be retrieved.
    One funny thing is that, somehow the code manages to count the number of values there is in the property. Only the data is missing. We can see the exact number of column, cause i check if there's the right number of data, if there isn't, i add up  a empty
    string on the grid cell, but only for viewing. The empty string is not stored in the property.

  • Value string

    po 100 pc
    delivered 50 pc movement type 101
    stock type unrestricted
    now once i post the delivery in MIGO
    system debit stock(BSX) account and credit GR/IR account
    my question is can anyone tell me the complete chain of valuation and account assignment including the value string
    i mean to say how the system is searching out this g/l/ accounts
    please provide the link with  value string
    I AM CLEAR WITH THIS CHAIN GIVEN BELOW BUT I WAN TTO KNOW HOW  movement type affects this chain
    valuation grouping code AX
    Edited by: baxter jas on Jan 11, 2008 10:01 AM

    Dear Baxter,
                     Answer for your Question.
       1. In Good receipt  System Generate 2 - Document.
          ( A. Material Document , B . Accounting Document.)
    2. BSX   or Store Account or Material Name    Dr.
                                               Gr / Ir Account    Cr.
    3. In MIRO  also System Generate         2 -  Document.
         ( A. Material Document , B . Accounting Document .)
    4.  Now                                   Gr / Ir  Account   Dr.
                                                  Vendor Account   Cr.
    After MIRO  System Cancel the GR / IR   Account.
         Now     BSX  or Store Accoutn or Material       Dr
                     Vendor Account                                 Cr.
    Next Question of your's how system determine GL Account.
              1. Each and Every material have Own Valuation class.
               2.Every Valuation Class Link with Gl Account.
               3.Valuation Class and G.L Account Link With
                  Valuation Grouping Code.
               4. Valuation Grouping Code Link With Valuation area.
               5. Valuation area link with Company Code.
               6. Comany Code Link with Chart of Account.
    I Think it is some what Helpful for You.

  • Movement type and Value string

    I have copied movement type 101 to Z02. Is it possible to change the value String from WE01 to something else. My purpose is to post to a different account instead of GRIR while MIGO for free goods. So please don't suggest me to change in OBYC as the change is going to effect every MIGO which we don;t want to happen. Any ideas?

    The value strings contain keys for the posting transactions that can       
    lead to G/L account updates in the case of an FI-relevant posting. These   
    value strings are predefined by SAP. You cannot change value strings or    
    the transactions they comprise in Customizing. For each of these posting   
    transactions, you can set up automatic postings in dependence on the       
    other influencing factors.                                                                               
    The value string controls the process of G/L account determination for     
    transactions/events of the movement type (see unit Valuation and           
    Account Assignment), whereas the quantity string controls the updating     
    of the material master fields.                                                                               
    In SAP R/3, the value string WA01 is assigned to various goods issues      
    and other goods receipts. Further differentiation in the automatic         
    account determination process for these different movements is             
    accomplished via the account grouping code.

  • Insert Large Binary Values

    Hi all.,
    I want to insert a very large binary value of about 40000 character into database table i have tried by using clob datatype and blob datatype but all my efforts where ended in vain..
    So can any one help me on this......
    Thanks In advance

    You should use the dbms_lob package.
    RTM first, then ask.

  • Memory leak in "get property value (string)" ?

    I'm not sure which forum to post this to because it involves a combination of labview and teststand.  The error I'm getting is more teststand related so it is here.
    In our application, we have a labview queued state machine launched by a teststand step using "launch vi asynchronously".  In one of the states of this state machine, we are looping grabbing frames from a camera, querying a teststand using "get property value (string)", to overylay on the video on each frame.  This is so when we post process the video, we can tell what step(s) teststand was performing (we are writing a status string to a property from teststand as well).  Since this string has to be overlayed on the video for each frame to be visible when played back, this happens many many thousands of times over the multi hour test runs of the platform.  
    My problem is, after 22 hours or so of running, I get an error generated from the "get property value (string)", saying cannot create any more threads.  The only thing wired to this tool in our vi is sequence context, which is passed in when the vi is launched from teststand.  When opening the "get property value (string)" vi itself, it is very simple, consisting of a "aspropertyvalue" casting, reading of the string from the proprety, closing the aspropertyvalue reference, and exiting.  It does not seem like there should be any "threads" being created here, except for perhaps the vi itself executing. But in that case I would assume the OS itself would clean up after itself. 
    BTW, the OS I am testing on is win7 x64.  I did see this though running on our xp box once as well though, same amount of time.  It is very repeatable.  My next plan is to disable this get property value using a disable case, and run again, but I"m still wondering why this error is occurring.  Any help or insight will be appreciated.
    David Jenkinson
    Hi,I'm not sure which forum to post this to because it involves a combination of labview and teststand.  The error I'm getting is more teststand related so it is here.
    In our application, we have a labview queued state machine launched by a teststand step using "launch vi asynchronously".  In one of the states of this state machine, we are looping grabbing frames from a camera, querying a teststand using "get property value (string)", to overylay on the video on each frame.  This is so when we post process the video, we can tell what step(s) teststand was performing (we are writing a status string to a property from teststand as well).  Since this string has to be overlayed on the video for each frame to be visible when played back, this happens many many thousands of times over the multi hour test runs of the platform.  My problem is, after 22 hours or so of running, I get an error generated from the "get property value (string)", saying cannot create any more threads.  The only thing wired to this tool in our vi is sequence context, which is passed in when the vi is launched from teststand.  When opening the "get property value (string)" vi itself, it is very simple, consisting of a "aspropertyvalue" casting, reading of the string from the proprety, closing the aspropertyvalue reference, and exiting.  It does not seem like there should be any "threads" being created here, except for perhaps the vi itself executing.  There seems to be something going on behind the scenes of this get property value tool that isn't cleaning up after itself?
    BTW, the OS I am testing on is win7 x64.  I did see this though running on our xp box once as well though, same amount of time.  It is very repeatable.  My next plan is to disable this get property value using a disable case, and run again, but I"m still wondering why this error is occurring.  Any help or insight will be appreciated.
    David Jenkinson

    Hi David,
    Have you tried just using property node | Method Nodes instead of using the VI. There should be no difference but I think that VI is polymorphic ie the input with change depending on what's wired to it eg string, double etc.
    Ray Farmer

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